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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007

- Aeronauts -


Idea Factory thread: Map only Sky


If you've got any comments on the lay-out please say so! I want to make this as readable as possible (without too many colors)

General Ideas:

Aeronauts will become a map featuring RPG- and LoaP-elements, taken to the sky.
You will control an airship and can choose your own destiny.
The game will be a mix between various genres, such as fantasy and steampunk.


You will control an airship and have to fly around the world.
While doing so, you have several options: you can become an aeronauts who defends cities and/or other players from pirate attacks and accept missions to wipe out pirates, or you can choose to become a pirate yourself: raid cities, plunder wandering merchants and take all loot you can find.
If you rather want to become wealthy without too much fighting, you can become a broker and sell/buy resources, either for other people (missions), or of your own free will.
When you've become succeseful at either one of these and want to do something else for a change, have no fear: you can buy a second ship for a completely different purpose, note that you can only have one active ship at a time.


  • Broker: Can trade resources and items to become a wealthy aeronaut.
  • Warrior (requires name-change!): Has a more powerful ship, can take out enemy pirates or become one himself.

Subclasses: (races)

  • Human: Humans have a more advanced speech, making escaping pirate attacks and negotiating with trades easier.
  • Dwarf: High-quality materials are a dwarven specialty: their ships are more durable and slightly faster than others.
  • Orc: Brutish strength has always been the orc's feature, this race can deal more damage.
  • Goblin: Goblins are the black marketeers in Aeronauts, everything they sell, sells for more gold and their ships are a lot faster.

Why these races?
That's simple: everyone knows these races and can rely to them, most people already know what they do without having to read a gigantic description.
This makes the game easier to learn and play for those who are new.



Quests can be found in ports all over the world, there are several quest categories so far:
  • Hunting: You need to hunt an NPC, once the NPC dies you can return to the port/guild you got the quest from to claim your reward.
  • Delivering: You'll be given a set of items that you need to deliver to a random port, then return to get your rewards (the higher the distance, the better the reward).
  • Treasuring Seeking: As the name already implies, you can go search treasures which are hidden randomly on a few islands.


You can upgrade your ship in several ways, one would be to simply purchase the part you need.
Aside from that, you can create your own parts with Blacksmithing, woodworking or Craftmanship.
  • Blacksmithing: With this, you can create all raw metal parts, such as a metal hull or a cannon.
  • Woodworking: Woodworking is good for low-weight materials, increasing your ship's speed at the cost of durability.
  • Craftmanship: The noble art of craftmanship lets you carefully craft each material which is not limited to wood or metal only for a balanced part.


In the beginning darkness. The Gods sat in their golden cities far from the darkness and questioned the future. They pondered their past wars against darkness and pondered what lay ahead. After a millennia had gone by the head of the Gods and king of the universe made a decision. A decision that would change the fates forever. Over hundreds of years he crafted a master plan on a hallowed and holy scroll. He wrote scripture, he wrote plans, he wrote schematics and maps. He crafted a past, a future, and he crafted life. After the forty hundred years had come to their end he rolled up his holy scroll and called a high and mighty meeting of the powers. Each God took upon themselves a section of the scroll and copied it into their own holy books.

The Gods then went about their work, and so fell in love with it. One god created the peoples of the world, the creatures were his first work. He made them ugly, as it was his first creation. These were the trolls, spiders, wolfs, and demons of the world that failed to achieve ultimate intelligence. Next were the goblins, this time he tried harder and was more knowledgeable. As he created them he made them too small...and therefore created the Orcs who were strong yet not as high of mind. The two species were in mutual relationship...the Goblins helped orcs by making their laws and bookkeeping, while all the time manipulating them for greed. The Orcs fought and provided for both races against the Creatures. But the God was not done and created the Dwarves. These were too much like the goblins, while still more beautiful they were not to his liking. He had them delve deep into the riches that the world would have and made them greedy for jewels. But he was not yet done. He had a drive for the perfection the original God wrote. So it was done that the humans were created, tall, fair and wise they were. But they were weak as the others, the would die and sickness took them easily. So in his last creation he took the knowledge of all the beasts and creations and crafted the Elves. Much like the humans in appearance, while more wise and fair. These lived forever and were the culmination of the head God's image...and so the creatures of the land were created.

