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Why do people play MMORPGs?

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Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
The social aspect and also the almost neverending challenge to constantly have the best gear.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Yeah, but can't you have social aspects over Xbox Live or if you're on a PC over something like steam or vent? Or even Bnet? And many more interesting games have ranking systems, achievements etc...
Yes but those are boring numbers and little icons. In MMORPGs you can run to people with big freaking glowing swords and way oversized shoulderplates and ridicilous Plate Armour and they instant know that you are quite good in the game.
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
Yes but those are boring numbers and little icons. In MMORPGs you can run to people with big freaking glowing swords and way oversized shoulderplates and ridicilous Plate Armour and they instant know that you are quite good in the game.
And that does mean you are quite good in the game? :D

More likely it does mean you have played the game quite long time.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Really, why? To me all they seem are repetitive games where the only point in keeping going is to get more items and more levels, which gets kinda dry after a while when you realize the game itself isn't that fun, so why bother advancing in it?
Simply put, you don't bother. You man up, grow some *censored*, and play yourself a REAL game, like an FPS along the lines of say... Halo 3 or Counterstrike: Source.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
People that play FPS are just trying to compensate. ;)

I enjoy playing MMOs. I've always liked RPG games, and it's even better when you're playing it with millions of other people.

Wouldn't you play an FPS that allowed for large scale wars?
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
I just wrote an epic post and then I got the message that "HIVE IS BACKING UP DATABASE, HAHA YOU SUCK" so I'll keep it short.

I've only played WoW, but the quests in it have decent stories, there's always places to go for exploring, the scenery in some places is quite nice, and you always have dungeons to go defeat the evil boss in. It gets repetitive at some point, but I mean, give it a chance, no game is perfect. Sad part is when it's repetitive all the time, and you give it a chance when there's no hope whatsoever.
I played 7 MMORPG's and most of them lack in graphic. If you want a RPG that is good with Graphic, why not play oblivion, witcher or wait for Gothic 4 ?

The best MMORPG of the 7 ones i played is WOW. My goal was to get a better armor more respect, reach a higher lvl, kill bosses and kill my enemies like the Horde. The graphic in wow is good you cant see the ground tiles in the game so you dont see the ugly graphic like in most of the games. I am trying a new MMORPG, Spellborn the graphic looks promising and the game play looks nice. The best part of MMORPG's is that you can Explore the world full of nature and battles and play with 1.000.000 players!
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
You don't think it's fun to play with ~8000 people in the same server?

The game pratically runs itself, it's made fun by the people who play it.

There are always people to play with, things going on in chat or events and shit... there is a world to explore and items to gather, resources to obtain by trading and crafting things and if you get bored of one class or race you can (sometimes) make another charachter on the opposing faction and see the world from a different perspective...

And offcourse everybody dreams to be an uber assasin, warrior or mage...
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
you cant really measure the difference in the amount of skill it takes to play two different genres, there are way too many factors to get a good result

Ontopic though, you are talking about repetitive? Lets look at some other genres

FPSs - AT LEAST as repetitive as an MMORPG. You can change weapons, improve your skills overtime and play with different teammates. In some you can even change classes and stuff, but the beauty is that different games have different maps and weapons. Yay.

RTSs - Maybe not as repetitive as the average MMORPG, but can still at some points be quite repetitive. Often you are requires to "anti-build" or meerly have a set of units better than your opponent, but most RTSs dont have that much flexibility. In most RTSs, you select your "Race", build up a base, build units, upgrade them with the right special abilities, attack / defend base", build expansions and after a while you win / lose. Luckily there are many units to choose from and many races to choose from in most RTSs, but after a while you realise you use the same race and the same set of units until you realise your enemy is "anti-building" you, and that is when you break the "cycle of repetition"(or if you decide to "anti-build" you opponent, works both ways).

2-3D Fighting games - Oh lol, we have a winner. There is no form of flexibility to your combat style unless you switch character or decide to use different moves. Unlike MMORPGs, FPSs and RTSs, most of these games arent even patched either. And depending on if you are the defensive or the aggresive type, blocking is likely to be one of the bigger parts of your gameplay, considering if you dont block in some way, you will be smashed. Oh, and atleast there are several aspect of the other genres, unlike this one where there is only 1 aspect, and that is fighting.

Music games - For those who dont understand why this is here, dont bother asking, you should know

Singleplayer games can be repetitive aswell. If you replay the game several times, you will find yourself doing the same thing over and over again. A game becomes repetitive if you play it in a repetitive way. Yes, this is very easy to do in an MMORPG, but also in many other genres.

