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[Feedback] Request Features for JASS and the World Editor

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Level 9
Feb 24, 2018
I got another one two.
18) Add SEVERAL (ideally, a user-set number) Custom Value fields to units. And maybe also in different data types. Custom Data (int), Custom Data (bool), Custom Data (real), Custom Data (string), at least 3 of each. Would make coding so much more flexible.

Literally zero effort for Blizzard, a wealth of possibilities for us!

19) Make it possible to Show Multiboard to specific players without resorting to getting local player. That would speed things us and prevent possible leaks and desyncs.


Spell Reviewer
Level 27
Nov 18, 2012
I remembered another one!
17) Let us manipulate individual Doodads with triggers! Play animations, etc.
Why implement something that already exists?

A lot of my proposals are easy to do with triggers. Its still nice to have native variants of all those.
That's where you're wrong. More variants of the same thing just adds redundancy, and people will get confused at what exactly each one does in particular from each other. Like deepstrasz said, new natives and stuff are meant to broad possibilities from stuff we either couldn't do or had pretty annoying workarounds, not because someone is lazy to do small and easy tasks.

(...) it helps people who don't know how to trigger and are scared of Trigger Editor button, it reduces amount of potential memory leaks, it doesn't introduce new bugs, etc. Plus even for trigger pros new natives would expand their capabilities.
Again, you don't seem to understand the actual point of adding new stuff in the editor. It looks like you're aiming at new players, who don't know how the game works and are trying to use the editor, thus, not experienced. People who don't know how to do something, they learn and get taught, and then get used to do their thing. People scared of Trigger Editor Button? Sounds like something a 50-80 year old person would say. Yeah my mother says this often when working on pc, it's pretty much an irrational fear. Again this has nothing to do with memory leaks nor bugs (ironically each patch they release always brings new bugs)

As for item creation, the main point was items with duration, so they would automatically despawn (and preferably show expiration timer, like units).
Basically an item with expiration timer like units, but shown expiration timer in items NO way.

Buffs still carry some kind of data, presumably a snapshot of ability at the moment of casting (in fact this should be interesting to test with new ability editing at runtime). We should have access to that data.
And Buff handle would be extremely useful for all kinds of triggered effects.
Add Buff is very easy with dummy units.
Have access to what data exactly? Owner of the buff (the player who casted it)?
What's your point with the last sentence?
We need buffs to last after firing the units death event, it's impossible for us to detect which buff the unit had when he died, although black arrow somehow does this.

I got another one two.
18) Add SEVERAL (ideally, a user-set number) Custom Value fields to units. And maybe also in different data types. Custom Data (int), Custom Data (bool), Custom Data (real), Custom Data (string), at least 3 of each. Would make coding so much more flexible.
No, it would make this pretty much useless, since we already have hashtables and unit index method.

19) Make it possible to Show Multiboard to specific players without resorting to getting local player. That would speed things us and prevent possible leaks and desyncs.
Since when Show Multiboard leaks....?
You forgot Leaderboard.
Level 9
Feb 24, 2018
Why implement something that already exists?
Hm? Maybe with Jass, dunno, don't use that. You can't do it with GUI at the moment. Unless you are talking about Destructibles.

That's where you're wrong. More variants of the same thing just adds redundancy, and people will get confused at what exactly each one does in particular from each other. Like deepstrasz said, new natives and stuff are meant to broad possibilities from stuff we either couldn't do or had pretty annoying workarounds, not because someone is lazy to do small and easy tasks.

Again, you don't seem to understand the actual point of adding new stuff in the editor. It looks like you're aiming at new players, who don't know how the game works and are trying to use the editor, thus, not experienced. People who don't know how to do something, they learn and get taught, and then get used to do their thing. People scared of Trigger Editor Button? Sounds like something a 50-80 year old person would say. Yeah my mother says this often when working on pc, it's pretty much an irrational fear. Again this has nothing to do with memory leaks nor bugs (ironically each patch they release always brings new bugs)
Indeed. Warcraft should have launched with just one spell - Channel. No other spells needed.
Simplicity and efficiency are never redundant. Just because something can be done with triggers doesn't mean it should be. Don't be elitist.

