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(1) Project Y4: A Total Conversion

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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Indeed. One of my favourite non-combat things in-game are just checking all the notes/books/data teminals/other stuff that contain some intresting information, sometimes practical that you could use, sometimes lulzy easter egg ones... oh, also some messages and other information from researchers, similar to one from X-com, would be awesome. Like you know, you find a data terminal, you extract information from it and get a message that one sent from one RDZ tech researchers to another one, complaning about the newest prototype having some overheat problems and some vulnerability.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
It's not like the player wouldn't want to know some of the backstories of the drones.
Tleno's suggestion kinda reminds me of Metriod Prime's scanning system.
I've always been a fan of Monster Manuals that build up as you encounter things, but I don't really think WC3 is equipped to deal with it.

I suppose I do have an entire spare command card in the Cargo Hold, so it might actually be possible to line up some personal computer screens there.
Indeed. One of my favourite non-combat things in-game are just checking all the notes/books/data teminals/other stuff that contain some intresting information, sometimes practical that you could use, sometimes lulzy easter egg ones... oh, also some messages and other information from researchers, similar to one from X-com, would be awesome. Like you know, you find a data terminal, you extract information from it and get a message that one sent from one RDZ tech researchers to another one, complaning about the newest prototype having some overheat problems and some vulnerability.
There is plenty of this, though currently they're mostly "here's a hint about this hilarious artillery mod we made and you'll find later". Still have a lot of computer data to add though, not to mention converting (and extending, hurr hurr) all the tooltip-screens into full-screens.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
What about disabling/messing up weapons
(like making targeted spells hit targets opposite the intended)
I do make some use of Soul Burn, which disables spell casting (limiting you to just attacking and moving, so no EMP or artillery or overdrive or undercarriage mod).

Other kinds of screwing around... Hmm. I can't think of anything specific that would actually work right now. I could play with the Artillery targetting, but then you'd just realise you had a virus and stop wasting shells.

I really want to implement something where all control is lost and you just walk forward, though. Glorious carnage would ensue.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
What do you mean by the virus?

It's a computer programm which does something bad to your computer.

So this one is some kind of effect that would someway mess with all the control systems of the mechs!

Oh I got an idea! ServoLock™! This one once every x seconds completely disables all the servo systems and shuts down the cockpit systems for one second. Then it turns on, but movement speed gets decreased because of the servo system settings getting reset. Then over like three-five seconds movement speed restores back to normal, and after five more seconds it happens again. This way, one second you're completely disabled, five seconds you're slown dows, and fire other you're ok. And then it goes again.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Well it'd be easier to counter, but a virus that randomly toggles between reversing movement orders and shifting it to a randomly chosen angle could cause some fun
Except that reversing movement orders and shifting facing angle don't really have much effect on a top-down right-click-to-issue-order setup; you can counter anything bad by just clicking repeatedly. There are no arrow key controls here where real fun can be had.
I think that the virus should only be deactivated via a fun little mini-game where you type in codes to disable it, or something of that nature.
That would break flow too much. If, if, if I ever add some kind of virus mechanic, it will be some kind of crazy debuff for a period of time. It's fine breaking flow on your own terms to read a text message, but quite another to pull you out of combat to deactivate a buff.
Oh I got an idea! ServoLock™! This one once every x seconds completely disables all the servo systems and shuts down the cockpit systems for one second. Then it turns on, but movement speed gets decreased because of the servo system settings getting reset. Then over like three-five seconds movement speed restores back to normal, and after five more seconds it happens again. This way, one second you're completely disabled, five seconds you're slown dows, and fire other you're ok. And then it goes again.
So... Storm Bolt and Purge. :ogre_icwydt:

I'm more concerned about the defence segment right now, since I fixed the horrible issue. My goal is now to make it fit the phrase "non-stop balls-to-the-wall action". Even if it only lasts 15 or 20 minutes, you should age at least five years in that time.
If a unit use an ability it will cancel attack-move order that's what trigger "return to original position" behavior.

