- Joined
- Mar 15, 2006
- Messages
- 7,945
This is it. It's very nearly 12:00 AM March 14th 2009. 3 years to the day, I joined this site, a lowly noob 14 year old with a big mouth. Oh how things have changed. We met from a few hundred members to 40 thousand. The site switched focused, merged, chat, all kinds of crazy shit has happened since.
And now it's time for me to leave. I hereby renounce my position on the Staff, and would like to respectfully request the Respected User status for my services to the site.
It's been a wild ride. Now it's time for me to focus on real life and university. Feel free to catch me on MSN ([email protected]) and on Facebook ('Brad Ausrotas'). Because I rock and shit. I'll be visiting some Hivers in August 2010 (hopefully) when I travel through Europe.
You should all still see me around here now and then. But my activity will be greatly reduced, and I no longer want to hold a Staff title because of this. As I've previously stated, I want to have Hakeem as my successor, but really it's up to you folks on the Staff now.
Good luck to everyone. To the users listed below, thanks for everything. For everyone else, I probably love you anyway, sorry for not mentioning you by name.
Goodbye Draft
Ralle – I thought, in this epic goodbye thread of epic proportions, it would be fitting, of course, to mention the man himself first and formost. Rasmus Abrahamsen. Ralle. He’s the man. It is this man that you have to thank for my being here in the first place, and I have to thank this man for everything that he’s done for me. First and formost he created a superb map (The best and most balanced TD I’ve ever played, Warhammer 40K TD), and a wonderful website to follow it, and you know, he’s been a nice guy the whole damn time. Back in the infancy of The Hive Workshop, Ralle was one of the first people I ever encountered. And the first thing that struck me was how down to earth he was. He used the website just like anyone else, so he could design it with the user in mind. He talked to everyone, all the time (Alas, he had more time, the Hive wasn’t quite as popular as it is now), and he was always nice. He let us bend the rules for the sake of fun, because that’s how you create loyalty. It was great having a staff that you just interacted with all the time, because you really got to know them well. And you know, the Hive is still a great (much larger) place now, but I’ll always remember it was the tiny little community of diehard WH40KTD fans, because that’s how it all started. Thanks for everything Ralle, the staff position, the conversation, the crazy blue hair, the works. I hope to run into you some time in the not-too-distant future
Bloodletter – You’ll most likely never read this, in fact I joined long after you stopped using the site, but really, it’s important to thank you because you’re one of the chief reasons as to why I’m here. If not for your inspiration, Ralle wouldn’t have ever made that TD. He didn’t even know what Warhammer was, at the time, believe it or not. So thanks man, thanks a lot. Without you we might not all be here now.
Shados – Oh, there’s so much to say. You were probably the first of the staff that I got to know really well, based on our shared love for the tilde key that we identified in my intro thread. Things just sorta went from there. I’ve always and will always respect your crazy intellect, oddball opinions, and scattered taste. I got you into Queens of the Stone Age, you got me into Nine Inch Nails. It works both ways really. If I find myself in Oz (Bound to happen, fucking Big Day Out is something I NEED to attend), I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for being around for it all, and defending me mercilessly.
Bob27 – What more is there to say? You always were the silly one of the bunch. It might have been because you were 14 when I first met you. Really might have something to do with it. But you were a great Admin. A spectacular Admin. The very first that Ralle hired, in fact. We don’t talk much anymore, but god damnit you still win. Thanks for bot27, the Gandalf sig, and choosing my Guild name for the now long defunct Hive Workshop Darkfall Online guild. You’ve been a good guy, and always entertaining to talk to. Especially your opinions on Coldplay.
Gst_Nemisis – Christ, Dan, what’s there to say? You might not see this for a good long while thanks to your spotty attendance as of late. But, hell, you’ve always been a chill guy, really one of the coolest people on the whole website. Your ability to mix mainstream London with amazing Counterstrike skills is astounding. Your drug stories were an amazing laugh. All of our philosophical meanderings in the old days with Malufa were awesome. I’ll be sure to keep in touch. Thanks for all the fun times on here, specifically. Your mix is still fucking awesome, by the way.
