Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) v1.11


By xorkatoss

League of Legend players will be familiar with this mode, Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) is a mode that features super fast paced action.
Removing the boredness of Mana Costs and Cooldowns, allowing you to dive into action!

• All Cooldowns reduced to 2 seconds
• Heroes max level is 20
• Abilities do not cost any mana
• Spawn with access to all abilities
• Passively gain Exp and Gold






1337D00D for Creating Rivers with Rolling Shores Tutorial
KILLCIDE for the Lost City Terrain
W.I.S.D.O.M for Northern Isle



Jhonny Janbo

If you see your resource in my map without credit given please pm me asap!

First Public Release

Improved all Spell Tooltips
Added 1 New Battle Area
Added 1 New Hero: Lich
New Spells for Mountain King: Massive Thunder Clap, Aggressive Bash
Changed Hero Selection System

Replaced Attribute Bonus spell with Health Upgrade spell, gives +150 health for each level, max level is 10.
The though: Attribute Bonus gave bonus to all stats, therefore increasing attack speed and damage
causing most heroes to just auto attack their enemies to death and
that was not what I had in mind when I was creating the URF Mode.

Tweaked the Blademaster's Mirror Image spell, now all images die on 1 hit and deal 0 dmg.
The Though: Blademaster was easily able to confuse the enemy and deal massive damage using his clones,
I'm aiming to change this by removing the damage dealt from mirror images and by making
the mirror images die in 1 hit, the blademaster will still be able to confuse his enemies
but his enemies will now have a better chance of defeating him.

Improved the Anti-Leave Regions, now the Warden shouldn't be able to leave the battle area with blink.


-Added New Hero: Ranger (Ranged)
-Added New Hero: Shadow Hunter (Ranged)
-Added New Hero: Fire Lord (Ranged)
-Added New Hero: Arcane Hunter (Melee)
-Added Respawn Safe Area

-Replaced Tauren Chieftain's Endurance Aura Ability with Axe Chop
Axe Chop: Lands a powerful hit dealing damage and pushing the target back.

-Additinal Fighting Area: Forest.
-Changed the Effect on Fire Magician's Flame Strike.
-New Enchanced Health Bar (credits to Nightcrime).
-Fixxed Spell Learn Descriptions that lacked hotkey information.
-Changed Warden's Fan of Knives damage from 75/125/190 to 85/150/220.
-You can now change the Camera Distance between 2000 & 3000. (-cam 2500)
-Reduced passive Experienced gained from 50 to 30 every 2 seconds.
-Added a small shop in Safe Respawn Area (15 Basic Items available)

-Added Custom Chat System
-New Area: Graveyard
-New Area: Sunken Ruins Arena
-New Area: Island
-Changed the Area Selection System
-Improved the Terrain on Respawn Area


-Added New Hero: Lady Blameux (Melee)
-Added New Hero: Beastmaster (Melee)
-New Area: Lost City by KILLCIDE
-Reduced Arcane Hunter's filesize by removing some unused animations and by optimizing the model using Mdlvis
-Changed the Special Effect on Lich's Ring of Frost
-Reworked the Respawn System to avoid being spawned between trees/rocks etc.
-Removed a group leak in Flame Strike ability trigger
-Replaced the Mountain King's passive Aggressive Bash ability with an active Hammer Bash ability
-Reduced the number of claps in Mountain King's Thunder clap ability from 8 to 5


-Fixxed Lag Issues with Flame Strike and Frost Nova Abilities
-New Area: Forest 3 (4-6 Players)
-New Area: Triple Threat (4-6 Players)
-New Area: Abyss (4-6 Players)
-New Area: Battleground (2-4 Players)
-New Area: Rocky Area (2-4 Players)
-New Skin for Dreadlord (by Darkfang)
-Now your hero spawns with 3 learned abilities (Q W E)
-Death and Decay reworked, now deals base damage instead of health percentage (80,160,240)
-Removed a Unit Group leak in the Frost Nova trigger
-Fixxed a problem with damage calcuation in Frost Nova trigger
-Added Preload trigger to Preload dummies for spells to remove first time cast lag
-Changed Ranger's Fire Trap model to Goblin Land Mine
-Reworked the Lava Minion spell to only damage enemies instead of all units
-Improved the Quilbeast Barrage ability, units now face the target when attacking

-Added AI Bots: To use Bots simply before the game starts change the Player Slots to Computer(Any Difficlulty)
OR you can use in-game commands "-add 3" & "-remove 3" etc.

