Will you make your graphical interface systems public?
vercas; said:One more thing:
Is your map running an internal core?
I mean... triggers that permanently supply the actions in game...
vercas; said:Oh and one extra thing:
Are you going to make this a campaign one day?
vercas; said:I do not recommend using vJASS in campaigns.
Of course, you can use it but it's hard, and you can sometimes fuck up a whole campaign with this.
vercas; said:For the doodads limit... Use JNGP's Grimoire Remove WE Limits feature.
vercas; said:Edit:
For the internal core stuff, take a look at this example: http://www.wc3c.net/showthread.php?t=87027
This map runs an internal core, a vector system.
Things like that. ^_^
Manoo; said:Hi,i have a question your models have World of Warcraft animations or it's your created?
Slaydon said:will you need an Inventory + Merchant template for each map? or will it be in one,
Xezko; said:Ok, first version: human.
So, you plain to add some other races? :x
I meant the hidden area on the map, will you create alot of those or just one ?
vercas; said:Are you going to have more towns in the world?
vercas; said:If the hero dies, he will revive, right? If yes, is there any cost?
vercas; said:Will the NPC's be interactible? Like you can talk to them and get quests. Trade and stuff.
vercas; said:Pets? Mounts? Flying Mounts? All of them? It would be nice.
vercas; said:Will the map(s) be protected or open source?
I)eadnerzhul; said:So far, all you've done with your project is absolutely mind-blowingly incredible. I have a question, though: how is the combat going to be? Are you going to make a new combat system for this mod?
I)eadnerzhul; said:Also, will there be voice-acting?
It sounds good, but I suggest you atleast make the attacking in the game Diablo-style, where you have to click an enemy each time to attack him instead of automatically attacking them. Makes the game more interactive and fun.The combat system is quite simple. Its like the normal one in wc3. I wrote a damage detectionsystem to make things like dodge, block, parry, miss crit and resist work. An additional feature is that different weapons effect your dmgoutput and the animations of your hero. Another difference is the focus target / spelltarget feature. You'll be able to launch your spells on your stored spelltarget without having it to reselect. And I think I don't have to point on the actionbar once again^^
Understandable.For the cinematics there will be voice acting. To give every NPC in the world a voice it will require around 30 people^^ So that has not such high priority.