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[Miscellanous / Other] ★ Guild Master ★

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Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Hello again, folks! Now I have been working on another project named Guild Master. It's my first non-minigame map btw. Actually the purpose of this thread is to preserve the map's name, as I personally think it's pretty simple good. So no one else will steal the idea (hopefully).​

I can't tell much about the project yet. But it's mostly a: single player; monster hunting; quest based map. One of your goal is to improve your guild and it's members. Every member is a hero which is able to level up, learn skills, assign attributes, etc. There are some classes to choose from, like Knight, Archer, Outlander, Lancer, Warmage, Cleric, etc. (there are about 18 classes). In the beginning you will have to choose one hero as the guild leader and guild founder. The guild leader has some special rights to declare quests, depart quest, hold the guild flag, etc. Your task is to upgrade your guild by collecting gold and guild points from quests. As you upgrade your guild, you will be able to have more guild members and your guild will have more privileges (like departing on high rank quests, entering the hall, etc.). As you upgrade your guild up to certain level, your guild house will be upgraded as well: Guild Camp (lv 1-3), Guild House (lv 4-7), and Guild Hall (lv 8).

The quests are separated into multiple ranks: E, D, C, B, A, G, and S. In order to unlock higher rank, you need to clear up all key quests in the previous rank. But S-Rank quest has it's own requirements to unlock. There are several quest categories: Gathering, Monster Hunting, Boss Hunting, and Treasure Hunting. Gathering quests will ask you to collect items from quest locations (Mountain, Forest, Desert, Northrend, Volcanic, etc.). While monster hunting will ask you to either simply hunt small monsters or to collect certain items from them. Boss hunting will ask you to hunt big monsters, these quests will give you much better golds as reward and of course, much harder than regular quests. Most key quests come from these boss hunting quests. While Treasure Hunting is quite self-explanatory. It will ask you to hunt rare treasures which worth a lot of guild points. Guild points are much harder to obtain from regular quests.

I won't deny that this map is much inspired from Monster Hunter series. But I also try to make a much different gameplay from it. One example is, you can depart on a quest with 7 guild members at once (massive monster hunting) and every skill will be auto-casting.

There is other feature: item crafting and enchanting. There are some aspects of gears (equipments) you can work on: Quality, Rarity, Level, Enchant Level, and Socket. There are several categories of gear: Left-hand, Right-hand, head, arms, gloves, chest, legs, and boots. Talking about aspects, quality is the most important aspect of a gear yet it's the hardest to maintain. It defines how well the gear is improved as more enchantments are applied. However, there are chances that the quality of gear can be broken (downgraded) when the gear got upgraded (increase level). The chance depends on the quality of the blacksmith. Better blacksmith will rather has lower chance to fail and of course, more expensive. Upgrading will require rare materials named ornament to perform. Number of ornaments depends on the gear's level. You can craft gears as well, but of course, the quality of the result depends on the craftsman you use. While crafting will require multiple random items depends on the gear you want to craft. Random blacksmith and craftsman may appears in the quest locations. But the town will have one blacksmith and craftsman as well, they are good, but sometimes good is not enough. :)

Rarity is how rare the gear is: Common, Rare, Artifact, and Legendary. Higher rarity will likely give the gear more special effects and of course, harder to obtain. Level will improve the level requirement of the gear but it will dramatically improve the gear: like more status bonuses, etc. But again, it has a risk to reduce the gear's quality. When upgrading is failed, there is a chance the gear will be destroyed. :( Enchanting is easier to do than upgrading. It doesn't improve any requirement and only applies minor bonus improvements. When enchanting is failed, it does not have any chance to destroy the gear, but may reduce the enchanting level. Max level of enchantment is 12. There are several types of enchantments: damage, defense, evasion, accuracy, critical, move speed, and attack speed. Enchantments will require gems to perform. And every type will require different gem color.

Socketing is attaching special items named gems to the gear to give special elemental effects: Fire, Water, Wind, Nature, and Earth. There is no failing chance but once you attach a gem into the gear, you will never be able to remove or replace it. Gear will have random available socketing slots, it's between 0 - 3. The last one is named refining. It can improve the quality of the gear but it's extremely expensive (slightly depends on gear's level) and has high failure chance, but of course, it gives the best improvements more than the other upgrades when succeed. There is only one refiner in the game which is available in your town.

The reason why I added so many thing to improve is to keep you busy all the time. You will have tons of thing to do: completing quests, upgrading guild, upgrading guild members, collecting treasures, etc. But don't worry, I won't make this game so hard, it's just time-consuming. :)

- Combat system
- Items and gears
- Quests
- Monsters

I think those will never turn green as I will improve the map as the time goes by (unlike when I was working on Glideon), so it's not impossible that I will upload the map soon.​

(Warning! Big pics inside!)
I. This is WIP of the main city





II. This is WIP of Mountain quest site
(Basic ground shaping)

III. This is In-game screenshots

(Picking guild leader)

(Signing quest contract)

(A level 5 guild with 5 members, greedisgood inside)

(Hunting small monsters)

(Gathering items)

(Slaughtering other creatures to extinction)

(Returning from quest, quest was failed :<)

IV. And finally! This is olaf!


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This looks nice! When did you start making it?