*Bots Can: -Search for Enemies
-Use & Level Up Abilities
-Buy Items from the Shop

!WARNING! AI is still in Beta! Bugs may occur!


-Added New Hero: Darkness Lord (Melee)
-Hero Rework: Blademaster (Melee)
-Removed Quilbeast Barrage and Serpent Ward collision to not block your path
-Added Custom Icons for all Arenas
-Changed "Combat - Chance to Miss" value to 0.00 from 0.25
-Removed Arenas: Forest 1, Forest 2, Mountains because they were lacking details etc.
-Added New Arena: Northern Isle (by W.I.S.D.O.M)
-Added New Arena: City
-Added New Arena: Lava Plume
-Added Chat Command: "-lock cam" Locks and Unlocks your Camera to your Hero.
-Reduced Venomous Dart cast range from 1000 to 800.
-Fixxed a problem with Venomous Dart(Shadow Hunter) DoT not applying.
-Reduced the duration on Wind Walk(Shadow Hunter) from 10 seconds to 1.
-New Skin of Warden (by Denu)
-Changed Fire Trap(Ranger) Ability Icon into: Goblin Land Mine.
-Added New Shop: Special Shop with 3 new items.
-Improved AI ability targeting, now it no longer targets dummy units.
-Reduced damage on War Stomp from 75/150/220 to 70/140/210.
-War Stomp now knocks nearby enemies on air and stuns.
-Added Knockup System, currently being used in new War Stomp and in future abilities.


-Added New Hero: Necromancer (Ranged)
-Added New Hero: Shark King (Melee)
-Added New Hero: Sand Demon (Melee)

-Reworked Blademaster's Wind Slash Ability:
*Thrusts his sword forward damaging enemy units in front of him.
*At the third strike the blademaster unleashes a whirlwind that deals damage and knocks up the first enemy hero hit.

-Added Power-Ups System: Power-Ups randomly spawn in the arena that give certain bonuses.
*Candy = Gives Gold [50-100] & Exp [100-250]
*Small Healing Potion = Restores 20% of HP
*Big Healing Potion = Restores 50% of HP

-Reworked the Blademaster's Bladestorm Ability because it was causing bugs with bots.
-Fixxed a problem with some hero starting spells not leveling-up.
-Added Weather Effects to some Areas (Abyss, Graveyard, Northern Isle)
-Added Repick System that allows you to repick your hero and start over (You lose allitems). Command: "-repick"
-Added Anti-Selection System = If you accidenly select another unit, it restores your selection back to your hero. ON/OFF Command: "-selection"
-Changed "Learn Skill" hotkey to R so it's easier and faster to level up abilities when in combat.
-Minor Terrain changes in Battleground Arena that caused bots to get stuck between doodads.

-Fixxed the problem with adding bots before starting the game by setting the player slot to Computer(Any Difficulty)

-Reworked Ranger's Fire Trap Ability:
*Puts down a trap that detonates when an enemy unit steps on it instead of exploding after 2 seconds
*New Improved Effects and Sounds
*No Limit to the fire traps you can set down

-Reworked Ranger's Rain of Arrows Ability into Star Strike:
*Calls Down stars from the sky to fall down and damage all enemy units in an area
*Now it no longer damages allied units, only enemy units

EXTREME Work & Time consumed into the following:
-ALL Abilities can now go up to level 4 (51 Abilities total) because they lacked late game damage
-Balanced ALL the abilities so now all Heroes have the same damage output

-Health Upgrade now is a passive ability and it upgrades automatically
-Added Map Preview picture
-Improved pathing on Area: Island
-Added New Hero: Kodo Beast (Melee)

