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WC3 Beta Hidden Soundfiles

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Level 13
Sep 26, 2017
[EDIT: I guess i was the first??? wow.
Hero + Item thread out: click me senpai]

A few weeks ago I got my hands on the Warcraft 3 RoC Beta version and started digging inside its MPQs.
I found a bunch of cool files that can tell a lot about the initial Warcraft 3 plans and ideas.
[The main question I have - 'why has no one ever posted this before?' - is the first one I thought of when I discovered this, I guess no one ever checked if there were any diffirences in the Units folder?]

This is the first thread I am making about the early content I discovered and it's dedicated to soundfiles, second one is going to be about older versions of heroes and some units.

I have all the soundfiles attached here, you can check them out by yourself.
Sound Files.rar

The remeaning text by me is just speculating about the files, it's up to you to stay through this or just enjoy the trip back in time.

Oh hi, you actually decided to stick around for my speculation, wow...
I will touch upon interesting facts about these soundfiles, each and everyone of them.
(why would i even dig in old wc3? idk, its kinda cool and it can tell a lot tbh)

Let's begin.
With the folders.
Goblin Merchant: he had a lot of dialogue so i decided to put them in a folder. Not only older merchant had multiple dialogues and Pissed dialogues as well, but he also had Goodbye dialogues, when your hero left the shop. That was a nice concept tbh.
Soundtracks?: I added these two because they had parts that are removed from the final game.
For Human3 its 1:18 and until 1:44.
For the Undead1 its the beginning parts, starting from 0:24 (and its the only soundtrack that has its composer and the album name written in it. Thanks, Derek.)

