[Miscellanous / Other] Goblin Dominator Squad 2.0

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Mega bump!

Hello there, new screenshots below.



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Level 10
Aug 30, 2007
nice terrains from you Heinvers! Pretty different from what you post normally, it's so uhm.... warcraft-ish and oldschool? ^^

Maaaan this reminds me that i really have to get back to HotN ..... luckily I have some weeks off now^^.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Good News fellow Hivers! The map is nearing the beta test stage. The terrain is complete.
Heinvers is just touching up final details before he hands it back to me to add resouces and models.

Then to beta testing stage we go!
For beta testers, I would love to recruit a couple. Currently we got four players as far as I know.

MiniMage, Naturally, I will be included as I will be official hoster.
Heinvers, was and is the terrainer. He will fix any terrain issues that come up.
Kellym0, a trusted friend of mine, who often collaborates on model ideas and gives excellent critiques.
Midnighters, He and I have been working on the same kind of map, his located in the snowy mountains, while mine is located in a more island themed map.

... That's what I got so far. I would guess I got room for at least six more people. The role of beta testers is to enjoy and experiment and detect bugs. If you find something flawed or have pointers, that's something you'll note after each session of testing.

So the purpose is to be constructive. If you can be constructive, you'll be more than welcome to join the testing. If you just want the models, have patience and wait. ;D

A lot of you other hivers fit this criteria, so why not join me when the time comes? Announce your willingness to join in this thread. ;D
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Ahoy boys and girls.

The progression is drawing closer to completion.
Edo494 completed a system for me that allows me use units as recipie components, also, I can use the system together with basically anything.

Thus, because he helped me with that; I now just need to configure all the pesky items and their requirements. I'm probably not going to have tech in the beta.
Unit requirements is also being configured.. and buildings, for those that I haven't done yet.

So, long story short. What's left:

- Configuring data, units, items, buildings, you name it.
Items I'm unsure how I should configure; TNT, Gunpowder, Steam Engine,
Units I'm unsure how I should configure; Hammerhead Submarine, Heavy Tanks.
- Farming system
- The buffing system
- Spreading out a decent amount of rock chunks over the map. Because it's tiring as hell.
(I may ask for help with that as I assume that'll be the final thing I do.)
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I'd like for the beta to be today, but most of the things that are left are not really up to me. I shall mention what's left until beta test. That are extremely necessary for it to be. I shall thus divide the tasks by Core and Extra.

1. Waiting for edo to complete the refined building system.
2. Farming system. It needs to be coded. Most likely by edo because he's basically doing all the fancy coding crap on my map as of late.
3. Things that I can actually do. Spread resources across the map. I got plenty of trees, but not nearly enough rock chunks. There's also the part about spreading the resources without ruining the already beautiful terrain.

4. Add the parachute system that fingolfin made and a decent randomizer thing after teleporting, I will probably need to ask some decent coder, probably edo, if it would be possible to do without regions, which apparently tends to contribute to lag, which I don't want for my game. That way, when you select your hero, it will fly down with a parachute instead of just being teleported somewhere.

5. Waiting for a guy I requested regarding a couple spell releated grenades from Malhorne. He said it would take a week and he has not delivered about about 4 weeks later. So will not request from him again and suggest others to stay away from him as well, regarding requests anyhow. Will either skip this idea entirely or set up some kind of contest for the post-beta versions.

6. Coding for a boss. I've been developing a boss model, the Goblin Tradeprince Mech. But since it's not really fully animated yet, I can't really do much. I've requested help from Kellym0 a bunch of times and he has done significant work on it, but it still needs work to finalize the whole thing.

However, there's no code made for it either. Might see if I can set up some kind of contest for this as well. Or other bosses that could fit on the map. But that will probably happen after the beta. Oh and possibly if I can get this into a hosted project. ;D

7. Fishing system (+ fish field model)
Was thinking about adding Age of Empires kind of fish fields for the goblin fishing boats to fish from, however, making these models requires a shitload of animation. Requested this from Kellym0 a year back or something, but nothing done yet. Some code could also be necessary. Or I could go the easy route and just make them into goldmines of sorts. Whichever works best.

It's nice to hear that there's still interest in the project. Feel free to help if you know someone that could speed up these tasks. For those who just want to play it; Have patience, please.
Mobile suits are my favorite science fiction idea. I can't give you any more rep right now though. Take my love.

Aesthetically I'm not crazy about the goblin in the chair. I think it would look better with a heavy armor plate and the green tank. It does make sense though within WC3 Goblin design philosophy.
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

It's been quite a while since I updated this thread. Still waiting for edo to complete the code. He's been making steady progress so hopefully it wont be long.

