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Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim ! {lulz?^^}

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Level 13
Jun 9, 2009
Talavaj : "that is not the only quirk magic has, it also doesn't scale with your level at all while melee/ranged weapons do in other words:
lvl 5 with sparks does 8 dmg (12 if 2/2 in perks iirc)
lvl 50 with sparks does 8 dmg (12 if 2/2 in perks)"
Yes it is good, it's epic. What you want to tell is like, you have iron sword that does 1 dmg on hero's lvl 1 and on lvl 5 it should do 5 dmg ? Man really, no magic, or spells upgrades with levels. Levels are there to make more expirience for you, more fun and more challenge. Would you like to play same game, same level, f.e. Super mario, first level, first map. Is it fun ? No, also in next levels, your jump is nothing stronger, and your fire flowers are nothing stronger, only enemies are stronger. So try to think a bit.
In skyrim you have spells, stronger always, and spark does 8 dmg, both hands 16 dmg, with perks, 20, dual cast around 25 :) Enough ?
JimMMaras83 : turn off caps :D and i'm glad you have game :O (I wish I can buy it on steam)
BTW: This thread is spreading like madness lol :D
I'll agree that the magic system isn't exactly perfect but it's a big step over oblivion in most ways. The spells are more fun to use, as a mage with robes, you won't run out of mana as quickly as in oblivion, and the sfx just look a lot cooler.
But...there just aren't very many spells and even then they're not highly original. In destruction, it's kinda 3 machine gun spells, then 3 target hit spells, then aoe spells, then upgraded machine gun + stick to the floor, then upgraded target/slightly different spells, then just giant fuck everything up spells. They're better than oblivion because they're not just defined by "damage, area, duration" but do have unique effects. But then, they are kinda boring...as a fire/lightning bloke myself, by the time I'm now level 32 or something, I pretty much just bust out firebolt anytime I see ANYTHING. Because it's the most efficient spell mana/damage-wise.
If I wanna feel damn cool, I'll use incinerate and run out of mana after 6 spells, even now with enchanted shit. Because doing only one hand isn't acceptable, you have to use double cast if you have it. Chain lightning is cool too, I actually quite like it, but so far I've actually mainly hit Hadvar, Legate Rikke and Tullius with it when using it on enemies...
But really, I don't feel anything like a badass destruction madass boss. I have no "magical energy" spells like the good old magic missile from Baldur's Gate, which I'd use both as a low and high level mage just because it was so damn cool and just...satisfying. Blowing the hell out of enemies with fireballs is fun too, but they're not quite spectacular enough to be such a high cost spell. If they...threw people back, lit them on fire, reacted with other spells, reacted with the environment in any way other than oil... I'd be much more satisfied if I could cast even just 2 fireballs at my high level. But they just don't have that impact. My bloody 15 foot single-hand fireball of pure fire that causes a WHOOMPH explosion doesn't even cause a goddamn mudcrab to stop in its path to destruction (although it DOES die...but IF it survived). I don't even have a force spell, I can only shout it, and that does nothing at all!
I would love it if you could somehow interact spells with each other and stuff like that. Maybe charge up your fireball electrically, I don't know. The spells are just so standard that they're not as satisfying as they could've been.

But a massive plus in my eyes was the use of wards. Even though they drain mana like nothing else, having wards makes dragon fights and the odd wizard battle where I don't just blast their face off much more enjoyable. I really liked that addition.

By the way...I hope the companions quests get better. I wasn't terribly impressed when I got told to "intimidate someone", went to a pub, told a guy to come at me (no introductions or why I was doing this or for who) and so I beat him to a bloody pulp and then told him "You know what to do." Not so deep.

Also - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6QEZ_QZprM&feature=player_embedded for a good laugh on mudcrabs
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
soo.. managed to find your excalibur by now ?


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Level 22
Jan 10, 2005
Heh, I believe you're the first person I've ever seen who enjoys Oblivion more than Skyrim. Especially people who played earlier Elder Scrolls games seem to really dislike Oblivion.
What annoys me about your post though, is that you're basically saying that all people who prefer Skyrim only do so because of the better graphics.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
My bloody 15 foot single-hand fireball of pure fire that causes a WHOOMPH explosion doesn't even cause a goddamn mudcrab to stop in its path to destruction (although it DOES die...but IF it survived). I don't even have a force spell, I can only shout it, and that does nothing at all!