Basically an item with expiration timer like units, but shown expiration timer in items NO way.
Why not add visible expiration timers to, say, tooltips? Or item icons?

Have access to what data exactly? Owner of the buff (the player who casted it)?
What's your point with the last sentence?
We need buffs to last after firing the units death event, it's impossible for us to detect which buff the unit had when he died, although black arrow somehow does this.
Damage it deals per second, for instance. Unit that applied. Ability that applied it. Effects it causes.
Everything, basically.

No, it would make this pretty much useless, since we already have hashtables and unit index method.
Yes, because adding every unit to a hashtable, then running a loop to find that unit in a hashable, all to get a value, is so much more efficient than just getting a number that game already keeps track for you.
I don't know, maybe some mapmakers enjoy actual process of coding, but I just need results in the quickest and most efficient way that saves me useless effort. And that is natives. Native spells, native values,

Since when Show Multiboard leaks....?
Eh, loops, lots of data, hassle to make that leakless.

You forgot Leaderboard.
Who cares about Leaderboards?
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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Why implement something that already exists?
Hey @Wrda try being less toxic, will you?
GUI doesn't allow storing doodads as variables, only destructibles and you can only use regions to manipulate doodad animations.

Everyone has the right to express their dreams. That does not mean they will be realized or they are priorities. Some things might seem useless to you since you might know much about coding and the World Editor, but for greenhorns like me and @Trill any kind of workaround killing is welcome.
Who cares about Leaderboards?
I do :) I'd love it if they'd be a bit more complex/customizable. Multiboards are a pain :| when you wanna go pro.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Why not add visible expiration timers to, say, tooltips? Or item icons?
You mean like a blue text in the tooltip that ticks down?

Similarly it would be neat if one could hover over an ability and see the current remaining cooldown (and obviously it would get live updates so you could watch as it counts down).

With that said, I think one could do this with the new tooltip natives, so maybe someone will make a system for that.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Possibility to delete more imported files (import manager; sound editor too if not possible; triggers too) at the same time by using shift+left click, right click or something; control+a for select all too.

A way to see all selected doodad types when their properties box is opened. Currently, right before the panel ends, you see "..." after the last doodad type icon. It's good when you're debugging and can't see all doodads because they're on top of each other or something so hovering the mouse over their icons in properties is important.
- Option to scale spell anims to cast point length instead of abrupt cut-offs
- Option for such abrupt cut-offs with attack animations
- Spell anims to actually follow the animation specified, instead off the nearest from a predefined set

- OE/Trigger-configurable anim speeds for each activity (stand, attack, walk, spell casts)
- Option not to pause while tabbing during singleplayer
- Completely remove score generated by units with 0 point value

- Allow materials other than Additive Alpha and Blend to fade linearly
- All or nothing setting for bone/object centers - kinda defeats the purpose of a lens flare if you can see parts of it, but not all
- Option to overwrite imported files with the same name
- Multi-select files in the import/export windows


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
- show/hide Temporary health bar under heath bar
Hiding health/mana bars would be great for units with Locust on which spells cannot be cast like Finger of Death. Or, make Locust be more targetable. I mean, it's a real annoyance to create visible Locust units and then another round for those (which are supposed to be hit) but invisible overlapping them. Sure, it's OK for a few units but when you have to work with a dozen... imagine the crazy variables and triggers.
Level 24
Feb 9, 2009
Level 9
Feb 24, 2018
Well, if you don't have protoss shields maybe. What's next though, anti-magic shield life bar?
Stats - Bars [int]
Stats - Bar 1 Value [dropdown: Life, Mana, Shields, Anti-Magic Shield, Timed Life, Experience, Custom Value]
Stats - Bar int Value [dropdown: Life, Mana, Shields, Anti-Magic Shield, Timed Life, Experience, Custom Value]
Level 24
Feb 9, 2009
*Angrily mspaints*

Well, if you don't have protoss shields maybe. What's next though, anti-magic shield life bar?

