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Unique Id Allocation

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Unique Id Allocation
by Nestharus


Alloc is used whenever anything needs a unique identifier. Want to create a spell? How is the spell identified?
Where is the spell's data stored? An identifier is just a number that can be used in an array. The numbers
are guaranteed to always be unique so that every spell gets its own space for data.

Suppose that a spell needs three values: damage, damage type, duration

These values can be stored across three arrays

real array damage
integer array damageType
real array duration

The index that the spell uses is based on allocation.

spellId = allocate()

damage[spellId] = 55
damageType[spellId] = 4
duration[spellId] = 16

When the spell is finished, its id can be recycled so that it can be used again. Not recycling
an id is known as a memory leak.


vJASS structs use allocators as well

struct Hi

Hi hi = Hi.create() //allocator!
call hi.destroy() //allocator!

Why use Alloc over vJASS allocators?

  • It's faster
  • It has more debugging features
    • memory usage
    • tracking memory leaks
    • debug only overflow detection
    • debug only double free detection
  • It has good error messages
  • It generates less code outside of debug mode


There are four versions of Alloc. When are they used?



Standard Alloc

Fast Alloc

Queue Alloc

Table Alloc

Standard allocation. Generates minimal code.

library Alloc /* v1.3.1.1
*	*/ uses /*
*		*/ optional ErrorMessage	/*		github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage
*		*/ optional MemoryAnalysis	/*		
*	Minimizes code generation and global variables while maintaining
*	excellent performance.
*		local thistype this = recycler[0]
*		if (recycler[this] == 0) then
*			set recycler[0] = this + 1
*		else
*			set recycler[0] = recycler[this]
*		endif
*	module Alloc
*		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
*		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
*		The Following Require Error Message To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly boolean allocated
*		The Following Require Memory Analysis To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly integer monitorCount
*			-	the amount of global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer monitorString
*			-	gets a string representation of all global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer address
*			-	global memory address for debugging
*			-	used with monitor and stopMonitor
*			debug static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
*			debug static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
*			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
*			-	monitor a global memory address with a label
*			-	used to identify memory leaks
*			-	should be memory that ought to be destroyed by the time this is destroyed
*			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring global memory
*			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring handle values
*			The Following Are Used To Monitor Handle Values
*				debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
	module Alloc
		*	stack
		private static integer array recycler
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug private MemoryMonitor globalAddress
			debug method operator address takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "address", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress
			debug endmethod
		*	allocation
		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
			local thistype this = recycler[0]
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(this == 8192, "Alloc", "allocate", "thistype", 0, "Overflow.")
			if (recycler[this] == 0) then
				set recycler[0] = this + 1
				set recycler[0] = recycler[this]
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug set recycler[this] = -1
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug set globalAddress = MemoryMonitor.allocate("thistype")
			return this
		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "deallocate", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Deallocate Null Instance.")
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug call globalAddress.deallocate()
				debug set globalAddress = 0
			set recycler[this] = recycler[0]
			set recycler[0] = this
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor(label, address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "stopMonitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitor(address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "stopMonitorValue", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitorValue(monitoredHandle)
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorCount takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitorCount", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorCount
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorString takes nothing returns string
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitorString", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorString
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_widget", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_widget(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_destructable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_destructable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_item", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_item(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_unit", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unit(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_timer", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timer(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_trigger", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_trigger(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_triggercondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggercondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_triggeraction", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggeraction(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_force", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_force(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_group", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_group(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_location", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_location(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_rect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_rect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_boolexpr", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_boolexpr(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_effect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_effect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_unitpool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unitpool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_itempool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_itempool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_quest", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_quest(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_defeatcondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_defeatcondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_timerdialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timerdialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_leaderboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_leaderboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_multiboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_multiboarditem", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboarditem(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_dialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_dialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_button", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_button(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_texttag", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_texttag(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_lightning", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_lightning(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_image", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_image(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_ubersplat", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_ubersplat(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_region", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_region(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_fogmodifier", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_fogmodifier(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_hashtable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_hashtable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			static if DEBUG_MODE then
				//! runtextmacro optional MEMORY_ANALYSIS_STATIC_FIELD_NEW("recycler")
				static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
					return calculateAllocatedMemory__recycler()
				static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
					return allocatedMemoryString__recycler()
		*	analysis
		static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
			debug method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
				debug return recycler[this] == -1
			debug endmethod
		*	initialization
		private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			set recycler[0] = 1

Generates a little more code and has a pretty nasty loop that runs
when the map first loads, but is quite a bit faster. Only need
to use this with HEAVY operations that can easily run into the op limit.

library AllocFast /* v1.3.1.0
*	*/ uses /*
*		*/ optional ErrorMessage	/*		github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage
*		*/ optional MemoryAnalysis	/*		
*	Maximizes speed by reducing local variable declarations and removing
*	if-statement.
*		set alloc = recycler[0]
*		set recycler[0] = recycler[alloc]
*	module AllocFast
*		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
*		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
*		The Following Require Error Message To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly boolean allocated
*		The Following Require Memory Analysis To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly integer monitorCount
*			-	the amount of global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer monitorString
*			-	gets a string representation of all global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer address
*			-	global memory address for debugging
*			-	used with monitor and stopMonitor
*			debug static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
*			debug static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
*			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
*			-	monitor a global memory address with a label
*			-	used to identify memory leaks
*			-	should be memory that ought to be destroyed by the time this is destroyed
*			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring global memory
*			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring handle values
*			The Following Are Used To Monitor Handle Values
*				debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
	module AllocFast
		*	stack
		private static integer array recycler
		private static integer alloc
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug private MemoryMonitor globalAddress
			debug method operator address takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "address", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress
			debug endmethod
		*	allocation
		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
			set alloc = recycler[0]
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(alloc == 0, "AllocFast", "allocate", "thistype", 0, "Overflow.")
			set recycler[0] = recycler[alloc]
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug set recycler[alloc] = -1
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug set thistype(alloc).globalAddress = MemoryMonitor.allocate("thistype")
			return alloc
		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "deallocate", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Deallocate Null Instance.")
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug call globalAddress.deallocate()
				debug set globalAddress = 0
			set recycler[this] = recycler[0]
			set recycler[0] = this
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor(label, address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "stopMonitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitor(address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "stopMonitorValue", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitorValue(monitoredHandle)
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorCount takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitorCount", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorCount
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorString takes nothing returns string
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitorString", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorString
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_widget", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_widget(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_destructable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_destructable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_item", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_item(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_unit", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unit(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_timer", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timer(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_trigger", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_trigger(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_triggercondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggercondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_triggeraction", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggeraction(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_force", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_force(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_group", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_group(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_location", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_location(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_rect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_rect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_boolexpr", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_boolexpr(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_effect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_effect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_unitpool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unitpool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_itempool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_itempool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_quest", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_quest(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_defeatcondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_defeatcondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_timerdialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timerdialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_leaderboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_leaderboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_multiboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_multiboarditem", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboarditem(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_dialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_dialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_button", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_button(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_texttag", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_texttag(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_lightning", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_lightning(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_image", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_image(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_ubersplat", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_ubersplat(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_region", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_region(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_fogmodifier", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_fogmodifier(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocFast", "monitor_hashtable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_hashtable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			static if DEBUG_MODE then
				//! runtextmacro optional MEMORY_ANALYSIS_STATIC_FIELD_FAST("recycler")
				static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
					return calculateAllocatedMemory__recycler()
				static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
					return allocatedMemoryString__recycler()
		*	analysis
		static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
			debug method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
				debug return recycler[this] == -1
			debug endmethod
		*	initialization
		private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			local integer i = 0

			set recycler[8191] = 0 //so that the array doesn't reallocate over and over again
				set recycler[i] = i + 1
				exitwhen i == 8190
				set i = i + 1

Fast mode only version as this is primarily used to keep an id from getting
reused too quickly.

Suppose a spell runs for 8 seconds. It is targeting a unit. That unit is destroyed.
Should the spell be destroyed? Yes, but some of us are lazy. If the spell isn't destroyed,
the unit's id should not be recycled too quickly otherwise the spell will end up targeting
a whole other unit! A queue places recycled ids at the end of the line. Would have to go
through thousands of units in a few seconds to break the spell.

