The Lost Ones V.2


The Lost Ones v.2
Created by wa666r

Map Info:

Another Alternate melee in my series of maps involving lore races from the Warcraft universe. This addition allows the players to explore and play as the daring races of the Lost Ones and Arakkoa.

The Lost Ones are the twisted and altered version of the Draenei. After much of their people retreated from Outland the Lost Ones have been struggling for survival from the rampaging Fel horde. Now accustomed to the new lifestyle and combat the Lost Ones rely on stealth and foresight to guide them in battle. Much of their race have mastered the art of stealth, allowing them to be unseen by the naked eye, then deliver deadly strikes for a quick kill. Though frail by nature, the Lost Ones have studied and employed the healing arts with some psychic manipulation to turn tides of battle, along side stealth.

The Arakkoa are an ancient bird-like race that has it's roots in the Outland. They wield many forms of war, ranging from fighting with blades to using mighty arcane magics to achieve victory. These humanoids, just like the Lost Ones, are being hunted by the raging Fel Horde who stop at nothing but their own deaths to kill anyone who their master commands to destroy. To increase the chances for both the races to survive the constant assaults and slaughter from the Fel Horde, the Arakkoa and the Lost Ones established an alliance; now providing both stealth, strength, and magic to the field.


Play as a new race, and behold the tactics and abilities to utilize their various strategies to bring the fight to the enemy.

- 4 Custom Heroes: Forerunner, Infiltrator, Visionary, and Sage.

- a list of new items reflecting the Lost Ones and Arakkoa races.

- All custom units, including a Pursuer; that can slow the enemy then deliver quick death, to Raven; a surgical surprise strike flyer.

Some other stuff about map:


- NEW Altar of Liberty model and icon
- NEW Building model for every model.
- New units: Avian Agent
- New units: Raven
- New units: Kaliri
- Slayer model changed
- Pursuer completely revamped
- Ravager completely revamped
- Harbinger completely revamped
- Avenger completely revamped
- Psychic completely revamped
- Forerunner completely revamped
- Sage completely revamped
- Visionary completely revamped
- Infiltrator completely revamped
- DOZENS of new icons
- New racial skill
- New racial defense
- New initial defense
- So, so, so, so much more!
- The full list would take up most of the page!

New Units



Avian Agent

Affiliation: The Lost Ones
Role: Anti-Ground
Race: Owl
Gender: Unknown

The Kaliri are specially bred owls of the Arakkoa people. Their feathers are used for many forces of ceremony and decoration, along with improvements on the armor and weaponry. These flying creatures have a love for peace, and fight vigorously to destroy those who desecrate it. By summoning the arcane energies in their feathers, the Kaliri can launch down powerful magical bolts against clusters of enemies; making them a viable source against any heavily armed attackers.

Affiliation: The Lost Ones
Role: Surgical Stealth
Race: Avian Creatures
Gender: Female

Unseen and unheard, but certainly watching every move and breath the enemy takes, the Raven. The flying creature awaits for the enemy before releasing a powerful strike that bounces to nearby unfortunate foes. Though the Raven is very fragile and reluctant to equip armor, it makes up for the short-running by having supreme agility and a natural affliction for stealth. With a single strike, a bolt will glide from enemy to enemy, inflicting pain upon each foe right as the raven retreats back into the shadow.

Affiliation: Lost Ones
Role: Anti-Air/Scouting
Race: Arakkoa
Gender: Female

The Avian Agents are specialist Arakkoa females the were trained and bred to fly through the skies with great speed and accuracy. Though they are very fragile, their purpose in the Lost Ones alliance still being fairly new, they are still very numerous and deadly when fighting. Both graceful and savage, these female flyers prefer to fight in a pack to take down even the most powerful enemies of the sky. Their claws are so overwhelmingly sharp that they are able to inflict such a wound that it renders the enemy stunned.


Unexpected tab 1


Camoflauge: In order to add some depth into this faction, I had decided to implement something new that the player can upgrade specifically for the Lost Ones' buildings. Camouflage is very simple; it grants a chance for t he building to avoid an attack. Depending at the level of upgrade, the higher chance there will be for a building to avoid an attack.
- Upgrade One: Grants a 10% chance to avoid an attack.
- Upgrade Two: Grants a 15% chance to avoid an attack.
- Upgrade Three: Grants a 20% chance to avoid an attack.
Racial Skill: Vanish: The entire idea of most units being invisible was faulty from the beginning. First of all, it's highly overpowered at the start of the game, then becoming completely useless late game when the enemy can simply obtain any unit with True Sight. After I examined the entire idea, it just was not working out or reaching the standards I want it to; so I created the skill of vanish instead.

