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Magic World Online, A New Concept MMORPG!

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Level 2
May 4, 2008
Hey guys, its SuiGETSU[ARRC] Here :]

Magic World Online - New Concept MMORPG - Free to Play - EnjoyMMO.com

I've come across a game (Of course they sent me a open beta link through my e-mail) that has been VERY fun. Its still in open beta right now, so there are a few bugs but that's ok. Now you may be thinking, "Oh, I love SW/NvB/DotA and I don't have time for this game!" Well guess what? This game has a BOT Yes a BOT Now in your head I know your thinking "WTF? A bot?! Your lying!" but remember the fact that this is a New Concept MMORPG. Its for people who don't have that much time on their hands to play the game, or for people who HATE training. I love it because I'm out usually all the time, so I just set up my bot and Woosh, off I go to the outside world.
[Click Here for more Info]


Also, they have special events like the State War, where the two countries [Empire/Dynasty] collide in a epic battle and try to destroy each others dragons! Its fun as hell, and if you make it to the top 10, you have a chance to get a rare item!
[Click Here for more Info]

-I will get a picture up soon-

Now theres a similar event to the State War, its called Siege Wars. Basically each country gets a castle, which is blocked by barricades. They try and break through in order to reach each others dragons. The castle is heavily defended by NPC Archers and Warriors which do heavy damage. The Dragon is also a weapon too ;] EVERYONE gets a chance to get a rare item if your side wins.
[Click here for more Info]


Now you can also get Mounts in this game. Mounts are essentially pets that give you extra attributes. Every mount gives a +HP and +MP Bonus. They also have a passive BASIC ability. For example my CoreDragon gives a +IAS (Increased Attack Speed) which increases my attack speed. Or a HawkPard gives +Max AP(Attack Power). All mounts also have a chance to get a Hidden Attribute once they level up (You level them up by feeding them once their feeding status becomes X>[30/100]) For example my CoreDragon's hidden attribute is +Hit (Accuracy, no missing) When a mount hits +5, it stops being a juvenile mount and becomes a Adult mount. The plus side of this is that you dont have to use magic powders to feed them anymore (Which is expensive as hell by the way) instead you use Forages. Now that they are adult mounts you can RIDE them and they have a chance to get hidden spells (upansiads) and sockets (for pet amulets)

Mount Stats

Adult Mount


Ok enough with all this boring stuff. Its time to talk about the classes.

There are 4 main classes:

Each class has a primary stage (Level 1-14) then branches off twice at levels 15-29. You get two choices at level 15. Once you hit 30, you can only advance to ONE class, meaning its a fixed class choice you cant choose. At level 50 though, you can once again choose through two choices, and at level 60 you get another two choices. Thats ALOT of variation to the classes. Without further ado I invite you to look at the skills.

Archers: Archer Skills | Magic World Online
Mages: Mage Skills | Magic World Online
Summoners: Summoner Skills | Magic World Online
Warriors: Warrior Skills | Magic World Online

There is much more to the game than what I've talked about, so come try it out!
Level 3
Jul 26, 2007
A generic MMO! Oh my god! It's so different! Meh, enough sarcasm. Looks like nothing new, anyway.
Level 2
May 4, 2008
Yay. Yet another fantasy MMORPG in the already overbloated market full of people wanting to imitate WoW's success

I'm somewhat not impressed

anatta wa chigou. Its not imitating WoW, its a new concept MMO. WoW doesn't have a bot does it?
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
anatta wa chigou. Its not imitating WoW, its a new concept MMO. WoW doesn't have a bot does it?

No, it's Yet Another Fantasy MMO, using a bot system to try and get people interested

It's another one in the long line of MMOs such as Everquest, WoW, Runescape, Maple Story, Fury and all the other ones around

Just having a bot system isn't making it anything special. It's not a "New concept MMO", it's a fantasy MMO with a new concept in it. It's an idea that has been overused almost as much as sci-fi FPS games
Level 2
Aug 16, 2008
Is it just me or does that look exactly like Conquer/Eudemons by TQ.

Haha woah that's funny too isn't it, they're all Chinese.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
The thing I hate about all these MMOs are the fact that all the characters look the same. WoW even bothers me since late game everyone looks similar (Although it's the best I've seen for diversity).
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