Thats my 8.33 Tenge
Level 6
Mar 23, 2009
To take over the World! I don't know; social reasons I guess. I tried WOW and didn't like it. It was too boring for me. WC3 Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Define skill.
Strategy, for one thing. Counterstrike requires a lot of it. Not just who's going to tank and who's going to heal who- it's about ordering and organizing your team and trying to outsmart the opposition. Skill comes in when you get to the shooting part of it. Using short bursts and crouching to improve accuracy, sneaking behind an opponent and stabbing them in the back (or shooting them in the neck, both ways work), using a flashbang or grenade to stun them or flush them out of cover...

MMORPG's require some organization, but for the most part, whoever has the levels and loot will win. If, in some magic way (say a private server) two fighters have the SAME EXACT armor or weapons (or same strength/tier/level/etc.) THEN it will come down to some slight skill... knowing when to spam, when to stun, when to bunny-hop as if you were playing Quake, etc. On a massive scale (two armies against eachother), numbers don't count for shit. I've seen a level 70 in World of Warcraft kill maybe 1000 low-levels without dieing. THAT'S retarded. Unless both sides are of equal level/strength, the one who is more powerful will always come out victorious.
Level 6
Jun 8, 2008
From that post I'm going to assume you've never played WoW before.
I'm going to base my examples on (arena) PvP (player versus player), but they mostly work in PvE (player versus enviroment/npcs) aswell.
Strategy, for one thing. Not just who's going to tank and who's going to heal who- it's about ordering and organizing your team and trying to outsmart the opposition.
In WoW, you organize your team and try to make one of several "types" of teams. For example you can be a burst team, which is meant to quickly take out the other team, or you can go for outlast, or crowd control. This is strategy. As for PvE, the only difference is that you know what you're up against in most cases. However, you can't just decide who's going to tank the boss and who heals the tank, you'll wipe. There's more things like knowing when to attack what, knowing what you have to avoid, and what you don't need to avoid. You may need to have awareness of what your target is doing, for example if it's trying to cast a spell that you have to interrupt.
Skill comes in when you get to the shooting part of it. (BLABLABLA)
WoW doesn't have any aiming, I'll give you that. You can do everything pretty much without releasing your mouse ever in a fight, (and most don't either,) but does that mean anyone can do it? There's no skill, just luck? Hardly. You have plenty of spells, abilities, items and pets that help you, and if you can't manage them well, you won't win anything.

The ONLY thing I find that you mentioned is levels, which gets silly sometimes with for example a level 70 killing thousands of low-levels, but it's a part of the genre, and that's just how it is. It's not a major problem as that level 70 benefits nothing from killing low-levels.

EDIT: Sidenote, your sig
"For us... the storm has passed... the was is over. But..."
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
From that post I'm going to assume you've never played WoW before.
I've played WoW before. I've experienced massive player versus player battles. I totally took control of Stormwind for a few hours.

In WoW, you organize your team and try to make one of several "types" of teams. For example you can be a burst team, which is meant to quickly take out the other team, or you can go for outlast, or crowd control. This is strategy.
And where is the strategy? Organization, ok. But how about flanking? Ambushing (without a Rogue)? Trampling with mounts? Covering fire (with arrows or spells)? Maybe I used the wrong word. Tactics is what I'm going for. Ways to approach fights other than stunning, slowing, pulling, or rushing. The only "tactic" I've ever used was taking my raid on flying mounts and dropping right on top of the heads of Alliance members in Stormwind and take them out.

There's more things like knowing when to attack what, knowing what you have to avoid, and what you don't need to avoid.
World of Warcraft is NOT Metal Gear Solid, in case you didn't notice. Although avoiding an enemy army and ambushing from the flank or rear is a viable strategy in real life, it doesn't really work too well in World of Warcraft unless your raid is made up entirely of Rogues or Mages with invisibility active.

You may need to have awareness of what your target is doing, for example if it's trying to cast a spell that you have to interrupt.
That's pretty simple. I know that if a Warlock is casting a damage-heavy spell I need to run and interrupt him with a skill of my own.

WoW doesn't have any aiming, I'll give you that. You can do everything pretty much without releasing your mouse ever in a fight, (and most don't either,) but does that mean anyone can do it? There's no skill, just luck? Hardly. You have plenty of spells, abilities, items and pets that help you, and if you can't manage them well, you won't win anything.
Since when did I say MMO's don't take skill? I agree with that, however. There is a plethora of abilities. But if you've already gotten used to all of them by the time you hit level 70 (or 80, nowadays) you won't be overwhelmed and you'll know which ability exactly does what. There are some spell combos to use (like frost nova-ing a melee class, blinking away and starting to cast some spells and etc.), but it just gets too hectic when you have a lot of people at once.