Eh what? I was going to write something about the magic spells being simpler, but neat and the shouts making up in the more special department. But then I noticed that you mention shouts yourself, so you already have them (and they are magic in my opinion). So that adds a lot to it.

Now what where you saying about a force shout that does nothing?? Exactly what kind of bug does your game have, in mine it kills a lot of people and hurls the rest of them far off (even giants).

Perhaps upgrade your shout? :D

Heh, I believe you're the first person I've ever seen who enjoys Oblivion more than Skyrim. Especially people who played earlier Elder Scrolls games seem to really dislike Oblivion.
What annoys me about your post though, is that you're basically saying that all people who prefer Skyrim only do so because of the better graphics.

Agreed, though I don't necessarily read that from his posts, but it does surprise me a little. Though everyone have their right to make a choice. And the "expansion" shivering isles was bloody awesome and pretty much made Oblivion all I wanted it to be (although still with some misgivings). So basically Skyrim and Shivering isles combined and I would very much enjoy it.

bug list from elder scrolls wikia:
"Equipping Spells: Impossible to unequip or change spells on the right hand. To fix it, one must equip a weapon to this hand. (PC)"

you are either trolling or your skyrim is the least buggy on the planet

- pretty much all spells have AOE
- magic does not scale as well as melee/ranged damage or doesn't scale at all (100 pt in two/one handed and ranged passively raises damage by 40%)
- two hitting, I don't care about "adept" or whatever difficulty you play at
however melee/ranged does incomparably more damage (up to 60x damage multiplier)
- dremora lord is overpowered, it can 5~6 hit a dragon hence gamebreaking in that sense lol
- not use game mechanics because of other broken mechanics ? great argument, I always use companions because it is an available game mechanism and because Bethesda decided to make this god awful and useless carry weight BS
force players into searching for tweaks or console commands or "do it some other way, because we just can't design crap" surely sounds like Bethesda
- if we assume our companion is a generic redneck with 30IQ then yeah their behavior is realistic

but yeah I ended up "doing it other way" and became dual-wielding bound sword conjurer eeer two hander destr enchant something... class
also IMO enchanting/smithing is rather unbalanced as well you can have 100% fire/ice resist from only like 2 items (turning dragons into punching bags)

interesting note is I don't crash to desktop (or in any other way for that matter) and luckily no freezing here so far

I'll ignore the comment about trolling, I believe just looking at my profile should tell you otherwise. Could I get a direct link for that bug? Since I might be realizing that I am in luck or something hehe :smile:. Well I won't complain about not having a bug. :thumbs_up:

I play as expert...and if your playing on master difficulty and are complaining about enemies not dying easily, well your doing something wrong. Btw: your hero can withstand magic so why shouldn't other people do so as well? But a sword to the gut it something everyone it hurt by - so fair enough. And they can block it with swords, armor protects against it and so forth. Magic hits them no matter what unless they use a magic shield. So once again I don't find that a problem. If thats how it is then thats how it is. If you prefer to be a freaking killing machine having to use one spell to kill everything or want some more creative spells without AOE, just wait. I bet you that mods will do that for you. And the rest 88WaRCraFT3 pretty much already said (I consider that increasing damage per level).

No not pretty much all spells.. pretty much half of them... and only one who is truly annoying in that area (chain lightning).

I've seen my demon lord being slaughtered by humans, though not a dragon, but hey I myself can slaughter a dragon with around the same trouble as a Dremora lord, so somewhat makes sense. In regards of killing a dragon in 6 blows I mean. So if you can, why not the thing you conjured. And since the whole purpose of the game (or underlaying purpose whatever), is to become freakishly powerful, then I don't consider it game breaking that something which is expensive to cast is good.

Well good luck to you in the crash to desktop then, a few people don't do it. Either by luck or by having a 32 bit system..

Lastly: So why again are you complaining about the enhancing (its only enhancing as you don't require smithing, unless you want to make your own armor/weapons as well). So if you become a master enhancer and make two such items. Well congratulations, you've trained to become good at something and you use that knowledge to become more powerful. Although you miss out other enhancements (4 spaces used), but well thats ones own choice. Its part of the game, and dragons can still eat you or main you or you can meet one that doesn't breath ice or fire (a bit rare admittedly).

