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Discuss Film & TV Series - Ratings & Recommendations

Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Well, the gate was a reasonable weak point. I think the cavalry bit was realistic, after all it was a professional mounted army vs. bunch of starved forest people. I think both of the giants died in the battle, not sure if there were any more of them.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
There were LOTS AND LOTS of giants, as well as mammoths, and horsemen, and all kinds of wildlings that they didn't show in the show. The final battle was very disappointing to me as a book reader.

Budget. You need more budget if you want those things.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Well, when you write a book you can do anything, but when you're making a show, every minute of that level CGI (really impressive btw, didn't look awkward or bad at all) costs a shitload of money, so you're limited. Expect the show to differ from the books in the future even more, since they will soon get past G.R.R.M's books, so they'll have to make up their own story. They'll be two different stories in the end.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Just checked out How To Train Your Dragon 2.
the plot is just flawless, the characters are more deep and better, and the effects are like Micheal Bay in animation.
i already "smell" Oscars, Academies for this already.
one thing: the dragons are NOT badass. look too weep.
PS: Hiccup"s mom reminds me of a character in Game Of Thrones (you already know who.)
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
I still need yo watch that one -.-'

Anyone seen A Million Ways To Die?
I think I've never laughed so much with a movie in my whole life...

Seth MacFarlane never let us down, especially in the movie where Neil Patrick Harris is in and Seth is a character in it.
Level 4
Nov 27, 2013
I Like This Film...

Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Transformers: Age of Extinction

Short review: (Slight spoilers)

Many are to say it is actually the best Transformers movie since the first one. But that's not saying much. The acting is not bad, lines could be more thought out but some of them actually are comedy.

The story was flawed, but the action overwrites it enough. Three hours of fighting every 15 minutes wasn't actually to bad of an idea!

Here is my problem though. The movie was 3 hours. A three hour action movie would be jumping from problem to problem to problem to problem. There are 3 villains in the movie. Maybe even 4 if you count the one who changed sides. Mark Walberg and the crew vs world movie was no too bad.

Dinobots were a waste. Was not impressive at all. Ugly movement and cheesy design.

The movie is underrated though. The "Bad humor" is gone, the actors are indeed better, and the action is done better. Less camera shaking, less 1 second shots of showing a transformer arm in motion.

7.0/10 not bad, great effort Michael Bay!
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
So, here's the trailer of the 'Big Hero 6' from Disney:
From the looks of it (and many other trailers), it will, or might be a greatest disapointment from the Disney's, or might be even bigger than Frozen (yay to that). WHY?
1) Good:
a) Its Marvel that we are talking about. Marvel make BH6, AND Disney turns it into a movie. Expect some good moments, and some good comments from both Dis/Marv fans.
b)Funny. The core of all big box office sucess.
c)Badass villain. An Amon-ish guy will never let us dissapointed.

a)ITS DISNEY. Can't hope anything good from it since the cannot-get-any-sucker Planes, the overrated Frozen (at least Maleficent is good).
b)Parody. seriously, trust me. While you could laugh (or at least your kids), Marvel fanboys will be dissaponted. Some character maybe get too out of control, especially Baymax.
The chance of success/failure would be 50/50.
So what do you guys think?
I just finished watching the series Rome and I personally rate it 10/10. I raged so hard researching its cancellation and quick changes to end it all in two seasons. I'm really fascinated by ancient Rome related stuff. Spartacus was pretty awesome too.

True Detective, The River, Off the Map, Lost, Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Longmire, Terra Nova, are ones that I enjoyed and can name at the top of my head.

There have been quite a few new series premiering. The Leftovers and The Strain seem meh. I need to rewatch several of the series mentioned above for old times' sake.

I can't be bothered to watch Game of Thrones, it just doesn't appeal to me and I have no idea why.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
IMO Snowpiercer was mediocre at best. It had lots of stupid stuff.

Yes, i know there are some really mess up stuff in there, some unecessary laughing, but the spirit of the movie is tell us that even the weakest people can stand up and fight against the big bad guys, like Shingeki no Kyojin.