Malufa – Well, it has been a good long while. You were one of the people I strived to become. You were like a Mecheon before there was a Mecheon, and to a more extreme level. From talking with me about all manner of Philosophy, literature, you name it, to editing others’ posts for spelling and grammar in your trademark dark green, you were basically the intellectual granddaddy of the Hive. Thanks for everything I’ve learned from you, and I assure you, it was a lot. Thanks for coming back and putting a bunch of assholes in their places as well
The_Taxidermist – God damnit Taxi. If you see this, I know there will be some witty reply waiting. You’ve been around since the start. And you’re still here. And you’re still the funniest person on the whole fucking website. Your random threads that pop up every now and again are legendary in their hilarity. Thanks for all the laughs man.
Ragingspeedhorn – Well, well. We’ve had a long colourful history, haven’t we? From neg rep wars to discussing why Denmark is the greatest place ever, we’ve basically done a lot. I’ve had some great times with you Raging, and I always loved how you never took shit from anyone and weren’t afraid to tell people when they were wrong. In the funniest manner possible. You were the original Jackass, someone had to take over the throne. Look forward to keeping in touch in the future.
Archian – Well, you were the hardass. You were always the hardass. The crazy Dane that walked in out of nowhere and worked his way to the top. But you had good tutorials, good resources, and you made damn ace themes and such. You were great on justice, but you fell out of touch. Still, I always respected you for being fucking scary to the noobs. It was a joy to watch, and it worked damn well. Cheers to you in all your life’s ambitions.
Myspacebarbroke - Well, well, well. When we first met, I got you and Ephy confused all the time. Seriously. You were both annoying trolls brought forth from the depths of Wc3sear.ch and both equally worthless as far as I was concerned. Oh, how the times change. I discovered your intellect, and beyond that, your crazy humor, and things basically went from there. Besides being the second funniest individual to ever use the Hive (See The_Taxidermist), you were also great for arguments and a insightful opinion. Medivh’s Tower became a joy thanks to you. Cheers man. For someone younger than me, I sure have learned a shitload from you.
Teh_Ephy – Your blurb wont be as long, since I’ve recounted my early history of you with MSBB. After I figured out that you and MSBB were two different people, I imagined you to be 20-something based on your comprehensive knowledge of 4Channery and massive vocabulary. Needless to say I was surprised when I found out your true age. You’ve been a never ending stream of anime lulz, chan lulz, wonderful arguments, brilliant thoughts, and some truly legendary trolling. Here’s to fucking you, man.
Samuraid – I’ve always seen you as the ideal admin. You were perfectly objective all the time. It was astounding, really something to idolize. But unlike Wolve, who did much the same, you actually participated in the forums. You could remain objective while still being a part of the community, which is so, so very important. And you know, you always were awesome for your crazy taste. I plan on keeping in touch man, definitely.
HINDYhat – Funniest French Arab ever, nuff said? Nah. I can’t even remember when I met HINDY or how, but it was epic, whatever it was. Because we became like awesome friends. Between Queens of the Stone Age discussion, spamming the chat with Bitch’s Ain’t Shit, or making fun of Py with Trax, we were pretty awesome basically. But then shit got deep and it was on. And HINDY’s pockets were no longer fat anymore, so he disappeared for greener pastures. I’m never losing contact with you, you’re just too damn sexy.
Ash – The most party animal Brit I know. Besides perhaps Dan. It’d be pretty close really. But anyway, I plan on visiting at some point, and definitely not losing touch. You were smart, down to earth, and just fucking cool. And that’s damn important in a community full of WC3 geeks. Normal people are highly valued (In my eyes even more so) than resource creators. They’re a rare breed on this kind of website xD Cheers for all the lulz. We’ve definitely had some good ones.