It's cool that your RPG is inspired by Monster Hunter. I've played another inspired by it, called "Hunter's Guild ORPG". It's really fun; most people hate it, and a few love it, but for those that do, it's a different experience from any other RPG on Warcraft 3. I just wish it had better terrain. The horrible terrain is the only thing stopping it from being absolutely amazing.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
This looks nice! When did you start making it?

It's cool that your RPG is inspired by Monster Hunter. I've played another inspired by it, called "Hunter's Guild ORPG". It's really fun; most people hate it, and a few love it, but for those that do, it's a different experience from any other RPG on Warcraft 3. I just wish it had better terrain. The horrible terrain is the only thing stopping it from being absolutely amazing.

Actually, the only things which inspired from MH are just the Quest system and Item crafting. Everything else will be completely different.

Thanks for your comments. :)
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
And here comes another high-quality project from you. As others have said, this is like Monster Hunter game and resembles one but has the modern feeling to it and knowing you, you'll aways bring something new and fresh as an addition. The idea of the Guild being upgradeable and unlocks new perks as it goes is already a fine idea. For a single player map, this already offers something that compares to a multiplayer map.

As for my suggestion, I think you should make the map dynamic (there is something changing within the environment or game and etc). Try making AI-controlled Guild that you can either party up with to defeat like larger or World bosses or comepete with them to test how strong your guild is compared to others. Make all NPC interactable and probably do some random actions and such. For me, it makes the game much more enjoyable and it gives you the feeling that you're not playing alone but with the AI Part, it surely would take lots of coding and scripting. It's up to you!

So far, this game tickles my interest so much and knowing you, who always bring quality maps on the Maps Section, minigames or not.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
And here comes another high-quality project from you. As others have said, this is like Monster Hunter game and resembles one but has the modern feeling to it and knowing you, you'll aways bring something new and fresh as an addition. The idea of the Guild being upgradeable and unlocks new perks as it goes is already a fine idea. For a single player map, this already offers something that compares to a multiplayer map.

As for my suggestion, I think you should make the map dynamic (there is something changing within the environment or game and etc). Try making AI-controlled Guild that you can either party up with to defeat like larger or World bosses or comepete with them to test how strong your guild is compared to others. Make all NPC interactable and probably do some random actions and such. For me, it makes the game much more enjoyable and it gives you the feeling that you're not playing alone but with the AI Part, it surely would take lots of coding and scripting. It's up to you!

So far, this game tickles my interest so much and knowing you, who always bring quality maps on the Maps Section, minigames or not.

Well, hello there Hell_Master, long time not see. Glad to see you in a single piece. :grin:

Thanks a lot for your comment, it's very positive and I'm so glad to hear it. As I have said before, the only thing which is almost completely inspired from MH is just the quest system. While I think item crafting is a bit common in today's RPG, but since one of the main activity in MH is item crafting then very well, I would say it's inspired from MH as well.

Your idea of AI controlled rival guilds is good, I also have thought of that but I encountered a serious problem with it: map's size is too small for plenty of units, even with 7 units it looks too much already. I'm in plan to reduce the maximum guild member, sadly. Or to increase the quest location's area size but at cost of less quest site variation.

Actually the rest of your suggestions have been already in my todo list once yet I decided to do those later after completing the core gameplay. For comparing guilds, I will create a stand alone map called "guild war" for players to have wars between guilds, to prove who's the strongest of all, using save load codes of course.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Wow.This is a nice project.Seems like you are putting alot of work on the terrain.Will keep a eye on this project.

Also dat Sweg Olaf screenshot.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Hoo... Thank you, owner!

Well, uhm... Honestly I have decided to keep working on the Garden's Tale instead of continuing this one. But anyway, it's already been bumped so I will just post what I was thinking last night:

So, I have been thinking to continue this project. I re-read the whole concept some times ago and I think it has more chance to be successful than the Garden's Tale project. The reason I stopped working on this one was because, even tho it's cool, it doesn't offer me worthwhile challenges. I mean all I will do are just a bunch of terraining with some low-value coding. At best I can make fullscreen shop menu and combat AI, but even so, those are nothing new for me, that was why I decided to stop working on this.

But lately, working on the Garden's Tale project feels so depressive and boring to me. Because what's left to do are just some easy and extremely repetitive stuffs (making villager activities and conversation contents) and finishing those will easily takes months.

But anyway, not finishing the Garden's Tale project after what I've been trough so far will be much more regretable one day. So, I will just stick to it and finish it as soon as I can and see if I still have time for this one. Cheers...
Level 2
Aug 6, 2010
Seems like a really cool concept, if you ever finish it I would love to play it. Hopes something comes out of it :p
Level 7
Mar 10, 2013
Thank you. I will surely work on this one after finishing my current project, if I still have time for it. If not maybe I will be doing it in other engines. Make sure you support my other project too so I have motivations to finish it quickly ^^
Can you put a link to your current project?
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