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Ujimasa Hojo's Resources Discussion

Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
The Iron horde pack is very awesome, Specially the alter and the rylak rider, I hope if you are going to make something like their siege cannon next.:ogre_hurrhurr:

They have some awesome siege weaponry.


Ujimasa Hojo Presents

Iron Horde

One Headed Armored Ogre B

Weeellll.. The Gorian Empire canonically is only allied with the Iron Horde, not part of it. The alliance in question was made by the Imperator really only out of fear of getting wiped out by the Iron Horde. However, gronn are subdued to work for the Iron Horde and the Ogron are used as brute force since they're stupider then Ogres and larger. Having an Ogre as a hero seems uncanonical slightly. Perhaps making him an Ogron would look better and less generic? Or perhaps an Ogron or Gronn unit to replace the Tauren for the Foundry, since a lot of them can be found in the Blackrock Foundry and Gruul is a boss as well.
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Level 62
Jan 20, 2008

I noticed that Ogres in WoD always have two eyes (or at least eye sockets :p). The only one-headed Ogre models available in-game features the One-eyed head. So I thought, why not the one-headed variation with the other head.

Also, I am going to be more active in my job in the coming months. Don't worry, I'm far from done here in Hive. I don't have any ideas at the moment anyway so the long hiatus may give me time to think.
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010

I noticed that Ogres in WoD always have two eyes (or at least eye sockets :p). The only one-headed Ogre models available in-game features the One-eyed head. So I thought, why not the one-headed variation with the other head.

Also, I am going to be more active in my job in the coming months. Don't worry, I'm far from done here in Hive. I don't have any ideas at the moment anyway so the long hiatus may give me time to think.

Yeah they do! Good thinking on that one. Two headed ogres seem to be only among high ranks only and one headed ogres are only here and there.

Will you be starting this hiatus now or after you finish posting some more stuff? :eek: Don't leave us hanging yet! D:
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
about the siege weapons, it would be interesting to have Catapults Demolishers and Frigates metallic and mechanical

To be honest that's the worst idea ever...

The Iron Horde doesn't use catapults, they use tanks. Helloooo? Future technology brought to the past? :l

I have yet to encounter a catapult in Warlords of Draenor. Everything is centrifugal engines and siege machines.
Level 1
Oct 4, 2014
Thought you should be informed, your Ice Ruins Slaughterhouse has some z-fighting on the lower section.

It's bigger in my screenshot, but the farther from the model, the worse the bug; getting close makes it better, until it's completely gone.

Level 11
Dec 14, 2014
Wow you almost created the whole alliance and horde buildings, I suggest you should make gnome and tauren buildings because I've never seen them ever in the hive or outside the hive :\

The problem is that there's not so many texture about taurens or gnomes, and the possible combinations might look weird. Like, for gnomes, what could fit? Maybe the humans' tank texture in human buildings, but I, for one, think that it might looks bad. As for taurens, the Totem texture isn't enough, and if mixed with the tauren Tend, it will have a bad result.
I believe the problem is lack of rescources, not of inspiration.

But maybe I'm wrong xD
Level 19
Oct 7, 2014
The problem is that there's not so many texture about taurens or gnomes, and the possible combinations might look weird. Like, for gnomes, what could fit? Maybe the humans' tank texture in human buildings, but I, for one, think that it might looks bad. As for taurens, the Totem texture isn't enough, and if mixed with the tauren Tend, it will have a bad result.
I believe the problem is lack of rescources, not of inspiration.

But maybe I'm wrong xD

Your right about that.
Level 29
Mar 9, 2012
At this point the best would be to pack the sets to be provided in the packs section, since majority of the sets are here only acessible in this thread.
I mean your works would reach more people if being presented as resource pack.
And the individual pages of each pack load very slow for some reason.

In one of the Kultiras screenshots i see an skin for the battleship that replaces the lion on sail with an anchor, and the flags of their castle too since their texture has been re-mapped to use it. Can we have that battleship skin please ?
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
*still praying*

Aside from my hectic schedule, I simply can't think of any unique Iron Horde units at the moment.

I am considering on making optimized models for Orc models which have Maghar skins available. Optimized models would have the following:
  • Linearized animations
  • Combined actual and portrait models
  • Fixed bugs (if there are any)
  • Added animations (if there are missing)

These can be useful for mapmakers who want to use Maghar Orcs without overwriting the original Green and Red Orcs as well as save on file size.
Level 11
Jun 27, 2010
Aside from my hectic schedule, I simply can't think of any unique Iron Horde units at the moment.

I am considering on making optimized models for Orc models which have Maghar skins available. Optimized models would have the following:
  • Linearized animations
  • Combined actual and portrait models
  • Fixed bugs (if there are any)
  • Added animations (if there are missing)

These can be useful for mapmakers who want to use Maghar Orcs without overwriting the original Green and Red Orcs as well as save on file size.

A proper orcish tank is something thats missing from the Hive. That's something that kind of NEEDS to replace a catapult or demolisher since the Iron Horde uses tanks and siege cannons. All of the tank models on the Hive are modern or futuristic.

Also, an orc rifleman model to replace the Headhunter? The Iron Horde uses guns.
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008


  • OrcFireBat.png
    1.4 MB · Views: 11,352
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Level 8
Jul 7, 2013
I had a go at creating a new 3 tier Goblin town hall, starting from your Great Hall reskin at http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2511179-post351.html

Here's what I came up with (this is the final stage) :


Pretty happy with the final result, but unsure on the policy (THWs and yours) of whether I should share it, given that it started off life as your model. It's properly animated but currently has custom textures to add TC. Any thoughts on (a) whether this is worth sharing and (b) where to put it if so ?
Level 62
Jan 20, 2008
I had a go at creating a new 3 tier Goblin town hall, starting from your Great Hall reskin at http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/2511179-post351.html

Here's what I came up with (this is the final stage) :


Pretty happy with the final result, but unsure on the policy (THWs and yours) of whether I should share it, given that it started off life as your model. It's properly animated but currently has custom textures to add TC. Any thoughts on (a) whether this is worth sharing and (b) where to put it if so ?

Feel free to share it. I'm sure a lot of people would be happy with that.
Level 9
Feb 13, 2013
Why not make an enhanced model pack for the regular Warcraft 3 models? Like fixed skin wrappings & better armor platings/designs(like the enhanced DoTC) for some units like the footman model's crappy wrapping. You know, simple stuff. Not everything has to be spectacular and complexed :p