Jacek – My favourite troll. Ever. You did it better than anyone. ANYONE. Your trolling was so funny because it was genius. You were so crazy smart, and you did smart trolling. You trolled people without them even realizing they were being trolled. It was brilliant. It was entertaining that has been lost to the Hive since your departure. A damn shame. Best of luck trolling the shit out of life <3
Happytauren – Well, you’ve kinda lost touch lately, but you were the very first. You joined a noob, got docked neg rep, spammed, but I took you on. And look where you went. Weird how what worked out. But we became good friends, I taught you some English, we went our separate ways, planned a bunch of projects we’d never finish, sent a bunch of maps you never terrained, requested a bunch of models you never made, the list goes on xD I mean, we never got anything done together, but it was a good time anyway.
V3ck – The original Ontario guy. It was surreal to join a website run by a Dane and an Australian and find out that one of the active members was from Ontario. It’s weird how small the world is sometimes. Anyway, thanks for being awesome at the beginning of the Hive.
Mini-Me – Well, fuck. You were amazing. Between openly plotting how to best rape Slyeona with Raging, to bitching out Wulf, bitching out the Staff, bitching out half the website. And making epic maps. Yeah, you’ll never see this, but good luck anyway.
Camel’s_Hump – You know, for a 14 year old you sure taught me a lot. Mind you, you were an astoundingly mature 14 year old (Far more mature than I was, let me tell you), and you know, I learned from it. Plus you had such ridiculous talent that it just blew me away. Definitely one of the finer additions to the staff after the merge. Best of luck wherever you are.
Chriz. – Same really goes to you. You were stern, and always fair. You destroyed many noobs with your moderation abilities, and you produced excellent resources. Best of luck, again.
Donut3.5 – Do we even have to do this? You rock, you know it, see you on Facebook
Mecheon – Thank you for being the most badass person to ever use the website. Excellent, excellent entertainment, and you also got a shitload of work done, so yeah, cheers. I’ll have to hit you up on MSN now and again.
Wolverabid – You probably wont see this since you’ve been off the map a long time, but thanks for giving me my first chance. You signed me on. Got me the job. Whatever you wanna call it. On top of that, you had this community running at peak performance. Astounding job. Thanks for everything. I’ll catch you on MSN if you’re ever on again.
Dr Super Good – So you’re not the brightest. Just kidding, you ran that Triggers/World Editor/Whathaveyou section like a fucking pro. Cheers to that. Here’s to knowing what you’re talking about only half the time. One last joke (of many), at your expense.
Healingpoison – Thanks for being awesome at Guild Wars, a great mod and a cool person. I remember you as one of the vets, one of the originals, and I always had crazy respect for you. Whatever you’re doing now, best of luck.
WILLTHEALMIGHTY – My favourite Frenchman. We had our disagreements. We still do. In fact I’m pretty sure we disagree about most things. But you were still cool. Quebec still sucks, is still a part of Canada, and also universally hated, but hey, you were alright. See you on MSN.
Purplepoot – Another Canadian. Ontarioan. Whatever. Anyway, massive intellect, outspoken views, utter cold logic. You did it up right man. And though I didn’t agree with you on everything, I’ve still learned plenty from you and your ways. I’ll be certain to keep in touch.
Elenai – This is difficult. It really is. To be entirely candid, there are some moments when I loathe your very existence. There are other times where you’re quite charming. You’re just all over the fuckin’ map man, I don’t even know. We may disagree on half the things we tend to discuss, but I’ll miss you and your womanizing ways anyway. Especially the comics. My god they were amazing: “Run Patsy!”. Brilliant.
Pyritie – Everyone thinks you’re gay but you’re alright sometimes. Look forward to staying with you in 2010 if at all possible. Keep in touch
Dr00d – Another love/hate thing. I’m going to miss hating on you, and your shitty-ass comics. But at the same time, you were pretty funny sometimes, despite your Hobbit proportions (In height and around the middle). You also look like Frodo Baggins. Really doesn’t help your case.