So all in all, why are you playing the game? You've seem to dislike just about any aspect of it.

Of course they can improve a lot and there is flaws, but it is also a damn huge game with a lot of fun to be had + tons of mods to come with even more stuff. :wink: Enjoy it for what it is, even if your unlucky with the equip thing, sounds like a pain in the ass.
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woah woah what, unrelenting force does something other than..stagger opponents? i'll have to try it out on some poor fellow soon, I've got all 3 levels after all

it sounds like you're only doing "fus" which does, yes, only stagger opponents

You have to hold down the button (Z by default) if you want to use all 3 words, which makes it much more powerful and lets you hurl people off of high buildings - that never gets old :D
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
(up to 60x damage multiplier)

...While sneaking, with a super-advanced Sneak perk and with Dark Brotherhood clothes.

P.S: You can't sneak on Dragons. And did you every try to sneak on ANYTHING outside(e.g not inside a cave or a dungeon)? I'll give you a hint. I have 100 in Sneak, all Sneak perks, Light Armor, dual-daggers, and a necklace of Major Sneaking, yet I still cannot sneak up on a forsworn inside an outside camp without a lot of effort. You really need some 'skill' to be able to sneak on people.

Now let's take your magic. Dual-wielding the weakest spell in the game(Sparks I think? Someone mentioned it last page) can deal as much as 25 damage, and I'm going to guess it's spam-able. That means you can probably deal as much damage as a sneaky thief with your magic, if you have powerful magic, equipment, and perks; Just without having the trouble of sneaking up on someone.

I don't even have a force spell, I can only shout it, and that does nothing at all!

Fus Ro Dah is pretty damn effective. ._.
For one, if you're on a bridge, or any high place, you can insta-kill anything with a single fus-ro-dah. If you're NOT in a high place, you can still use it to knock someone out for quite some time. I'd guess the better players among us could probably kill someone while they're down. Personally, I find that very difficult with daggers(hard to aim and such), since I just don't see my target when I run up close to it and fail to focus my camera on them. But for a ranged character(fireballs, for example), you could probably just burn them while they're down and kill them instantly.
Level 5
May 13, 2010
The Unrelenting Force shout is one of the strongest tools you can use against a group of enemies, in a tight corridor or tunnel, or simply if they're in line.
As a dual-wielding war-axe Nord fella, I use it quite frequently to bring my opponents to the ground and burst them down while they're trying to stand up.
It's basically the most efficient technique, at least for me.

Also, being able to enchant your armor and accessories with 100% resistance bonuses means that you've spent a good amount of time grinding skills and passively looting ingredients, right?
Same goes for blacksmithing, which provides most of the best armor sets in the game, doesn't it?
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010

you can sneak kill dragons, heck you can even one-hit ancient dragons with sneak

let's compare:
one handed/two/bows
- perk for +100% damage
- 100 pt in skill +40% damage

enchants and equipment skills
- one handed up to +188% damage enchants alone
- two handed up to +188% damage enchants alone
- bow up to +188% damage enchants alone
- weapons get progressively better as you progress in the game
- you can smelt even better ones

destrution magic
- perk for 50% shock/fire/ice damage
- spells are of a fixed damage

enchants and equipment skills
- no known enchants or equipment that raises destruction damage in any way
- staves burn out deadly fast not to mention their pathetic damage output moreover.. who uses them ?

the strongest spells in game do 150 AOE damage 300 AOE damage over 10 seconds and 112 damage/second (maximum damage boosts)
it occupies both hands and due to raw mp cost of above 1000 mp they are unusable without severe MP reduction enchants/gear (which nukes all your MP regen useable for other spells)

and ultimately are bested by adept/expert level skills

while melee weapons actually outdamage them by a lot with no cost and significantly higher DPS
nobody serious runs around with robes, but enchanted armor instead
see what I did there ?

you can do ok with magic it may be fun, if you love to stand around hoping for the target to finally die
and yeah I'm talking about master difficulty, all builds are plenty below that
however the difference gets more and more apparent as you progress
as soon as you get to your adept/expert skills it will be "yes, thats it" there is no real way to upgrade anything beyond that only difference will be how fast your mp regens and that is even on top tiers still crap
no equipment levels or stats will do jack shit
while melee/bow players can keep on upgrading loong after throughout the game
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Aren't there better skillbooks somewhere? :S

And not really. They only way I can improve my Dragonscale Armor (Legendary) at this point is by enchanting it, and I'm level 42. I need another level for Arcane Smithing.