You can use
  • AI - Recycle unit guard position
along with a periodic attack-move order.It will update the return location of the unit to where they're currently standing instead of where they spawned.It will cancel current order though so you have to use this trigger line before attack-move order.Like this :
  • AI - Recycle Unit guard position.
  • Unit - Order Unit to attack-move to Location
There's also a constant to modificate neutral building aggro range.
It is set to 600 by default.It is 600 range from their guard position not where the unit is standing.
If you update their guard position with previous trick and set building detection range to greater value maybe you can still use Neutral hostile player with this trigger.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Oh, for a moment I thought it was a computer virus lol.

Well yeah. Only not a real one, but an in-game one. Not like that issue in Warcraft, but just a made up virus that would be effecting your mech (hero).

Oh, and what about viruses not working like some target/debuff, but maybe like Aoe debuff that that effects the mech when you're in area pof effect of some vehicle with satelite dish or whatever?
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
If a unit use an ability it will cancel attack-move order that's what trigger "return to original position" behavior./QUOTE]
Return-home wasn't my problem; I sorted that years ago by setting return time/distance to stupidly high. My problem was an engine bug, pure and simple. We've always known NH is a bit flaky in some situations, it just seems to break entirely sometimes.

Oh, and what about viruses not working like some target/debuff, but maybe like Aoe debuff that that effects the mech when you're in area pof effect of some vehicle with satelite dish or whatever?
There is currently the Suppressor mech (or rather, a Delta mounted with Suppressor units instead of guns), which cannot attack but uses Soul Burn to disable your high-level abilities. I would definitely like to introduce further upgrades of this machine into a full electronic-warfare platform with stunning, magic-nulling, and all that goodness. Adding AoE debuffs using negatived auras would be really easy and I haven't the faintest idea why I haven't done this already.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Yes, some kind of areas with debuffs would be awesome, possibly some sophisticated devies that get spawned some way and jam you or maybe some area stuff, maybe like those radiation fields or hot steam comming from pipes or electric wiring cables just like in Half life... well sure mech should be protected from effects like that, but they still could cause some problems. Oh, als there should possibly be some vents with steam comming that could block the sight... that would be cool as some kind of stealth mini-game...
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Yes, some kind of areas with debuffs would be awesome, possibly some sophisticated devies that get spawned some way and jam you or maybe some area stuff, maybe like those radiation fields or hot steam comming from pipes or electric wiring cables just like in Half life... well sure mech should be protected from effects like that, but they still could cause some problems. Oh, als there should possibly be some vents with steam comming that could block the sight... that would be cool as some kind of stealth mini-game...
WC3 is totally shitbutts at line of sight, so I don't care to go there. The AP-AM is also designed for all possible combat situations, but it's really not built for stealth.

There are already some vaguely debuff areas. Some pools of toxic biosludge can be walked through, and this will damage you. Some pools of molten lava/slag can be walked through, and this will raise your temperature (instant death when you hit the limit). The rest of the environmental hazards come from all manner of explosive barrel, though I've yet to even attempt to make enemies deliberately shoot them.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
I revealed gas barrels last year, get with the times.:ogre_frown:

I did some more work on the node hacking maze mini-game today. I have implemented a method of collecting keypad codes: each node hacking game instance will have one keypad code inside it, in the form of four "lost data packets" (may be renamed later), one for each digit. If you only manage to collect, say, three, then only those three digits will be printed into your datavault; you'll have to guess the last or find a computer with it.:ogre_hurrhurr:

If you fail the hacking segment, then you'll be able to try again next time you try to hack (but starting from scratch to collect all four); if you win the segment without collecting all four, the few digits in the datavault will have to do.:ogre_icwydt:

I'm hoping that by the time I actually end up adding enemies and hazards to the game itself, and the get-raped-by-a-bot-patrol loss punishment, collecting the entire key-code may not be a top priority over just getting through the maze.:ogre_haosis:


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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
[edit] Noun

ingress (plural ingresses)

  1. The act of entering.
  2. Permission to enter.
  3. A door or other means of entering.
Will there be a special interface for the 'Quests' Menu too?
Nah, I'm used to working with the quests menu. The Datavault quest gets a "requirement" for each note, normal quests are broken down completely as standard. If I had the choice I would probably dispense with the description and leave it as pure objectives, but as far as I'm concered the quest menu as it stands is completely fit for purpose.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I meant like, making words come out after some buzzing on the screen (Like a TV with no reception) occurs whenever you click on the Quests menu.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
I have updated the Delta drone cockpit a little bit so it is nicer. The glass panels were a bit squished and stretched because of the shape of the face plates, so I decided to make the plate out of mirrored halves. Then, to justify the extra vertices, I pulled the new middle line out to give the face a little more depth. You can see the screenshot on the ModDB profile here.
Hmmm... well at last custom interface can be immplemented in SC2...
Guess what game I'm not modding right now?
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
I have updated the Delta drone cockpit a little bit so it is nicer. The glass panels were a bit squished and stretched because of the shape of the face plates, so I decided to make the plate out of mirrored halves. Then, to justify the extra vertices, I pulled the new middle line out to give the face a little more depth. You can see the screenshot on the ModDB profile here.

Guess what game I'm not modding right now?

Oh, cool, now it looks so much beter...

Erm... Prince of Persia? Kidding, I know it's Starcraft 2.
I'm so sorry... I promise I won't ask that next time:)
I think I made so much more annoying useless questions than you and I'm not feeling bad for that. You should learn that from me.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
I finally managed to get through the defence segment, and thus on to the three boss encounters planned for afterwards. Despite being completely untested, they all turned out pretty well for a first run -- still many elements to add and refine, of course, but here's the run-down:

Two artillery turrets guard the north Telegraph router. They might seem to have a shorter range than their mobile cousins, but don't be fooled -- as soon as they take any damage, an integrated force field projector will immediately spring into life to make them completely impervious to attack. You'll have to dodge both turrets' attacks and use EMP to keep their shields off for as long as possible.


Despite being the home of biosludge, the waste annex Telegraph router is guarded by the fruits of the Firegun project -- though the walker and the turret will do you little damage, they will heat your mech up to such levels that it may spontaneously explode. And when destroyed, the thaelite residue stored in the tanks of each will ruin the day of anything standing nearby.


In the transport hub is the pride of the RDZ Industries mining equipment range -- the Alpha Miner. Heavily armoured and mounted with two huge drill-saws, this beast's attacks will chew through all your defences while you flail ineffectually at its rock-proof blast shields.


I think I will troll you more by throwing normal drone spawnies and electronic warfare platforms at you for each. As if all the scripted troll mechanics weren't bad enough. :ogre_hurrhurr:


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Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Fireguns dont seem to be a big problem, same for Alpha miners, but the first one looks real tricky.
Bear in mind that if you die, they return to full hit points and any dead units involved come back -- you have to defeat the entire boss encounter (or run through and kill the Telegraph router and ignore it, but I've tried to design the encounters in such a way that doing so is not practical) in one run or it's back to square one.

Fireguns are a problem because there is no way to cool down bar running away -- there are FIVE Fireguns and three Firegun turrets, all of which will explode on death. Yeah.
Omg how do you do that, it looks so... Neat.
And that's why I get the big bucks.:ogre_hurrhurr:
By the way, so are you going to leave the textures of models as they are now, or will you increase the detailisation? Because I personnally like the current bit cartoonish style a lot, but I'm not sure if you'll leave it as it is now.
Please die.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Okay from your responses how amateurish my questions and suggestions were. But that doesn't mean I'll shut up completely.
I just couldn't find any other word that would fit the looks of the model's textures, that's why I used "cartoonish". So anyway hope the current syle will stay, I just love it.

Okay, that much of fireguns doe sound real hard...
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