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This system efficiently handles healing units instantly and over time.
Demo Code
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* Heal
* v4.0.0.3
* By Magtheridon96
* - Heals units instantly or over time.
* - Can also allow Damage over time with negative heal amount.
* - Comes with heal events:
* - Heal.ANY
* - Fires on any healing event.
* - This would be used for systems like:
* - Accurate Unit Regeneration Logs
* - Accurate Damage Logs
* - Heal Block/Spell Effect Block
* - Heal.INSTANT
* - Fires on instant heal events.
* - This would be used for systems like:
* - Texttag Displays
* - Heal.TIMED
* - Fires 32x a second during a timed heal.
* - This was only added for a sense of
* completeness. It may be useful.
* - Requires:
* - UnitEvent by Nestharus
* - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/extension-unit-event-172365/
* - UnitIndexer by Nestharus
* - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/system-unit-indexer-172090/
* - Event by Nestharus
* - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-event-186555/
* - CTL by Nestharus
* - hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-constant-timer-loop-32-a-201381/
* - API:
* ----
* - struct Heal extends array
* - readonly static Event ANY
* - readonly static Event TIMED
* - readonly static Event INSTANT
* - Heal events
* - static boolean enabled
* - Used to enable/disable the system
* - static method healUnit takes unit source, unit target, real amount returns nothing
* - static method healUnitOverTime takes unit source, unit target, real amount, real duration returns nothing
* - Heal a unit instantly or over time
* - function RegisterInstantHealEvent takes code c returns nothing
* - function RegisterTimedHealEvent takes code c returns nothing
* - function RegisterAnyHealEvent takes code c returns nothing
* - These functions register specific heal events that fire differently.
* - function GetHealingUnit takes nothing returns unit
* - function GetHealingUnitId takes nothing returns integer
* - These functions are used to get the healing unit or its id.
* - function GetHealedUnit takes nothing returns unit
* - function GetHealedUnitId takes nothing returns integer
* - These functions are used to get the healed unit or its id.
* - function GetHealedAmount takes nothing returns real
* - function GetEffectiveHealedAmount takes nothing returns real
* - function GetOriginalLife takes nothing returns real
* - These functions are used to get:
* - Amount of HP intended to be healed.
* - Amount of HP actually healed.
* - Original HP before healing.
* - function HealUnit takes unit source, unit target, real amount returns nothing
* - function HealUnitOverTime takes unit source, unit target, real amount, real duration returns nothing
* - These are the wrappers used for healing units.
library Heal requires UnitIndexer, UnitEvent, Event, CTL
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set INSTANT = CreateEvent()
set TIMED = CreateEvent()
set ANY = CreateEvent()
struct Heal extends array
readonly static Event INSTANT
readonly static Event TIMED
readonly static Event ANY
static boolean enabled = true
static UnitIndex sourceId = 0
static UnitIndex targetId = 0
static real amount = 0.0
static real original = 0.0
static real effective = 0.0
private static unit array source
private static unit array target
private static real array regen
private static real array duration
private static method lock takes nothing returns nothing
if sourceId != 0 then
call sourceId.lock()
if targetId != 0 then
call targetId.lock()
private static method unlock takes nothing returns nothing
if sourceId != 0 then
call sourceId.unlock()
if targetId != 0 then
call targetId.unlock()
implement CTL
local real r
local integer u
implement CTLExpire
set r = GetWidgetLife(target[this])
set u = GetUnitUserData(target[this])
if not IsUnitDead(u) and duration[this] <= 0. then
set duration[this] = duration[this] - 0.03125
call SetWidgetLife(target[this], r + regen[this])
if enabled then
set sourceId = GetUnitUserData(source[this])
set targetId = u
set amount = regen[this]
set original = r
set effective = GetWidgetLife(target[this]) - r
call lock()
call TIMED.fire()
call ANY.fire()
call unlock()
set source[this] = null
set target[this] = null
call this.destroy()
implement CTLNull
implement CTLEnd
static method healUnit takes unit source, unit target, real howMuch returns nothing
local real r = GetWidgetLife(target)
local integer u = GetUnitUserData(target)
if not IsUnitDead(u) then
call SetWidgetLife(target, r + howMuch)
if enabled then
set sourceId = GetUnitUserData(source)
set targetId = u
set amount = howMuch
set original = r
set effective = GetWidgetLife(target) - r
call lock()
call INSTANT.fire()
call ANY.fire()
call unlock()
static method healUnitOverTime takes unit src, unit trgt, real howMuch, real dur returns nothing
local thistype this = create()
set source[this] = src
set target[this] = trgt
set regen[this] = 0.03125 * howMuch / dur
set duration[this] = dur
implement Init
function RegisterInstantHealEvent takes code c returns nothing
call Heal.INSTANT.register(Filter(c))
function RegisterTimedHealEvent takes code c returns nothing
call Heal.TIMED.register(Filter(c))
function RegisterAnyHealEvent takes code c returns nothing
call Heal.ANY.register(Filter(c))
function GetHealingUnit takes nothing returns unit
return GetUnitById(Heal.sourceId)
function GetHealingUnitId takes nothing returns integer
return Heal.sourceId
function GetHealedUnit takes nothing returns unit
return GetUnitById(Heal.targetId)
function GetHealedUnitId takes nothing returns integer
return Heal.targetId
function GetHealedAmount takes nothing returns real
return Heal.amount
function GetEffectiveHealedAmount takes nothing returns real
return Heal.effective
function GetOriginalLife takes nothing returns real
return Heal.original
function HealUnit takes unit source, unit target, real amount returns nothing
call Heal.healUnit(source,target,amount)
function HealUnitOverTime takes unit source, unit target, real amount, real duration returns nothing
call Heal.healUnitOverTime(source,target,amount,duration)
Demo Code
struct Tester extends array
private static unit fighters1
private static unit fighters2
private static unit regen
private static method instant takes nothing returns nothing
call HealUnit(null, fighters1, 150)
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, "Healed unit for 150 HP")
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
set fighters1 = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'Hpal', 128, 0, 180)
set fighters2 = CreateUnit(Player(1), 'Hpal', -128, 0, 0)
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 10, true, function thistype.instant)
set regen = CreateUnit(Player(0), 'Hpal', 0, 1024, 270)
call CreateUnit(Player(1), 'Hpal', 0, 1024, 270)
call SetWidgetLife(regen, GetUnitState(regen, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE) / 2)
// This will regenerate 500000 HP over 50000 seconds meaning 10 HP/sec
call HealUnitOverTime(null, regen, 500000, 50000)
call PauseUnit(regen, true)
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