-Fixxed the level 4 bug with Serpent Ward & removed the pathing so it doesn't block movement
-Fixxed the level 4 bug with Quilbeast Barrage
-Fixxed Savagery movement speed buff being 20% on all levels instead of 20/30/40/50%
-Fixxed a problem with level 4 Arcane Wave cast distance
-Added Floating Text Spell Preview System(can be turned off)
-Reduced the Spawn Timers of Power-ups by half (Now it takes longer for them to spawn)
-Increased Range of Lich King's Frost Bolt Ability from 600 to 800

-Added Legendary Shop with 3 New Items:
Aetherblade: Boosts attack damage by 150 (2000g)
Phoenix Axe: Boosts attack damage by 100, Gives Firebolt Ability (2000g)
Golden Chalice: Increases Defence by 100. Gives Divine Blessing Ability (2000g)

-Added 1 New Item to Special Shop:
Orb of Life: Restores 50 hp every 5 seconds (1000g)

-Added New Hero: Lightning Shaman (Ranged)

-v1.11 ~Project Revival~

After 7 years finally a new(small) update is here!

-Removed some unused imported files
-Removed a lot excess grass(784) in some arenas
-Improved some triggers by combining them
-Fixxed some spell typos
-Added Mouse Movement System
-Improved Terrain for HD Mode


WARNING! Map not open-able in WE!
Map Description Generator By Vengeancekael

Ultra Rapid Fire (URF) v1.11 (Map)

13:11, 20th May 2014 Orcnet: Map approved, can be acceptable




13:11, 20th May 2014
Orcnet: Map approved, can be acceptable
I am expecting a well created hero arena from you dude.
Here's what I found out:
1. Heroes don't have triggered abilities, have some. They level up without killing anyone, maybe reduce the level up time.
2. Terrain is flat with only trees as blockers. Maybe you could raise or lower some parts of the terrain, that would be good.
3. Woah, the walking arrow! Seems unnatural. Maybe I just don't like the idea of the hero chooser as being a walking arrow.
4. Why did the multiboard shows players who are not playing. Make it that only those who are playing the game be visible in the multiboard.

The game could be a little lame as of this version, but I guess you can still improve this more.
Level 4
Feb 15, 2014
I just had a look at your map.
You should change some things:
-Better Terrain
-Change Abilities (Blademaster has shockwave)
-Animate some Abilities

Why u protected the map? Wanted to change the terrain a little bit and show you this later.
Nevermind i opened a map and placed some trees, stones, bushes, . . . . .
It's not that good but it would look more attractive than just some trees :)


  • Ashenvale.png
    3.6 MB · Views: 1,153
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Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
1. Heroes don't have triggered abilities, have some. They level up without killing anyone, maybe reduce the level up time.
2. Terrain is flat with only trees as blockers. Maybe you could raise or lower some parts of the terrain, that would be good.
3. Woah, the walking arrow! Seems unnatural. Maybe I just don't like the idea of the hero chooser as being a walking arrow.
4. Why did the multiboard shows players who are not playing. Make it that only those who are playing the game be visible in the multiboard.
1. will arrive shortly, passive exp gain is part of the map.
2. more/better terrain coming soon
3. idk I like the walking arrow lol
4. multiboard will be improved.

I just had a look at your map.
You should change some things:
1. Better Terrain
2. Change Abilities (Blademaster has shockwave)
3. Animate some Abilities

Why u protected the map? Wanted to change the terrain a little bit and show you this later.
Nevermind i opened a map and placed some trees, stones, bushes, . . . . .
It's not that good but it would look more attractive than just some trees :)
1,2 look above.
3. animate some abilities? wut?o.o

LOL, This is actually fun! AHAHHA xD

An URF Parody from League of Legends Game mode. (80% Cooldown reduction, 0 mana cost).

Good job xorka, expected nothing less of you! :D
thanks mah nigga :D

Map approved. :thumbs_up:
awesome thanks^^
Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
• All Cooldowns reduced to 2 seconds
• Heroes max level is 20
• Abilities do not cost any mana
• Spawn with access to all abilities
• Passively gain Exp and Gold

Fool, its 80% CDR, not 2 seconds.