And now to the units and SFXs.
Berserker Target: was probably used for the forest troll with Berserk spell, although this sound is not used in the version i played (as most of these sounds tbh).
Cryptfiend Summon Vile Insects: I guess it was a predecessor to Crypt lord's beetles kind of a spell.
(as i said, im only speculating and guessing under this spoiler, although i WILL note some facts)
Dreadlord Morph: apparently, old dreadlord was a true vampire, since he could morph into bat and stuff... it totally was tied with the old dreadlord model.
Here begins something interesting - units have dialogues tied to their spellcasting. The idea was probably abandoned because of how often were the changes during the beta.
Druid of the Claw: this attack sound is a part of the beta DotC model, as i can guess.
We all know what the bear form is (10/10 puns btw), but Hibernation is totally a predecessor to Rejuvenation.
Dryad Weakness: if it stings a little, then it had to be something with her spears and/or poison.
Earthbind: since i checked the slk files as well, this was a spell later reused for DotT's Cyclone. Earlier orcish Shamans had this spell.
Goblin Zeppelin: also some dialogue for its transport abilities - probably when you right clicked a unit to load or tried to do that when it was filled.
Heal: I just enjoy this old heal sound so much. Yeah.
A theory i have is that they used the healing sound to reverse it, change a bit and create the mana sound. SOUNDS legit to me. (i gotta leave im a bad comedian)
Hero Abomination Attack: there are screenshots that had the abomination hero. Now we can hear the sounds this hero used to slam out on his enemies.
Orc Hit: Orcish units (not all of them) had these sounds. They are probably from the time when WC3 was more like RPG with the free camera. Uh, i hope you know about this stuff. Anyway, these sounds are cool, but the Head Hunter one got me laughing.
Demon Hunter: this tells us about old demon hunter skill set - Metamorphosis and Mind Lock are still in the game, though only the first one is actually used. Soul Syphon and Spectral Sight are something cool, apparently, since Spectral Sight is the Demon Hunter ability in World of Warcraft now.
Lich: Disenchant is probably the ability obsidian destroyer has, idk... We know Frost Armor, we know the Frost Wyrms (there are screenshots that had lich on them with the frost wyrm on the ultimate slot), but glacier is something i have no ideas about.
Moon Priestess: again, you gotta recall the old screenshots that had PotM flying on a huge owl, there's also a hidden icon for her. Notice how sounds actually contain wing sweeps, I only noticed it after a couple of days. Her skillset is interesting as well - Moon Glow and Reflection are the things we dont know about, True shot is probably for putting a skill point on an aura (maybe?) and Searing Light is totally Searing Arrows. Also there's a dialogue for Twilight - nice way to signal the time to use strategic advantage of the night elf females.
Paladin: he has a short version of this dialogue as one of his attack dialogues. Y u gotta reuse, blizz.
I can also tell you that there are some info about Exorcism - it had to be an ability against undead. I found it in the beta AI (probably used on E3) text file that told 'to check the enemy is the undead so paladin can put skill points in exorcism earlier' since its a race restricted spell.
Infernal Birth: a diffirent from the current birth where he falls down from the sky. Fun fact: this spell is listed for the neutral Warlock hero, and this hero has just this single spell. Later they probably cut the warlock idea and gave this to replace Dreadlord's Dark Summoning.
To be more true, the Inferno listed for this code is possessed by Tichondruis, currently.
Keeper of the Grove: has the longest dialogues, and also couple of the coolest.
As i can tell, his skillset didnt change (unless Nature Touch didnt actually summon treants).
Knight Charge: the only time ive ever heard word 'Azeroth' in WC3 was... never, as i can remember.
So thanks, knight. This sound is actually so epic.
Mortar Team: there's an unused Revenge ability, god knows what it does. Probably was a part of it.
Nercomancer: Corple Explode was an ability that was later replaced with Cripple. It exploded a corpse (WOW AN UNEXPECTED EFFECT) for 100 mana to deal 50 damage in the small area around it. This spell was in the version i played and as far as i can tell it deals pure damage, so its kinda cool. I hope i'll be able to exctact the exploding corps' SFX and model as well.
No Food nowadays says 'SUMMON more ziggurats', not RAISE. Raise sound better imo.
Unit attack nowadays is 'Our forces are under attack', earlier undead had more of a 'bretheren' theme i guess.
Summon Skeletons just says for itself. Yea.
Priest: also has Exorcism dialogue, but, again, like Paladin, it was reused as priests attack sound 'Be gone, spawn of darkness!'.
Heal dialogue is neat.
Rifleman: apparently, they had Flare before the Mortar Teams.
Sorceress: it was neat to know how she would sound like when casting. Also wat, they had water elementals? Crazy. Speaking of her water elemental sound
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) thanks, internet.
Water elemental summoning sound was utilized in the playable beta by archmage even tho sounds are located in the sorceress folder... i dont wanna get into weird Beta WC3 functioning.
Steam tank: had a wrecking ball to attack in the melee range instead of a dumb cannon. Still has the wrecking ball icon in RoC.
Thieves Guild: its a shame this building was removed. All we have left from it is the 'Spy' ability that doesnt even work :c
Wisp: I will be honest, i dont like NE adjutant, id actually prefer a bigger soundset for wisp. Blizz, make this happen. You do this for SC2, do this for WC3, i'd actually buy it (but my wallet does not guarantee it).

Wew, thats it. Why are you still here? Go download, comment, smth like that.


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Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Hey that's an impressive find, i haven't thought about digging into beta mpqs - much appreciated.
Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
Wow really cool find man.
A lot of the voice lines are pretty cringy, but some of them would have fit pretty nicely in the game, like the zeppelin saying he's full. I'd prefer a voice line then having just the generic error message. Though, Blizzard probably decided to have voice lines have all error message or have none and opted for the latter.

The sound file titles also have an interesting insight into the original abilities. I wonder if these voice lines were made while WC3 still had flying Farseer or flying Priestess of the Moon. Apparently the Dreadlord could turn into a bat or something.

Also units seemed to have a take damage sound, which would have been interesting, it could maybe help early players find out which unit needed to be microed back or healed. But I can imagine it being a little overbearing in a big fight.

Sounds like the old Ghoblin Merchant was just a bunch of italian cliches, lol. Glad they scratched that it was pretty terrible.

The infernal noise is pretty awesome though.