But of course, we're talking about weapons. I've got a Legendary Glass Dagger and an Epic Ebony Dagger(Legendary Glass out-does the damage output of Epic Ebony, I just stupidly threw away the glass daggers I found earlier and now I'm hunting for one), and again, the only way they can be any better is by enchanting. I suppose you could argue that Daedric weapons are better, but I didn't find any of those yet... Can you even obtain them without using Smithing?
Either way, on their own, they deal only about 30 damage. Combined, they deal around 60(dual-wielding). With sneaking(something that actually requires skill, unlike casting spells until everything dies, at least while outside a cave), I currently deal ~900 damage, and I guess that will increase to 1800 when I get into the Dark Brotherhood. But either way, there's not a whole bunch of ways I can improve my stuff.
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Started the game yesterday, I'm level 3 now and I want to ask, will I come through the game fine by using a sword weapon in one hand and a nuke magic spell in my other? I like it a lot and it also seems to kill very fast currently but I don't know for later (I have sword + that fire spell currently and a quick weapon change hotkey to change sword to a healing spell when needed, I'm class High Elf).
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
You people are like an oldman crying out loud because of innovations. You try to state your oldgen opinion like it is the way it is supposed to be. Skyrim is brand new, it is not supposed to be the way you expect it to be, accept it was the point of view of creators. Talknig crap about the graphics, comparing it to Oblivion as it was better doesn't make you look smarter or game expert. Skyrim is wonderful and unique game. And I am not stating my very personal opinion, I look at it from different angle. So stop being typical whining crowd of oldman's attitude.
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Rarely will you need to switch for something else than sword and destruction but it does depend on you're difficulty and how much potions you got.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I think you can find daedric weapons but only after 50+ something
so pretty much only smithing
also you can turn ebony weapons and armor into daedric in atronach forge, but you need to have conjuration at 90 and complete the dremora quest
it's a perfect way for those with no smithing skill or perks in it to get their hands on daedric gear...
(I punched a wall when I found this out, considering how many ebony gears I threw away)

and you can go over legendary upgrade (not name, just status change)
by raising smithing over 100 via pots or enchants
-technically- you can get smithing to 600 lvl
think it was proven that maximum upgrade is +112 damage to both one and two handed weapons (see what I'm talking about borked ?)
Level 5
May 13, 2010
Ironside, yes, pretty much. that's how I went through most of the game until I got myself a second one-handed war axe of awesomeness.

You'd probably need to learn 'Fast Healing' tho. With Fast Healing in your left hand and a one-handed weapon in your right, you should be able to make it easily.

Actually, now that I think about it, the only spell that I use for anything other than fun, is Fast Healing.

Sure, dual-casting fireballs provides you with some pretty spell effects and a bit of AoE damage, but it also eats your magicka up. I don't think you'd be able to dual cast that spell because of the lack of magicka, unless you're a mage with robes, circlets and a staff.
I mean, a fireball does like 1/4 the damage of a power attack with my war axe. It also drains half of my magicka pool. And I've invested a few points into magicka and destruction.

You should have different sets of weapon configurations to use for any different scenario. I, for example, have a shield, a couple of destruction spells and Fast Healing, and a second weapon for dual wielding.
(I only use one-handed weapons, as you might have already noticed. C:)
So far, it's proven to be quite efficient. I'm plowing through enemies like a boss, I also kill dragons with two power attacks, because I face them head-on. :ogre_datass:
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Ironside, yes, pretty much. that's how I went through most of the game until I got myself a second one-handed war axe of awesomeness.

You'd probably need to learn 'Fast Healing' tho. With Fast Healing in your left hand and a one-handed weapon in your right, you should be able to make it easily.

Actually, now that I think about it, the only spell that I use for anything other than fun, is Fast Healing.