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

I recommend;

TV Series:
The Simpsons
Breaking Bad
Walking Dead

Batman (Ft. Christian Bale)


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
This is probably gonna be a late post, Guardians of the Galaxy is fun to watch, its damn filled with comedy and Thanos made a very minimal screen time. Not sure on how Marvel is gonna mix the whole group in one movie again.

Yea, I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but I really should.

That said I would recommend the good old comedy movie; Bringing Up Baby for those of you who don't mind some awesome black & white movies.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
This movie came out earlier this year, but I love it.

Snowpiercer is amazing. It's not generic action film nor a generic sci-fi film. It's a little gritty at parts, and the theme is beautiful. It follows the last humans on apocalyptic earth, going around the world on a long train. Look at them ratings! https://www.google.com/search?q=emi...=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&q=snowpiercer

As a member of IMDb, I can assure you that 7.0 means good. A lot of trolling goes around there. I suggest to trust RT and MetaCritic scores, as there aren't just some random people who go on a rant with 1 star ratings, as a portion of the IMDb community does.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Just saw Interstellar, what a disappointment. It was trying to be the new 2001: A Space Odyssey, but at the same time be interesting and exciting enough for mainstream audiences. The result is a film that's too dense for most viewers, and not interesting enough for enthusiasts.

Whoa! So much negativity.

It was trying to be the new 2001: A Space Odyssey

Admittedly, I haven't seen the entire movie. But why get angry at the fact that
the director obviously was inspired by it? Even if it is a bit similar, it's still
different. Otherwise they'd be sued for plagiarism. If anything it only goes to
show that you and Christopher Nolan apparently have something of a similar

but at the same time be interesting and exciting enough for mainstream audiences.

I'm not even sure I want to grace this statement with a comment, but hey,
do you honestly think any director makes any movie exclusively for one kind
of audience? Especially when they're this big. It's just foolish to expect that.
He made a movie the way he wanted to make the movie, like it or don't,
but don't throw about senseless arguments.

The result is a film that's too dense for most viewers, and not interesting enough for enthusiasts.

I don't get this. I'm neither a super sci-fi geek or a physicist, but I didn't
struggle at all to follow the plot and I didn't have any trouble with the, as
I've heard some others complain about, "pseudo science." I don't know if
I actually agree that it's pseudo science, as most of the things in this movie
is actually theories various scientists around the world are currently working
with and toward, besides, it wouldn't be sci-fi if it was 100% realistic.

Personally, I loved it.

The thing I liked the most is the fact that, except Michael Caine and Anne Hathaway,
I didn't know most of the actors. And they did a really great job.
I also loved that the film first gives you the impression that it's from before
our time, but as things unfold you quickly understand that things are too
weird to be the past and you understand that it's actually set in our future.

I could go on, but I'll leave it there. I really liked the movie, and if you like
sci-fi, Christopher Nolan or both you should really watch this. Don't listen to
the hipster critics :)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
@Conversation about Space Stuff

Good thing there have been decent sci-fi movies dishing out for survival till now, last time I was into this genre the movie Sunshine almost killed me.

Yea, I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but I really should.

The comedy parts where head on, I couldn't grasp the feeling they were teasing too much story plot from GotG's arc for the marvel universe.
Level 25
Jul 10, 2006
Whoa! So much negativity.

Movies these days keep disappointing :(

Admittedly, I haven't seen the entire movie. But why get angry at the fact that
the director obviously was inspired by it? Even if it is a bit similar, it's still
different. Otherwise they'd be sued for plagiarism. If anything it only goes to
show that you and Christopher Nolan apparently have something of a similar

Let me clarify what I mean by "being the new space odyssey". Space Odyssey was, in my opinion, a bold step forward in film making. Most space-themed movies can be traced to either this or to Solaris (a Russian movie from around the same time). I didn't want it to be the same movie - that would be lame. I wanted it to be another bold step forward for movies, particularly in one of my favourite genres. Instead, we get the nods to Space Odyssey to appeal to old fans, and the regular movie cliches to appeal to mainstream audiences.

