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What you did today v1.0

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Level 20
Jan 6, 2008
And I'm gonna have Physics (I'm screwed!) and English (My Elglsh skils are be good).

sure your Elglsh is good,

today I had a presentation of me being a bartender, other guy a drunken fat guy, and a random man, bla bla, boring stuff, I learnt something O.O /me is proud. we got homework Z; tomorrow a Religion test, and other usual boring stuff ;/
Level 3
Apr 21, 2009
got up, went to church played the best version of hosanna ever, said farewell to a member who was leaving to go to the big city, came home, made lunch, and began wasting away hours on the net. noticed this thread, and posted. now considering replaying diablo 2 for the hundredth time.
I always have been a communist. On chat, I simply de-nazified myself.

Btw, the awesomeness of the video is not for public view. It would score too many victims.

admit it, it was wild lesbian porn O.O

hehe kiding.

what I made today, hum slept, woke up, done some homework, sat in the car, got home, (because I was at my cottage) sat down at the computer worked for my concept art stuff.. eat diner... worked for my conceprt art again, now it's 10h20 p.m going to bed.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
admit it, it was wild lesbian porn O.O

hehe kiding.

No, it's more awesome than that.

Zombie. probably just digged up an old soviet-era propaganda movie that shows communist ideology spreading technics.

Exctracts from Hellsing and Jin'Roh, composed with some awesomesauce music. Due to the nature of both the images and the audio track, some people might get offended, duh.
Level 12
Feb 8, 2008
I got up, showered, played farcry 2, went to school, collected my money from a friend for the pc i made him, hung with friends, figured i forgot my lunch, bort lunch with the money i received, went back to class, played pacman, space invaders and super mario bros on a nes emu. at school instead of doing work, went home, went on msn, had a fight with the girl i likes, went on hive, went to work, played farcry 2 some more, got on hive, talked to girl i like again, apologized, came back on hive.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
I suferd through math with a horibly boring teacher and english with a slightly better teacher. THen I had music, which was ok, I guess. Then comes the "Fun" part of the day. Business information Technology studies. A class that consisted of me and my friend passing finished work back and forth via a USB stick, which effectivly cuts 50% of in-class work down. I ended school by adding a beard and unibrow to Bush's face.
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