You make me sad Xork :(

Don't tell me you cannot calculate (CD - 80%)?

Changed to 1/5 for not living up to URF's name.
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Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
I'm sorry but this map is unacceptable. I played a game with my friend to be sure. It was a Warden VS Blademaster. Here is what happened:

Firstly, I could mirror image every 2 seconds, so even if the fakes disappear, I could make them again and again and again (even if they take 10 times damage, they still deal 100% damage). I could also Wind Walk so much that I felt to have Permanent Invisiblity. While my friend, Warden, kept Blinking so much to annoy me. He has even been able to blink from the first battlefield to the second one. That's a bug dude!
I'm sure such things would happen with the rest of the heroes. My friend also agrees that this map is bad and boring. So the only things I want to say is that this map gets 0.5/5 and should be rejected. I really don't know how it got approved.
Finally, I just hope you won't take my review too heavily.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
@Shadow Fury
I'm glad that you pointed out what was bad for the map.
The problem is that's the point of this map, no need for mana costs and cooldowns, changing that means creating a new different map.

I am aware of the Warden with it's blink ability, was your friend able to leave the battle area in the v1.01 ver? because I already reduced the blink distance and added anti-leave regions.

As I mentioned above, this is just an early beta map for the people to test, new heroes with custom abilities will be added soon and the current heroes will be reworked.

Thanks for playing, hope you will consider testing updated versions in the future.
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Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
@Shadow Fury
I'm glad that you pointed out what was bad for the map.
The problem is that's the point of this map, no need for mana costs and cooldowns, changing that means creating a new different map.

I am aware of the Warden with it's blink ability, was your friend able to leave the battle area in the v1.01 ver? because I already reduced the blink distance and added anti-leave regions.

As I mentioned above, this is just wn early beta mal for the people to tedt, new heroes with custom abilities will be added soon and the current heroes will be reworked.

Thanks for playing, hope you will consider testing updated versions in the future.

I tried fighting my friend, as a Warden vs Blademaster,

and its fucking imbalanced, the Windwalk take no damage from fan of knives AoE, thats a really terrible design for a spell.

Please fix, 0.5/5
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
@Shadow Fury
I'm glad that you pointed out what was bad for the map.
The problem is that's the point of this map, no need for mana costs and cooldowns, changing that means creating a new different map.

I am aware of the Warden with it's blink ability, was your friend able to leave the battle area in the v1.01 ver? because I already reduced the blink distance and added anti-leave regions.

As I mentioned above, this is just wn early beta mal for the people to tedt, new heroes with custom abilities will be added soon and the current heroes will be reworked.

Thanks for playing, hope you will consider testing updated versions in the future.

I'll test the next versions and hope to see a great improvement :)
Good luck for now :D
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
I guess the Blademaster is too imba then haha:D
Blames for the spells to Blizzard not me man xD

Now seriously, ill rework the fan of knives ability soon and make it deal damage to all nearby units netherless of vision.
Plus ill replace the Wind Walk of Blademaster with something similiar I have in mind that does not provide invisibility.
Level 16
Aug 20, 2009
I guess the Blademaster is too imba then haha:D
Blames for the spells to Blizzard not me man xD

Now seriously, ill rework the fan of knives ability soon and make it deal damage to all nearby units netherless of vision.
Plus ill replace the Wind Walk of Blademaster with something similiar I have in mind that does not provide invisibility.

Omg, "Netherless" Vision? Is that a new gameplay?

I can't wait! :goblin_good_job:

Changed rating to 5/5 because of "Netherless Vision"!
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010


-Added New Hero: Lady Blameux (Melee)

Abilities: Chilling Strike: Strikes the target with a powerful freezing attack dealing damage and slowing the unit.

Water Blast: Summons water from the ground to damage units in a small area.

Bubble Trouble: Summons watery bubbles that damage and slow nearby enemy units.