Werewulf/Kimberly – Don’t worry, you’re right, you’ve always been right, the world just doesn’t understand you. Don’t let anyone disagree with you, fuck them, it’s all you. Don’t take your meds, who needs ‘em? You’re fine just the way you are!
Fl4mes/Heero/Xarwin – Another old member. I remember your l33t guitar skills, and your propensity for changing your name. That’s about it xD Good luck anyway man, feel free to keep in touch via MSN.
Operator – I don’t think you’ll see this. You might. But hey, you were another one of the originals. I met you through Bob basically, and we had good times. You were always around in the beginning, and even though you’ve drifted off I still remember how great things were.
Rao Dao Zao – Let me sleep on your floor in Scotland in August 2010 D: Still haven’t played This Wreckage.
Squiggy – Omg Squiggy wrocks. That Octopus is basically legendary. You have good taste in music too. Cheers.
Rui – Very controversial mod, but beloved nonetheless. That avatar is basically the stuff of legend now. Thanks for carrying over from Sear and constantly adding useful feedback to EVERYTHING. What a crazy skill.
Dan Van Ohllus – Love all of your work. And you. Keep owning face at everything, etc.
Dionesiist – Get a haircut. Just kidding, I love you man.
SuPa- You might be a scrawny bitch, but you were cool anyway. And you made awesome shit. And listened to Interpol. I’d miss you more if you were still around, but really you seem to have dropped under the radar as of late. Best of luck anyway.
Hakeem - You were another tricky one. You got pinned for trolling and multiaccounting and all sorts of other nasty accusations back when you joined. I remember that pink flamingo was a fucking menace. But look how you turned out. I love Hakeembot, your amazing experience, opinions, random thoughts. I want you running my sections, because damnit, you’re the dude for the job. Good luck in life!
Earth-Fury – Get a fucking haircut you smelly hippy. I love you. And your Polish girlfriend. Threeway?
Captain Griffen – See you in 2010. You better have a recipe for whiskey cookies perfected by then
Ghan_04 – You came in here and tried to fill the shoes of someone with much, much bigger feet than you. You didn’t entirely succeed, but I admire the attempt anyway. You brought some cool ideas to the table, got me into Ron Paul, and had silly fun in the chat. It was good times. Best of luck with all of your shit, school and the like.
Kharma – The only man who could ever turn me gay. It’s creepy, I’m sorry, but you’re just one damn good looking dude. And you were hilarious. Kharmism was the best. You were also crazy as hell at Enfos. Good luck man, not that you need it, I suspect.
Syleona – Please don’t get raped on account of using this website D:
Gilles – Be sure to keep in touch. My favourite BC resident, stalwart and often times very stubborn. But you pissed off the side of the mountain, so I don’t really give a damn.
FamousPKer49 – You’re a dick. Literally, it’s in your name. I’ll see you on Facebook and elsewhere <3
Traxamillion – I loved the Teamspeak days. We had great times. We never did play Fable II together, but it kinda sucked anyway. The Pyritie rap never did get finished either. May your baby duck rest in peace.
TheDivineBoss – Another love/hate thing. Sometimes you’re the most annoying spammer in the world, other times you’re a normal, entertaining user. You tend to alternate. You did have some pretty funny comments now and again though. Cheers for not being permabanned.
Eleandor – Another awesome libertarian, fun to see in Medivh’s Tower. I’ve definitely learned from you. Best of luck man.
VgSatomi – If Tim. Hadn’t sucked so much ass we wouldn’t be here right now. Thanks for not-entirely embracing us, but trying to anyway.
Cavman – Your beard is made of epic win. I wanna know that beard when I’m 40. Oh, and you. Keep kicking ass, though I’m sure you will.
THE_END – Props for being the most chill art mod on the whole damn website. Love that Corvette shirt too. You were always cool. Best of luck and shit man.
