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★ (6) Mass Destruction ★

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Wepon Ideas:

no1: the radioative grenade launcher.
this one would work unlike the others, instad of having auto fire it will increase the distance the grenade will travel, when the fire button is realeased the grenade is launched eg.

T--O <- 1 Second
T---O <- 2 Seconds
T----O <- 3 Seconds
T-----O <- 4 Seconds
T------O <- 5 Seconds
Auto Launch <- 6 seconds

T= Tank
-= distance (100)
O= Grenade landing spot

the seconds are how long the fire button has been held for. also the landing area should be shown by a marker so the player knows where it will land.

at six seconds the grenade will be fired anyway.

The grenade could be also a cluster bomb, bouncing bomb, normal bomb, ect.

The grenade itself is weak but it will create a toxic area for so long (a bit like flame strike)

no2: lock on missiles.
The idea is that before these can be fired they must have a target to lock onto, to lock on the firing player must keep their mouse centerd over the target for so long (the futher away from the centre of the tank the longer it takes) only one lockon missile can be fired by a player at all times or they have a very high heat generation, these missiles are of medium strength (like the standard missiles) and can be folled quite easily by going behind a wall or debris with the missile wont detect and the missile will blow up.

TF---M--T <- missile follows target
TF---M--|_|--T <- Target moves behind debris

TF---M--B--T <- Missile collides with debris blowing up

TF-----T <- Target survives.

TF=tank witch fires
-= Path of missile
|_|= debris
B= Blast (or boom)

no3: flaming tracks.
These are a passive weapon, the tank will leave a tail of fire witch will heat up and damage anyone who touches it, it doesn't effect the tank that made the trail and neither does it damage another tank with the same weapon, ofcourse the weapon can be toggled so you can save the tracks for a time where they are of more use to a player

the weapons 'ammunition' will be measured in seconds untill it becomes inneffective

also the weapon will have a multiplyer:
the hotter your tank the stronger the flame path and you can see this from the flames are more vivid.


====T <- Tank with low heat
====T <- Tank with medium heat
====T <- Tank with high heat

= =low heat trail
= =Medium heat trail
= =High heat trail

No4. particle lazer (also known as shoop da whoop but thats just childish)
When used the Tank will fire a continous beam (neednot be blue)
witch is solid and will change lenght of the beam if something gets in the way.

T==========| <- nothing in the way
T====|_|----| <- Debris blocking

T==========| <- Debris smashed laser extends

T= tank
= = Laser segment
| = wall
-= where the laser would go if nothing was in the way
|_| = debris

The laser ammuntion measured in seconds untill it cannot be fired.

Strength: unknown depending on how hard it is to get on of them.

Hope that you like some of these ideas
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Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
I haven't tried the new v. and there's no changelog but I think the weapons are too op, it's really easy to just spam someone down.
Save and Load system does not work.
What exactly isn't working? The saving? The loading? Is your code invalid?

I haven't tried the new v. and there's no changelog but I think the weapons are too op, it's really easy to just spam someone down.
In 0.5.2, the tank default armor has been increased by 50%.
And the changelog isn't up yet.
Level 3
Oct 19, 2008
If i click on save, he gives me a code, if i want to load it, hes saying Invalid Code.
And hes often giving me the same code. I have tried it a lot times.

Edit: It works, you need to make the Red letters great and the other small, sorry, didn't checked.
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It isn't that much really.

Mass Destruction
0.5.2 changelog:

 • A special effect has been added to the jump ability.
 • Tank preview models [I]should[/I] now display correctly on all platforms.
 • Tank armor has been increased by 50%.
 • Screen will now shake when the player is taking damage.
 • The chatbox texttags has been replaced with a new text system.
 • New weapon included: Flamethrower.
 • Host command added: "[B]-forceready[/B]" ; Forces all players into a 'ready' status to immediately start the game.
 • Numerous minor code changes and bug fixes.

Plus some more which I don't remember.

The flamethrower works similar to the default machinegun except it can go right through tanks and obstacles -- and it deals a lot more damage.
Beta released

Version 0.6.0 Beta has been released. Download it from the first post.
Mass Destruction
0.6.0 changelog:

 • Map is now in beta state.
 • First actual level is under construction.
 • Four new unlockable tank models has been added.
 • New power-ups added: Hyper Cooler, Double Power and Double Armor.
 • Leveling up dialog now notifies players about tank model unlocks.
 • Fixed a bug with the leveling up dialog message.
 • Players can no longer level up in singleplayer games.
 • Level-creation code is now better organized and easier to maintain.
 • Tank portals implemented.
 • Host command added: "-skipscore" or "-skip" ; Quickly skip the scorescreen.