-Added New Hero: Beastmaster (Melee)

Abilities: Stampede: Sends a rampaging lizard to damage all enemy units in it's path.

Quilbeast Barrage: Summons 2 Quilbeast to attack the Beastmaster's enemies for 3 seconds.

Savagery: Deals damage and grants bonus movement speed.

-New Area: Lost City by KILLCIDE
-Reduced Arcane Hunter's filesize by removing some unused animations and by optimizing the model using Mdlvis
-Changed the Special Effect on Lich's Ring of Frost
-Reworked the Respawn System to avoid being spawned between trees/rocks etc.
-Removed a group leak in Flame Strike ability trigger
-Replaced the Mountain King's passive Aggressive Bash ability with an active Hammer Bash ability
-Reduced the number of claps in Mountain King's Thunder clap ability from 8 to 5
Level 6
Feb 6, 2015
Why the multiple terrains? URF in LoL is 1 map. I think that'll be better. Other than that. Looks good.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
because 1 map would just be boring...and this is not a MOBA, it's hero arena map.


-Fixxed Lag Issues with Flame Strike and Frost Nova Abilities
-New Area: Forest 3 (4-6 Players)
-New Area: Triple Threat (4-6 Players)
-New Area: Abyss (4-6 Players)
-New Area: Battleground (2-4 Players)
-New Area: Rocky Area (2-4 Players)
-New Skin for Dreadlord (by Darkfang)
-Now your hero spawns with 3 learned abilities (Q W E)
-Death and Decay reworked, now deals base damage instead of health percentage (80,160,240)
-Removed a Unit Group leak in the Frost Nova trigger
-Fixxed a problem with damage calcuation in Frost Nova trigger
-Added Preload trigger to Preload dummies for spells to remove first time cast lag
-Changed Ranger's Fire Trap model to Goblin Land Mine
-Reworked the Lava Minion spell to only damage enemies instead of all units
-Improved the Quilbeast Barrage ability, units now face the target when attacking

-Added AI Bots: To use Bots simply before the game starts change the Player Slots to Computer(Any Difficlulty)
OR you can use in-game commands "-add 3" & "-remove 3" etc.

*Bots Can: -Search for Enemies
-Use & Level Up Abilities
-Buy Items from the Shop

!WARNING! AI is still in Beta! Bugs may occur!
Nice and fun map! It brings back the feeling of the URF mode in LoL :D

One minor thing is that some of the heroes just use the normal wc3
abilities while others have custom...maybe you could change some
of the abilities so all the heroes will be played, because now me and
my friends prefer to play the heroes with custom abilities.

Overall the map is pretty good, 12 arenas to choose from, 13 heroes and AI!

4/5 + rep
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Wow, I tested this map over one year ago. Astonishing...

Well, I just gave it a quick look and I've seen many new arenas, some of them really well-made and beautiful. I still think some heroes are too unbalanced but I'm sure this game is a blast in multiplayer.
For those reasons I'm raising my rating to 3/5. Keep up the good work ;)
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Shadow Fury
06-09-2014, 08:33 PM
wow it really has been over a year since then lol...
KILLCIDE has done some wonderful job with the Terrain;)
I'm trying my best to balance new heroes but with new heroes coming all the time it's hard.

Btw did you test the AI? still in beta but might be worth a try!

thanks for your kind words and good luck to you aswell! (+3)
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Thanks for adding AI as well :'3 it was an enjoyable map. Though, I noticed that the -camera command doesn't work :(

Yeah AI is a must in hero arenas! Although AI is still under development.
also are you sure? you must be using it wrong because it works fine for me.
the command is: "-cam" not -"camera" :p

an example: -cam 2500

Try this and it will work. Allowed camera values are between 2000 and 3000.
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010


-Added New Hero: Darkness Lord (Melee)

Abilities: Black Sphere: Creates a blast at a target location dealing damage and leaving behind a black sphere.

Shadow Swap: Allows the user to instantly swap places with one of his black spheres and recieving a speed bonus.

Black Arrow: Fires an arrow that will damage the first unit it hits and leave behind a black sphere.