AllocQ can have problems when there are many ids being used. The amount of ids available
is 8191. If a lot of these ids are used, the line an id has to wait through to get reused
gets smaller. If something like 8190 ids are used, then an id will immediately get reused.

allocate -> 8191
allocate -> 8191 //uh oh

AllocQ should be safe for most things. It is here to improve the quality of a resource like
a Unit Indexer for lazy users. A good user should clean things up immediately.

library AllocQ /* v1.2.0.1
*	*/ uses /*
*		*/ optional ErrorMessage	/*		github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage
*		*/ optional MemoryAnalysis	/*		
*	Maximizes speed by reducing local variable declarations and removing
*	if-statement.
*	Uses a queue instead of a stack for recycler. Using a queue requires one
*	extra variable declaration.
*		set alloc = recycler[0]
*		set recycler[0] = recycler[alloc]
*	module AllocQ
*		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
*		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
*		The Following Require Error Message To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly boolean allocated
*		The Following Require Memory Analysis To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly integer monitorCount
*			-	the amount of global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer monitorString
*			-	gets a string representation of all global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer address
*			-	global memory address for debugging
*			-	used with monitor and stopMonitor
*			debug static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
*			debug static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
*			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
*			-	monitor a global memory address with a label
*			-	used to identify memory leaks
*			-	should be memory that ought to be destroyed by the time this is destroyed
*			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring global memory
*			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring handle values
*			The Following Are Used To Monitor Handle Values
*				debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
	module AllocQ
		*	stack
		private static integer array recycler
		private static integer alloc
		private static integer last = 8191
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug private MemoryMonitor globalAddress
			debug method operator address takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "address", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress
			debug endmethod
		*	allocation
		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
			set alloc = recycler[0]
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(alloc == 0, "AllocQ", "allocate", "thistype", 0, "Overflow.")
			set recycler[0] = recycler[alloc]
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug set recycler[alloc] = -1
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug set thistype(alloc).globalAddress = MemoryMonitor.allocate("thistype")
			return alloc
		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
			static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocQ", "deallocate", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Deallocate Null Instance.")
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug call globalAddress.deallocate()
				debug set globalAddress = 0
			set recycler[last] = this
			set recycler[this] = 0
			set last = this
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocQ", "monitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor(label, address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "AllocQ", "stopMonitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitor(address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "stopMonitorValue", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitorValue(monitoredHandle)
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorCount takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitorCount", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorCount
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorString takes nothing returns string
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitorString", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorString
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_widget", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_widget(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_destructable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_destructable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_item", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_item(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_unit", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unit(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_timer", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timer(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_trigger", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_trigger(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_triggercondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggercondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_triggeraction", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggeraction(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_force", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_force(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_group", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_group(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_location", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_location(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_rect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_rect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_boolexpr", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_boolexpr(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_effect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_effect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_unitpool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unitpool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_itempool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_itempool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_quest", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_quest(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_defeatcondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_defeatcondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_timerdialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timerdialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_leaderboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_leaderboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_multiboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_multiboarditem", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboarditem(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_dialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_dialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_button", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_button(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_texttag", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_texttag(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_lightning", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_lightning(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_image", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_image(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_ubersplat", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_ubersplat(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_region", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_region(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_fogmodifier", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_fogmodifier(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(recycler[this] != -1, "Alloc", "monitor_hashtable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_hashtable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			static if DEBUG_MODE then
				//! runtextmacro optional MEMORY_ANALYSIS_STATIC_FIELD_FAST("recycler")
				static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
					return calculateAllocatedMemory__recycler()
				static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
					return allocatedMemoryString__recycler()
		*	analysis
		static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
			debug method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
				debug return recycler[this] == -1
			debug endmethod
		*	initialization
		private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			local integer i = 0

			set recycler[8191] = 0 //so that the array doesn't reallocate over and over again
				set recycler[i] = i + 1
				exitwhen i == 8190
				set i = i + 1

AllocT is just like Alloc except that it uses a hashtable instead of
an array. It is much slower, but supports billions of ids instead of only 8191.

Whenever using AllocT, hashtables must be used to store things, not arrays. Taking the
spell example from before.

Table damage
Table damageType
Table duration

Table is a good resource when needing hashtables. It is included with this map.

TableField is recommended for easy variable creation with AllocT
Note that TableField only works with the Table thta I distribute, not the one on
hiveworkshop. The reason is because the one on THW is missing some things, so it'll
throw syntax errors.



//the first argument = native type
//the second argument = the type you want (like a struct)
//! runtextmacro CREATE_TABLE_FIELD_ARRAY("integer", "myArray", "integer")

myArray[-5] = 394829 //it's a hashtable behind the scenes

struct O_O extends array
	//! runtextmacro USE_TABLE_FIELD_ARRAY("public", "myArray")

	//this is a hashtable field
	//! runtextmacro CREATE_TABLE_FIELD("public", "integer", "next", "thistype")

	private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
		//all hashtable fields must be initialized
		//! runtextmacro INITIALIZE_TABLE_FIELD("next")

O_O.myArray[-5] = 2319 //the above struct is using the global array

library AllocT /* v1.2.0.1
*	*/ uses /*
*		*/ Table					/*		http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/jass-resources-412/snippet-new-table-188084/
*		*/ optional ErrorMessage	/*		https://github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage
*		*/ optional MemoryAnalysis	/*		
*	Uses hashtable instead of array, which drastically reduces performance
*	but uncaps the instance limit. Should use with table fields instead of
*	array fields.
*	Due to hashtable usage, this uses an array stack recycler instead of a linked
*	stack. This is to reduce hashtable reads.
*		local thistype this = recycler[0]
*		if (recyclerCount == 0) then
*			set this = instanceCount + 1
*			set instanceCount = this
*		else
*			set recyclerCount = recyclerCount - 1
*			set this = recycler[recyclerCount]
*		endif
*	module AllocT
*		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
*		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
*		The Following Require Error Message To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly boolean allocated
*		The Following Require Memory Analysis To Be In The Map
*		--------------------------------------------------------
*			debug readonly integer monitorCount
*			-	the amount of global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer monitorString
*			-	gets a string representation of all global memory being monitored by this
*			debug readonly integer address
*			-	global memory address for debugging
*			-	used with monitor and stopMonitor
*			debug static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
*			debug static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
*			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
*			-	monitor a global memory address with a label
*			-	used to identify memory leaks
*			-	should be memory that ought to be destroyed by the time this is destroyed
*			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring global memory
*			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring handle values
*			The Following Are Used To Monitor Handle Values
*				debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
*				debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
	private keyword globalAddress
	module AllocT
		*	stack
		private static Table recycler
		private static integer instanceCount = 0
		private static integer recyclerCount = 0
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug private static Table p_globalAddress
			debug public method operator globalAddress takes nothing returns MemoryMonitor
				debug return p_globalAddress[this]
			debug endmethod
			debug public method operator globalAddress= takes integer value returns nothing
				debug set p_globalAddress[this] = value
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator address takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "Alloc", "address", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress
			debug endmethod
		elseif LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
			debug private static Table p_allocated
		*	allocation
		static method allocate takes nothing returns thistype
			local thistype this
			if (recyclerCount == 0) then
				set this = instanceCount + 1
				set instanceCount = this
				static if LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
					debug call ThrowError(this < 0, "AllocT", "allocate", "thistype", 0, "Overflow.")
				set recyclerCount = recyclerCount - 1
				set this = recycler[recyclerCount]
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug set globalAddress = MemoryMonitor.allocate("thistype")
			elseif LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug set p_allocated.boolean[this] = true
			return this
		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "deallocate", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Deallocate Null Instance.")
			elseif LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call ThrowError(not p_allocated.has(this), "AllocT", "deallocate", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Deallocate Null Instance.")
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug call globalAddress.deallocate()
				debug call p_globalAddress.remove(this)
			elseif LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug call p_allocated.remove(this)
			set recycler[recyclerCount] = this
			set recyclerCount = recyclerCount + 1
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug method monitor takes string label, integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor(label, address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitor takes integer address returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "stopMonitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitor(address)
			debug endmethod
			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "stopMonitorValue", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.stopMonitorValue(monitoredHandle)
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorCount takes nothing returns integer
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitorCount", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorCount
			debug endmethod
			debug method operator monitorString takes nothing returns string
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitorString", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug return globalAddress.monitorString
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_widget", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_widget(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_destructable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_destructable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_item", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_item(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_unit", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unit(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_timer", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timer(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_trigger", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_trigger(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_triggercondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggercondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_triggeraction", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_triggeraction(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_force", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_force(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_group", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_group(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_location", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_location(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_rect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_rect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_boolexpr", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_boolexpr(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_effect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_effect(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_unitpool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_unitpool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_itempool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_itempool(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_quest", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_quest(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_defeatcondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_defeatcondition(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_timerdialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_timerdialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_leaderboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_leaderboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_multiboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboard(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_multiboarditem", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_multiboarditem(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_dialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_dialog(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_button", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_button(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_texttag", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_texttag(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_lightning", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_lightning(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_image", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_image(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_ubersplat", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_ubersplat(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_region", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_region(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_fogmodifier", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_fogmodifier(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
				debug call ThrowError(not p_globalAddress.has(this), "AllocT", "monitor_hashtable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
				debug call globalAddress.monitor_hashtable(label, handleToTrack)
			debug endmethod
			static if DEBUG_MODE then
				//! runtextmacro optional MEMORY_ANALYSIS_STATIC_FIELD_STACK_ARRAY("recycler", "instanceCount", "recyclerCount")
				static method calculateMemoryUsage takes nothing returns integer
					return calculateAllocatedMemory__recycler()
				static method getAllocatedMemoryAsString takes nothing returns string
					return allocatedMemoryString__recycler()
		*	analysis
		static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
			debug method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
				debug return p_globalAddress.has(this)
			debug endmethod
		elseif LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
			debug method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
				debug return p_allocated.has(this)
			debug endmethod
		*	initialization
		private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			set recycler = Table.create()
			static if LIBRARY_MemoryAnalysis then
				debug set p_globalAddress = Table.create()
			elseif LIBRARY_ErrorMessage then
				debug set p_allocated = Table.create()