As for me. Goblin buildings are 99.9991% complete. I've been working on the tradeprince mech hero. It is my baby and I love it.
I've spent an exessive amount on it. The filesize is a bit huge due to the complexity of its animations.

All that's left:
1. Tweaking its cannon animations.
2. Tweaking its rocket pod animations. (Might be as simple as adding particle animations though.)
3. Tweaking its death animation.
4. Adding an alternate death animation.
5. Adding portrait animations.
6. Adding sound effects.
7. Requesting Kellym0 to add some life to the goblins on the mech, by animating them. Right now they're as stiff as pieces of cardboard.

Tradeprince Mech Hero - Teamcolor set to Neutral Hostile in the screeny. (It has evolved quite a bit since the last screeny I posted here)
Oh and btw. It can fly, because fun.


Mesh has been created by me, most animations have been made by kellym0. I made two animations while waiting for him to help me out.
General Frank allowed me to take a peek at some particle animations for the mech, so added fun to that area because of spiffy sfx.
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Only in my dreams, I'm afraid. Currently the filesize of my map is balancing on 8mb. The current filesize of the mech is sadly at 1040kb. That's because the model has cannon, rocket pods, miniguns, flamethrower, punching, running, walking, flying, aerial speed boost spell ect. So unless I figure out a magical way to reduce filesize without losing detail, the chances of me using it in this warcraft 3 multiplayer project is low.

Although the next project after I'm done with this warcraft 3 project is to port models to SC2 and see if I can make something similar there, because I'm curious. The filesize limit cap is higher there.
Level 48
Jul 29, 2008
Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

It's been quite a while since I updated this thread. Still waiting for edo to complete the code. He's been making steady progress so hopefully it wont be long.

As for me. Goblin buildings are 99.9991% complete. I've been working on the tradeprince mech hero. It is my baby and I love it.
I've spent an exessive amount on it. The filesize is a bit huge due to the complexity of its animations.

All that's left:
1. Tweaking its cannon animations.
2. Tweaking its rocket pod animations. (Might be as simple as adding particle animations though.)
3. Tweaking its death animation.
4. Adding an alternate death animation.
5. Adding portrait animations.
6. Adding sound effects.
7. Requesting Kellym0 to add some life to the goblins on the mech, by animating them. Right now they're as stiff as pieces of cardboard.

Tradeprince Mech Hero - Teamcolor set to Neutral Hostile in the screeny. (It has evolved quite a bit since the last screeny I posted here)
Oh and btw. It can fly, because fun.

Mesh has been created by me, most animations have been made by kellym0. I made two animations while waiting for him to help me out.
General Frank allowed me to take a peek at some particle animations for the mech, so added fun to that area because of spiffy sfx.
Pretty dang fantastic, man. I'm digging all the weapons it's got & the little nurnies that make it special... Seems really bleak, though. Seeing TC would help, but it has an awful lot of (dark) grey IMO.

Man, I gotta finish my Goblin designs before I grow old & die...
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Sure, not in the mood to make new screenies though. But I do have TC screenies that are fairly recent.

For example this; An ingame testing of the mech. The only changes from this and the current is the classic red hero glow that I just added. Still trying to figure out how to attach hero glow to its alternate flying animations.

Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen. Some more progress has been done with the mech. I tweaked some animations and added portrait animations.


(Did some correction with the sizing to make the size more accurate to what it is supposed to. So I adjusted it to 75% width and 100% height. Adjusting for how my computer screen pulls it out to the sides.)

All that's left:
1. Tweaking its rocket pod animations. (Might be as simple as adding particle animations though.)
2. Adding an alternate death animation.
3. Adding sound effects. (Added a couple, but there's still some more to add)
4. Requested Kellym0 to add some life to the goblins on the mech, by animating them. Right now they're as stiff as pieces of cardboard. Requested him to help me with the alternate death as well.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Greetings ladies and gentlemen. It's been a long while since I last updated this thread. There has been some lovely developments as of late and some not so lovely. The mech that I was making and had requested to have #Kellym0 help me animate did not work out. After seven months one of the goblins turned his head a couple degrees more. He had shelved it and never told me about it, spending his time primarily with SC2 and Overwatch.

However, as luck would have it, #HappyCockroach also loved my little model. He shoved that little baby into 3DS Max and stated he would animate it if it worked. However, he's also in charge of a contest and will probably help me complete it around the 29th when the contest ends. That is, if the contest doesn't get an extension. But hey, I'm sure he'll do good work when he finally gets the time.

As for systems for my map. I have a range of things I'd like complete. But for it to be beta testing ready, I need but one. I had requested #edo494 to help me with that, but due to school, happenstance and whatnot, he also shelved it and never told me. He also forgot to document the code so I can't deliver what he made and get something magical from that.