-Hero Rework: Blademaster (Melee)

Abilities: Wind Slash: Thrusts his sword forward unleashing a whirlwind that deals damage to all enemy units in it's path.

Bladestorm: Spins his sword around with great force damaging all enemy units.

Mirror Strike: Quickly moves behind the target landing a fatal strike.

-Removed Quilbeast Barrage and Serpent Ward collision to not block your path
-Added Custom Icons for all Arenas
-Changed "Combat - Chance to Miss" value to 0.00 from 0.25
-Removed Arenas: Forest 1, Forest 2, Mountains because they were lacking details etc.
-Added New Arena: Northern Isle (by W.I.S.D.O.M)
-Added New Arena: City
-Added New Arena: Lava Plume
-Added Chat Command: "-lock cam" Locks and Unlocks your Camera to your Hero.
-Reduced Venomous Dart cast range from 1000 to 800.
-Fixxed a problem with Venomous Dart(Shadow Hunter) DoT not applying.
-Reduced the duration on Wind Walk(Shadow Hunter) from 10 seconds to 1.
-New Skin of Warden (by Denu)
-Changed Fire Trap(Ranger) Ability Icon into: Goblin Land Mine.
-Added New Shop: Special Shop with 3 new items.
-Improved AI ability targeting, now it no longer targets dummy units.
-Reduced damage on War Stomp from 75/150/220 to 70/140/210.
-War Stomp now knocks nearby enemies on air and stuns.
-Added Knockup System, currently being used in new War Stomp and in future abilities.



Feel free to play and leave suggestions! Conductive Criticism always appreciated!
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
~Winter Update! v1.08 :wgrin:


-Added New Hero: Necromancer (Ranged)

Abilities: Necrotic Blast: Creates a blast at a target location dealing damage to each nearby enemy unit.

Death Strike: Fires a missile of death that stuns a target enemy unit for 1 second.

Animate Dead: Summons a skeleton that moves to the target position and explodes dealing massive damage

-Added New Hero: Shark King (Melee)

Abilities: Super Shark Bomb: Sends out a shark dealing damage to all enemy units in a line.

Water Tentacle: Summons a water tentacle that will attack and slow nearby enemy units.

Shark Blade: Cuts his enemy with his sword draining away some of his life force restoring hp and slowing movement speed.

-Added New Hero: Sand Demon (Melee)

Abilities: Sand Explosion: Creates a small explosion of sand at a target point damaging all enemy units.

Sandstorm: Conquers an area and summons a sandstorm that will provide bonuses for the team and damage for the enemies.

Sand Breath: Blows sand out of his mouth that damages all enemy units in front oh him.

-Reworked Blademaster's Wind Slash Ability:
*Thrusts his sword forward damaging enemy units in front of him.
*At the third strike the blademaster unleashes a whirlwind that deals damage and knocks up the first enemy hero hit.

-Added Power-Ups System: Power-Ups randomly spawn in the arena that give certain bonuses.
*Candy = Gives Gold [50-100] & Exp [100-250]
*Small Healing Potion = Restores 20% of HP
*Big Healing Potion = Restores 50% of HP

-Reworked the Blademaster's Bladestorm Ability because it was causing bugs with bots.
-Fixxed a problem with some hero starting spells not leveling-up.
-Added Weather Effects to some Areas (Abyss, Graveyard, Northern Isle)
-Added Repick System that allows you to repick your hero and start over (You lose allitems). Command: "-repick"
-Added Anti-Selection System = If you accidenly select another unit, it restores your selection back to your hero. ON/OFF Command: "-selection"
-Changed "Learn Skill" hotkey to R so it's easier and faster to level up abilities when in combat.
-Minor Terrain changes in Battleground Arena that caused bots to get stuck between doodads.
Level 6
Dec 21, 2012
Just read your last changelog and well... why
-Changed "Learn Skill" hotkey to R so it's easier and faster to level up abilities when in combat.
so if i have ult and i have a new level i ult ._.
Or... do you get ult as the last ability?
Thanks for adding AI as well :'3
don't know what version is that but not mine... >-> when i tried it it didn't work.... maybe i did smth wrong?
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
Finally after a long time a new update is here!~