Memory Analysis

This tool is useful for tracking memory leaks. It can handle stack allocators, dynamic memory, and handle values.

library MemoryAnalysis /* v1.1.0.1
*	*/ uses /*
*		*/ ErrorMessage	/*		github.com/nestharus/JASS/tree/master/jass/Systems/ErrorMessage
*	Provides tools for checking memory. Useful for checking for memory leaks.
*	debug struct MemoryMonitor extends array
*		Description
*		-------------
*			Dynamic memory analysis. Whenever memory creates more temporary memory, make
*			that memory monitor the new memory. When the original memory is destroyed, if
*			that new memory still exists, that new memory has leaked.
*		API
*		-------------
*			debug readonly boolean isAllocated
*			debug readonly string id
*			-	an id assigned to this memory by the user for easy identification
*			debug readonly integer monitorCount
*			-	how much memory is currently being monitored by this memory
*			-	potential leaks
*			debug readonly string monitorString
*			-	a string representation of the memory being monitored by this memory
*			debug static method allocate takes string id returns MemoryMonitor
*			-	id is used to easily identify memory
*			debug method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
*			-	if memory is deallocated while monitored memory is still alive, this will
*			-	throw an error and warn of leaks
*			debug method monitor takes string id, thistype address returns nothing
*			-	starts monitoring memory
*			-	the address should be a MemoryMonitor address
*			debug method stopMonitor takes thistype address returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring an address
*			debug method stopMonitorValue takes handle monitoredHandle returns nothing
*			-	stops monitoring a handle value
*		The following are used to monitor handle values
*			debug method monitor_widget				takes string label, widget				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_destructable		takes string label, destructable		handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_item				takes string label, item				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_unit				takes string label, unit				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_timer				takes string label, timer				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_trigger			takes string label, trigger				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_triggercondition	takes string label, triggercondition	handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_triggeraction		takes string label, triggeraction		handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_force				takes string label, force				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_group				takes string label, group				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_location			takes string label, location			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_rect				takes string label, rect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_boolexpr			takes string label, boolexpr			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_effect				takes string label, effect				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_unitpool			takes string label, unitpool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_itempool			takes string label, itempool			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_quest				takes string label, quest				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_defeatcondition	takes string label, defeatcondition		handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_timerdialog		takes string label, timerdialog			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_leaderboard		takes string label, leaderboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_multiboard			takes string label, multiboard			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_multiboarditem		takes string label, multiboarditem		handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_dialog				takes string label, dialog				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_button				takes string label, button				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_texttag			takes string label, texttag				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_lightning			takes string label, lightning			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_image				takes string label, image				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_ubersplat			takes string label, ubersplat			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_region				takes string label, region				handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_fogmodifier		takes string label, fogmodifier			handleToTrack returns nothing
*			debug method monitor_hashtable			takes string label, hashtable			handleToTrack returns nothing
*	Static Allocator Stack Analysis
*	Generated Macro Members (for below macros)
*		debug private calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
*			May be a static method or a function
*			Returns how much memory is remaining in the stack assuming that the
*			maximum memory is 8191. Should not be used with tables as tables have
*			no bound on memory.
*			Useful for helping to determine whether to stick with arrays or use
*			tables.
*		debug private calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
*			May be a static method or a function
*			Returns how much memory is currently allocated by analyzing the stack
*			and total accessed memory.
*			Useful for helping to determine if a resource or map has memory leaks.
*		debug private allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
*			May be a static method or a function
*			Returns a string containing a list of all allocated instances.
*			Useful for debugging a resource or map when that resource or map has
*			memory leaks.
*	Macros
*			Takes an old style allocator with a stack and an instance count
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be of type "thistype" and must not be static
*		//! textmacro MEMORY_ANALYSIS_FIELD_NEW takes STACK
*			Takes a new style allocator where the bottom of the STACK always
*			contains the highest possible instance.
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be of type "thistype" and must not be static
*			Takes a fast style allocator where the STACK is completely filled
*			at map initialization.
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be of type "thistype" and must not be static
*			Takes an old style allocator with a stack and an instance count
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be a static array
*			Takes a new style allocator where the bottom of the STACK always
*			contains the highest possible instance.
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be a static array
*			Takes a fast style allocator where the STACK is completely filled
*			at map initialization.
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be a static array
*			The first style of allocation ever created. Uses an array for the stack
*			and two counters. INSTANCE_COUNT and RECYCLE_COUNT should be initialized to 0
*			and RECYCLE_COUNT should refer to the top of the array.
*			Must be implemented within a struct
*			STACK must be an array
*			Takes an old style allocator with a stack and an instance count
*			Must be implemented within a library or scope
*			STACK must be an array
*			Takes a new style allocator where the bottom of the STACK always
*			contains the highest possible instance.
*			Must be implemented within a library or scope
*			STACK must be an array
*			Takes a fast style allocator where the STACK is completely filled
*			at map initialization.
*			Must be implemented within a library or scope
*			STACK must be an array
*			The first style of allocation ever created. Uses an array for the stack
*			and two counters. INSTANCE_COUNT and RECYCLE_COUNT should be initialized to 0
*			and RECYCLE_COUNT should refer to the top of the array.
*			Must be implemented within a library or scope
*			STACK must be an array
		private constant boolean TRACE = false
	static if DEBUG_MODE then
	private module doInit
		private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
			call init()
	private struct ValueTracker extends array
		private static hashtable table = InitHashtable()
		private static integer instanceCount = 0
		private static integer recycleCount = 0
		private static trigger loader = null
		private static boolexpr array eval
		private static integer toLoad = 0
		private static handle loaded = null
		static constant integer widget = 1
		static constant integer destructable = 2
		static constant integer item = 3
		static constant integer unit = 4
		static constant integer timer = 5
		static constant integer trigger = 6
		static constant integer triggercondition = 7
		static constant integer triggeraction = 8
		static constant integer force = 9
		static constant integer group = 10
		static constant integer location = 11
		static constant integer rect = 12
		static constant integer boolexpr = 13
		static constant integer effect = 14
		static constant integer unitpool = 15
		static constant integer itempool = 16
		static constant integer quest = 17
		static constant integer defeatcondition = 18
		static constant integer timerdialog = 19
		static constant integer leaderboard = 20
		static constant integer multiboard = 21
		static constant integer multiboarditem = 22
		static constant integer dialog = 23
		static constant integer button = 24
		static constant integer texttag = 25
		static constant integer lightning = 26
		static constant integer image = 27
		static constant integer ubersplat = 28
		static constant integer region = 29
		static constant integer fogmodifier = 30
		static constant integer hashtable = 31
		//owner		0
		//type		1
		//label		2
		//handle	3
		//handleid	4
		//index		5
		private static method allocate takes integer handleId, integer owner, integer typeId, string label returns thistype
			local thistype this
			if (recycleCount == 0) then
				set this = instanceCount + 1
				set instanceCount = this
				set recycleCount = recycleCount - 1
				set this = LoadInteger(table, 0, recycleCount)
			call SaveInteger(table, -handleId, owner, this)
			call SaveInteger(table, this, 0, owner)
			call SaveInteger(table, this, 1, typeId)
			call SaveStr(table, this, 2, label)
			call SaveInteger(table, this, 4, handleId)
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "Create ValueTracker(" + I2S(handleId) + ", " + I2S(owner) + ").label = " + label)
			return this
		method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
			if (HaveSavedInteger(table, this, 0)) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "Destroy ValueTracker(" + I2S(LoadInteger(table, this, 4)) + ", " + I2S(LoadInteger(table, this, 0)) + ").label = " + LoadStr(table, this, 2))
				call RemoveSavedInteger(table, -LoadInteger(table, this, 4), LoadInteger(table, this, 0))
				call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, 0)
				call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, 1)
				call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, 2)
				call RemoveSavedHandle(table, this, 3)
				call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, 4)
				call RemoveSavedInteger(table, this, 5)
				call SaveInteger(table, 0, recycleCount, this)
				set recycleCount = recycleCount + 1
		static method operator [] takes handle h returns thistype
			return GetHandleId(h)
		method operator [] takes integer owner returns thistype
			if (HaveSavedInteger(table, -this, owner)) then
				return LoadInteger(table, -this, owner)
			return 0
		method operator owner takes nothing returns integer
			return LoadInteger(table, this, 0)
		method operator index takes nothing returns integer
			return LoadInteger(table, this, 5)
		method operator index= takes integer index returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ValueTracker(" + I2S(this) + ").index = " + I2S(index))
			call SaveInteger(table, this, 5, index)
		method operator label takes nothing returns string
			return LoadStr(table, this, 2)
		method operator valid takes nothing returns boolean
			return HaveSavedInteger(table, this, 0)
		method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
			local integer owner
			local triggercondition tc
			local boolean success
			if (not valid) then
				return false
			set owner = this.owner
			set tc = TriggerAddCondition(loader, eval[LoadInteger(table, this, 1)])
			set toLoad = this
			call TriggerEvaluate(loader)
			call TriggerRemoveCondition(loader, tc)
			set tc = null
			set success = loaded != null
			set loaded = null
			return success
		static method relation takes integer handleId, integer owner returns boolean
			return HaveSavedInteger(table, -handleId, owner)
		static method createWidget takes string label, integer owner, widget h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, widget, label)
