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Yes, another remake of an old system.
Although, I believe this one is a bit warranted. It is basically Trackable2 but improved to be more efficient in terms of handles (only creates for active players) and to allow for mass-generation without freezing. (because Trackable2 would create a platform destructable regardless of whether or not the z value was 0)
It was a great system that I used a lot, so props to him, just thought it could use a little remake to make things more current.
I didn't use Trackable2 as the system name because the API's differ a little bit. So I named it "Track".
Here is the code:
library Track /* v3.1.0.0
* Manages trackable objects, allowing for easy event registrations, data
* retrieval, and the capability of retrieving which player interacted with
* the trackable.
* */uses/*
* */ Table /* hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-functions-413/snippet-new-table-188084/
private constant integer PLATFORM = 'OTip'
* CreateTrack( string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing ) returns Track
* - Creates a trackable of modelPath at coordinates ( x, y, z ) with
* - "facing" in radians. Returns the trackable instance.
* CreateTrackForPlayer( string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing, player who ) returns Track
* - Same as function above, but creates it for one player.
* RegisterAnyClickEvent( code c ) returns nothing
* RegisterAnyHoverEvent( code c ) returns nothing
* - Fires "c" when any trackable is clicked or hovered.
* RegisterClickEvent( Track obj, code c ) returns nothing
* RegisterHoverEvent( Track obj, code c ) returns nothing
* - Fires "c" when the trackable of "obj" is clicked or hovered respectively.
* RegisterInteractEvent( Track obj, code c ) returns nothing
* - Fires "c" when the trackable of "obj" is clicked or hovered.
* - Use GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK
* to differentiate between the two event occurrences. This
* method is more efficient on handles than the two above.
* EnableTrackInstance( Track obj, boolean flag ) returns nothing
* - A disabled Track instance will not fire its events.
* - Track instances are enabled by default.
* IsTrackInstanceEnabled( Track obj ) returns boolean
* - Returns whether an instance is enabled.
* GetTriggerTrackInstance() returns Track
* - Returns the Track instance that had a player interaction.
* GetTriggerTrackable() returns trackable
* - Returns the trackable object that had a player interaction.
* GetTriggerTrackablePlayer() returns player
* - Returns the player that interacted with the trackable object.
* struct Track
* static Track instance
* - The triggering instance of the event.
* static trackable object
* - The triggering trackable object of the event.
* static player tracker
* - The player who interacted with the trackable object.
* readonly real x
* readonly real y
* readonly real z
* readonly real facing
* readonly string model
* - Instance properties.
* - Warning: the invisible platform has a default z-value
* of 2.94794. So if you input 0 into the system, it'll
* end up ~3 units above the ground. For an alternative model,
* see: [url]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2661555-post54.html[/url]
* method operator enabled= takes boolean flag returns nothing
* method operator enabled takes nothing returns boolean
* static method create takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing returns Track
* static method createForPlayer takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing, player p returns Track
* static method registerAnyClick takes code c returns nothing
* static method registerAnyHover takes code c returns nothing
* method registerClick takes code c returns nothing
* method registerHover takes code c returns nothing
* method registerInteract takes code c returns nothing
* - All equivalent to their function counterparts.
* Credits
* - Azlier: Trackable2 (inspiration)
* - Arhowk: bugfix
* - Dalvengyr: bugfix from a typo.
* - Uberplayer: bugfix; info on the invisible platform Z issue.