Sure, dual-casting fireballs provides you with some pretty spell effects and a bit of AoE damage, but it also eats your magicka up. I don't think you'd be able to dual cast that spell because of the lack of magicka, unless you're a mage with robes, circlets and a staff.
I mean, a fireball does like 1/4 the damage of a power attack with my war axe. It also drains half of my magicka pool. And I've invested a few points into magicka and destruction.

You should have different sets of weapon configurations to use for any different scenario. I, for example, have a shield, a couple of destruction spells and Fast Healing, and a second weapon for dual wielding.
(I only use one-handed weapons, as you might have already noticed. C:)
So far, it's proven to be quite efficient. I'm plowing through enemies like a boss, I also kill dragons with two power attacks, because I face them head-on. :ogre_datass:

Ok nice, what about my brother, he plays two hand destruction with regeneration on a quick hotkey, we both play medium difficulity.
Level 2
Jul 20, 2008
I admit I havent read all the previouse pages (only 3-4 of them) and I wanted to post my two cents for this game:

I started playing the Elder Scrolls-Series with Morrowind, I tried Oblivion and now I'm playing Skyrim. The whole Elder Scrolls series is evolving, but instead of making a better PC-RPG, they try to turn it into a PC-Console-Hybrid game (meaning you program one game that can be used for PC and for console without having to add anything). Of course, Bethesda really improved many features of the series when they started out, but at the same time they removed lots of things just to make this game easier for console Players:

Compared to Morrowind they removed an awful lot in Skyrim:
-Morrowind had way more equipment-slots (15+shield and weapon) then Skyrim (6+Item in Left/Right hand),
-Morrowinds UI had all you could wish for, making it easy to customize, whereas Skyrim uses hardcoded Keys that are only great/fun if you use a controller instead of an keyboard-mouse combination.
-Morrowinds reputation system was way better, every citizen recognized you as the Leader of the Mage/Fighter-Guild or the Legion or one of the Houses even if you entered a city for the first time. You could see how much more the people liked you if you were the leade of lots of factions istead of just a nobody ;)
-Most of all I miss the old Enchanting- and Spell-Creation menus. It was possible to enchant a weapon with permanent enchantments and all you needed for a really powerful enchantment was the soul of something powerful.

All these complaints dont ean I dont want any progress:
-Skyrims Crafting system is wonderful, and apparently easy to mod
-Dualwielding is always useful for those who need it (I like using a shield, sue me :p)
-Riding of a horse (if you got one) makes travelling easier
-Morrowind never had something like the journal or the Compass to help you find certain Locations, etc

My only complaint is that Skyrims lost some of its best aspects in order to compromise with console-gamers. Why not keep everything that was great in the old games, and add the new, also great things on top of it?
If you take a closer look, many of the recent game changes were done just to accomodate consoles. Remember Oblivions god-awful UI?
I dont have a problem with Console-Gamers, its just that they should keep their games and leave our PC-Games alone. ;)
Level 5
May 13, 2010
-Morrowind had way more equipment-slots (15+shield and weapon) then Skyrim (6+Item in Left/Right hand)

It's hard enough to find the best items in the game even now, when they're only 8 slots, don't you think?

-Morrowinds reputation system was way better, every citizen recognized you as the Leader of the Mage/Fighter-Guild or the Legion or one of the Houses even if you entered a city for the first time. You could see how much more the people liked you if you were the leade of lots of factions istead of just a nobody ;)

Have you even played Skyrim? After like 5 minutes into the game all people start calling you Dovahkiin. Then, as you become more and more important, people start calling you all sorts of things, there are also region-specific phrases.

-Most of all I miss the old Enchanting- and Spell-Creation menus. It was possible to enchant a weapon with permanent enchantments and all you needed for a really powerful enchantment was the soul of something powerful.

That only makes the game less challenging. Having a permanent, cheap, and overly powerful enchantment is a bit silly, isn't it? Same goes for the infamous player-created spells, doesn't it?

