Ok, its for the 1.26, but I need more people and also I wanna make some changes in my map before give you.I can try to beta test if it is 1.27 compatible.
1.26 compatible too because I am willing to downgrade my WC3.
I don't know how to do that, and that trick is not for that, is for set the owner of the sold item the buying player.For items I think you could use the two inventory ability trick for buying items when your visible inventory is full which would avoid the need to use unit sales.
Can you suggest me how can I balance that?, curiously I thought the demons are in disavantage for the terrain (it was different in previous versions) maybe is for the "defender advantage".The mission mode seems ridiculously stacked in favour of the demons but on the other hand dranei have at least one ridiculously powerful in pvp spell: that spell that gives you 100% bash for a few seconds(you sun and deal extra damage for some seconds)
Ah?If it is not stacked against the draenai how are you supposed to manage demons that place detection wards in the advanced death tower corridor then sits here?
There is no real indications on what to do in this case.
Then tell me what are the draenai supposed to do in this case?
They are not supposed to go through there, they have to do the mission of break the wall and later destroy the generators to off that towers.Then tell me what are the draenai supposed to do in this case?
(wards and demons on the blue spots)