WOW! Master, I'm no Master ;D you are. Come to think of it.. you even train masters
Hmm.. obstacles. You know, that gives me an idea, Jolly, obstacles like in Heroes while in combat? (fallen tree, a hole in the ground (filled with lava to dmg in this case), etc.?)
Now, I made some Arena Concepts as .. how the arena would look like from above, a cross, a circle, etc. the basic ones and some weird, I made one like a + and an akropol (how do you write that.. acropol) in the middle which has huge columns and is opened to each of the | and _ parts of the +. It is ruined (fallen roof or half-roof which will be hidden like in diablo when you're looking from above it, something like that) and vines around the + which damage you (lava). It is all leafy and viny :\ kinda like that. It's hard to draw it though, I'm not good at perspective and buildings.. I'll just share the idea,
and kinda, spell concepts.. let me think. It IS fun to come up with Jumper, but. Hard xd!
Something like. I don't know. The basic ones fireball, icebolt etc. - so far so good. but how EXACTLY would they look like?
Maybe, the fire ball will be more like a fire ball in front and shadowy flames behind? and the icebolt.. like in warcraft3? like the head of a spear (frost) and with. cold stuff behind