I agree about the UI, it doesn't really suffice. You can favorite your most frequently used items/spells and then bind them to a few keys (1-0) but it isn't a whole lot comfortable. But hey, that isn't much of a problem now, is it?
it sounds like you're only doing "fus" which does, yes, only stagger opponents

You have to hold down the button (Z by default) if you want to use all 3 words, which makes it much more powerful and lets you hurl people off of high buildings - that never gets old :D

rofl i never tried it out after shouting at the greybeards...i'll have to do it on some randoms, it sounds pretty damn good.
personally i only ever use slow time, just because it's cool. I love slowing time, even if it interferes badly with my spell casting. or storm call. that's just plain badass
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
I somehow sometime turned master difficulty on then forgot about it
after hours of swearing bitching and namecalling of all the prominent christian figures I decided to turn my difficulty down only to find out I played on the master crap all along

seeing it goes down too much I put master back on
heck if it's just this I can bite my tongue and put up with it

now I have almost full daedric (not upgraded too much cause I have no perks in smith) with dual enchant mix of -destr mp cost + mp regen + one handed + bow and + ice res

also you can equip two amulets using the gauldur amulet (the combined one)
- equip gauldur first, then equip another = having the gauldur and the second amulet you chose at the same time
- if you equip through favourites menu, equip gauldur - equip two other amulets through the favourites menu (gauldur un-equips itself) and allows you to keep the two amulets
I got two amulets like this... one with - destr mp cost/one handed and one with one handed/bow enchants (thats something above +80% damage one handed just from the two amulets)
its kinda bug exploit but yeah, the game can climb my back

before I turned into armor instead of cloth I got one hitted by pretty much anything that wasn't a regular draugr
now I still die fast sometimes but got around -80% fire/ice/shock reduction (neck/shoes) gears to swap, so it really isn't that bad
nowadays I really just stick to conjuration/dual wield/bow and almost abandoned destr completely (I do still use thunderbolt/ice spear and lightning storm spam) but compared to my bow for example it became a joke (bound bow, around 150 damage and I only have the 5 damage perks in it)
also bound weapons one-hit all conjured monsters/cast fear on raised ones and fill soul gem on kill so, yeah..
altogether now I got 9 perks in enchant 5 in bow 7 in one handed 3 or w/e in two handed rest in conjuration/destruction (around 20 together in those two)

you can get +100% resistance in either fire/frost/shock even without or with pathetic enchants with the double neckpiece trick and regular resistance shoes
I recommend to get at least some pts in enchanting for whatever class
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Level 7
Aug 3, 2006
I'm level 32 and Im loving it. I'm a Orc Warrior with some perks in Restoration and Destruction, and i have personally noticed my destruction magic becoming less useful, but my healing is still needed. All who don't have spellbreaker shield must get it asap, it is definitely the best anti mage/dragon tool in the game! btw i only play on adept, and i kill most enimies with ease, but still have an epic challage often... those damn mages...
Level 11
May 10, 2008
That only makes the game less challenging. Having a permanent, cheap, and overly powerful enchantment is a bit silly, isn't it?

If you like a challenge then just change the difficulty to master :p, i also loved the enchanting system in morrowind... now its so hard to find enchants you would actually use... and if you do find an enchant you would use it's probably for the wrong item slot (happens to me a lot)

One of the main things i really enjoyed about this game is the perk system.. makes me want to level up faster just to get that "Decapitation" or "Summon 2 Dudes"... im level 56 in skyrim but was only 37 in morrowind, and am still finding new quests and areas :p can't wait for the new DLC thats for sure
enchanting is cool for power playing and for just kinda. your main guy that fucks up everything in existence. because it's ridiculously easy to level up and so powerful. if you have 100 enchanting, you can get, for example, destruction (or whatever school you want) spells that cost literally nothing, as well as roughly 200-300% mana regen or an additional 200 odd mana. Smithing is another skill like enchanting, so easy to level up and you will get extremely strong stuff from it

I personally will use them sometimes, but for any of the characters that I actually properly like and get into properly, where I'll be doing what seems cool rather than just the easiest and most powerful ways, I doubt I'd use either skill. it's probably just me though :)
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
rofl i never tried it out after shouting at the greybeards...i'll have to do it on some randoms, it sounds pretty damn good.
personally i only ever use slow time, just because it's cool. I love slowing time, even if it interferes badly with my spell casting. or storm call. that's just plain badass

I should note that holding down the Z makes all the shouts you have more powerful, in case you weren't fully aware of that yet :p

But good to hear you learned something new :D

-I personally just spent a lot of time stacking stuff in my house in solitude and getting my deadric armor up to full specs. Now I just need to utilize my 100 in illusion to see what I can get of powerful spells in the area. (I received it with ease by firing calm from a cliff down in a forsworn camp.. hitting more than one as a time gave me almost a entire point just for one throw).