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set thistype.TrackTable = Table.create()
struct Track extends array
private static trigger anyClick = CreateTrigger()
private static trigger anyHover = CreateTrigger()
private static Table TrackTable = 0
static thistype instance = 0
static trackable object = null
static player tracker = null
private static integer ic = 0
private static integer ir = 0
private thistype rn
readonly real x
readonly real y
readonly real z
readonly real facing
readonly string model
private trigger reg
private trigger onClick
private trigger onHover
private Table playerIndex
boolean enabled
static method registerAnyClick takes code c returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(.anyClick, Filter(c))
static method registerAnyHover takes code c returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(.anyHover, Filter(c))
method registerClick takes code c returns nothing
if .onClick == null then
set .onClick = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddCondition(.onClick, Filter(c))
method registerHover takes code c returns nothing
if .onHover == null then
set .onHover = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerAddCondition(.onHover, Filter(c))
method registerInteract takes code c returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(.reg, Filter(c))
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call TrackTable.remove(GetHandleId(.reg))
call DestroyTrigger(.reg)
call DestroyTrigger(.onClick)
call DestroyTrigger(.onHover)
call .playerIndex.destroy()
set .rn = ir
set ir = this
private static method onInteract takes nothing returns boolean
set instance = TrackTable[GetHandleId(GetTriggeringTrigger())]
if instance.enabled then
set object = GetTriggeringTrackable()
set tracker = Player(instance.playerIndex[GetHandleId(object)])
if GetTriggerEventId() == EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK then
call TriggerEvaluate(instance.onHover)
call TriggerEvaluate(anyHover)
call TriggerEvaluate(instance.onClick)
call TriggerEvaluate(anyClick)
return false
private static method createTrack takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing, player j returns thistype
local destructable dest = null
local thistype this = ir
local integer i = 11
local trackable tr
local player p
local string s
/* Allocate */
if this == 0 then
set ic = ic + 1
set this = ic
set ir = .rn
/* Create platform to give the trackable a z-offset */
if z != 0 then
set dest = CreateDestructableZ(PLATFORM, x, y, z, 0, 1, 0)
if j != null then
set i = GetPlayerId(j)
set .x = x
set .y = y
set .z = z
set .enabled = true
set .facing = facing
set .model = modelPath
set .reg = CreateTrigger()
set .onClick = null
set .onHover = null
set .playerIndex = Table.create()
set TrackTable[GetHandleId(.reg)] = this
call TriggerAddCondition(.reg, Condition(function thistype.onInteract))
/* Create a separate trackable for each player playing */
set p = Player(i)
if GetPlayerSlotState(p) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GetPlayerController(p) == MAP_CONTROL_USER then
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
set s = modelPath
set s = ""
set tr = CreateTrackable(s, .x, .y, .facing)
call TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(.reg, tr)
call TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(.reg, tr)
set .playerIndex[GetHandleId(tr)] = i
exitwhen j != null
exitwhen i == 0
set i = i - 1
/* Remove the platform if it exists */
if dest != null then
call RemoveDestructable(dest)
set dest = null
set p = null
set tr = null
return this
static method create takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing returns thistype
return thistype.createTrack(modelPath, x, y, z, facing, null)
static method createForPlayer takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing, player p returns thistype
if not (GetPlayerSlotState(p) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GetPlayerController(p) == MAP_CONTROL_USER) then
return 0
return thistype.createTrack(modelPath, x, y, z, facing, p)
implement Init
/* Function Wrappers */
function CreateTrack takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing returns Track
return Track.create(modelPath, x, y, z, facing)
function CreateTrackForPlayer takes string modelPath, real x, real y, real z, real facing, player who returns Track
return Track.createForPlayer(modelPath, x, y, z, facing, who)
function EnableTrackInstance takes Track instance, boolean flag returns nothing
set instance.enabled = flag
function IsTrackInstanceEnabled takes Track instance returns boolean
return instance.enabled
function RegisterAnyClickEvent takes code c returns nothing
call Track.registerAnyClick(c)
function RegisterAnyHoverEvent takes code c returns nothing
call Track.registerAnyHover(c)
function RegisterClickEvent takes Track obj, code c returns nothing
call obj.registerClick(c)
function RegisterHoverEvent takes Track obj, code c returns nothing
call obj.registerHover(c)
function RegisterInteractEvent takes Track obj, code c returns nothing
call obj.registerInteract(c)
function GetTriggerTrackInstance takes nothing returns Track
return Track.instance
function GetTriggerTrackable takes nothing returns trackable
return Track.object
function GetTriggerTrackablePlayer takes nothing returns player
return Track.tracker
Everything is kind of self-explanatory or explained in the documentation. Here is a fun little demo map, feel free to check it out. It isn't anything special, but the effects look nice for cheap thrills.
- Updated documentation to note the imprecision in Z-values when using the invisible platform (thanks to Uberplayer).
- Updated Table instancing, and fixed .destroy() so that it properly flushes all the data created by that instance.
- Removed event recursion--there is no way for the trigger to re-evaluate in the trigger callbacks (since you can't force a user to click a trackable), so I removed the recursion support.
- Removed operators for enabled--added a simple "enabled" boolean. This change does not change the API or functionality in any way.
- Added registerInteract and RegisterInteractEvent, which are more efficient in terms of triggers/triggerconditions compared to registerClick and registerHover. (registerAnyClick and registerAnyHover is fine)
- Updated demo, updated thread attachment.
- Fixed a bug with the Z of the trackable (due to a typo in the rawcode of the platform). Thanks to Dalvengyr for the report.
- Rewrote documentation, minor optimizations.
- Made an update to the struct API, replacing the
functions with a enabled= operator. Also updated the documentation.
- Fixed a bug where I used .model instead of the variable s to create the trackable. That made it so that the local "creation" would not work properly. Thanks to Arhowk for finding this.
- Made changes to the API.
- No longer requires the Event library.
- Made changes to the API.
- Minor optimizations.
- Optimizations made and renamed the system to "Track" instead of "Trackable3", and renamed some functions + one global.
- Added more to the API and made some reworkings.
- Initial Release
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