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» Warcraft III - Paranoia

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Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
Okay guys I have found a way to show warcraft 3 correctly on my computer (but just in the windowed mode but I think its better than nothing) also I can show you something new one and for the begin I want to show you something new a UI wip and some other little changes like the clock and the wall :p
Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
I can't believe that's still Warcraft!
The tape on the UI, the command buttons, the icons OMFG!!! The F9-F12 background looks so awesome... The green bar and the blue bar on the health and mana... The blood splattered all over the UI... OMFG!!!

Thank you but its still wip and the icon are from the old paranoia version also they will be changed and this for sure.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Damn, you're outdoing yourself :D

Real texture is like the HD textures by Born2Modificate.

I see.. The texture Real-ly sucks. Get it? Get it!? Lol just kidding..

I like the selection circle, but it would be nice if it were smaller, I think selection circles are a bit distracting in WC3.
The floor looks real-ly nice. Again with the "Real-ly" stuff? Real-ly? xD
Are the characters gonna be 'alive'? Like, it will have superb detailed anims for everything? Judging from the screenie, the death anim looks pretty sick (in a good way).

The selection circles look alright to me. It should stand out more, but get less attention. That sickly green ring around my Wc3 units looks like shit compared to the beautiful, slightly translucent green circle. Very soft on the eyes. Seriously!
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Are you able to Model High Resolution stuff too? Or must there be some program to do it properly?

A model's quality is based on.. Number of Polys, and Size of and Detail of The Texture..

The larger the texture the higher res it is.. The more polys the more normal the model looks.. Have you ever seen a model that has giant poking objects sticking out of it.. Have you ever seen a Grunt's hand? They are deformed and box-shaped because they only use like 6-10 polys for their hands.
Level 23
Dec 20, 2009
Actually the size of the texture does only matter to a specific size in warcraft 3 as long as you use the normal game camere, 1024 x 1024 compared to 512 x 512 is not really a difference visible, while in a closeup there is a big difference visible.

Anyways: On topic, have you tried to adjust the colour of the selection circle to the UI, if that is possible ? (not sure wether possible and goodlooking, but maybe worht a try)
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Actually the size of the texture does only matter to a specific size in warcraft 3 as long as you use the normal game camere, 1024 x 1024 compared to 512 x 512 is not really a difference visible, while in a closeup there is a big difference visible.

Anyways: On topic, have you tried to adjust the colour of the selection circle to the UI, if that is possible ? (not sure wether possible and goodlooking, but maybe worht a try)

Larger textures still increase quality, they also increase map size.

I tried doing so, I think it is possible to change the color.
Level 11
Sep 1, 2008
We've already tested the demo. Grievous is nearly done with his work on Paranoia. Fireeye is currently working on the tweaking of the combat-system fixing the leaks and other performance-updates. Due to the lack of coders, and the amount of work which hasn't been done so far, I would like to call your attention to our recruitment-thread. Two of our best coders are currently inactive.
Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
I'm sorry but it really is the easiest thing in the world lol.
(Made a black one for a friend once)

- But i will make the Gray ring for you tomorrow or something.
mmkay? :)

The black variation is easy (because if you reskin the texture of the selection circel in a other color than white he will have the black color) but a colored one we will see but in anyway thanks for your support. have a nice day
Level 14
Apr 22, 2006
I remember seeing colored circles somwhere...
I think the selection circel is not really a very important thing for the project itself but I think I musst remember all followers that all what are you see is just in an alpha stage but for sure I open for changes and ideas also we will see what the user eMo2LoVe can do for the project. I will show you some progress at sunday if I will find enough time... over and out :)
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I'm sure we'll be able to do the coloured thingy.

PS: Don't worry, you guys just need to focus on the main part of the project, me and my group of friends will be helping you guys find out how to edit the color:)

Edit: This is gonna be harder than I thought, have you tried editing from This Link Here Might Be A Mistake, I Just Searched On Google And Saw Some Keywords In It somewhere or maybe This Is The Closest I've Got, It's Something To Do With Creating Circles Under A Character. If all else fails, maybe doing a custom Trigger for it would help :x
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Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
I'm sure we'll be able to do the coloured thingy.

PS: Don't worry, you guys just need to focus on the main part of the project, me and my group of friends will be helping you guys find out how to edit the color:)

Edit: This is gonna be harder than I thought, have you tried editing from This Link Here Might Be A Mistake, I Just Searched On Google And Saw Some Keywords In It somewhere or maybe This Is The Closest I've Got, It's Something To Do With Creating Circles Under A Character. If all else fails, maybe doing a custom Trigger for it would help :x

@TheSillyGirls(Emo2Love\Miss_Foxy): I don't mean to be a massive fucking asshole, but, there is no god damn way to make a colored circle.. I've tried everything for my map. A sexy shape is as good as you can do.
If me and Grievous can't find it, nobody else can find it.

@Grievous1: I think it would be best if you kept a custom circle even without the awesome colors, it adds an element that makes the game feel less like Warcraft. Either that or remove circles all together to make it more realistic.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
But Riot, I've seen somewhere that when a unit recieves a buff (For example, a frost slow), it changes tint and there's one instance of that affecting the circle color.
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
But Riot, I've seen somewhere that when a unit recieves a buff (For example, a frost slow), it changes tint and there's one instance of that affecting the circle color.

Nope. Frost affects model tint, the circle isn't part of the model. I am a nobody on THW but I have mastered World Editor, there is no way to change the circle color to the best of any members knowledge including my own.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Hmm... So the dummy unit would be one of the few ways to do it? Maybe make it's circle really small so it can't be seen, then use an aura as the circle but without a dummy unit?
Level 22
Jul 25, 2009
Hmm... So the dummy unit would be one of the few ways to do it? Maybe make it's circle really small so it can't be seen, then use an aura as the circle but without a dummy unit?

A dummy unit and an aura are the same thing in this instance they would both be required to make it work right. And that is not one of the few, it's the only way to do it.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
I'm sure if we think out of the box long enough, we'll find a better solution:)
Like having the circle as part of the unit model.
Oh yeah, baby! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! I discovered the only way! :pPPPPPPPPP

@topic: That's a bad idea. That circle will appear permanently then even when you haven't selected the unit.
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