A side note: I checked the bug section on the Skyrim wiki I use and found no mention of a bug with equip, though I did find a lot of other bugs I've by pure luck seem to have avoiced by doing the workaround from the start or following a good order of solving quests.
Level 11
Jul 20, 2010
Does Skyrim has a greater variety of voices than Oblivion has?Because Oblivion had a very small number of voices in my opinion...For example you have the same voice for the male orc, argonian and khajit...And it is annoying when you see a character with a type of voice, and then a few quests later you see another character with the same voice :|

It's could be obvious, because of it's very open ended, huge environment, but still...
Level 13
Jun 9, 2009
Does Skyrim has a greater variety of voices than Oblivion has?Because Oblivion had a very small number of voices in my opinion...For example you have the same voice for the male orc, argonian and khajit...And it is annoying when you see a character with a type of voice, and then a few quests later you see another character with the same voice :|

It's could be obvious, because of it's very open ended, huge environment, but still...
Yes it does, a lot more sounds. Read more at wiki, i've forget correct number.
You can hardly find same voice here, you can, but hardly. And characters here are really different so you can hardly mix them. Also game is fully animated, smithing,crafting,mining... every feature in game is animated, except sleeping and waiting.
Skyrim is a very fun game!
It has over a hundred quests, it seems to be infinitely fun.

I strongly suggest that anyone who plays get a high smithing and enchanting skill, no matter what your character build. Even if you're a mage, you can still enchant heavy or light armor to grant good magic effects, once you've got a high enchanting skill.

I drank an enchanting potion and used my maxed enchanting skill to fully enchant a set of armor, ring, necklace to increase smithing skill, and then drank a blacksmith potion and forged and improved the best armor in the game. I then drank another enchanting potion and enchanted all of the items to increase the Heavy Armor skill and reduce destruction spell magica cost. I also maxed out the Heavy Armor skill and put perks into everything increasing armor. I ended up having 2,000 armor, and was able to dual cast the best destruction spells for 0 mana cost.

Anyway, I suggest practicing your blacksmith and enchanting skills, no matter what sort of character you wish to build. There are enchantments for all sorts of things that you can disenchant from items that you find, and re-enchant other items using your enchanting skill to place an even stronger enchantment. Unfortunately, there are no enchantments that increase enchanting skill. If there were, I would enchant something, wear it, use it to enchant something, wear it, use it to enchant something... You get the idea; infinite enchanting growth. But, unfortunately, you can't do that.
I've got to say, Krii Lun Aus is damn good shout. (Kill, Leech, Suffer - Marked for Death)
Reduces health capacity, armor rating and stamina of target by some %.

Does that work for multiple targets like most of the other shouts? The tooltip is pretty unclear on that.

Are there any other things I can use to decrease my shout cooldown besides an amulet of talos? The talos blessing thing doesn't do shit (says 0% reduction), and I don't think I can disenchant those god amulets

That only makes the game less challenging. Having a permanent, cheap, and overly powerful enchantment is a bit silly, isn't it? Same goes for the infamous player-created spells, doesn't it?
It's not like soul gems are hard to find or refill. They're all over the place. Having to recharge weapons is more of a nuisance than anything.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Those visuals are very dissapointing... This is a game being released this weekend and look at its visuals.

Do keep in mind that TES - Skyrim, sucessor to TES - Oblivion an award winning game and best seller, probably had an unbelivably large budget compared to Anno 2070, part of a series that only has decent sales in Germany.

I just have to add.

1. That is a gameplay video, games always look like the shit in their videos.

2. There are plenty of games that look better than Skyrim, and only have 5-8 hours of gameplay, take Rage for instance, awesome graphics, great game, beat it in 3 days, and was pretty disappointed.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
"Having a permanent, cheap, and overly powerful enchantment"

there is the black star, a soul gem that is never consumed and can be filled with any soul even the black ones
this fact makes all other gems obsolete and a waste of space, and argument that enchantments aren't permanent is silly
and seeing that you can have more than +200% damage on one handed/bow or 0% mp cost coming from enchants alone I'd say they are cheap and overly powerful already
Level 2
Jul 20, 2008
It's hard enough to find the best items in the game even now, when they're only 8 slots, don't you think?