(I can't read this out loud without dying)

You're implying I want all bars to be active ALL AT ONCE, and yes, that would be loose stool water, and utter bovine excrement of the worst kind.
This is not the case, my original point was... BARS, Starcraft had three health bars and it was fine, what I'm asking is that you can either enable them or disable them!

See pic related (Thousands of hours in mspaints) for some example triggers as well:
Level 9
Feb 24, 2018
What? Isn't that the already"normal dependencies"? I'm confused.
Dependencies only allow, they can't preclude. E.g. I want Call to Arms be disabled as long as at least one Footman is alive. Right now its only possible with dummy units that are destroyed when a Footman is created and created when not Footmans are alive, but that's very imperfect solution.


Spell Reviewer
Level 27
Nov 18, 2012
Dependencies only allow, they can't preclude. E.g. I want Call to Arms be disabled as long as at least one Footman is alive.
Then we're talking about Requirements, not Dependencies. A dependency is about when a unit/building is dependent of another one's stats, this is mostly used for morphed units.
A requirement says it all, a unit/building/technology that is required to enable the funcionality/allow further production of stuff.
Right now its only possible with dummy units that are destroyed when a Footman is created and created when not Footmans are alive, but that's very imperfect solution.
That's a #2 solution. The best solution was added like a few patches ago. You can increase the research level and also decrease it, so you can just create a dummy research and trigger your desired effect, no need dummy units.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Negative dependencies (i.e. an ability/unit/building/technology/whatever are disabled as long as a specific unit is present or technology is researched).
That's a great idea, afaik it currently can't be done without using dummy units that are created when the condition is fulfilled. (As you already mentioned.)
Then we're talking about Requirements, not Dependencies. A dependency is about when a unit/building is dependent of another one's stats, this is mostly used for morphed units.
A requirement says it all, a unit/building/technology that is required to enable the funcionality/allow further production of stuff.

That's a #2 solution. The best solution was added like a few patches ago. You can increase the research level and also decrease it, so you can just create a dummy research and trigger your desired effect, no need dummy units.
I think you didn't quite get what @Trill meant, for one reason or another, but afaik it can't be done with regular tech tree requirements.

I'm not entirely sure what it would be called, negative requirement?

Anyway, the usefulness in it is in making things exclusive, so rather than the requirement being that you have a certain technology researched or a unit (usually a building), the requirement/condition for it to be available would be for you to not have the said thing.

For example, if we say that footman has rifleman as a "negative" tech tree requirement, then so long as you have a single living rifleman you wouldn't be able to train any footmen.

Then if footman was also one of the "negative" requirements from the Rifleman unit type's tech tree requirements, then so long as the player has any footmen he'd be unable to train riflemen.

It could also be very useful for making mutually exclusive research trees. You could have it so that one has to choose one out of multiple powerful researches, when one of those upgrades are researched the other ones would became unavailable, thus forcing the player to choose one of them and forgo the other ones.

p.s. But yeah it's definitely tech tree requirements and not unit dependency equivalents. Though dependency equivalents can also have some neat uses besides for morphing units. Techtree - Dependency Equivalents - Wc3C.net
CanUnitMoveToXY takes unit u, real x, real y returns boolean

^Allows map maker to access in-game pathing system to understand if a unit can actually reach its destination.

CanUnitStandOnXY takes unit u, real x, real y returns boolean

^ Replacement for all the complex terrain checks and should hopefully be a much lighter variation.

For GUI, global variable Initialization should take place before vJass stuff. Right now if I fill a GUI array from a vJass Initializer, indices 0 and 1 will be overwritten.

Also for GUI, the ability to compare attack types, weapon types and damage types (or compare any 2 things for that matter).
CanUnitMoveToXY takes unit u, real x, real y returns boolean

^Allows map maker to access in-game pathing system to understand if a unit can actually reach its destination.

