I'd like for the beta to be today, but most of the things that are left are not really up to me. I shall mention what's left until beta test. That are extremely necessary for it to be. I shall thus divide the tasks by Core and Extra.
1. Waiting for edo to complete the refined building system.
2. Farming system. It needs to be coded. Most likely by edo because he's basically doing all the fancy coding crap on my map as of late.
3. Things that I can actually do. Spread resources across the map. I got plenty of trees, but not nearly enough rock chunks. There's also the part about spreading the resources without ruining the already beautiful terrain.
4. Add the parachute system that fingolfin made and a decent randomizer thing after teleporting, I will probably need to ask some decent coder, probably edo, if it would be possible to do without regions, which apparently tends to contribute to lag, which I don't want for my game. That way, when you select your hero, it will fly down with a parachute instead of just being teleported somewhere.
5. Waiting for a guy I requested regarding a couple spell releated grenades from Malhorne. He said it would take a week and he has not delivered about about 4 weeks later. So will not request from him again and suggest others to stay away from him as well, regarding requests anyhow. Will either skip this idea entirely or set up some kind of contest for the post-beta versions.
6. Coding for a boss. I've been developing a boss model, the Goblin Tradeprince Mech. But since it's not really fully animated yet, I can't really do much. I've requested help from Kellym0 a bunch of times and he has done significant work on it, but it still needs work to finalize the whole thing.
However, there's no code made for it either. Might see if I can set up some kind of contest for this as well. Or other bosses that could fit on the map. But that will probably happen after the beta. Oh and possibly if I can get this into a hosted project. ;D
7. Fishing system (+ fish field model)
Was thinking about adding Age of Empires kind of fish fields for the goblin fishing boats to fish from, however, making these models requires a shitload of animation. Requested this from Kellym0 a year back or something, but nothing done yet. Some code could also be necessary. Or I could go the easy route and just make them into goldmines of sorts. Whichever works best.
It's nice to hear that there's still interest in the project. Feel free to help if you know someone that could speed up these tasks. For those who just want to play it; Have patience, please.