Nice replay.

Permanent Invulnerability? That's a pretty serious bug. I'll look into it when I get home.
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Mass Destruction
0.6.1 changelog:

 • Fixed a bug with the Invincibility timer.
 • Anti-tank missile damage reduced by 33%.
 • A lame flamethrower ammunition bug has been fixed.
 • Added a new tiny test level.
 • Major pathing cleanup of 'Circle of Destruction'.

BTW, the new area is pretty good, why remove the test level though?
Because I didn't like it.
Level 3
Nov 16, 2009
The Arrow keys always have their bad side and it would be delay, I suggest change the arrow key to

W - Move Up
A - Move Left
D - Move Right
S - Move Down

Those kind of moves is currently easy.

And weapon changes - Arrow Key Left Back Weapon and Right Next Weapon, Super - Q
E - Bump ( I duno what Bump do)
Tested it with a friend. Somehow, couldn't save the replay.
Oh.. lol. I forgot I disabled replay saving in 0.5.2 :p

Anyway,another thing: Player 2's camera keeps shaking. He was using the Third Person camera and it shook like hell. Would be great if you addressed this issue or tell us if it was intended.
Was not intended. The bug has been dealt with.
Level 3
Oct 19, 2008
Well, i liked the old testing Area, it was cool, small and with two secret ways to new weapons. You should keep going at doing this map, i think, if 1.00 is released, there will be a lot of guys hosting it. Anyway... the new powerups are a bit imba and i don't like the second "Arena" level, its strange and uber. What about thinking to make new weapons and more Levels. The thing, i don't like too is, that you have removed two tank models, i liked that one with the satellite thing^^ it was funny. What about a new mode: Team Deathmatch, so you can make a level, where are two startpoints, one for team 1, other for team 2. At the startpoints are some weapons and a repair thing. At the way to the other base, there should be some more weapons and powerups. That level could be Forest or something like that. Just use the normal wc3 terrain and make a forest, where trees can be destroyed and some other things too.
Well, i liked the old testing Area, it was cool, small and with two secret ways to new weapons.
It was also unbalanced and, as stated, just a temporary test level.

Anyway... the new powerups are a bit imba and i don't like the second "Arena" level, its strange and uber. What about thinking to make new weapons and more Levels.
A bit too powerful perhaps, but not imbalanced.
The new mini-level serves mainly as a test level for new powerups.
More weapons, levels and powerups will be added to the game as I get closer to version 1.0.0.

The thing, i don't like too is, that you have removed two tank models, i liked that one with the satellite thing^^ it was funny.
I never removed any tank models - I've added four new ones. With the three models that were already in, that makes it 7 playable tank models in the game right now. What satellite thing?

What about a new mode: Team Deathmatch, so you can make a level, where are two startpoints, one for team 1, other for team 2. At the startpoints are some weapons and a repair thing. At the way to the other base, there should be some more weapons and powerups. That level could be Forest or something like that. Just use the normal wc3 terrain and make a forest, where trees can be destroyed and some other things too.
Team deathmatch will appear in Mass Destruction, but will play like the normal deathmatch, just with allies and enemies. This is because all levels will have to be compatible with all game modes.
Huge update released.
Mass Destruction
0.7.0 changelog:

 • New weapons: Gatling Laser, High Velocity Rockets, Concussion Beam and Pop-up Mines
 • Fixed a bug with the radio dialog.
 • Added a dialog holding the Host Commands.
 • Camera damage shaking issue fixed.
 • New Game Mode added: Team Deathmatch.
 • All weapon icons added.
 • Level name is now displayed to all players.
 • A little scorescreen bug has been fixed.
 • Weapon code has been better organized.
 • Weapon power-up priorities has been changed.
 • Fixed a major issue with the deathmatch score counter.
 • When browsing between weapons, weapon icons will now display above your tank.
 • New weapon power-up models added.
 • Fixed a bug with the tank portals.
 • Handle data attachment method switched from '[H2I-offset]' to a safer hashtable method. The reason being handle ids exceeding the array sizes.
 • The scoretable code has been completely rewritten to support team matches.
 • New level added.
 • Fixed loads of minor bugs.


I would appreciate if someone with access to battle.net could take screenshots of Mass Destruction in action and post those in this thread.
Thank you, and enjoy. :)
/me passes out due to awesomeness overload

/me utterly loves The gatling laser

EDIT: after extrensive bug serching I found this, I'm not sure if it exists on B.net (as I was playing lan with my bro)

When you level up, But dont close the dialog until the next round you end up with no ui(this would seem to be the cause) so I ended up not knowing my ammo and heat as well as powerup if I hadn't noticed what it was when I first picked it up, as well As unaware of my score and suchlike.