			call SaveWidgetHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createDestructable takes string label, integer owner, destructable h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, destructable, label)
			call SaveDestructableHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createItem takes string label, integer owner, item h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, item, label)
			call SaveItemHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createUnit takes string label, integer owner, unit h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, unit, label)
			call SaveUnitHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createTimer takes string label, integer owner, timer h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, timer, label)
			call SaveTimerHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createTrigger takes string label, integer owner, trigger h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, trigger, label)
			call SaveTriggerHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createTriggerCondition takes string label, integer owner, triggercondition h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, triggercondition, label)
			call SaveTriggerConditionHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createTriggerAction takes string label, integer owner, triggeraction h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, triggeraction, label)
			call SaveTriggerActionHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createForce takes string label, integer owner, force h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, force, label)
			call SaveForceHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createGroup takes string label, integer owner, group h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, group, label)
			call SaveGroupHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createLocation takes string label, integer owner, location h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, location, label)
			call SaveLocationHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createRect takes string label, integer owner, rect h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, rect, label)
			call SaveRectHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createBooleanExpr takes string label, integer owner, boolexpr h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, boolexpr, label)
			call SaveBooleanExprHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createEffect takes string label, integer owner, effect h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, effect, label)
			call SaveEffectHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createUnitPool takes string label, integer owner, unitpool h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, unitpool, label)
			call SaveUnitPoolHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createItemPool takes string label, integer owner, itempool h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, itempool, label)
			call SaveItemPoolHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createQuest takes string label, integer owner, quest h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, quest, label)
			call SaveQuestHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createDefeatCondition takes string label, integer owner, defeatcondition h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, defeatcondition, label)
			call SaveDefeatConditionHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createTimerDialog takes string label, integer owner, timerdialog h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, timerdialog, label)
			call SaveTimerDialogHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createLeaderboard takes string label, integer owner, leaderboard h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, leaderboard, label)
			call SaveLeaderboardHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createMultiboard takes string label, integer owner, multiboard h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, multiboard, label)
			call SaveMultiboardHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createMultiboardItem takes string label, integer owner, multiboarditem h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, multiboarditem, label)
			call SaveMultiboardItemHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createDialog takes string label, integer owner, dialog h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, dialog, label)
			call SaveDialogHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createButton takes string label, integer owner, button h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, button, label)
			call SaveButtonHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createTextTag takes string label, integer owner, texttag h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, texttag, label)
			call SaveTextTagHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createLightning takes string label, integer owner, lightning h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, lightning, label)
			call SaveLightningHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createImage takes string label, integer owner, image h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, image, label)
			call SaveImageHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createUbersplat takes string label, integer owner, ubersplat h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, ubersplat, label)
			call SaveUbersplatHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createRegion takes string label, integer owner, region h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, region, label)
			call SaveRegionHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createFogModifier takes string label, integer owner, fogmodifier h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, fogmodifier, label)
			call SaveFogModifierHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		static method createHashtable takes string label, integer owner, hashtable h returns thistype
			local thistype this = allocate(GetHandleId(h), owner, hashtable, label)
			call SaveHashtableHandle(table, this, 3, h)
			return this
		private static method evalWidget takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadWidgetHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalDestructable takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadDestructableHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalItem takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadItemHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalUnit takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadUnitHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalTimer takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadTimerHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalTrigger takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadTriggerHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalTriggerCondition takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadTriggerConditionHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalTriggerAction takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadTriggerActionHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalForce takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadForceHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalGroup takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadGroupHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalLocation takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadLocationHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalRect takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadRectHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalBooleanExpr takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadBooleanExprHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalEffect takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadEffectHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalUnitPool takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadUnitPoolHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalItemPool takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadItemPoolHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalQuest takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadQuestHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalDefeatCondition takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadDefeatConditionHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalTimerDialog takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadTimerDialogHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalLeaderboard takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadLeaderboardHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalMultiboard takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadMultiboardHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalMultiboardItem takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadMultiboardItemHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalDialog takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadDialogHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalTextTag takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadTextTagHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalLightning takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadLightningHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalImage takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadImageHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalUbersplat takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadUbersplatHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalRegion takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadRegionHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalFogModifier takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadFogModifierHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalHashtable takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadHashtableHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method evalButton takes nothing returns boolean
			set loaded = LoadButtonHandle(table, toLoad, 3)
			return false
		private static method init takes nothing returns nothing
			set loader = CreateTrigger()
			set toLoad = 0
			set loaded = null
			set eval[widget] = Condition(function thistype.evalWidget)
			set eval[destructable] = Condition(function thistype.evalDestructable)
			set eval[item] = Condition(function thistype.evalItem)
			set eval[unit] = Condition(function thistype.evalUnit)
			set eval[timer] = Condition(function thistype.evalTimer)
			set eval[trigger] = Condition(function thistype.evalTrigger)
			set eval[triggercondition] = Condition(function thistype.evalTriggerCondition)
			set eval[triggeraction] = Condition(function thistype.evalTriggerAction)
			set eval[force] = Condition(function thistype.evalForce)
			set eval[group] = Condition(function thistype.evalGroup)
			set eval[location] = Condition(function thistype.evalLocation)
			set eval[rect] = Condition(function thistype.evalRect)
			set eval[boolexpr] = Condition(function thistype.evalBooleanExpr)
			set eval[effect] = Condition(function thistype.evalEffect)
			set eval[unitpool] = Condition(function thistype.evalUnitPool)
			set eval[itempool] = Condition(function thistype.evalItemPool)
			set eval[quest] = Condition(function thistype.evalQuest)
			set eval[defeatcondition] = Condition(function thistype.evalDefeatCondition)
			set eval[timerdialog] = Condition(function thistype.evalTimerDialog)
			set eval[leaderboard] = Condition(function thistype.evalLeaderboard)
			set eval[multiboard] = Condition(function thistype.evalMultiboard)
			set eval[multiboarditem] = Condition(function thistype.evalMultiboardItem)
			set eval[dialog] = Condition(function thistype.evalDialog)
			set eval[button] = Condition(function thistype.evalButton)
			set eval[texttag] = Condition(function thistype.evalTextTag)
			set eval[lightning] = Condition(function thistype.evalLightning)
			set eval[image] = Condition(function thistype.evalImage)
			set eval[ubersplat] = Condition(function thistype.evalUbersplat)
			set eval[region] = Condition(function thistype.evalRegion)
			set eval[fogmodifier] = Condition(function thistype.evalFogModifier)
			set eval[hashtable] = Condition(function thistype.evalHashtable)
		implement doInit

	private struct Memory extends array
		//memoryTable	-4, [-x, -1]			value count
		//memoryTable	-2, [-x, -1]			instance label
		//memoryTable	-1, [-x, -1]			parent array count
		//memoryTable	-1, [1, x]				child array count
		//memoryTable	0, [0, x]				recycler
		//monitorTable	[1, x], [0, x]			child array
		//monitorTable	[-x, -1], [-x, -1]		child->parent