If I can find someone with talent and time, willing to fulfill my request, please do post in this thread. I will not limit myself to just one person I am requesting from however, in fact, consider it an unofficial contest for those involved.



OPTIONALLY PAIRED UNOFFICIAL (As in not a real contest) MINIMAGE CONTEST (Zephyr means coding, right?)


Participants are to create a system related to this mod. Must fulfill the specified requirements.
You're also allowed to fulfill other systems in the lineup which I will post below.


  • No submission may violate any of the site rules.
  • All submissions must follow the current theme. If any terrain does not fit, a moderator will tell you as soon as possible as to avoid confusion.
  • Your submission must be posted before the deadline. The post containing your final submission must also contain the following:
    • A few in game screenshots showing your submission in action.
    • A link to your map in Hive's StarCraft section.
  • Map may consist of any resource as long as it is public.
    • Unless a used resource belongs to either Hive Workshop or Wc3Campaigns, a link to the used resources must be provided.
    • Resources made public after the launch of the contest are not permitted.
  • Teamwork is allowed and encouraged as long as the result ends up snazzier.
Required specifications:

So, as I previously mentioned, the main system requirements and requirements for the mod to be beta test worthy is a building system, the requirements for that is below. The explanations for how things disapear and become snazzy encased box versions? Alchemy. How does it work? Magic.
  • The system functions like this.
    • Having gathered your resources, you stack them in a pile.
    • You target the items on the ground with an AOE spell.
    • The items within said circle will be counted.
    • It will then compare said items in the circle and fulfills a requirement, it will build that.
    • However, it must also ensure that it doesn't build something when the pile is bigger.
    • If an exact match has been made, all the items needed in the aoe circle will disapear and an item will be spawned, based on the "Tiny Castle" item. This will allow you to build a building.
    • For example, if you wish to build a "Goblin Hut" [4 wood and 2 stones]. But the pile contains for example one more rock, it will instead display a special effect in the middle of the aoe spell circle and no items will removed.
    • The ability should also be able to count and remove units. If you wish to field test alchemy experiment on units.
If you'd like to play it cool, there's also three other types of systems that I would greatly appreciate.
The system functions like this.
    • The goblin fishing system that I mentioned does not actually exist. The image you see of an explosion in the sea is a fishing boat model with an instant type attack, using an explosion sfx, attacking an invisible object to display my concept. Basically, you need to make a fishing system for goblins, using explosives. As long as that main concept remains untouched, you're free to come up with snazzy ideas on how to do it.
    • Since goblins like making explosives, you need herbal alchemy. However, we have no actual farming system, which we need to have to grow said herbs. I was initially thinking about using something akin to Werewolf Transylvanias system. Where you buy an item called seed, plant it in the ground, let it grow and then transform into a finished product. It is up to you guys to design a farming system that would fit goblins.
    • Hero spells, particuarly for the goblin lineup specified on the first page of this thread. Make it snazzy if you want. Goblins on my mod has two spells and one passive, no ultimates. If you wish to make a whole set, that would be fun. If you want my input and/or ideas of how I had imagined them first, feel free to ask.
  • Your final submission must be bug free and work smoothly.
  • To ensure that the model works smoothly, no GUI. The following is acceptable though
    • Jass
    • vJass
    • Wurst
  • If there's kinds of WC3 coding that I have missed, send me a PM and I'll update this post.
  • Protected map is not allowed, how else will I be able to use it in my mod.
  • The system must be able to be easily configured by me so that I can ensure that all the required variations at play exists. So that I can ensure that all the requirements and buildings can be built.

  • Participants: Eternal gratitude from MiniMage. Possibly also a hug and rep from MiniMage. You will also be credited and your entry will be used in the mod.

The contest shall begin on now and conclude later. Please don't spend multiple months working on it though. Because stuff like that makes most people give up and that would suck.

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Well, I figured I'd post my request in a way that people can see properly. I was bored, so why not make it look like a contest even though it is not? ;D

It worked for me when I needed detailed feedback on my project, although I offered a Steam gift card as a prize in addition to rep. You might think about it.
Level 39
Sep 18, 2007
Well, as I told you in chat, I like that Mortar Team the most, fantastic artillery.
Tanks are looking nice. They fit purpose.
I gave you idea to make Goblin type of Wolverine, like in C&C Tib Sun, except your unit will have dual anti air cannons to take down air units.
About airforce. You should try make something for hit and run, fast unit which throws flame bombs or sort of.
You said you did not sure if you made one, but healer is must. Try to make some medical tent, or deployable walker, or kinda.
Eve though they are using tech, still they are selling magical potions as neutral. So, one Caster/buff remover would be needed. Maybe goblin based on witch doctor to use some traps and debuff.
For now that is it. Overally, awesome job.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Been having fun and editing TriggerHappy's system. Waiting for the next update to that system so that I can complete the edits I have in mind for it. I just suddenly got in the mood to take my frozen project out of the fridge. However, I realized that this system relies on cinematic borders for the UI's that use it. So I might end up making some cinematic borders so that the goblin style will be even more extreme.

