I never understood why the Jass Textboxes dont use the full width of the page. Having to scroll in both vertical and horizontal direction to read jasscode is a complete pain in the ass.
(Credits to PurgeandFire for the code )
€: oh and when ur working on that stuff you could also add wurst tags :>
library Track /* v3.0.2.1
* Manages trackable objects, allowing for easy event registrations, data retrieval,
* and adds the capability of retrieving which player interacted with the trackable.
* */uses/*
* */ Table /* hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-functions-413/snippet-new-table-188084/
private constant integer PLATFORM = 'Otip'
* Functions
* function CreateTrack takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing returns Track
* - Creates a trackable of "modelPath" at the coordinates ( x, y, z ) with
* - "facing" in degrees.
* function CreateTrackForPlayer takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing returns Track
* - Same as the function above, except it will create it for only one player.
* function RegisterAnyClickEvent takes code c returns nothing
* - The code will be executed every time a trackable is clicked.
* function RegisterAnyHoverEvent takes code c returns nothing
* - The code will be executed every time a trackable is hovered.
* function RegisterClickEvent takes Track obj, code c returns nothing
* - The code will be executed every time a trackable of the instance
* - "obj" is clicked.
* function RegisterHoverEvent takes Track obj, code returns nothing
* - The code will be executed every time a trackable of the instance
* - "obj" is hovered.
* function EnableTrackInstance takes Track obj, boolean flag returns nothing
* - If an instance is enabled, it will enable its events to fire.
* - All instances are enabled by default.
* function IsTrackInstanceEnabled takes Track obj returns boolean
* - Returns whether or not an instance has its events enabled.
* Event Responses
* function GetTriggerTrackInstance takes nothing returns Track
* - Returns the Track instance that had a player interaction.
* function GetTriggerTrackable takes nothing returns trackable
* - Returns the trackable object that had a player interaction.
* function GetTriggerTrackablePlayer takes nothing returns player
* - Returns the player that had interacted with the trackable object.
(Credits to PurgeandFire for the code )
€: oh and when ur working on that stuff you could also add wurst tags :>