But the God who created the people was unsatisfied. His perfect creation could not live among these lesser creations, and so as the God assigned the creation of the earth crafted the metals and pounded his iron he was asked a favor. The God of the people asked that his fair creations were to be raised high above the surface, and shrouded from the lesser. He asked that the lesser be beneath a fog wall of sorts, and that they live in hardship not effecting the elves. This wish was granted. As the world was created and the different Gods made their pieces, the seas, the weathers, and the plants, the head God was proud and yet astonished that the Gods had changed his original plan in that way of the mist.

So the planet was dark and lifeless, but not for long. As all the pieces were set in place the head God crafted his ultimate creations. In his utopian castle he had all his workers help him craft out of gold, silver, and stone millions of lanterns. But one he crafted himself. One was bigger than all the rest and was not only a lantern but was filled with magic and while originally was a lantern, it turned into a self-consuming ball of flame that lit the world of the Gods up in blinding light. Then the head God knew it would not work as it was too bright, so he rewrote the planet's future and spoke to the other Gods. This is how the two moons of the planet were created, and day and night were made. So it was that the balls of fire and the lanterns were cast up into the sky with great commotion, and set in their ever cycling phases. The moons healed the earth of their burning brother, so it was that day and night were created.

So the Gods were content with their work, and went back to their lands to watch the world unfold and be with it as they would. But one God lingered as the peoples awoke, and he cast upon the world his breath. This God was the God that created the rules of the earth, its "physics". His work, however, he found boring and in that breath he cast a new rule "magic" that not even he had figured out. He knew it broke all rules and must be found. So it was that magic was created.

As time went on and the elves warred and had peace and loved and hated the world below was a said picture. Although the creatures under the mist lived, they lived in hardship and pain with everlasting twilight. Great glowing mushrooms were their trees, and slime governed their feet instead of the grass the elves loved. After thousands of years the elves became curious about the mist below, for they had explored all the world. The elves then grew restless and sank their airships down below, with great hardship to the underworld. There they first met the humans, and being sorry for them helped them up. So it was that they learned of all the intelligent races of the underworld and one by one uplifted them to the upper worlds. The dwarves and Humans were given an island, and so were the Goblins and Orcs. Now they grew restless once more, for they hated and loved the underworld and wished to reinhabit the land with the knowledge of the elves.

So now it comes to the days of today. The land of the "Aeronaught" as the humans called it. These "Aeronaughts" are sent by the various races to gain favor with the elves and become the ultimate power among the lesser races. They fly in magic ships (which has been taught to them by the elves) , although the simplest are simply balloons. In these days many islands have been conquered by different races and the elves are no longer the only power. Many of the lesser races have sundered and some have become pirates against the lesser races. However the elves are still too powerful, they cannot be killed unless by the Gods themselves. The lesser races are now in place to gain resources from the mist, and from trading with each other and the elves, they also must craft their own castles above the mist. But once this has been done they will descend back to their long-forgotten home. So the lesser races once more are descending into the mist after gaining resources above, where they war upon one another to gain more resources and therefore gain favor with the elves and ultimate rule over the other lesser races.

Basic concepts in here are the idea that you gain a lot of money aboveground trading and learning new spells/new schematics for your ship from the elves. Then you take over pirate bases, and help your base and do whatever. The elves are invul. and are the moderators to this (NPC). You trade with each other's bases and primarily the elves because they hold the technological secrets. Then when you go down into the mist (A second map within the map? (Solar Conquest as an example) ) you harvest mushrooms and kill beasts and whatever to make items to sell to the elves. The ultimate goal of the map is still a bit unclear to me, but it can be various things. Kill other players, get the most resources, gain the most favor with elves, control all the bases, or just duke it out. You guys come up with ideas as well! Hope you enjoyed this

Pre-development Screenies:






Crew members



If I forgot to mention anyone or anything, then say so.
Comments/Ideas/Suggestions are highly appreciated!