As you can see in the screenshot above, it's basically only the tooltip and minor details I requested TriggerHappy to make available so I can edit it perfectly. Been doing a lot of Request Trades. Models in trade for systems and help. It's fun. I spent three hours making that tooltip in the screenshot. It's a model, placed using the code wizardry that is Triggerhappy's system. I can't move the tooltip text yet though.

I also found the terrain buffing system in an old map I thought was gone forever. Figured I'd cram all the systems into one map. A map that is from scratch, because I dislike the current terrain. Too many chefs trying to make their own soup in the same pot. It's a jigsaw of people who left and others that picked up. So I figured I'd add all the mechanics to that map, make it playable. Then hand over the @Heinvers although how much he decides to do, we'll see. He's been busy for a long time now. But who knows? Maybe he'll surprise us later. One can only hope.

I've never really stopped making Goblin Models, heroes and buildings. But the concept of my story will change a bit. Not by much though. I think it'll be great. I will probably start adding the custom goblin soundsets to my units as well. It'll be 2-3mb in pure sound, but what ya gonna do when it's in ".wav"? Would've been significantly smaller filesize in ".ogg". When this system is added, I might focus on the RPG aspect a little more, maybe request spell systems for bosses and add some continiously spawning mobs? Ah, such fun.

Oh and in other news, I'm also actively working on my novel, for those that haven't heard. I'm experiencing a minor writers block for the moment, but it'll pass. Just because I can, here's a link to the hive thread. Tilt Shift Blacksmith, the thread then links to a Google docs with my story. Enjoy.

Anyhow, that's all for now.
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Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Nice to get news from it.

As you can see in the screenshot above, it's basically only the tooltip and minor details I requested TriggerHappy to make available so I can edit it perfectly. Been doing a lot of Request Trades. Models in trade for systems and help. It's fun. I spent three hours making that tooltip in the screenshot. It's a model, placed using the code wizardry that is Triggerhappy's system. I can't move the tooltip text yet though.

That's cool. I guess the only lame thing is that whenever you'll need to fix balance issues on the items you'll have to edit and import a model to update the tooltip.

I've never really stopped making Goblin Models, heroes and buildings. But the concept of my story will change a bit. Not by much though. I think it'll be great.

A little tease with those wouldn't hurt!
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
I'm not gonna have the icon in the tooltip, that was Triggerhappy's idea. I'll have a small, medium and large tooltip. That'll cover the majority of the things you might need


Here's the closest I can can get to a teaser. I will remake the air tower, create a goblin town center that fits my style. Oh and edit the base of the Goblin Garage, it annoys me. I will then make a little turret defense base. I have already completed the flame turret, cannon turret and artillery turret. Think of it like the human turret, just goblin-y.

All units function like a sort of evolution. edo494 made a system for me that checks if things have entered a building, think burrow. When a unit enters a building, it is counted as a resource. To get a rifleman for example, you move a worker into the Goblin Barracks and place a rifle item in the inventory of the building. Then you click the rifleman icon and the goblin worker disappears, a pickaxe is produced while the rifle item disappears, then a Goblin Rifleman spawns.

The same kind of concept will work for your hero. You'll all start like workers and you need to build the rank you wish to attain. You'll craft the item like normal, but instead of a barracks, you go to a Goblin Depot, which will convert your item into for example a "Hero Rifle", which can then be equipped in the DGUI inventory that Triggerhappy made that I edited. This will instantly transform your worker hero into a rifleman hero.

And so, you'll become a rifleman. Now, you've pursued a path and you have two other paths that you can follow, all of which depend on you making the item and converting it into hero items. Some paths will require you to to set up a decent base and start manufacturing clothes and buying minions. Some paths require you to group up with some of your minions. If you want a Goblin Mortar Team hero, for example, then your rifleman needs to hire a lookout and visit the Goblin Altar. You must also prepare a mortar cannon and various other things. I may construct them as quests, it's still in its planning stage.

The current possible starting hero paths are "Rifleman, Bruiser (Basically Swordsman), Concoctioneer, Tinker and Rouge"

Each of these has two paths. All paths will then lead to becoming one five of trade princes. Which one you become depends on the choices you make. :D

@Naze Is this good enough as a teaser?
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