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I have managed to find another bug, this one also not a large one but I suppose it's still a bug, After parking my tank on a powerup (I did it in the middle) when the round ended, when I go to pick a stage my tank is still in the middle of the stage :p


This one is only a small one so It doesn't matter a large amount But it was all I could find so far.


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Found another minor bug, Took a while but I noticed it eventually. I don't know if you noticed it before and again it doesn't have any real affect to the game but I tought i might as well say it:

When you level up, in the menu sometimes (maybe all the time) it won't display your level anymore so you might lose track.

another tiny one: 0 on the multiboard is displayed as a blank space, This completaly doesn't matter but oh well :p

Still looking for more.
New release - new bugs to be found.
Mass Destruction
0.8.0 changelog:

 • Fixed a bug with the status bar (gameplay interface) not showing up when a dialog was active.
 • Added a spectator mode.
 • Respawn method has been improved.
 • Added two new gamemodes: Annihilation and Juggernaut.
 • Fixed a bug with the EMP cooldown timers.
 • Fixed a bug with the new scoretable not giving correct rewards.
 • New weapon added: Mortar Launcher.
 • Fixed a little graphic glitch with tank models remaining on the level after the game has ended.
 • The scoretable now displays empty (0) scores.
 • Updated the chatbox text system.
 • The game lobby`s texttags has been replaced with the new text system.
 • The "Best of round" award should now be working correctly.
 • Added game mode descriptions as "quests".
 • Added a new Host Command: "-kick" ; Opens up a dialog with a list of players to kick from the game.

I love the Juggernaut mode, Mortar launcher made for a funny death, I was trying it out, then I moved forward and ended up killing myself with my own mortar xD

For annihilation I suggest either removing the timer or making it go up rather than down, As 0:00:0-1 Is a little weird, But again this is minor and doesn't affect it in any real way.
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
OMG! nice map!

OMG nice map.

I can not wait for the finished project, cuz I loved everything in this map.

Although it is good within itself there are a few additions I'd like to see:

You could add more tanks and each tank specializes in something different and has a new model for each tank class.

For example:
  • Armor tank: Has high armor and low speed/damage
  • Damage tank: Has high damage and low speed/armor
  • Speed tank: Has high speed and low armor/damage
  • Custom tank: Has nothing filled in and you can choose where your points go

Okay aswell as added tanks like that, you need to add custom voice for the radio because putting text on the screen just (in my opinion) brings the game down. So custom voice for the radio would be good!

Okay as the tanks do not have levels and are the same the whole way throughout the game and winners do not get anything special I was thinking.

What if the winners (First, second and third) got customization points?

The Points:
  • First place would get 5 customization points
  • Second place would get 3 customization points
  • Third place would get 1 customization point

These customization points would be given out at the end of each round and would allow you to edit your tank adding x amount more points (depending on your position in the rank) to the attributes of your choosing (damage, armor or speed)\

I was thinking there are alot of game-modes but i thought there is no capture the flag type game mode available yet.

Game mode: Capture the Captain

How it works:
Both teams battle it out to capture the enemies captain (IE a man) This man would be located in opposite corners of the map and to capture him they would have to collect him and bring him back to there corner.

How to Capture the Captain:
You would capture the Captain by driving next to him and it takes 30 seconds for him to get aboard your tank (there is a bar that shows progress to how long you have left until he is captured) Then when he is on board your tank it would shout out something like "The enemy team have stolen your Captain get him back at once" Then the tank with the Captain would drive back to his corner and it would take another 30 seconds for the man to get out of the tank (A new progress bar would pop up) Then it would say when the 30 seconds are up "The enemies have just captured your Captain" and a new round would start.

What happens if we die with the Captain:
If you die with the Captain, than the Captain would appear on the ground where you died and it would take another 30 seconds for the enemy team to re-capture the Captain and it would take 15 seconds for the allies team of the Captain to rescue him.

What happens if the Captain is rescued:
If the Captain is Rescued he will return to the rescuers corner and you will have to re-capture him.

How to win:
There would be a set amount of times you have to capture an enemies Captain. Once you have captured the captain enough times a new round would start.

*Note The captain is invulnerable, you can not move your captain from its corner. Also all tanks that have the captain on-board their tank are slowed and have less armor but have more damage power.*

now with all that I thought the game still is missing something if you add the above suggestions. I thought why not add another game command.