Vanish is another simple ability that turns a specific Lost Ones unit invisible once their life reaches 25% or less. This skill allows them to escape more easily or maneuver around to get a few more sneaky hits. But, along with the invisibility bonus, this skill also grants a 50% chance to avoid an attack; giving the player a real choice to either retreat the unit, or play risky and keep attacking.
Racial Defense: Order: The initial defense motive took me a while to come up with; I had already done quite a bit of different defenses, and did not want to simply recycle. So I decided to start from simply summoning a few troops for defense, then improved upon the idea for balance and practicality.

What this skill is, essentially, an aura that only has an effect on two type of units: Reservists and Laborers. While those units are within the range of the aura, they gain their own effect from it. The Reservists, only summoned b the Main Building, gain a major bonus to all around combat aspects, but once they leave the range of the aura, they are left with weak attack, lowered attack rate, and only 50 hit points. The Laborers on the other hand cannot remain invisible without this aura, thus fixing the issue of their outbalanced capability to scout and spy.

Play as my other races:

DraeneiDalaran High Elves Fel HordeScarlet CrusadersDark Iron Clan

Race Details:

Initial Defense

Strongest Units


- The Main Building summons strong Reservists.

- The buildings can obtain a cheap and quick upgrade for a chance to avoid an attack.

- The Laborers are invisible as long as they are near the Main Building.

- Assassins: Invisible, quick attacker that can take out a single target quickly.

- Raven: Surgical invisible flyer with bouncing attacks.

- Avenger: Heavy melee attacker that can heal multiple units.[/rainbow]
- Reduced armor for all buildings.

- Low hit points on most units.

- No specific anti-mage units


Image Description:


Image Description:


Change Log:

- Changed icons and models

-Shit Ton


Ujimasa Hojo

The rest are lost records, but the credit goes to whomever the creators are.

[/TD][TD] [/TD][/tr][/TABLE]

Lost Ones, Draenei, Alternate, Melee, Arakkoa, Sexy

The Lost Ones V.2 (Map)

18:54, 14th May 2013 Orcnet: a remarkable change from the actual orc race re-modded into a draenei(lost ones) race, very useful but a few problems I have spotted is that I can only train 2 heroes, and the slayer's icon looks like you chose a disabled...




18:54, 14th May 2013
Orcnet: a remarkable change from the actual orc race re-modded into a draenei(lost ones) race, very useful but a few problems I have spotted is that I can only train 2 heroes, and the slayer's icon looks like you chose a disabled button or its very blur simply light it up so players won't get confuse if they actually researched/constructed an object for the slayer's release. Map Approved
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Played the map and this is really good though I haven't played much with the Lost One but I think the heroes there has low starting Stats. So let us start the review on what I think about your map:

Lost Ones Review:

[+] Good Points:
- has decent terrain
- is really fun in Full house game
-the map itself is enrich with many resources such as Tavern, Mercenary Camps and more..
-There is a custom race

[-] Bad Points:
-decent terrain but has some flaws such as you spammed some of the doodads making it bad and also weird placement of doodads and destructible like for example I have seen in your map a Crater with a waterfall in it... you should remove that.
-The new race Lost Ones: I have fully not played with that race but I think the starting stats of the Heroes there are quite low.

[] Suggestions:
-put maybe some Fountains there, it will become useful in this melee!
-Improve the terrain... well its not that bad but you putted some doodads weirdly.
-Maybe increase the starting stats of the Lost One Race Heroes.
Good game, played in full house lots of fun. I would like to give this 4/5 and the creator's +3 REP!
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
Played the map and this is really good though I haven't played much with the Lost One but I think the heroes there has low starting Stats. So let us start the review on what I think about your map:

Lost Ones Review:

[+] Good Points:
- has decent terrain
- is really fun in Full house game
-the map itself is enrich with many resources such as Tavern, Mercenary Camps and more..
-There is a custom race

[-] Bad Points:
-decent terrain but has some flaws such as you spammed some of the doodads making it bad and also weird placement of doodads and destructible like for example I have seen in your map a Crater with a waterfall in it... you should remove that.
-The new race Lost Ones: I have fully not played with that race but I think the starting stats of the Heroes there are quite low.

[] Suggestions:
-put maybe some Fountains there, it will become useful in this melee!
-Improve the terrain... well its not that bad but you putted some doodads weirdly.
-Maybe increase the starting stats of the Lost One Race Heroes.
Good game, played in full house lots of fun. I would like to give this 4/5 and the creator's +3 REP!
Well.... this is actually just the original blizzard map, I made no modifications to it's landscape. That is why I put "Blizzard Entertainment - Wa666r" as creators But, I could possibly make it a bit better with your suggestions. I could increase the heroes stats slightly, they did seem a little weak once I thought about it.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Well.... this is actually just the original blizzard map, I made no modifications to it's landscape. That is why I put "Blizzard Entertainment - Wa666r" as creators But, I could possibly make it a bit better with your suggestions. I could increase the heroes stats slightly, they did seem a little weak once I thought about it.