I'm not even sure I want to grace this statement with a comment, but hey,
do you honestly think any director makes any movie exclusively for one kind
of audience
? Especially when they're this big. It's just foolish to expect that.
He made a movie the way he wanted to make the movie, like it or don't,
but don't throw about senseless arguments.

I'll admit my comment was quite short and could be misunderstood, but that's a bit rude don't you think?

You've hit the nail on the head with the underlined sentence: Interstellar was a movie made for an audience. In other words, a product. What I so enjoyed about Space Odyssey was that it quite clearly wasn't designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator. It was a the realisation of the film maker's vision.

A big-budget production like Interstellar cannot afford to not be popular. Shareholders want their profit, the actors and crews need to be paid. When an artistic decision has to be made that pits the director's vision for the film against what mass audiences would like, it's pretty obvious which wins out.

Decades from now, Interstellar will just be another in a long list of "safe" movies made during the last few years.

I don't get this. I'm neither a super sci-fi geek or a physicist, but I didn't
struggle at all to follow the plot and I didn't have any trouble with the, as
I've heard some others complain about, "pseudo science." I don't know if
I actually agree that it's pseudo science, as most of the things in this movie
is actually theories various scientists around the world are currently working
with and toward, besides, it wouldn't be sci-fi if it was 100% realistic.

They went to great lengths to explain to the audience how it all works, which damages the movie for those that already understand these concepts (a very small portion of the viewers). To help get my point across, imagine if army men in a war movie had to explain how a gun works. Wouldn't you agree that that would break the flow of the plot?

With regards to pseudo-science, I'm sure you're aware that the end bit (love transcends physics) was rubbish. Time slowing down for fast moving objects is a real thing. We know this, because satellites wouldn't work without their calculations taking it into account. Worm holes, however, are just a mathematical curiosity that emerged from our current physics. A mathematical theory is not proof of its existence. And in the same way that Newton's laws of motions were replaced by Einstein's relativity, our current understanding of the universe might be wrong and replaced by something better later on.

I don't have a problem with science fiction - in fact I can quite thoroughly enjoy fantasies such as Star Wars. But I believe a film must be consistent with its science. If you're going to have laser swords, no need to stop there, add shield bubbles. But if you start with real NASA rockets (as Interstellar does), you need to stick with it. Instead, they leave that water planet using the power of a light aircraft.

I could go on, but I'll leave it there. I really liked the movie, and if you like
sci-fi, Christopher Nolan or both you should really watch this. Don't listen to
the hipster critics :)

What I did enjoy about the movie was the visuals. Some incredible mathematics went into how the wormhole was displayed. I really wanted to like this movie, but I should have set my expectations lower and enjoyed it for what it is: a product of its time. It's by no means a bad movie (I'd rate it 6-7/10), I just feel it could have been much better.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Movies these days keep disappointing :(

Well. I respect your right to hold that opinion, but I don't fully agree.
The way I see it you've got a little too much of a critic in your blood.

but that's a bit rude don't you think?

Apologies, I might have been a little too aggressive.

Interstellar will just be another in a long list of "safe" movies made during the last few years.

I don't agree, but it would be pointless of us to argue it.
- As either of us can't possibly know the truth of it.

I'm sure you're aware that the end bit (love transcends physics) was rubbish.

If I remember correctly, this was never presented as a definite truth,
only hinted to as a possible explanation of sorts, with a cliffhanger twang.
- I don't mind.

To everything else, with a more in-depth explanation of what your thoughts are;
I can respect your opinion more, but I do not have to agree to it, and I still hold
firm that by my standards you are a little too judgemental.