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Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Mehehe, Part-Time! :smile:

Go chanan12! You'll get loads of support here. But wasn't the real spelling AeronauGHts?
Yeah, lol :p I wasn't really sure whether you were on the team or not, so I put you as a part-timer :D
You can always join the crew if you want :)

And no: the real spelling was Aeronauts, Aeronaughts was a typo by spider22 afaik.
If you like Aeronaughts better, then it can always be changed O_O

Vengeancekael said:
But in the screenshot "The world below", don't you think that's a bit too much fog?
Hey kael :D
Mh, maybe yes... I like it that way though, it adds that little sky-element to it.
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010


If you've got any comments on the lay-out please say so! I want to make this as readable as possible (without too many colors)
It looks awesome. It's very easy to read, and it really seems like everything is included in the right spots. It must have taken you a long time :xxd:

I just noticed the 'fog' in the lower world actually looks like Blizzard's heavy wind weather. That gives the lower area a big particle count and a lot of dense movement. Maybe it can be replaced by some fog doodads? I'm still trying to get hold of that cloud model from Wc3C. Would anyone happen to have it?

And what do you guys think about changing Warriors to Bounty Hunters or something along those lines?
Level 10
May 20, 2008
I saw this idea in its idea thread, but I kinda got lost in it all. I liked the idea from the start however.

On a side note, the world below screenshot actually looks nice depending on how you want it to look. Right now it looks like an industrial wasteland on a harsh planet's surface (which, IMO, would create an interesting backstory for the underworld races). If its just supposed to be a misty version of the sea floor (basically how it is described in the story), I would suggest easing up on the fog.
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
Thanks for all the support guys, but if you want to rep someone: rep chanan12 for the idea, or anyone else on the project whose work you like.
I really don't deserve much credit, I basically said what I wanted to see and created the shop menu which isn't even finished... (apart from creating this thread then, but that's because I wanted to).

can i help with unit creation (like balancing and its spells and name/appearence)? i love unit creating
It's been a while, nub ^^
I'd love you to create the units, since I hate doing them (wasn't really planning on doing them either way).
Umm, only units, or items etc as well? (Since we want to keep a straight line in tooltips to make sure unit and item tooltips look the same).

Brutes? Destroyers? Ravagers? Oh, I can help with simple GUI, if you're wondering. Besides, I can go for simple GUI, Character backgrounds, Hero concepts, Grammar, tooltips.
Hm, you probably have a completely different GUI-style than me :p
I don't mind you doing the gameplay triggers though :D (just make sure you have enough variables for everything and you'll be okay ^^).

Erm .. yes. Great idea! Played Samorost 1 or Samorost 2?
If you need any help with the Corporate-, or Terrain-Art - I would like to help.
Thanks, I just played the second one and it looks a lot like how I wanted to see the map: some sort of fantasy low-tech future.
We can use all the help we can get, I was planning on checking out your map (which seemed like it had a very good terrain, judging from the screenies), so at the moment I would go for Terrain Art.
If there's anything else you're really good at, don't hesitate to say so (no need to be modest about it).
Level 2
Jan 31, 2007
The screenie of the pipes ect. is out of date...not sure if Kont is gunna post the next vers. but he agreed to take some of the pipes out, and maybe your right the mist needs a tone-down :D. It is great that this is going somewhere...its got great potential.
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
Brutes? Destroyers? Ravagers?
Those sound like good variations for the raiders (the hostile "pirate" forces in the skies).

Ap0calypse might get angry at my triggers, they're gonna leak ^^
How to Fix Trigger Leaks

I went searching for some music, and a couple of these seem to really fit the sky theme and possibily the mysteriousness of the lower world area:
Each song is about 780kb to 1.15mb in size when they're compressed as far as Warcraft will accept without losing too much quality, so we can include multiple songs. The music is free to use, of course.
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
Yup, I left ap0calypse a message about it. We can start forking everything into one solid map this week so everyone involved or following the project has a good idea of the overall map setup. So if everyone can finish up some of their project concepts throughout this week, we can put it all together by next weekend (or the week after if not everyone is completely sure what they're supposed to be doing) for an actual demo map.
Level 8
Feb 20, 2009
it was a reply to ap0, i asked to do units and he said yeah and asked if i wanted to do tooltips too. I guess i'll get starting, just give me a basic layout of the races

(will there be different variations, how many classes (or should i make classes), etc)

There are NPC Elves and, then the players can choose from Human, Dwarf, Orc and Goblin. There are maybe a couple NPC Humans or dwarves.