Maybe @Abelhawk will find this useful for his next video :)
Level 12
Sep 28, 2012
*heavy breathing* :eek:2:eekani:

This is amazing!! I thought there was nothing else left to find from the past, given how thorough Scrolls of Lore is and stuff. Thanks so much for finding and sharing this! Can I make a video showcasing these sounds? (Of course I'll give you all the credit :D) Also, are you going to continue your look at these in this thread? I'll definitely be following it if so.
Level 12
Sep 28, 2012
Thanks! Do you have the same username on YouTube? I don't recognize it. There has been an unexpected influx in views and comments lately though, so I may just not remember.

And yeah, I'd be fine with you just updating this one (renaming it to be broader if necessary), but whatever you want. I'll just follow updates as they come. Can't wait to learn more!
Level 13
Sep 26, 2017
same nickname - Saelendious (a bit hard to pronounce, as time told me)
YT stuff is understandable, only google guys are ones to blame

i will attach the slk and txt files when i post an update so you can check all the info by yourself, i hope the word spreads AND blizzard will be fine with me starting a bit of revelations thread in here
Level 13
Sep 26, 2017
Check my profile posts - there's a link for playble WC3 beta that was asked. I played on the version Beta 1.03, versions after this transform warcraft 3 into how we know it today, so this one was my subject of choice.
gameplay is indeed like this, but there are crashes on each step, the funniest one are being UD and NE unable to get any recources, because as soon as you send an acolyte to your goldmind or wisp to a tree the game crashes
one time i got crashed when i just selected a sorceress :\

to test the races, my friend changed existing maps a bit by adding recources and some other stuff like lvl up for your heroes, i can send them as well if you'd require them
Level 37
Sep 17, 2010
same nickname - Saelendious (a bit hard to pronounce, as time told me)
YT stuff is understandable, only google guys are ones to blame

i will attach the slk and txt files when i post an update so you can check all the info by yourself, i hope the word spreads AND blizzard will be fine with me starting a bit of revelations thread in here
XD i think that Blizzard didn't even care about that, back in the day RedXIII made some docs containing info about the stuff from Beta, like this one: Lost and Modified Units from Warcraft III V 0.4.doc
Level 13
May 10, 2009
OFF: They even had some cool native functions which I'd like to spend some time with. Even though even Blizzard has stated that they made a terrible API for such a thing:
type materialid         extends     handle


    constant native ConvertMaterialId           takes integer i returns materialid


    constant materialid  MATERIAL_ID_UNIT_COLOR             = ConvertMaterialId(0)
    constant materialid  MATERIAL_ID_TEAM_COLOR             = ConvertMaterialId(1)
    constant materialid  MATERIAL_ID_TEAM_GLOW              = ConvertMaterialId(2)


// Unit API

// This is a truly horrible API for adding texture layers to one or more materials
//  the first blendmode parameter specifies how you want the added layer to be blended
//  the texmapflags determines if/how the texture will use wrap modes ( all added texture
//  layers are assumed to use bilinear filtering )
//  the materialid specifies which materials should have the texture layer added to them
//      and works in conjunction with the second blendmode parameter to narrow the
//      search ( i.e. if you only want to add the texture layer to

native          UnitAddMaterial     takes unit whichUnit, string textureFile, texmapflags tflags, blendmode mode, materialid mat, blendmode modeToAddTo returns nothing
native          UnitRemoveMaterial  takes unit whichUnit, materialid mat, blendmode mode returns nothing
native          UnitShowMaterial    takes unit whichUnit, materialid mat, blendmode mode, boolean show returns nothing


//native        SetUnitPointValueByType takes integer unitType, integer newPointValue returns nothing

// Visual API

native StartPortraitTalk        takes real duration, integer sequence returns nothing
native StopPortraitTalk         takes nothing returns nothing

// Computer AI interface
native DebugBreak           takes integer id                                returns nothing
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
I haven't finished going through it, but I've already found a fantastic sound I look forward to using; the "InfernalBirth" (pretty sure it's the same as the one from the opening cinematic) is absolutely perfect for a schweet T-Rex "roar" ability that will sound soooo much better than the same ol' "NightElfRoar.wav". Just this great *stomp*-...-ROOOOOAR!!

Danke schön. : )
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