		//monitorTable	[-x, -1], [0, x]		parent array
		//monitorTable	[-x, -1], [-x, -1]		parent->child
		//monitorTable	[1, x], [-x, -1]		label of parent->child
		//memoryTable	[1, x], [0, x]			tracked values
		public static hashtable memoryTable = InitHashtable()
		public static hashtable monitorTable = InitHashtable()
		public static thistype recycleCount = 0
		public static thistype instanceCount = 0					//negative
		//memoryTable	-2, [-x, -1]				instance label
		public method operator allocated takes nothing returns boolean
			return HaveSavedString(memoryTable, -2, this)
		public method operator id takes nothing returns string
			return LoadStr(memoryTable, -2, this)
		public method operator id= takes string str returns nothing
			if (str == null) then
				call RemoveSavedString(memoryTable, -2, this)
				call SaveStr(memoryTable, -2, this, str)
	private struct InstancePool extends array
		public static method operator size takes nothing returns integer
			return Memory.instanceCount
		public static method increase takes nothing returns integer
			set Memory.instanceCount = Memory.instanceCount - 1
			return Memory.instanceCount
	private struct Recycler extends array
		public static method operator count takes nothing returns integer
			return Memory.recycleCount
		public static method operator count= takes integer i returns nothing
			set Memory.recycleCount = i
		public static method operator empty takes nothing returns boolean
			return count == 0
		//memoryTable	0, [0, x]					recycler
		public static method operator [] takes integer i returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.memoryTable, 0, i)
		public static method operator []= takes integer i, integer value returns nothing
			call SaveInteger(Memory.memoryTable, 0, i, value)
		public static method clear takes integer i returns nothing
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.memoryTable, 0, i)
		public static method push takes integer i returns nothing
			set thistype[count] = i
			set count = count + 1
		public static method pop takes nothing returns integer
			set count = count - 1
			return thistype[count]
	private struct ChildArray extends array
		//memoryTable	-1, [1, x]					child array count
		public method operator count takes nothing returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -1, -this)
		public method clearCount takes nothing returns nothing
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -1, -this)
		public method operator count= takes integer newCount returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ChildArray(" + I2S(this) + ").count = " + I2S(newCount))
			if (newCount == 0) then
				call clearCount()
				call SaveInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -1, -this, newCount)
		public method operator last takes nothing returns integer
			return count - 1
		//monitorTable	[-x, -1], [-x, -1]			child->parent
		public method hasParent takes integer parent returns boolean
			return HaveSavedInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, parent)
		public method getParentIndex takes integer parent returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, parent)
		public method clearParent takes integer parent returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ChildArray(" + I2S(this) + ").parent(" + I2S(parent) + ") = null")
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, parent)
		public method setParent takes integer parent, integer index returns nothing
			if (parent != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ChildArray(" + I2S(this) + ").parent(" + I2S(parent) + ") = " + I2S(index))
				call SaveInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, parent, index)
		//monitorTable	[1, x], [0, x]				child array
		public method operator [] takes integer index returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.monitorTable, -this, index)
		public method clearIndex takes integer index returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ChildArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = null")
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.monitorTable, -this, index)
		public method operator []= takes integer index, integer parent returns nothing
			if (parent != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ChildArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = " + I2S(parent))
				call SaveInteger(Memory.monitorTable, -this, index, parent)
				call setParent(parent, index)
		public method remove takes integer index returns nothing
			local integer last = count - 1
			call clearParent(this[index])
			if (index != last) then
				set this[index] = this[last]
			set count = last
			call clearIndex(last)
		public method add takes integer parent returns nothing
			local integer last = count
			set this[last] = parent
			set count = last + 1
	private struct ParentArray extends array
		//memoryTable	-1, [-x, -1]				parent array count
		public method operator count takes nothing returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -1, this)
		public method clearCount takes nothing returns nothing
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -1, this)
		public method operator count= takes integer newCount returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ").count = " + I2S(newCount))
			if (newCount == 0) then
				call clearCount()
				call SaveInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -1, this, newCount)
		public method operator last takes nothing returns integer
			return count - 1
		//monitorTable	[-x, -1], [-x, -1]			parent->child
		//monitorTable	[1, x], [-x, -1]			label
		public method hasChild takes integer child returns boolean
			return HaveSavedInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, child)
		public method getChildIndex takes integer child returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, child)
		public method getLabel takes ChildArray child returns string
			return LoadStr(Memory.monitorTable, -this, child)
		public method clearChild takes ChildArray child returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ").child(" + I2S(child) + ") = null")
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ").label(" + I2S(child) + ") = null")
			call child.remove(child.getParentIndex(this))
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, child)
			call RemoveSavedString(Memory.monitorTable, -this, child)
		public method setChild takes string label, ChildArray child, integer index returns nothing
			if (child != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ").child(" + I2S(child) + ") = " + I2S(index))
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ").label(" + I2S(child) + ") = " + label)
				call SaveInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, child, index)
				call SaveStr(Memory.monitorTable, -this, child, label)
				call child.add(this)
		public method setChildSimple takes integer child, integer index returns nothing
			if (child != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ").child(" + I2S(child) + ") = " + I2S(index))
				call SaveInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, child, index)