The ONLY thing I find that you mentioned is levels, which gets silly sometimes with for example a level 70 killing thousands of low-levels, but it's a part of the genre, and that's just how it is.
This is the ultimate example of how even a skilled newbie can't take down a higher level simply because he's a higher level. For the most part, in FPS, there are no levels. Everyone is (statistically) the same, with the same health and armor, and has access to every (or specific yet balanced) weapon. Anyone can kill anyone. It's just a matter of how good you are.

EDIT: Sidenote, your sig
"For us... the storm has passed... the was is over. But..."
Yeah... I need to fix that.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it. - is probally the best way to deal with MMO's. Games like EVE take the quotecake. A frigate ship maybe small, but it's fast and capable of destroying cruisers (and higher), if the pilot is lucky and has experience with it.

Plus WoW isn't a MMO anymore. A MMO has three key things: Tank, DPS and Healer:
- - Tank: The Tank is basicly a damage absorbing behemoth capable of taking huge amounts of hits. The Tank has high amounts of health but small DPS.
- - DPS: DPS characters can inflict huge amounts of damage, but sacrificing a lot of health. So high DPS and low health.
- - Healer: Not much health nor DPS, basicly the Healer's only job is.. to heal!

WoW gave the Tank huge amounts of health and DPS. The DPSers got huge amounts of DPS and health. The healer.. well, Blizzard made the Healer suck at healing and let him do also DPS.

I don't exactly know how WoW ticks, but I am damn sure that most of the *ahem* people who play it, focus only on DPS.

Google stuff like ''mmo tank dps healer'' does work, although I did found about all this stuff myself.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it. - is probally the best way to deal with MMO's. Games like EVE take the quotecake. A frigate ship maybe small, but it's fast and capable of destroying cruisers (and higher), if the pilot is lucky and has experience with it.
I honestly never played EVE Online. It looked interesting, but I've read a few reviews and it said that the game was utterly boring. The new expansion looks pretty sweet, though.

But notice the key word in that sentence. "...if the pilot is lucky..." Luck. So, in the end, if he's one lucky bastard, he might just be able to win if a cruiser (or whatever) is out taking a piss and is not at his computer.

Edit: But interesting find, TheDivineBoss. I knew about the 3 MMO character-types, but what you've found about WoW is surprising. I haven't even thought of that!
Level 12
Aug 18, 2006
And where is the strategy? Organization, ok. But how about flanking? Ambushing (without a Rogue)? Trampling with mounts? Covering fire (with arrows or spells)? Maybe I used the wrong word. Tactics is what I'm going for. Ways to approach fights other than stunning, slowing, pulling, or rushing. The only "tactic" I've ever used was taking my raid on flying mounts and dropping right on top of the heads of Alliance members in Stormwind and take them out.

World of Warcraft is NOT Metal Gear Solid, in case you didn't notice. Although avoiding an enemy army and ambushing from the flank or rear is a viable strategy in real life, it doesn't really work too well in World of Warcraft unless your raid is made up entirely of Rogues or Mages with invisibility active.
First of all, i totally like the idea of actually hacking into the game(unless its a private server) and use those Flying mounts in Azeroth. That sounds like something for me.

Ever played WAR? Flanking is a BIG DEAL in the RvR fights if you manage to pull it off. Oh, and numbers do count. Imagine(even in WoW) 10 people facing 20, who do you actually think has the upper hand?
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
You don't think it's fun to play with ~8000 people in the same server?

The game pratically runs itself, it's made fun by the people who play it.

There are always people to play with, things going on in chat or events and shit... there is a world to explore and items to gather, resources to obtain by trading and crafting things and if you get bored of one class or race you can (sometimes) make another charachter on the opposing faction and see the world from a different perspective...

And offcourse everybody dreams to be an uber assasin, warrior or mage...

But there AREN'T. I mean, the events are really half-assed, it's the same old shit: Run around, pick up some stuff, kill some shit, get items. Oh wow, resources to obtain. Gear and stuff you can MAKE, that is 10 times worse than the stuff you get in dungeons, or even if it isn't, it takes fucking forever to get it and is really boring as hell. You get bored of one class/faction? Play the whole game over again, EXACTLY THE SAME, but with different spells. Lovely. And I'd rather be an uber assassin, warrior or mage in an action game than some stupid auto-attack RPG.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
But there AREN'T. I mean, the events are really half-assed, it's the same old shit: Run around, pick up some stuff, kill some shit, get items. Oh wow, resources to obtain. Gear and stuff you can MAKE, that is 10 times worse than the stuff you get in dungeons, or even if it isn't, it takes fucking forever to get it and is really boring as hell. You get bored of one class/faction? Play the whole game over again, EXACTLY THE SAME, but with different spells. Lovely. And I'd rather be an uber assassin, warrior or mage in an action game than some stupid auto-attack RPG.
I think that's probably why no one ever mentions EVE, since it's made for boring people. Dungeons and Dragons (the REAL game) is more action-packed than that stupid game. The new expansion LOOKED cool. That's it.
Level 12
Jun 22, 2006
What I hate about mmorpgs are the lack of objective, you're just there, grinding for levels and items, but you can never be somebody special. No matter how good you are, you're just another "OMG LEVEL 100 WARRIOR"