Also you can maybe improve the terrain, I suggest use some custom resources, there's no risk in trying and also your map is so far from the limit of 8MB. Better terrain, maybe I will raise my review to 5/5.:grin:

AND forgot to say, voting for APPROVAL!
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I don't usually judge a altered melee map based on its terrain.

To Hell_Master you judge altered melee maps based on its new race, its balance to other races, if units and heroes blends with each other with logically useful upgrades and if it can counter other races or the race itself have other races that can counter them.

So yeah, remake your review.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
I don't usually judge a altered melee map based on its terrain.

To Hell_Master you judge altered melee maps based on its new race, its balance to other races, if units and heroes blends with each other with logically useful upgrades and if it counter can counter other races or the race itself have other races that can counter them.

So yeah, remake your review.

Will do. But still busy on my own maps >.>
This is a smooth altered melee map with a fairly consistent theme. The Draenei Lost Ones look nice at the start but the limited supply of models makes for a little repetition. Nice work attempting to alter units with color and attachments. I've looked for models and there really aren't many to choose from (almost none at all). The terrain looks nice 5/5 but some of the creep camps could use variation. Overall 4.5/5. This map is the best Draenei race map I've seen. The work with spells is great. Almost 100% custom spells. This is great but I would actually tone it down a bit, I always have a hard time figuring out spells on the fly. I prefer having a strong melee army when I play RT on Bnet, so I avoid casters unless they are necessary to counter the opponents spells. The icons look great and there are a surprising number of custom icons here. Yes, I made one or two, but there are many more. The concept is solid and follows true lore. The functions all work correctly. All and All this map is Very Playable! If you like lore or have friends that are fans of Draenei, don't hesitate to download this map. Nice job!
Lost Ones Review:

[+] Good Points:
- has decent terrain
-the map itself is enrich with many resources such as Tavern, Mercenary Camps and more..

[-] Bad Points:
-decent terrain but has some flaws such as you spammed some of the doodads making it bad and also weird placement of doodads and destructible like for example I have seen in your map a Crater with a waterfall in it... you should remove that.

[] Suggestions:
-Improve the terrain... well its not that bad but you putted some doodads weirdly.

the terrain is the warcraft 3 melee terrain, Last Man Standing. any critiques on it seem rather redundant as the purpose of this map is to introduce a new race into the warcraft 3 melee gameplay via methods of inserting it into an existing warcraft 3 map, which a lot of hivers including myself have done for a very long time.

onto the map. it keeps crashing for me. that's a problem.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
the terrain is the warcraft 3 melee terrain, Last Man Standing. any critiques on it seem rather redundant as the purpose of this map is to introduce a new race into the warcraft 3 melee gameplay via methods of inserting it into an existing warcraft 3 map, which a lot of hivers including myself have done for a very long time.

onto the map. it keeps crashing for me. that's a problem.

Hmmm, so it is not this terrain that means but on another melee map...ok but I did see some flaws into THE terrain such as weird placement of doodads. Lke there is a water flowing in a crater.
well, it crashes after i play a little bit, about a minute or so in

it could be the version i'm running, and i will be able to confirm this in a bit, but so far i can't get any further than seeing what the workers are like

i might be the only person with this issue atm, but it's something worth mentioning in case it happens to other people, too
Level 6
May 23, 2011
now that i read the description i remenbered thatthe normal draenei and the lost ones ar pretty much the high templar and the dark templar from starcraft
Level 6
May 23, 2011
talk about a big update lol, testing it right now

*edit* yup you made it balanced and pretty damn interesting, plus all the awesome models (birds ftw) 5/5
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Level 2
May 16, 2013
I liked the race by the first glance, but then found several odd details. I will report them if recall. The one i do remember now is the orb does not make hero able to attack air.
Level 7
Aug 14, 2014
Once again I very like your maps espesially this one :goblin_good_job:
I have fun with this race (espesially surprising attack) :thumbs_up:

The thing i must says is
"Every thing is awesome!!!" - lego movie
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I dont know about the other guys but i had this strange bug happend to me.I was in the middel of a battel and the game freezed.At first i thought it should have been a pc problem.After i relunched the map and started the game again when i clicked on the cavern building the game it crushed again.This happend only whith the Lost one map.The other maps done by you did not crush.
Level 27
Feb 19, 2011
I dont know about the other guys but i had this strange bug happend to me.I was in the middel of a battel and the game freezed.At first i thought it should have been a pc problem.After i relunched the map and started the game again when i clicked on the cavern building the game it crushed again.This happend only whith the Lost one map.The other maps done by you did not crush.

Huh, that never happened to me. I honestly don't know why you are having this problem. Maybe you could re-download the file, and place it elsewhere.
Level 6
Apr 8, 2006
Where did you get that fully animated Lost One Laborer model? Workers that actually carry bags and lumber are hard to find.
Level 1
Nov 22, 2020
The Mana Salve from the Survival Den gives health instead of mana, also the spell Vest from Psychic heals mechanical units as well, idk if that's intentional.
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