We had an idea of choosing to have a Trading based char, vs. a Warrior based Char. I dont know if people still want to do that. My suggestion is to make items such as "Elven Goblet" and make it so the players can stack up to like 10 in their inventory then they go and sell. And an item such as "Wing Patches" makes you go faster by a tiny bit.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
here are the names and sample names for the actual ships (that's just optional bonuses)

human warrior ship - Air Frigate (The Skybreaker, The Silver Eagle, The White Pearl)
human trader ship - Soaring Merchant (The Lady's Cloud, The Merchant Gryphon, The Soaring Gold)

dwarven warrior ship - Iron Juggernaut (Muradin's Hammer, Fort Unbreakable, Steelholde, Ironram)
dwarven trader ship - Flying Broker (The Great Inventory, Ironforge, The Hoard)

orc warrior ship - Orcish Decimator (Orgrim's Hammer, The Crimson Dragon, The Firebringer)
orc trader ship - Orcish Cargo Frigate (The Black Pearl, The War Loots, The Bloodied Cargo)

goblin warrior ship - War Zeppelin (The Needle, The Airpiercer, The Destroyer)
goblin trader ship - Hovering Factory (Sparkcog, The Airforge, The Grand Workshop)

thats what i have so far, some of the races were hard to make names for the trader ships

i'll do spells next if you want
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
Great ship types and names. Do you have any name/function ideas for ship parts? And by ship parts, I mean types of engines, armor/hull types, sails, cargo holds, etc. Some races will have thicker, but slower parts in general (such as orcs). Other races will have faster, but weaker parts (such as goblins).
Level 3
Jun 9, 2010
Oh lol i´ve been posting to thread in Idea Factory category so i apologize for not posting here :/
Ye, the world below image is kinda outdated, and yes, it uses currently heavy wind weather as i haven´t found eny better thing to be fog. But it will surely change, dont worry.
Here´s a updated pic of elven village on surface. (removed pipes, reduced building scale, added stuff, removed wind)
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
@ Landmine: Afaik, yes, but I think someone else (coffeeholic or chanan) would better reply to that.

@ De.Facto: High-res models: depends, for what will they be used?
These should be used as efficient as possible, so for terraining purposes is all right with me.

@ Indomitable: Aye, yeah... I think you'll just stay our loyal BETA-tester, idea generator, commenter etc... :p I dislike leaks, they're evil :(

New Ranks:

Cofeeholic is now the official Project Leader of the group.
Chanan12 is the creative director, inventing/aproving ideas.
WhereWolfThereWolf has accepted the offer of becoming a music director.
Takakenji and De.Facto joined our ranks as the Object Manager and Terrain Creator, respectively.

I think the rest stays as it is.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Great ship types and names. Do you have any name/function ideas for ship parts? And by ship parts, I mean types of engines, armor/hull types, sails, cargo holds, etc. Some races will have thicker, but slower parts in general (such as orcs). Other races will have faster, but weaker parts (such as goblins).

sure, i'll post those in a few, i'll do it after lunch (which im eating now)


human warrior ship - Air Frigate - A well balanced ship with equal hull strength and sailing speed and moderate damage.
human trader ship - Soaring Merchant - A very low health and low armor ship, but the fastest ship in the game with great sails. This holds the least cargo.

dwarven warrior ship - Iron Juggernaut - Very strong hulls and very powerful firepower, but has a slow reload time and slow movement speed.
dwarven trader ship - Flying Broker - Strong hull and lots of health but slowest movement speed of any other trader (isn't necessarily slow, just slowest) This holds the 2nd most cargo.

orc warrior ship - Orcish Decimator - Very similar to the Iron Juggernaut, except it has less health and weaker hulls and less damage but a much faster reload time.
orc trader ship - Orcish Cargo Frigate - A moderately fast trader ship (still slower than goblins or humans) with high armor but low health. This holds the 3rd most cargo.

goblin warrior ship - War Zeppelin - A unique type of ship, instead of firing one cannon at a time it fires multiple cannons. The cannons do low damage but they are so fast and there are so many its power can rival one of a Iron Juggernaut (phoenix fire edit?). Zeppelins are very durable but very exposed, giving it very high armor but low health. Zeppelins are also very fast, and are the fastest battleships in the game.
goblin trader ship - Hovering Factory - A little bit slower than the Orcish Cargo Frigate but faster than the Fying Broker, the Flying Broker is equipped with some defense. It has a weak cannon for self defense but all it can do is stun a ship to escape and cannot do any major damage. The Hovering Factory has moderate health and armor. This holds the most cargo.
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Level 8
Feb 20, 2009
Ok, those ship names are very nice, but are those the general names of the ships? Because we could easily add a system where players can name there own ships. Also the abilities you made are great, they resemble my original abilities the ships would have. One thing is i really want the Humans to have some sort of diplomacy ability. And the dwarves to have an ability that allows then to sell for higher prices because their craft is the highest quality. Orcs are stronger fighters than everyone else (you got that one) Goblins, i really like the ideas you put but maybe the goblins can sell many many things for low price? Thats just some feedback on your ideas.