If I pick up WoW I demand that I am at least playing as Jaina. Which will not happen.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I like MMOs. I enjoy getting gear, and killing things over and over.

Although I almost never play them alone. I'm usually playing with a friend. Video games are so much better with a friend.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
It's about repetition. When a game becomes repetitive, it will become boring. Multiplayer games have a way of making things less repetitive, on account of the human players.

Large level gaps suck.
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
It's about repetition. When a game becomes repetitive, it will become boring. Multiplayer games have a way of making things less repetitive, on account of the human players.

Large level gaps suck.

It is better to steal something good then to invent something bad. I tell ya that.
Level 6
Jan 17, 2006
I would think people would play MMOs because their lives are boring. That's why I play them. And because I have something in common with the other players, such as killing Malygos.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
What I hate about mmorpgs are the lack of objective, you're just there, grinding for levels and items, but you can never be somebody special. No matter how good you are, you're just another "OMG LEVEL 100 WARRIOR"

Like in the real world, you're just another human amongst millions.

If I pick up WoW I demand that I am at least playing as Jaina. Which will not happen.

I wonder why that would be >.> (I was actually hoping that ehm, jaina gets killed by Arthas... but Blizzard doesn't see the need for more Arthas drama i guess -.-)

But there AREN'T. I mean, the events are really half-assed, it's the same old shit: Run around, pick up some stuff, kill some shit, get items. Oh wow, resources to obtain. Gear and stuff you can MAKE, that is 10 times worse than the stuff you get in dungeons, or even if it isn't, it takes fucking forever to get it and is really boring as hell. You get bored of one class/faction? Play the whole game over again, EXACTLY THE SAME, but with different spells. Lovely. And I'd rather be an uber assassin, warrior or mage in an action game than some stupid auto-attack RPG.

Yeah you can be an uber-mage/warrior/assassin in a singleplayer RPG with uber graphics and shit, but nobody can see you... because you are alone... sure there are NPC's but it's not the same. It's also fun to show off to people who are weaker than you with your uber shiny gear.

And about picking up items and shit, well i dunno what would you like to do in a MMORPG then? Long missions and scripted thingies, you know these things take too long to do or are either to hard to make to let a few hundred players do that same quest at the same time =/

And playing on another faction with another class is not the same at all, warriors in WoW for example use rage, rogues use stamina and other classes use mana but they have all kinds of different focusses and you can specialize in a certain talent tree. Not to mention that almost every race will start out in a new area...

Seriously it sounds like you never played a MMORPG or just started it, looked around left and never looked back because you didn't like the few first things you saw =/
Level 12
Jun 22, 2006
Like in the real world, you're just another human amongst millions.

I wonder why that would be >.> (I was actually hoping that ehm, jaina gets killed by Arthas... but Blizzard doesn't see the need for more Arthas drama i guess -.-)

Then let me play as kael'thas, at least? :sad:

Yeah but no matter how hard you play you never get really recognized, unlike in the real world, if you do something epix you are unique and world-recognized.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I like RPGs.
I like being better than other people.
I like killing other people in RPGs.
I like MMO pvp.

Basically, you get to play an AoS, but instead of dumb creep units, everyone is a human player, and you've all built up your characters over time.
Level 14
Jun 13, 2007
What I hate about mmorpgs are the lack of objective, you're just there, grinding for levels and items, but you can never be somebody special. No matter how good you are, you're just another "OMG LEVEL 100 WARRIOR".

You could say that about any game. For instance a FPS. "Omg u just go around killing people all the time, there's no objective. ur just aiming and shooting and you can never be somebody special."
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
You could say that about any game. For instance a FPS. "Omg u just go around killing people all the time, there's no objective. ur just aiming and shooting and you can never be somebody special."
Depends which FPS you play. Many triple-A FPS have objectives in them. Counterstrike, for example, has two objectives: to either rescue/defend hostages or to detonate/defuse a bomb. Battlefield 2 has the "capture and hold all the points on the map to deplete all of your enemy's tickets (spawns)" objective.
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