		//monitorTable	[-x, -1], [0, x]			parent array
		public method operator [] takes integer index returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, index)
		public method clearIndex takes integer index returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = null")
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, index)
		public method setIndex takes integer index, string label, integer child returns nothing
			if (child != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = " + I2S(child))
				call SaveInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, index, child)
				call setChild(label, child, index)
		public method operator []= takes integer index, integer child returns nothing
			if (child != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ParentArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = " + I2S(child))
				call SaveInteger(Memory.monitorTable, this, index, child)
				call setChildSimple(child, index)
		public method remove takes integer index returns nothing
			local integer last = count - 1
			call clearChild(this[index])
			if (index != last) then
				set this[index] = this[last]
			set count = last
			call clearIndex(last)
		public method add takes string label, ChildArray child returns nothing
			local integer last = count
			call setIndex(last, label, child)
			set count = last + 1
	private struct ValueArray extends array
		//memoryTable	-4, [-x, -1]			value count
		private static integer counter = 0
		public method operator count takes nothing returns integer
			set counter = this
			call updateCount()
			return LoadInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -4, this)
		public method clearCount takes nothing returns nothing
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -4, this)
		public method operator count= takes integer newCount returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ValueArray(" + I2S(this) + ").count = " + I2S(newCount))
			if (newCount == 0) then
				call clearCount()
				call SaveInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -4, this, newCount)
		public method operator last takes nothing returns integer
			return count - 1
		//memoryTable	[1, x], [0, x]			tracked values
		public method operator [] takes integer index returns integer
			return LoadInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -this, index)
		public method clearIndex takes integer index returns nothing
			static if TRACE then
				call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ValueArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = null")
			call RemoveSavedInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -this, index)
		public method operator []= takes integer index, ValueTracker child returns nothing
			if (child != 0) then
				static if TRACE then
					call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "ValueArray(" + I2S(this) + ")[" + I2S(index) + "] = " + I2S(child))
				set child.index = index
				call SaveInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -this, index, child)
		public method remove takes integer index returns nothing
			local integer last = count - 1
			call ValueTracker(this[index]).destroy()
			if (index != last) then
				set this[index] = this[last]
			set count = last
			call clearIndex(last)
		public method add takes ValueTracker child returns nothing
			local integer last = count
			set this[last] = child
			set count = last + 1
		private static method updateCount takes nothing returns nothing
			local thistype this = counter
			local integer i = LoadInteger(Memory.memoryTable, -4, this)
			local integer count = i
			local boolean updateCount = false
			local integer last
			local ValueTracker value
				exitwhen i == 0
				set i = i - 1
				set value = this[i]
				if (not value.allocated) then
					set last = count - 1
					set count = last
					call value.destroy()
					if (i != last) then
						set this[i] = this[last]
					call clearIndex(last)
					set updateCount = true
			if (updateCount) then
				set this.count = count
	struct MemoryMonitor extends array
		method operator isAllocated takes nothing returns boolean
			return Memory(this).allocated
		method operator id takes nothing returns string
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "id", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
			return Memory(this).id
		static method allocate takes string id returns thistype
			local Memory this
			if (Recycler.empty) then
				set this = InstancePool.increase()
				set this = Recycler.pop()
			set Memory(this).id = id
			return this
		method deallocate takes nothing returns nothing
			local integer count
			local ParentArray parent
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "deallocate", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Deallocate Null Instance.")
			call Recycler.push(this)
			call ThrowError(ParentArray(this).count + ValueArray(this).count != 0, "MemoryAnalysis", "deallocate", id, this, "Memory Leaks Detected (" + I2S(ParentArray(this).count + ValueArray(this).count) + ") -> Memory {" + monitorString + "}")
			*	back indexed array
			set count = ChildArray(this).count
			*	iterate over all memory monitoring this memory and clear it out
				exitwhen count == 0
				set count = count - 1
				set parent = ChildArray(this)[count]
				call parent.remove(parent.getChildIndex(this))
			set Memory(this).id = null
		method stopMonitorValue takes handle h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "stopMonitorValue", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null, "MemoryAnalysis", "stopMonitorValue", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(not ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this), "MemoryAnalysis", "stopMonitorValue", "(" + id + ")", this, "Attempted To Stop Monitoring An Instance Not Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).remove(ValueTracker[h][this].index)
		method monitor takes string id, thistype address returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "monitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(address) + ").")
			call ThrowError(not address.isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "monitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(address) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ParentArray(this).hasChild(address), "MemoryAnalysis", "monitor", "(" + id + ", " + address.id + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(address) + ").")
			call ParentArray(this).add(id, address)
		method stopMonitor takes thistype address returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "stopMonitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(address) + ").")
			call ThrowError(not address.isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "stopMonitor", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(address) + ").")
			call ThrowError(not ParentArray(this).hasChild(address), "MemoryAnalysis", "stopMonitor", "(" + id + ", " + address.id + ")", this, "Attempted To Stop Monitoring An Instance Not Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(address) + ").")
			call ParentArray(this).remove(ParentArray(this).getChildIndex(address))
		method operator monitorCount takes nothing returns integer
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "monitorCount", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
			return ParentArray(this).count + ValueArray(this).count
		private static string string
		private static ParentArray monitorStringArray
		private static integer monitorIndexString
		private static integer monitorIndexString2
		method operator monitorString takes nothing returns string
			call ThrowError(not isAllocated, "MemoryAnalysis", "monitorCount", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Access Null Instance.")
			set string = null
			set monitorStringArray = this
			set monitorIndexString = ParentArray(this).count
			set monitorIndexString2 = ValueArray(this).count
			call monitorStringLoop__main()
			return string
		private static method monitorStringLoop__main takes nothing returns nothing
				exitwhen monitorIndexString == 0
				call monitorStringLoop()
				exitwhen monitorIndexString2 == 0
				call monitorStringLoop2()
		private static method monitorStringLoop takes nothing returns nothing
			local integer current = monitorIndexString
			set monitorIndexString = current - 500
			if (monitorIndexString < 0) then
				set monitorIndexString = 0
				exitwhen current == 0
				set current = current - 1
				if (string == null) then
					set string = "(" + monitorStringArray.getLabel(monitorStringArray[current]) + " = " + I2S(monitorStringArray[current]) + ")"
					set string = "(" + monitorStringArray.getLabel(monitorStringArray[current]) + " = " + I2S(monitorStringArray[current]) + ")" + ", " + string
		private static method monitorStringLoop2 takes nothing returns nothing
			local integer current = monitorIndexString2
			set monitorIndexString2 = current - 500
			if (monitorIndexString2 < 0) then
				set monitorIndexString2 = 0
				exitwhen current == 0
				set current = current - 1
				if (string == null) then
					set string = "(" + ValueTracker(ValueArray(monitorStringArray)[current]).label + " = " + I2S(ValueArray(monitorStringArray)[current]) + ")"
					set string = "(" + ValueTracker(ValueArray(monitorStringArray)[current]).label + " = " + I2S(ValueArray(monitorStringArray)[current]) + ")" + ", " + string
		method monitor_widget takes string label, widget h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "widget", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "widget", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "widget", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createWidget(label, this, h))
		method monitor_destructable takes string label, destructable h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "destructable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "destructable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "destructable", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createDestructable(label, this, h))
		method monitor_item takes string label, item h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "item", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "item", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "item", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createItem(label, this, h))
		method monitor_unit takes string label, unit h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "unit", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "unit", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "unit", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createUnit(label, this, h))
		method monitor_timer takes string label, timer h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "timer", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "timer", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "timer", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createTimer(label, this, h))
		method monitor_trigger takes string label, trigger h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "trigger", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "trigger", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "trigger", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createTrigger(label, this, h))
		method monitor_triggercondition takes string label, triggercondition h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "triggercondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "triggercondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "triggercondition", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createTriggerCondition(label, this, h))
		method monitor_triggeraction takes string label, triggeraction h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "triggeraction", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "triggeraction", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "triggeraction", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createTriggerAction(label, this, h))
		method monitor_force takes string label, force h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "force", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "force", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "force", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createForce(label, this, h))
		method monitor_group takes string label, group h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "group", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "group", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "group", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createGroup(label, this, h))
		method monitor_location takes string label, location h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "location", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "location", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "location", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createLocation(label, this, h))
		method monitor_rect takes string label, rect h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "rect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "rect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "rect", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createRect(label, this, h))
		method monitor_boolexpr takes string label, boolexpr h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "boolexpr", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "boolexpr", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "boolexpr", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createBooleanExpr(label, this, h))
		method monitor_effect takes string label, effect h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "effect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "effect", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "effect", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createEffect(label, this, h))
		method monitor_unitpool takes string label, unitpool h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "unitpool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "unitpool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "unitpool", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createUnitPool(label, this, h))
		method monitor_itempool takes string label, itempool h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "itempool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "itempool", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "itempool", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createItemPool(label, this, h))
		method monitor_quest takes string label, quest h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "quest", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "quest", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "quest", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createQuest(label, this, h))
		method monitor_defeatcondition takes string label, defeatcondition h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "defeatcondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "defeatcondition", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "defeatcondition", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createDefeatCondition(label, this, h))
		method monitor_timerdialog takes string label, timerdialog h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "timerdialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "timerdialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "timerdialog", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createTimerDialog(label, this, h))
		method monitor_leaderboard takes string label, leaderboard h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "leaderboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "leaderboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "leaderboard", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createLeaderboard(label, this, h))
		method monitor_multiboard takes string label, multiboard h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "multiboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "multiboard", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "multiboard", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createMultiboard(label, this, h))
		method monitor_multiboarditem takes string label, multiboarditem h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "multiboarditem", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "multiboarditem", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "multiboarditem", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createMultiboardItem(label, this, h))
		method monitor_dialog takes string label, dialog h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "dialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "dialog", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "dialog", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createDialog(label, this, h))
		method monitor_button takes string label, button h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "button", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "button", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "button", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createButton(label, this, h))
		method monitor_texttag takes string label, texttag h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "texttag", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "texttag", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "texttag", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createTextTag(label, this, h))
		method monitor_lightning takes string label, lightning h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "lightning", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "lightning", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "lightning", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createLightning(label, this, h))
		method monitor_image takes string label, image h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "image", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "image", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "image", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createImage(label, this, h))
		method monitor_ubersplat takes string label, ubersplat h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "ubersplat", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "ubersplat", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "ubersplat", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createUbersplat(label, this, h))
		method monitor_region takes string label, region h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "region", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "region", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "region", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createRegion(label, this, h))
		method monitor_fogmodifier takes string label, fogmodifier h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "fogmodifier", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "fogmodifier", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "fogmodifier", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createFogModifier(label, this, h))
		method monitor_hashtable takes string label, hashtable h returns nothing
			call ThrowError(not Memory(this).allocated,						"MemoryAnalysis", "hashtable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor From Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(h == null,										"MemoryAnalysis", "hashtable", "thistype", this, "Attempted To Monitor Null Instance (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ThrowError(ValueTracker.relation(GetHandleId(h), this),	"MemoryAnalysis", "hashtable", "(" + Memory(this).id + ", " + ValueTracker[h][this].label + ")", this, "Attempted To Monitor An Instance Already Being Monitored (" + I2S(this) + ", " + I2S(GetHandleId(h)) + ").")
			call ValueArray(this).add(ValueTracker.createHashtable(label, this, h))