***For Everyone***: The map will be 256x256 size, also the units/terrain on the surface should be sized down and the camera zoomed in a bit, to make the map look even bigger, maybe even the sky half of the map can be sized down. Also when we cut the map into pieces it can be sized differently so everything looks right EX: The mist is sized so there is space to build a small town/harvesting areas, while the sky is sized for an RPG with 9-10 floating towns/cities (one for each race and 1 or 2 for pirates). And as far as travel goes i think the ships should move very slow to give a sense of distance. maybe the slowest ship should go a speed of 80-100. And the fastest 150-200. And in the Surface terrain when the trees are cut down the mosters should start spawning, there should be items that you bring from the surface like "Tower in a Box" that makes a defensive tower so that you can fight off the creatures when you cut down the mushrooms, that of corse is in the bases early stages. in the later stages you will have soldiers.

Edit: @Kontulainen, Some things about the terrain that you should know. There should be forests of mushroom trees that the players can cut down, 90% of the map should be mushroom forest, this way the players land on a small clearing and start harvesting, there should be a least 10 clearings, make them small. These mushrooms should have collision and should be able to be cut down. You can make other mushroom doodads that are just for looks. Also you can add vines and ugly growth for aesthetics.
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Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
Ok, those ship names are very nice, but are those the general names of the ships? Because we could easily add a system where players can name there own ships. Also the abilities you made are great, they resemble my original abilities the ships would have. One thing is i really want the Humans to have some sort of diplomacy ability. And the dwarves to have an ability that allows then to sell for higher prices because their craft is the highest quality. Orcs are stronger fighters than everyone else (you got that one) Goblins, i really like the ideas you put but maybe the goblins can sell many many things for low price? Thats just some feedback on your ideas.

yeah, those are good ideas, like dwarves have less products but they sell high and goblins mass produce them but they sell lower

and yeah i forgot to include the humans diplomacy

btw yes those were general names so you can do your own ship naming system if you want
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
too cartoonish imo
I second this.

Although I like the music, this would fit more for a Castlevania / FF-type map.
This is a semi-professional piece of music, but it's meant as an example.
You can keep the current style, but then more lower notes and less active (yet more active than the music in the video).
The file size exceeds my expectations though, if you could keep it like that, it would be awesome (you can even 10-fold that file size xD).

That sounds nice, but how about treasure barrels in the air? :D Like a barrel with a hellix? :D That would actually be funny.
Lol xD There are islands, you know? :)
Hot-air-balloon-barrels are pretty awesome though :p
ap0calypse is a glorious beacon of light (515)ap0calypse is a glorious beacon of light (515)ap0calypse is a glorious beacon of light (515)ap0calypse is a glorious beacon of light (515)ap0calypse is a glorious beacon of light (515)

Originally Posted by takakenji View Post
too cartoonish imo
I second this.

Although I like the music, this would fit more for a Castlevania / FF-type map.
This is a semi-professional piece of music, but it's meant as an example.
You can keep the current style, but then more lower notes and less active (yet more active than the music in the video).
The file size exceeds my expectations though, if you could keep it like that, it would be awesome (you can even 10-fold that file size xD).

Well Chanan first thought that sort of style would be good, I'll see what I can do - ok scrap that first WiP.

Also it's low filesize is because it's an MIDI file - a good quality MP3 file will be much larger sadly

Also, my god that's a repitive song you linked.
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
I remember talk about being able to leave your airship to explore on foot. Will this be included?
Everyone seems to agree on being able to have troops descend in airships into the lower world, so they might as well be able to walk on islands or platforms in the sky outside of the airship as well.

Mh, thought about high-res models?
High-res as in large file size, high quality textures? Since it's going to be a fairly big multiplayer map, we should focus on using as little particles and polygons as possible to reduce lag. We're importing music and different types of ships, so we might not have a whole lot of file space for large texture files. This map isn't really meant to be as high-res as much as it is about introducing the concept and feel of being in the sky.

