
  1. PiesOfNorth

    [Altered Melee] War3 Reign of Chaos Beta Remake

    The Reign of Chaos Beta has been shrouded in mystery... until now. The aim is to recreate the gameplay of the of the first release of the Reign of Chaos Beta from 2002-01-25. As far as I know, that's the earliest build of the game that people outside of Blizzard or game magazines were able to...
  2. SoyMante

    Rising Tide of Strife - Proyect

    More than 40 years in the past, in the remote past of Draenor, where the races that once lived peacefully will be twisted by the rising tide of destruction that will devastate all of Draenor. An unprecedented bloodletting will take place. This campaign is still in very early stages, it is my...
  3. CollectorofStoriesUntold

    [Altered Melee] Play Test Custom Race: Flesh Weaver Cult (Finished)

    Edit: Uploaded to map section Custom Race: Cult of the Flesh Weavers. Thank you evevyone for your help. Hello there, fellow hivers. I'd want to ask if anyone would be willing to play test this map. When I play maps, I tend to play defensively and stick to the same few units. I request that you...
  4. jj84

    [Solved] Orcish Transport

    Hi friends. I am working on making a ship model like the icon i uploaded for my future mod, I finished the model but I need help in designing the skin, exactly i want a sail mark like in icon.
  5. Datnes

    Vampirism Ruins Beta

    Hello, here is a beta release od new Vampirism map. I am out of ideas so any suggestions are good. Post opinion or idea and i am gonna add it to the map. Credits will be offcourse given for helping with the map. I am curious for any response!
  6. Blahblah_Blagar

    [SD/Modeling] BETA Brewmaster model?

    Anyone knows where I could get it? link is dead
  7. Retera

    Why are War3 Alpha assets no longer on Planet Earth?

    Does it bother anyone else that the assets from Warcraft III alpha are no longer on Planet Earth in most cases? I was looking back through the old alpha screenshots again recently and I really would have a hayday hacking together fun things with the assets I see in those pictures, if I had...
  8. meatfactory

    [Hero Arena] NHAOS Development

    INTRO Ever had that nostalgia feeling for the dawn of custom Warcraft 3 maps, like the very first time you played War Chasers, DOTA, Angel Arena, Footman Wars and so on? Like many other people (I suppose), sometimes I come back to these old maps and give them a quick replay. This thread is...
  9. Bawbz

    [Altered Melee] Spellbringers - Open Beta (and chance to win up to $300)

    WHAT IS SPELLBRINGERS? Spellbringers is a total conversion mod for Warcraft III Reforged, completely changing the game into a classic real-time strategy game that is full of surprises. It boasts all new units, many custom models, and completely asymmetric factions. There are no heroes in...
  10. InsaneMonster

    Size of media

    Hey there! In the beta, I can see the videos I embed in my project page to be one in top of the other, instead of being side by side. This is because the size of the project page is much lower, width wise. I think a way to reduce the size of the embedded media preview could be very useful to...
  11. HerlySQR

    I need a beta testers

    I made a multiplayer map that it has things like in Dota but have missions and "levels", but I need people to look for bugs, balance and add ideas.
  12. Darkneos

    [Defense / Survival] The Keepers Struggle

    Greetings. After some weeks of making the map, re-do all over again since new editor crashed my map and blocked me out, i managed to pull out a playable early beta of my first map. The Idea: Four players will pick a hero, these heroes are divided by roles (Tank,DPS,Caster and Specialist) the...
  13. Blikunman

    LF Beta Testers - Castle Tactics

    Hey its Blikun, im presenting a nice auto-army tactical game [photo showcase soon] This map is based in an old Browser Flash Game called Miragine Wars (also in android) : Original game's video click here. Play the original game click here. If you want to help me test this map playing it...
  14. SometimesZero

    Sounds from Triggered Sfx in Reforged

    Hi all, I have some triggers that create special effects, such as Thunderclap, and then destroy the Sfx to remove the leak. In Reforged, the sounds associated with these special effects seem to play 3x. Anyone noticing this?
  15. Retera

    Retera Model Studio Reforged Hack

    Hi guys. I've been going around the internet toting the potential of a Retera Model Studio Reforged hacked version and the kinds of things that it could make. Everyone who saw it wanted access to the technology so that they could begin making their own Reforged models in the same way that I was...
  16. deepstrasz