I also apologise for indirectly naming you a "hipster critic."
I just wanted to provide a different opinion so that your comment
wouldn't scare everyone away from watching it.
@rulerofiron99 i commented on a youtube vid with this a while back, regarding the 'love beats physics' notion:
i think people are taking the 'love transcends dimensions' too literally, and this in part is the film's fault (brand's speech comes to mind). screenrant.com had a quote which perfectly capture's nolan's message, to my understanding at least: "humanity is at our best when we throw ourselves passionately into the unknown – in search of love and discovery". the film never tries to say 'love defies spacetime', but rather explores the significance of human connection & curiosity and its capacity to propel us into greatness. this isn't idealistic bullshit, this is a pertinent aspect of the human condition.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Just watched the last installment of the Hobbit with a friend and I must say that it was a pretty good watch. Love that scene when Legolas fought that one tough Orc and the tower that he took down is falling apart, everyone in the cinema are all awed by how well he fought that Orc, so freaking cool.

Oh and yeah, Alfred(is that his name? The coward guy) wearing that dress with a hood made everyone laugh.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
My short review of The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies taken from IMDb.com. PS. Screw rotten tomatoes and metacritic. They've underrated this movie.


INTRODUCTION (NO SPOILERS): I'll tell you this first, this movie is
different from the previous two in the trilogy. How you may ask? You've
got a whole lot of fighting in this movie rather than characters
walking tirelessly towards a goal. It's almost as if Peter Jackson took
the criticism.

SPOILERS BEGIN HERE: At the start of the movie, well chorea graphed
action scenes involving Smaug, the fire breathing dragon, was
breathtaking to see. After, the way tensions boiled up between
different factions in the movie was something we as viewers haven't
seen in the past two Hobbit movies. In the middle of the stalemate,
which surprisingly wasn't too long and boring, armies violently
clashed. This, is what Lord of the Rings fans wanted to see.

The story was then told through midst of the epic battles. It was told
fairly well. Sure it was told mostly by generic dialogue, but that
isn't necessarily a bad point.

As one who didn't read the book, the movie ended quite dramatically. It
didn't seem expected what exactly was going to happen in the last
skirmishes. What was somewhat disappointing though was the outcome of
how the battles played out, we only know who won. It didn't seem like
either side had the upper hand when we were cut away from it.

Overall, I was impressed with this movie, especially when watching the
action scenes. The previous two in the Trilogy I would have given a
high seven due to it being slow paced at parts.
Level 6
Mar 27, 2013
The Hobbit movies are quite good to me, they're surelly in my top 10. However, there's a catch: they've got nothing to do with the book - I do understand why - as most scenes are not in the book... Still, great movies!

Besides that: is Sanjay & Craig the best cartoon series EVER or what??? Come on, fellows, raise your hands, don't be shy! It's just really great! It depicts that kind of stupid talking you've got with your friends in those really idiot moments, but in an even funnier way, which is something you just don't see that often; also, it doesn't get boring to a point like Family Guy or American Dad, where after some episodes, it all comes down to the same: every episode is absolutely different from the previous in S&C!

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

They're nothing compared to vanilla, stop over sparkling it...

If one needs to choose between Hobbit n vanilla, I'd recommend latter one.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Also saw Hobbit. Felt rushed. A lot of plot issues and a lot of "what the fuck happened between scenes?" It jumped around too much, and you just had to accept certain things.

It was still a good movie. Acting, music, cinematography, and the overall plot were good, but the details of the plot could have been a lot better.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Was going to see that film yesterday with a group of buddies in imax 3D, but it was full ='( I've never seen a 3D movie, how long 'till I get to see one ='(

I watched the Desolution of Smaug on the night from Monday to Tuesday and... that Legolas jumping around after a made up goblin invasion just to ensure the level of swag xD. Shame on the scenes with Kíli and Tauriel — totally uncalled for. I always liked LotR because it didn't need this sex small talk to make up for an interesting story.

Overall I liked it, Bombur rolling over the orcs :D and the music with the elven chants, always.
Level 9
Nov 24, 2013
Well, I just watched Bridge to Terabitha.
The sadness is too strong.
But the trailer was misleading a lot .