I was thinking we needed random events and every say 2minutes a new random event would happen.

Events that could happen:
  • Negative power-ups hitting a tank for example slow or weak damage or freeze,
  • the walls come back up
  • A random tank gets telleported to an enemies tank
  • A random tank gets Black screen and can not see for a few seconds
  • The screen shakes for everyone for a minute.
  • Walls randomly explode around you

Aswell as that there could be game type effects.

For example,
Capture The Captain (The game mode I suggested above):
  • The Captain randomly goes back to enemy base
  • A random tank gets the opposing teams Captain randomly
  • The Captain wielder turns invisible for a while
  • The tank with the Captain on board gets a speed boost
  • All teams take less time to capture/rescue a captain for a short period.

This command would be able to be chosen in the options by player 1 and what they do is click on the box and a tick would appear. If the box is ticked the mode is on and if it is unticked the mode is off.

I think that random events would just give the game a bit more of an edge.

Nice map and I hope you like/use some of my ideas,
Lag_Reviews :p

PS: Good luck with the map and I can't wait for the final version to be released.
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Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Hmmm... I have a mode idea too! The Toxic Waste Madness (And Team TWM). One of the tanks gets barrel of toxins. He has to move around and every tile he enters gets intoxicated (Slows everyone on it, is covered in ugly goo), but he is slower than other tanks... When he dies, other tanks can pick the barrel. For every tile you intoxicate you get points (You also get for killing tanks, esspecially toxic one, but less than from toxication). Round ends when whole area is intoxicated. The Tank which intoxicated the last tile gets extra points. In team mode every team has it's own toxin barrel (And toxin colour), only teamates can take your barrel when you die and wins the team which intoxicated the most of the arena...
Mass Destruction
0.9.0 changelog:

 • The game timer will now no longer be displayed in modes which doesn't use it.
 • To make things a bit more interesting, you're now rewarded a second for killing a player in Annihilation mode.
 • The final scorescreen has returned to its previous state.
 • Added a new gamemode: Capture the Flag.
 • Added more radio commands.
 • Added radio chat sound effects.
 • Fixed a bug with the gameplay UI displaying in the main menu.
 • A new tank model has been added.

I can now see the end of my to-do-list.
Level 7
Dec 28, 2009
Mass Destruction
0.9.0 changelog:

 • The game timer will now no longer be displayed in modes which doesn't use it.
 • To make things a bit more interesting, you're now rewarded a second for killing a player in Annihilation mode.
 • The final scorescreen has returned to its previous state.
 • Added a new gamemode: Capture the Flag.
 • Added more radio commands.
 • Added radio chat sound effects.
 • Fixed a bug with the gameplay UI displaying in the main menu.
 • A new tank model has been added.

I can now see the end of my to-do-list.

Awesome update, I love how you added in Caputre the Flag mode and radio sound effects, Nice Job.

Awesome map keep it up,

PS: Can't wait for the finished project, when will it be fully finished do you have a rough date?
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
I still think it's too fast paced, there's almost no skill whatsoever when a weapon one shot you and it's incredible hard to avoid it
I still think it's too fast paced, there's almost no skill whatsoever when a weapon one shot you and it's incredible hard to avoid it

As far as I'm concerned, faster the pace the more skill needed. I find it quite easy to avoid a barrage, use the jump jets to avoid a few, and bounce away? I find a very affective way to jump over the enemy tank or bounce around it, then if you're tanks got higher speed you can kill them from behind.

In this game,most players will fire like crazy hoping for kills and do when they are first to strike and often get hit by another player as their avoidance skills are lacking, skilled people will be the ones who gets kills, but no be killed themselves when another player attempts to send a huge barrage at them.

Theres quite a bit of skill involved, you just dont have it yet >_>

From what I've seen the only 'one hit kill' weapon is the concussion beam and possibly the mortar, and that won't one hit kill a really high armoured person, Are you possibly using a low amount of armour? or are the others using a really high power, I myself use a bit lowered armour, better then mid speed and power, and I have only been 1 hit killed by other players in really slow with high power Tanks or weask tanks with high power.


Now I shall wait in anticipation for the release :]

Nice new model :)
Level 15
Dec 18, 2007
I don't think jump dodges missles, or does it?

It was a good thing AT missles were nerfed a while ago. They hurt alot before the nerf, owned you in 3 hits or something 0_o

Its a tank game, do you expect FPS games to have 10 second reload time and 1 second delay between each SMG shot? It would get lame pretty fast.

"It does take much skill to kill, just many kills to be skillful."
-Me x)
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