		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static integer p__length__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static thistype p__node__$STACK$
			private static integer p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return 8191 + p__length__$STACK$ - $INSTANCE_COUNT$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return $INSTANCE_COUNT$ - p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = thistype(0).$STACK$
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$()
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__node__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$.$STACK$
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = thistype(0).$STACK$
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__node__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$.$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > p__instanceCount__$STACK$) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static integer p__length__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static thistype p__node__$STACK$
			private static integer p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return 8191 + p__length__$STACK$ - p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__instanceCount__$STACK$ - p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = thistype(0).$STACK$
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$()
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$
					set p__node__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$.$STACK$
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = thistype(0).$STACK$
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				call p__table__$STACK$.boolean.remove(p__instanceCount__$STACK$)
				set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__instanceCount__$STACK$ - 1
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$
					set p__node__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$.$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > p__instanceCount__$STACK$) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static integer p__length__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static thistype p__node__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return 8191 - p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = thistype(0).$STACK$
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$()
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__node__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$.$STACK$
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = thistype(0).$STACK$
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == 8191
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__node__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$.$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > 8191) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = 8191
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static integer p__length__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static integer p__node__$STACK$
			private static integer p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return 8191 + p__length__$STACK$ - $INSTANCE_COUNT$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return $INSTANCE_COUNT$ - p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$()
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > p__instanceCount__$STACK$) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static integer p__length__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static integer p__node__$STACK$
			private static integer p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return 8191 + p__length__$STACK$ - p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__instanceCount__$STACK$ - p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$()
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				call p__table__$STACK$.boolean.remove(p__instanceCount__$STACK$)
				set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__instanceCount__$STACK$ - 1
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > p__instanceCount__$STACK$) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static integer p__length__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static integer p__node__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return 8191 - p__length__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$()
			private static method calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == 8191
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > 8191) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = 8191
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro
		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private static integer p__index__$STACK$
			private static string p__string__$STACK$
			private static Table p__table__$STACK$
			private static method calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				return $RECYCLE_COUNT$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
			private static method allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == $RECYCLE_COUNT$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$()
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				local integer index = p__index__$STACK$
				set p__index__$STACK$ = index + 500
				if (p__index__$STACK$ > $RECYCLE_COUNT$) then
					set p__index__$STACK$ = $RECYCLE_COUNT$
					exitwhen index == p__index__$STACK$
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[$STACK$[index]] = true
					set index = index + 1
			private static method calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				local integer index = p__index__$STACK$
				set p__index__$STACK$ = index + 500
				if (p__index__$STACK$ > $INSTANCE_COUNT$) then
					set p__index__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					exitwhen index == p__index__$STACK$
					set index = index + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(index)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(index)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(index)
	//! endtextmacro
			private integer p__index__$STACK$
			private integer p__length__$STACK$
			private string p__string__$STACK$
			private Table p__table__$STACK$
			private integer p__node__$STACK$
			private integer p__instanceCount__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2
		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private function calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return 8191 + p__length__$STACK$ - $INSTANCE_COUNT$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return $INSTANCE_COUNT$ - p__length__$STACK$
			private function calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
			private function calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private function allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2.evaluate()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > p__instanceCount__$STACK$) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

			private integer p__index__$STACK$
			private integer p__length__$STACK$
			private string p__string__$STACK$
			private Table p__table__$STACK$
			private integer p__node__$STACK$
			private integer p__instanceCount__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2
		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private function calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return 8191 + p__length__$STACK$ - p__instanceCount__$STACK$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return p__instanceCount__$STACK$ - p__length__$STACK$
			private function calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
			private function calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private function allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
				call p__table__$STACK$.boolean.remove(p__instanceCount__$STACK$)
				set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__instanceCount__$STACK$ - 1
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2.evaluate()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__instanceCount__$STACK$ = p__node__$STACK$
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > p__instanceCount__$STACK$) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__instanceCount__$STACK$
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro

			private integer p__index__$STACK$
			private integer p__length__$STACK$
			private string p__string__$STACK$
			private Table p__table__$STACK$
			private integer p__node__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2
		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private function calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return p__length__$STACK$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return 8191 - p__length__$STACK$
			private function calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
			private function calculateFreeMemoryLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__length__$STACK$ = p__length__$STACK$ + 1
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private function allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[0]
					exitwhen p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
				set p__length__$STACK$ = 0
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__length__$STACK$ == 8191
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2.evaluate()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 500
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == 0 or p__node__$STACK$ == 0
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ - 1
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[p__node__$STACK$] = true
					set p__node__$STACK$ = $STACK$[p__node__$STACK$]
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__length__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 500
				if (p__length__$STACK$ > 8191) then
					set p__length__$STACK$ = 8191
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == p__length__$STACK$
					set p__index__$STACK$ = p__index__$STACK$ + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(p__index__$STACK$)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(p__index__$STACK$)
	//! endtextmacro
			private integer p__index__$STACK$
			private string p__string__$STACK$
			private Table p__table__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$
		private keyword calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2
		static if DEBUG_MODE then
			private function calculateFreeMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
				return $RECYCLE_COUNT$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemory__$STACK$ takes nothing returns integer
			private function allocatedMemoryString__$STACK$ takes nothing returns string
				call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main.evaluate()
				return p__string__$STACK$
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__main takes nothing returns nothing
				set p__table__$STACK$ = Table.create()
				set p__string__$STACK$ = null
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == $RECYCLE_COUNT$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$.evaluate()
				set p__index__$STACK$ = 0
					exitwhen p__index__$STACK$ == $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					call calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2.evaluate()
				call p__table__$STACK$.destroy()
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$ takes nothing returns nothing
				local integer index = p__index__$STACK$
				set p__index__$STACK$ = index + 500
				if (p__index__$STACK$ > $RECYCLE_COUNT$) then
					set p__index__$STACK$ = $RECYCLE_COUNT$
					exitwhen index == p__index__$STACK$
					set p__table__$STACK$.boolean[$STACK$[index]] = true
					set index = index + 1
			private function calculateAllocatedMemoryStringLoop__$STACK$__2 takes nothing returns nothing
				local integer index = p__index__$STACK$
				set p__index__$STACK$ = index + 500
				if (p__index__$STACK$ > $INSTANCE_COUNT$) then
					set p__index__$STACK$ = $INSTANCE_COUNT$
					exitwhen index == p__index__$STACK$
					set index = index + 1
					if (not p__table__$STACK$.boolean.has(index)) then
						if (p__string__$STACK$ == null) then
							set p__string__$STACK$ = I2S(index)
							set p__string__$STACK$ = p__string__$STACK$ + ", " + I2S(index)
	//! endtextmacro
Additional Information

Change Log


  • Error Message is now truly optional
  • Memory Analysis is now truly optional
  • isAllocated renamed to allocated
  • allocated is now debug only
  • All debug features require either Error Message or both Error Message and Memory Analysis, or they will not exist

Change Log

Author's Notes


Older Versions

    • Error Message is once again debug only
    • Memory Analysis is now debug only
    • Error Message and Memory Analysis are now not required outside of debug mode

    • Many new features in Memory Analysis!
    • New features of Memory Analysis coded into Alloc variants
    • New demonstration of a leaky collection

    • New dependency MemoryAnalysis
    • Base operations faster in debug mode
    • Memory analysis slower but now generic
    • Cleaner code

    • Packed all Alloc together

Known Issues
  • THW Table doesn't work with Table Field. Need to use special distribution.

Ruk33 first came up with the new allocation method
-> https://github.com/nestharus/JASS/issues/20


Just another Warcraft III map (Map)

15:30, 4th Mar 2015 IcemanBo: Provides allocation on a high level with extreme focus on safety. Approved.




15:30, 4th Mar 2015

Provides allocation on a high level with extreme focus on safety.

Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Ending with Unit Indexer and Alloc. We'll see if people like ^)^.

Don't forget that all of my resources can be found in my sig. As I slowly move stuff here, I want to make sure that I submit them in a way that isn't annoying =). This is the reason why I packed all of Alloc into one thing.

For future collections, I won't necessarily combine all collections into one pack, but I will combine all variants =), that way there aren't like 30 Linked List submissions. This is if I continue, if people are ok ';.;'.

Please feel free to give tips about how I can make things more pleasant. I've tried focusing on information (tutorials, documentation), presentation, and packing.
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Most interesting..

edit: wanted to try it out but I failed.. when I try to call the allocate method it just tells me that the method can't be found. ("Undeclared function allocate")
local integer i = allocate()

It should work since it returns "this" which is equal to a integer.

I know this may be stupid to ask, but are you in a struct and did you Implement Alloc?

struct Demo extends array
    implement Alloc //any of the 4 will work

    private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
        call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60000, "Allocated " + I2S(allocate())
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Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Updated with cleaner code. Threw memory analysis out to another library dedicating to this and included that library in the map as part of the pack.

See the very short changelog for all of the details.

The memory analysis tool helped me find a leak in one of my collections o-o. I still have no idea why it was leaking though... after 5 hours, I decided to remove a loop that didn't do anything and the leaks went away. What's stranger is that there were no thread crashes during the tests. So weird.

Preparing to release DDS on THW again. Lots of resources to update o-o.

The next thing I want to do with this memory stuff is be able to track all temporary memory an object creates and then, when that object is destroyed, determine if any of that temporary memory is still around. If it is, that object leaked. It'll be able to tell exactly what leaked for exactly what object.

I'm thinking of like MemoryMonitor or something, which'll be a global table.

MemoryMonitor.create(self, target) //will create it, no need to store it etc

When the target is destroyed, it'll automatically clear out the thing monitoring it in the global table
When the self is destroyed, it'll check to see if any memory it is monitoring still exists

I think this'll be pretty cool. It'll be debug only of course.