    Diablo IV suggestions & comments

    My main concern is the game being a Diablo II reboot, mostly in terms of gameplay. Classes/Characters We know of the three classes which are basically 3 from Diablo II (+Lord of Destruction): the Sorceress, the Barbarian and the Druid. They said the Druid doesn't have fire spells anymore...
  17. Mordeltho

    Project: Winter's Touch Beta Request and Desync problem

    My first post here; I've long used Hive and I'm thankful for all the wonderful tools and quality feedback. My map is a Zombie Hero Defense that I will have played through like a basic campaign with different stages; my first stage is complete. I've tested this solo several times for bugs and...
  18. matin45

    Throne of Dalaran v1.4 beta

    Hi all. Please test my map and post your opinions as a replay to this thread then I try to fix bugs and think about your suggestions. Please comment about these subjects: 1.New unit classes: How can I Differentiate units to each other? 2.New game modes: Give me an example. 3.Bugs: Report bugs...
  19. MattiCore

    Make old WC3 map playable again!

    Hello guys, Is it possible to make this old map "Hero Line War Lition 9.0d Beta" openable in WE because it's protected or even playable again? Hero Line War Lition 9.0d Beta - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic I could play it long ago with patch 1.24b I think :) Correct me if I am wrong here and...
  20. BotLoot

    Spellcraft Remastered 6.07 - Looking for Final Build Testers, Quality Assurance, Player Opinions

    EDIT2: Topic is mostly obsolete now. (1.Nov.2018) Hi, looking for people that would play and write something about (what you like or don´t like), This (clicky) map. Its a very unique project and it should be finally completed. I want to hear about bugs (if there are any left) balance, opinions...
  21. Maztre27

    [Aeon of Strife] Eterne Strategic Conflict (ESC) Battle Arena

    Eterne Strategic Conflict Battle Arena Two factions with different motives. Only one shall remain. It's time to settle this conflict, It's time to ESC! ESC Battle Arena is a strategic game which requires skills in order to achieve victory. Everyone starts with their own unique characters with...
  22. Abelhawk

    Anyone know the origins of these beta icons?

    Hi friends, I'm making another Warcraft III Easter Eggs video and this time I wanted to just double check with you experts (especially you, @Hallfiry) before I go making assumptions and publishing them. Does anyone know what the following icons/abilities present in the beta did? Or is the only...
  23. Saelendious

    WC3 Beta: old Hero Info + a bit of item info

    I am back with more interesting stuff about old WC3. Make sure to check out Hidden Soundfiles thread as well. Heroes. slk files have interesting stuff, including info about content that didnt make it, was re-utilized and notes from the devs (that includes Frank Gilson, D(?) Lawrence and A...
  24. Saelendious

    WC3 Beta Hidden Soundfiles

    [EDIT: I guess i was the first??? wow. Hero + Item thread out: click me senpai] A few weeks ago I got my hands on the Warcraft 3 RoC Beta version and started digging inside its MPQs. I found a bunch of cool files that can tell a lot about the initial Warcraft 3 plans and ideas. [The main...
  25. Eldrich

    Does Anyone Have or Can Make These?

    I know requesting beta models is a bit redundant in ANY Warcraft 3 forum in general, but I have these existing beta models that don't have portrait models (i.e. beta Footman, Chaos Murloc). The beta Necropolis/Halls of the Dead/Black Citadel model I found doesn't or no longer works in the latest...
  26. CampScouter

    [Aeon of Strife] Beyond the Borderlines Arena ( Under Development )

    2017 project by CampScouter
  27. DatBoi

    [Miscellanous / Other] I need your opinnion

    Do you guys like this? Its the center of the map, the objective of my map, middle is the artifact that the miners have to retrieve. Preview by DatBoi posted Jul 2, 2016 at 3:01 PM It uses EXACTLY 874 doodads, custom doodads, and all doodads in there are edited to fit perfectly.
  28. GamingCraftTeam

    Kingdoms of Zeronia v20 beta testers needed

    Hello guys I just need 5 players to join me on my 6 player map called Kingdoms of Zeronia to test version 20 with me before its update on the site from v15 to 20. If you are interested please message me, also remember to give me some helpful feed back, Kingdoms of Zeronia is my first actual map...