Lol xD There are islands, you know? :)
Hot-air-balloon-barrels are pretty awesome though :p
There could be special events where balloon barrels are launched out and contain different items :razz: But that could be something we do after we get the basic stuff done first.

Yeah I meant floating text sorry for the confusion.
Let's focus on that later. We'll have plenty more important things to add in, and a ship naming system would just be cosmetic. It's still good to keep in mind later on though.

Although I like the music, this would fit more for a Castlevania / FF-type map.
Sounds cool, but it seems more futuristic or steampunk than the Warcraft universe, even if this doesn't take place in the regular Warcraft world. I do agree with you that it would fit something like Castlevania very well, but not so much in this type of map.

And Lookup the song Sackpipslät by Azam Ali. Its got a cool medieval feel, just an idea.
I really like that one. It sounds a little too Celtic bagpipe-ish, but it's one of my favorite songs suggested so far. Maybe if we reduce the volume of it a bit from its original, it'll fit the map perfectly.
Level 31
Jul 7, 2008
alright, i can start doing spell ideas for each ship if you guys want, all i need is max level and how many levels per spell

btw traders are going to have spells right?

btw i also have a "boarding" system idea, if an enemy ship has low enough health and you get close to it you could be able to board it and fight its crew

also there should be a ship capturing system, were you can capture ships and choose to keep them (it would be a weaker unit version of the hero) or sell them
Level 10
May 20, 2008
alright, i can start doing spell ideas for each ship if you guys want, all i need is max level and how many levels per spell

btw traders are going to have spells right?

btw i also have a "boarding" system idea, if an enemy ship has low enough health and you get close to it you could be able to board it and fight its crew

also there should be a ship capturing system, were you can capture ships and choose to keep them (it would be a weaker unit version of the hero) or sell them
Interesting ideas:
For this boarding system: I think it should be based on a new value in the game: moral (1% min, 100% max). The higher the moral, the better your units are in non-led attacks (where your hero/ship isn't involved). You gain moral by doing missions or going on raids (for warriors or w/e their new name is). You lose moral by doing the opposite of your heroes role (attacking other ships when you are a broker, or doing trading/cargo missions if your warriors).
Also, if the ship is at <40%, you can board it. If you win (determined by the moral values of both ships' (neutral ships are at 70% moral) higher one wins), you capture the ship (if the ship capturing system said above is used), or you gain its upgrades/equipment (if not used, or you choose not to keep it). Note: Capturing wont decrease a brokers moral, however, keeping the ship would decrease the value (make you more of a fleet), but selling or getting the upgrades/equipment will not.
My 2 cents worth at any rate. Hope it can be of some use.
Level 4
Apr 10, 2010
You guys do realize there are going to be pirate-like raiders in the skies, right? Having the fear of running into those is bad enough, but having your ship boarded and captured is too much. Or did you mean NPC ships can be captured? Either way, we decided only one ship can be used at a time per person.

Gaining a defeated ship's equipment and upgrades sounds like really good idea.

alright, i can start doing spell ideas for each ship if you guys want, all i need is max level and how many levels per spell

btw traders are going to have spells right?
Ships will have levels, not the units that go inside them since it's more about the airships than the units in this game. The units could just have inventories to sell and buy items to put into their ships. I honestly have no idea what a decent max level for ships would be. 100 seems a bit much, but there should be enough to keep the game interesting for a long time. Maybe something along the lines of 25-30, and we can make it a big feat to have actually leveled a ship.

Maybe traders have types of bartering skills that cause NPCs they're trading with to give them better deals?
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Level 8
Feb 20, 2009
yeah, players can be captured, but they should get like an event which makes all pirates friendly to them and they can do pirate quests which is a chain of quests which will result in you fighting for freedom

Well. I dont think that players should be pirates, because we would almost have to make an another entire game, quests, items, ships, upgrades. all that for if a player gets captured,it might even go completely unused if nobody gets captured? No, if a player gets captured then their ship should become hostile where it stands, and they restart the game. If a player dies then they respawn at their base and all their items are lost. Maybe allow 5 restarts, or "lives"

**I think we should consider starting, i think with this thread it should be more actions, than ideas. i can make concept of what i think this game should look like if you want. For the modeler, and terrainer.
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