What about primitive types and native types?



Monitors should only be used on data that should be completely destroyed by the time the monitoring object is destroyed

I should probably rename MemoryAnalysis to StackAllocatorAnalyzer and then name this new thing MemoryMonitor. I'll build it into the Alloc stuff as well.
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Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Nestharus when I touch the script, then it wont run why?

What do you mean?

The new beast is up

You can now track all sorts of memory leaks from allocated instances to handles o-o.

There is a new demo showcasing memory leak tracking

*	Can you figure out what methods are causing the leaks?
*	This problem is hard because nodes are being dropped everywhere
*	and the culprit operations are difficult to spot. This means that
*	any method could be causing it, since nodes from every method are
*	getting dropped.

struct DrunkenList extends array
	implement Alloc
	readonly thistype next
	readonly thistype prev
	readonly thistype first
	readonly thistype last
	static method create takes nothing returns thistype
		return allocate()
	method push takes nothing returns thistype
		local thistype node = allocate()
		call monitor("push", node.address)
		if (first == 0) then
			set last = node
			set first = node
			set node.next = 0
			set node.prev = 0
			set last.prev = node
			set node.next = last
			set node.prev = 0
			set first = node
		return node
	method enqueue takes nothing returns thistype
		local thistype node = allocate()
		call monitor("enqueue", node.address)
		if (last == 0) then
			set last = node
			set first = node
			set node.next = 0
			set node.prev = 0
			set last.next = node
			set node.prev = last
			set node.next = 0
			set last = node
		return node
	method pop takes nothing returns nothing
		if (first == 0) then
		call first.deallocate()
		set first = first.next
		if (first != 0) then
			set first.prev = 0
	method clear takes nothing returns nothing
		local thistype node = first
		set first = 0
		set last = 0
			exitwhen node == 0
			call node.deallocate()
			set node = node.next
	method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
		call clear()
		set first = 0
		set last = 0
		call deallocate()

struct Test extends array
	private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
		local DrunkenList list = DrunkenList.create()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.push()
		call list.push()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.push()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.push()
		call list.push()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.clear()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.push()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.push()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.push()
		call list.push()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.enqueue()
		call list.pop()
		call list.destroy()

Also, added two new allocator analysis macros. There was one style that I didn't cover. It's covered now.
You should not use structs for this. Instead, create a simple function for allocating and deallocating based on a "purpose ID" that is basicly just a simple derivate of thistype.

set udg_Index = allocate(udg_MY_NEW_SPELL)
call deallocate(udg_Index, udg_MY_NEW_SPELL)

It's clearly a resource made for GUIers, so it should allow GUI compat.
Any JASSer will mostly use table or just create ordinary structs for better readability.

The minor speed increase of using Alloc over ordinary vJass allocation doesn't matter in any real-world application.

How was this made for GUI users again? I use it all across my vJASS stuff...

Alloc isn't mainly used for a speed increase bro... look at the debug tools it has -.-. Those are far superior to the ones jasshelper provides.
If it's for debugging purposes, I'd say the ordinary vJass allocation creates better readable code (no implement, no arbitrary IDs as you will mostly index via GetHandleId(), which is directly related to the game mechanics) and thus, is also less prone to bugs.

I'm not saying this is useless; I'm just saying that the idea behind a standalone object allocator would have many more valid uses for GUIers than for Jassers, as they mostly use global arrays for coding spells.
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
Please tell me how a GUI user would use an alloc resource without macros ^)^. Would it just be a hashtable?

How would a normal GUI user call the functions? How would spells register themselves for the hashtable? Also, would this require parallel hashtables instead of parallel arrays? I think it would, but I'm not sure. Lemme know of the details and we might work something out.

Actually, if you bound the second dimension of the hashtable used for recycling, you can use parallel arrays.

So what I'm guessing is that you'd have 1 integer for every GUI thing that identifies it. You'd need to have at least 2 triggers also, one for initialization and one that runs. From there, whenever allocation or deallocation occurs, you'd have to set global variables to run some triggers, like:

set type = myTypeVariable
set instance = myInstance
set deallocate = 1

Also, for the AllocT variant, it'd require parallel hashtables I think, unless we did like a Table for GUI? We'd then need to do the same thing whenever setting an entry in the table and stuff though, right?

Why don't you write a GUI Alloc resource with all of the variants + debugging features and submit it? Like Alloc GUI.

Also, I didn't know that vJASS has all of these debugging tools in it. Is there a new one somewhere with this stuff in it that I can download? I'd love to use it if it has this stuff, cuz tracking memory leaks in really complex resources is painful. In fact, while I was just now getting memory leaks off of a resource (allocator stack corruption for a custom allocator), these debugging tools were screaming at me that this stuff was resulting from a thread crash. I didn't believe it, so I spent hours trying to figure out what it was, but it was indeed a thread crash, lol. Next time I should just believe the debugging tools. Woulda taken me about an additional minute to fix instead of the original 5 hours of scratching my head before I made the tools and the additional 5 hours of scratching my head after I made them >.<.

Please let me know =).

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I'm not saying a GUI allocator would be easy to do. Coding for GUI use is a pain in the ass and we both know that. But it would be way more useful, because whenever a new MUI question pops up, we just redirect them to a tutorial about how to allocate custom objects in GUI (or a good tutorial about JASS workflow. It's a shame we don't have that yet).

No need to get all butthurt here. I'm just pointing out that, again, you code more or less for your personal use. Nobody writes complicated systems these days. And those that do... which is basicly just the handful of guys lurking the JASS section... probably won't need the debugging tools OR don't care about the minor efficiency gain.

The thing is: you like to code advanced stuff like this. No problem with that in general; but think about this for a minute:
DDS and codeless save/load are awesome. Why? Because they have a real-world application.
No mapper, even those that know and use vJASS will ever use this script. Because it's easier to just use the default allocation and be done with it. If bugs show up, we look into it again. If not, even better.
They won't invest additional time into using your alternative, because in mapping, time is the most limited resource. Hardcoding is a common practice when mapping, simply because you can not have endless content on limited maps anyway.

I just feel like all that coding energy could be channeled into something that not only looks useful on paper or for a community of 3 guys that still write systems for WC3, but systems that benefit a lot of mappers or solve typical problems that come up at least twice per day in the help section.
And I'm not talking about resources that we don't have a perfect solution for yet, like ItemIndexers. I'm talking about real game-related applications.

Just as an example:
Did you know that there is not a single approved creep respawning system for RPGs in neither spell section nor jass section?
Yup. This question pops up almost daily. I'd love to link those guys asking for help a system and say "use it!". But there isn't any. Why? Because most of the guys that still code and upload systems waste their time and effort on stuff only they themselves will use.

This is just one example. I could give you a lot more if you wish. But browsing the help section alone should already give you enough input on what is actually needed. If you're interested, at least. I don't know about that. As I said: you seem to code for fun and there's nothing wrong with that.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Zwei might be right, this allocation method can be useful for GUI as well, and it's probably better (easier) than dynamic indexing. What I like in using struct is because I don't need to do variable recycling, like:

set var[this_index] = var[last_index]
set var[last_index] = null

Using allocation, user is no longer required to do that (however still need to null handles/agents).
The API should be likewise Zwei's suggestion:

set udg_Index = allocate(udg_MY_NEW_SPELL)
call deallocate(udg_Index, udg_MY_NEW_SPELL)

But then we need different recycler variable for each "spell" or any instance that uses alloc, we can use advantage of 2D array here: hashtable.

Or maybe I'm wrong.
I'm not positive at all real GUI user will use vJASS alloc.

Instead of the try to let them feel comfortable in the GUI-cave with as many JASS features as possible,
we might do better to put our energy in conviction directly to switch to JASS.

Yes, they sometimes can easily take advantage of JASS things using one/two custom scripts, but then some day there is a limit and then it's just senseless and limited if you stay with GUI.

I'm with Nestharus here, though! It's not worth the effort.
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
The allocate code is shorter ; ).

The style from Sevion's post is the old way of doing it that everyone used to use, including me. Heck, I'm even in his credits at the top of the code for the algorithm/data structure ; p.

As per the bottom of the post, Ruk33 came up with this newer style that required 1 less variable and had a faster allocate method.
Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
The allocate code is shorter ; ).
True, but this one causes parse overflow on large enough maps (using default JNGP pjass) and spammed the map script with lots of ExecuteFunc("s_<struct>__Alloc") at the bottom. I'm just stating the reason why I switch back to Sevion's.

As per the bottom of the post, Ruk33 came up with this newer style that required 1 less variable and had a faster allocate method.
I see, but I've read that it gives "0" as the new instance.