Also, GetUnitDistanceToXY takes unit u, real x, real y returns real
which returns distance as determined by pathing system.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Fix hardcoded stuff, like every custom ability based of Carrion Swarm ignore their special effect field and instead they all depend on the Dread Lord's, same deal with Spiked Carapace and probably more abilities.

The footman's Defend ability has the cooldown and mana cost fields, but regardless of what one changes them to it does nothing ingame. (So it never has any cooldown or mana costs, both the original and custom versions.)

Illusions are always blue for the owner & allies, make it so changing the vertex coloring overrides that. (Or some kind of option to disable it.)

Also, while not really a problem of hardcoding, the Berserk ability with negative damage taken field doesn't work as one would expect. Instead of taking reduced damage it always takes 0 damage if there's a negative number.
Level 24
Feb 9, 2009
Change tooltip description for specific unit, not EVERYONES, ex. Count how much damage has been dealt with fireball for my warlock boi, or how many times mountain mountain king as sucessfully bashed! I don't want every unit using that same ability to share the same tooltip too!

Counteractively this would affect anyone who wants a global change, so perhaps a unit and game variation.
Give us access to gameplay constants through BJ constant variables. E.g. bj_CONSTRUCTION_REFUND_RATE
Add the possibility to display errors the same way as any standard "Must target X"/"Not enough gold."/etc. message. Now we need to emulate this with regular text messages.
Level 8
Jan 23, 2015
I noticed Blight API to act in a really strange way, so I can't properly paint with blight as I did with other tiles. I know blight is a different matter than tiles, but I suppose redoing the concept so that I at least could have painted with it the same way I do with tiles.

And it's important to have the ability to disable corruption of neighbour tiles with rough dirt. The feature is fine but can sometimes be a pain to fix the terrain back.

E: there is one Russian article on xgm.guru researching weird behavior of blight. The closest one can get to painting tile by tile (at least for plain graphics) is SetBlight(p, x, y, r, flag) with r =128, but it still sometimes paints an adjacent tile.
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Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Dropping ideas:

-A way to detect "grounded" units. If you want to deal damage to say ground units for lets say a custom spell you will not find deal damage to amphibious units and webbed units. Which require a large workaround where you need to check for web, ensnare and add a custom ability to amphibious units that you can detect.
-A way of locking data fields in the object editor. With new patches like 1.31 coming out, maps may get bugs on spells based on Raised Dead, causing spells to suddenly have upgrade requirements because the map is set to use latest patch.
-Make a function for changing pathing by radius or rectangle. The current function only allows for a 1 tile in a 4x4 square. It's a big load on my game Tree Tag Reforged to change pathing for 50.000 tiles.
-Customizeable icons for units on minimap.
Level 12
Nov 3, 2013
Now this might be a bit late to say this, but I was just reminded of it today... It would be really nice if "curving" unit (movement) paths would get fixed along with the arrival of Warcraft Reforged.

Creep curving, and how to fix it. (despite the title there's actually no fix or proper workaround for it as far as I know, though one can split up longer stretches into multiple shorter ones to mitigate it)

For those not in the know, basically what happens is that if you want a unit to move from point A to point B, the unit won't move in a straight line (even if the points are aligned perfectly, it's especially noticeable if the points are from straight up-down), instead the unit will "curve" a bit.

Here's some of the screenshots in the linked thread:


Level 6
Dec 13, 2017
Now this might be a bit late to say this, but I was just reminded of it today... It would be really nice if "curving" unit (movement) paths would get fixed along with the arrival of Warcraft Reforged.

Creep curving, and how to fix it. (despite the title there's actually no fix or proper workaround for it as far as I know, though one can split up longer stretches into multiple shorter ones to mitigate it)

For those not in the know, basically what happens is that if you want a unit to move from point A to point B, the unit won't move in a straight line (even if the points are aligned perfectly, it's especially noticeable if the points are from straight up-down), instead the unit will "curve" a bit.

Here's some of the screenshots in the linked thread:



I think they did this "curving" intended, to make units look more realistic, in real life soldiers and units dont do "a perfect laser guided straight line to the targer".
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