Well, I liked having to search for my equipment. It was fun to search the dungeons and merchants for that one piece of equipment that you neded to complete your suit of whatever armor. But i'm more of an treasure hunter and collector so it might be only me. It was a small personal achievement, you know? And I didnt need a small pop-up to tell me that.

Have you even played Skyrim? After like 5 minutes into the game all people start calling you Dovahkiin. Then, as you become more and more important, people start calling you all sorts of things, there are also region-specific phrases.

Yes I did... and I notcied more then once that the comments are kinda random: I'm a level 90 Smith/Enchanter and they comment about my Level 25 Alteration? And nowadays I rarely hear guards whisper that I'm the Dragonborn etc... they would rather comment about how they would like a bandit raid for a change of pace. :D

That only makes the game less challenging. Having a permanent, cheap, and overly powerful enchantment is a bit silly, isn't it? Same goes for the infamous player-created spells, doesn't it?

Back then you needed to kill something powerful to create powerful enchantments. Since these creatures were rare you had to look for quite a while to get you equipment together. And sometimes you had only one soul. In Skyrim you can kill a bear or a dragon and get one of the best souls. Even though the dragon should have a more powerful soul... Besides, the current enchantments are still gamebreaking, according to the other posts here.

I agree about the UI, it doesn't really suffice. You can favorite your most frequently used items/spells and then bind them to a few keys (1-0) but it isn't a whole lot comfortable. But hey, that isn't much of a problem now, is it?

I try to remember that when the UI causes me (again) to select/drink something I didnt meant to pick just because the mouse cant properly select the Item I want. Or when it think I click option A in a dialogue even though I wanted Option B... :D
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
all other gems [ARE] obsolete and a waste of space

Refilling your one single Soul Gem over and over and over and over again just to level up your enchanting by creating some Iron Daggers of fire damage or something sounds very tedious.
That's why having some 50 filled soul gems in your inventory is never a bad thing. Either way, the Black Star ONLY accepts black souls. It cannot, for example, hold the soul of a wolf.

they would rather comment about how they would like a bandit raid for a change of pace. :D

I used to be an adventurer like you.
Then I took an arrow in the knee.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Either way, the Black Star ONLY accepts black souls. It cannot, for example, hold the soul of a wolf

wrong, that is what the guy says, in reality it will absorb all and any soul (petty all the way to grand)
the current soul contained within will be desribed "filled with [enter your soul here]"

thats why choosing the azura option is stupid, as that version can not fill with black soul while nelacar's option can fill a black soul AND all other souls the azura version can
it's probably a bug and the black star wasn't supposed to absorb the souls that azura's version can, but yeah we know bethesda can code right.

also even regular black gems are bugged and can fill a lesser soul instead of a black one if there is no other empty gem be careful when you use these as it will ruin the grand value normal black soul has

and Idk about others but I raised enchanting by charging not by enchanting 8( (but yeah I got a good deal from just the trainer, seriously who bothers when you can get 10 skill for 4000 gold.. then pickpocket your gold back)
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Level 5
May 13, 2010
Alright, after having to deal with a weapon that fills a soul gem each friggin time I kill something, I can agree with you. Soul gems suck. They're annoying as.. yeah.
I've got like 100 gems in my inventory and they don't even stack properly. :I

About enchantments - Yes, they're silly. I didn't realize how easy it is to make an overpowered set of armor and weapons. And because of that, I've decided not to enchant anything. :D

Yes I did... and I notcied more then once that the comments are kinda random: I'm a level 90 Smith/Enchanter and they comment about my Level 25 Alteration? And nowadays I rarely hear guards whisper that I'm the Dragonborn etc... they would rather comment about how they would like a bandit raid for a change of pace. :D

The phrases are random, but they're also many. If you tap the use key on a guard, he or she is going to compliment you about all sorts of skills and deeds. C:
They'll also tell you about any dangerous places near the city, be it forts, caves, necromancers etc.

And why are you struggling with your mouse? I find the keyboard a lot more comfortable to use when maneuvering through the UI.
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