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Game with best story

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Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
Well guys, most of modern games look only at graphic potentials of games. Gameplay - nothing, story - nothing. Where are good old games.
So, wise members of Hive, come here and discuss about games with best storyline.
My opinion:
- Freelancer
Very complex and excellent story about conspiracy and alien invasion. If you didn't play it, do it.
- GTA San Andreas
Oh, yeeeeeah. Really. If you know to play this game, you should know what I mean. Character have very deep personalities, story is unexpecting, and all that packed in sandbox = WIN
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
Games today never have good story lines, its all about killing that noob with your super `1337 s1nper rifle and tossing 5 nades at the same time.

CoD 5 was pretty powerfull though, probably my top for storyline, followed by MW2 (Which was far from what it promised, and the servers can't handle shit ATM, it also lacks the ability to play MP campagain).

I'd have to say the Halo series was the worst IMO, it was powerfull, but it lacked a touch of true human emotion. Your sending waves of marines at a parisite that kills and makes meat puppets out of you, and you can still sleep at night? NOWAI
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
cod4/mw2. i mean cmon, no ones more bad ass than captain price. or soap and his mohawk.
um after that...warhammer40k isnt really a game but in general it has the best lore for anything imo. its a mix of so many things.
and uh... maybe oblivion. it wasnt half assed, but rather cliched. still fun tho.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
The exact same thread is made every month or so, and the responses don't ever change.

CoD4 isn't really that great a story. Its campaign is awesome because it's so immersive; you actually feel like you're the main character of a thrilling action movie. But it's not anything I would consider great story-telling.

As I have responded to numerous threads like these before, Deux Ex takes the list by far. Visual novels don't count, but Ever17 gets honorable mention for being the biggest mindfuck field day of my life.

KotOR has a good story—for a game. It's not bad, but it's not great, either.

Tales of Symphonia is pretty damn good. I still wouldn't consider it great, but Deus Ex has sort of given me unrealistic standards.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
Dreamfall was like reading a book, great story.

I also digged the story of Batman Arkham Asylum
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Didn't play Earthbound 0 because I only found the Japanese version
so yeah played earthbound 1-2(mother 3) ^^

You didn't? I'm pretty I had one. In fact, I'm pretty sure "Earthbound Zero" is a legit game in English, not a fan translation, so it shouldn't be hard to find. If you're thinking about playing it, I'm warning you, it's distinctively harder than the other two.

Master Chu and The Drunkard Hu

Hmm... a game with an epic story? There many games which have stories I like. Like Chrono Trigger, LBA2,

Actually, NES. :p
I could swear the English version wasn't officially released.
Though you can get a reproduction cartridge that includes a leaked rom of that game (don't know if it's an early prototype or the final version though).
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Starmen.net said:
Nintendo translated the game to English, but never released it. In 1998, a group of ROM translators discovered an auction of a prototype of the "EarthBound" cartridge. They contacted the individual who had acquired the game, and made an agreement to "borrow" the game for $400 so they could dump the cartridge to a ROM file. A ROM hacker/translator named demi performed the dump and subsequent hack, and edited the game's title screen to read "EarthBound Zero" (to avoid confusion with MOTHER 2, whose English name was "EarthBound").
There you go. Indeed it never was officially released.
Level 6
Sep 5, 2009
Agreed if you talk about Fallout 1 , 2...
Good story about how people make from their world a big wasteland , many ways to play

I've played 1, 2, and 3. Im a total geek when it comes to Fallout.

If u ask me, I thought the 3rd one was pretty awesome. The plot stood as much true as their predecessors and the gameplay was amazin (Although I didn't like that they took out the turn based battles though. It was more like click and watch them die after I got the Commando and the Sniper Perk) really didn't think it was half bad.
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