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Trial Import

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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Your avatar does have transparency, look at the corners.

If I try to upload your avatar, it denies it for file size. If I try to upload just the first frame of your avatar, it uploads successfully, but the corners become black because the alpha channel is discarded. If I convert it to PNG, it still gets discarded, although it's replaced with white.

I'll embed a couple instances of my current avatar (on the beta forum, not this forum) during various stages here, and since THW has a dark background it should be very easy to see the difference.






Well, I like it for a beta. Yes I do agree with the people that explained the flaws in it, but other than those bugs that could be worked out I like it. It is better organized. The background although it is a plus I do have an issue with since I am the kind of guy that likes all races in Warcraft 3 so I suggest making some other background style any ONE user could have. I understand that it is hard to do, but the truth is this site seems to have a lot more of a Blizzard Entertainments feel to it so you could most likely get away with borrowing some design ideas from them and the games they make.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Well, I like it for a beta. Yes I do agree with the people that explained the flaws in it, but other than those bugs that could be worked out I like it. It is better organized. The background although it is a plus I do have an issue with since I am the kind of guy that likes all races in Warcraft 3 so I suggest making some other background style any ONE user could have. I understand that it is hard to do, but the truth is this site seems to have a lot more of a Blizzard Entertainments feel to it so you could most likely get away with borrowing some design ideas from them and the games they make.

With something like Xenforo it should be much easier to make more themes. Hell, I'd be willing to do it myself if Ralle would allow.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Seriously man no imports are perfect and you really shouldn't stress over it, the data was just imported for example content (for now)
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I don't like that green mark above the avatar that show user activity.
Some BB code does not work.
No link Avatar.
Direct links aren't working correctly in the Chat room.
Smilier code doesn't work on profile status.
Gif photo bug sometime.

Suggestion for Resources tab :
It will be good if you make them like Wc3c.net format, like attaching a Picture thread next to a models, icons, spells...etc, and seperated as well, eg: Tech-tree, Command boutton, Spell for icons plus a Moderation next to a resource.
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014



Level 49
Jan 25, 2011
I don't even understand it. BTW, are you aware that I can edit everyone's resources? I don't know if it works to all but I can edit resources.

It must have something to do with you being a reviewer. I cannot edit other people's resources.
I could however, upload directly to DC as you said:
http://beta.roflmania.com/repositories/directors-cut.731/ (the Footman)

A select "prev-next page" in the bottom of the resource list when scrolling through resources would be nice and handy. So we don't need to scroll back up to get to the next page.

Also. I seem hand out 0 reputation when I add to another user.


Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006
The fact that you can upload directly to the DC directory is probably that it's a new thing and permissions haven't been set for it yet. Like we said, what we're trying out now is just the porting of data.

It must have something to do with you being a reviewer. I cannot edit other people's resources.
Yeah, AFAIK user permissions were ported too.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
tags are more stringent now. Many people will have to fix their BBcodes. Code that works on Hive 2 works on Hive 1 too, so if you want to prepare, you can.

±Nightmare. After you saiad you couldn't edit, I went ahead and gave all reviewers permissions to edit.

I have to set up custom permissions for the sub repositories so you only can submit in Submissions.
tags are more stringent now. Many people will have to fix their BBcodes. Code that works on Hive 2 works on Hive 1 too, so if you want to prepare, you can.

±Nightmare. After you saiad you couldn't edit, I went ahead and gave all reviewers permissions to edit.

I have to set up custom permissions for the sub repositories so you only can submit in Submissions.

The issue is that the some BBcodes spill over into the tags section (not with syntax changes to bbcode).

A lot of the BBcode parsing is broken. I have resources where my spell's code in the JASS tags are all purple (color of tags).


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Isn't that going to make a mess of historical posts made by those no longer members? I mean it's not like they're ever going to fix their BBCodes
Yep. But we don't want old gone members to keep us from moving forward do we? There's nothing I can do, unfortunately. We can fix the most popular things ourselves if needed.
The issue is that the some BBcodes spill over into the tags section (not with syntax changes to bbcode).

A lot of the BBcode parsing is broken. I have resources where my spell's code in the JASS tags are all purple (color of tags).
When you report it, I will take a look. I have not heard of this before.
When you report it, I will take a look. I have not heard of this before.

I have


I thnk you fixed the one I mentioned in my first post but it still shows up in other resources (like the one killicide posted, or the one I just mentioned about the JASS tags) like my Dune Worm skill (can't link right now).

Killicide also just did
Some questions about BBCodes:
  • My [TABLE][/TABLE] tags seem fine, yet they still look weird when they are parsed. Did I miss something?

  • Are spaces in the text no longer considered in a list?

  • Do [TABS][/TABS] scale to the size of the page now instead of what's inside?

  • Did anything change with [TRIGGER][/TRIGGER] or [HIDDEN=][/HIDDEN] tags?

  • Not sure if you were looking to fix it in this import, but BB codes still find their way into the keywords

  • Suggestion: can you add a "Resources" link in this window? I thought "Your Content" would take me to my resources, but it only took me to my posts x)


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
The first table looks like a bug. I will fix that.

Spaces in a list? No idea. Seems fine either way.

Tabs, I dunno. will probably be fine either way.

Trigger tags? Why? Hidden, why?

BB Codes finding their way into keywords is due to misplaced otable tags usually.

Good idea to display resources there.
KILLCIDE, can you provide me with a link to your examples?

What exactly do you mean? They do have their own forum. Is it because you want a direct link in the top of the site?

I think he mean. As it is now on Hive 1, all resources have their own link in the top left to get you directly to the resource type. While as Hive 2 you must click two times to get to a specific resource type. First the overview, then the resource type.

My personal opinion is the old way is better, I browse a lot from resource section to resource section, and those extra clicks quickly adds up.

On that note. It would be nice if a click on my "profile" link (for me "Solu9", next to "Inbox", and "Alerts") would bring me to my profile page (the one with visitor messages) instead it brings me to the "Personal Details" page.
Right now I need to wait for the dropdown, find the link to my profile page, and then click it.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
D: models with custom textures only show the mdx files, there aren't blp files (again)
Link? I don't see anything missing. Check this out:

Both of these have the same exact BB code.

As you can tell, the SP Cast isn't lined up with everything else despite both of these having the same exact BB code. That is why I asked if anything changed with [HIDDEN=][/HIDDEN] tags.

I need a link. Not a picture. Send me a link to the thread where you have this BB code.
I need a link. Not a picture. Send me a link to the thread where you have this BB code.
My mistake.

EDIT: Is there anyway you can still make it so that GUI functions still retain their appropriate "icon" in [TRIGGER][/TRIGGER] tags without having to write the "Actions" part above all of it? See here what I'm talking about:

The photo on the left is how the live site parses it (how it should be). The photo on the right is how the beta site parses it.
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