  • New Hero: Kodo Beast
  • All Hero Abilities Balances
  • All skills have 1 aditional level
-Fixxed the problem with adding bots before starting the game by setting the player slot to Computer(Any Difficulty)

-Reworked Ranger's Fire Trap Ability:
*Puts down a trap that detonates when an enemy unit steps on it instead of exploding after 2 seconds
*New Improved Effects and Sounds
*No Limit to the fire traps you can set down

-Reworked Ranger's Rain of Arrows Ability into Star Strike:
*Calls Down stars from the sky to fall down and damage all enemy units in an area
*Now it no longer damages allied units, only enemy units

EXTREME Work & Time consumed into the following:
-ALL Abilities can now go up to level 4 (51 Abilities total) because they lacked late game damage
-Balanced ALL the abilities so now all Heroes have the same damage output

-Health Upgrade now is a passive ability and it upgrades automatically
-Added Map Preview picture
-Improved pathing on Area: Island

-Added New Hero: Kodo Beast (Melee)

Passive: War Druums: Each ability gives a different passive bonus

Abilities: Power Chord: Unleashes a powerful Chord to damage all enemies in a line

Tune of Harmony: Plays a tune that Heals the caster and an allied hero

Melody of Hope: Plays a melody that boosts the Morale of nearby allied units, increasing their movement speed
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
New Update!~ v1.10

Brings many bug fixxes from last update, New Legendary Shop and a New Hero!

-Fixxed the level 4 bug with Serpent Ward & removed the pathing so it doesn't block movement
-Fixxed the level 4 bug with Quilbeast Barrage
-Fixxed Savagery movement speed buff being 20% on all levels instead of 20/30/40/50%
-Fixxed a problem with level 4 Arcane Wave cast distance
-Added Floating Text Spell Preview System(can be turned off)
-Reduced the Spawn Timers of Power-ups by half (Now it takes longer for them to spawn)
-Increased Range of Lich King's Frost Bolt Ability from 600 to 800

-Added Legendary Shop with 3 New Items:

Aetherblade: Boosts attack damage by 150 (2000g)
Phoenix Axe: Boosts attack damage by 100, Gives Firebolt Ability (2000g)
Golden Chalice: Increases Defence by 100. Gives Divine Blessing Ability (2000g)

-Added 1 New Item to Special Shop:

Orb of Life: Restores 50 hp every 5 seconds (1000g)

-Added New Hero: Lightning Shaman (Ranged)

Lightning Call: Calls down from the sky a powerful lightning to strike nearby enemies.

Supercharge: Supercharges himself to run faster for a set amount of time.

Discharge: Discharges a powerful lightning that stuns and deals damage to an enemy unit.
@Noctiss_Season2 tested now on v1.36.1.20719 and it works bro :goblin_jawdrop:

View attachment 469071View attachment 469072

forgot to say thanks for the comment lol, hopefully more people might try this map :xxd:
yeah this was a weird thing. I tested it with a friend. For some reason, i cant run this map without crashing. I tested it on Classic, On reforged. I tested it with me hosting on red slot, and me hosting on diffirent slot. I tested it with friend hosting on red slot and me on team2. I even went to boyfriends computer and downloaded warcraft3 there to try it both host and regular. Each time it crashed for me 1 second after map loaded, only managed to open it uncrashed in Single Player. I have no clue why this could happen, but if u wanna test it, we can talk on discord if u want. Still tho from checking out some spells in single player, cool map, i love this fun arena shit... wish i could play this
Level 20
Jul 12, 2010
@Noctiss_Season2 This is so strange lol, I will try a b.net game and see what happens.

ok first of all damn it took a long time to find strangers to play lol, this game so dead >_<

I was lucky to find a random guy to help me with the game and everything was ok:

I really have no idea why you can't play the map online, might be game settings or version.

IF you still want to add me on discord to find the issue here it is: xorkatoss