L0w_Kwaliti – You’re basically awesome. Nuff said. Keep in touch man.
Sansui – You were the ULTIMATE love/hate. Sometimes you were so frustrating. But I can honestly say that I’ve learned more from you than anyone else on this whole website. Thanks for that. Good luck in whatever it is you choose to do.
Craka_J – Your projects might not have gone anywhere, but you were cool anyway. Keep in touch on MSN and such
Ike_Ike – You looked like another average noob but you sure as hell proved us all wrong. Cheers for that. You’re awesome.
Herio-San - A total veteran. You made awesome avatars back in the day.
Daminon – Seals. Cats. Nuff said.
Blinkboy – You were cool, and always pretty fair. Thanks for that.
Infinitynexus – You inspired a mini-meme on the Hive. Several, actually. Quite the accomplishment. Thanks for being a bitter old bastard
Kaitech – You might have been a whiny 12 year old who made comics as bad as Dr00d, but you turned out alright in the end. That spotted dick shit was so funny.
Aeroblyctos – Good luck learning the English language.
Huurka – You were alright, but remember that you’re really nothing more than an mini-Ash. You had your funny moments, but you weren’t no Traxamillion or anything. Either way, kbai, and good luck.
\Naze – Here’s to having awesome taste in music. Rock on!
Wyrmlord – You got me into Ubuntu. Awesome, totally awesome. Thanks for that. Be sure to keep in touch
Bonebreaker – You were an asshole. Still are. I hope you die slowly and painfully.
Whitehorn – You were a dick to everyone, but I appreciated your grammar lessons and such. The noobs benefited. I was sad when you disappeared out of the blue, but alas, that happens far too often.
Arvedui – Here’s to having like, fucking awesome taste in everything. Jesus Christ. Have a good life man.
DesKaladA – Good luck learning the English language. And coming out of the closet. Etc.
Preskooldude – Pweeskool. That was my favourite RoC game. And you were awesome. And your toast avatar. Etc. You rock.
The Last Istari – Dexter’s Lab, Mecheon quotes, a name referencing Lord of the Rings, yeah, you’re pretty much fucking awesome. Good luck with it all.
PitzerMike – Pitzy ‘Nuff said.
OlofMoleman – You were one of the first artists that ever really caught my eye because of your amazing and extensive work. You’ll most likely never see this, but thanks for all of the crazy and amazingly high quality stuff that you made. The whole community appreciates it.
Instant Ramen – Ah, Ramen. So many good memories. Discussing the merits of instant ramen, trolling the shit out of Wulf on uStream, you name it basically. For a little butterball of a kid, you were alright. I’ll talk to you on MSN presuming you ever get on.
1)ark_NiTe – You’ve been around a long, long time. And you were awesome. That sounds like a good enough reason to get name dropped to me.
ZypherXII – Another beautiful blonde Dane. You were awesome when you were around, and you used Ubuntu. Win. It’s a shame you disappeared forever D:
MindWorX – Another Dane, jesus Christ. And you’re totally awesome. But I think you know that already. I’ll catch you on MSN now and again.
The_Wand_Mirror – Oooh, love hate. Love to hate. Etc. I mean, you turned out alright in the end but you were definitely a dick back in the wild troll days of the Merge and such.
Ham_Ham – Your name is awesome, and you’re awesome. That’s all that needs to be said, thanks for hanging around.
Iristle – Don’t let Elenai rape you. If anyone ever says that they have candy in the back of their van, make sure you punch them in the nuts (You’re the perfect height for it you see), steal all the candy, and then run like hell.
BlackDoom – Another veteran. All your icon stuff was awesome, and you taught me a bit about Romania while you were here. Thanks for that, even though you’re not around much anymore.
Massive_attack – Thanks for having good taste in everything and making great late-night conversation. I’m gonna miss that.
HernanG – Thanks for showing up, amazing the shit out of everyone with your godly terrains, and then disappearing again just as fast.
Japut3h – You are one awesome man. Stay cool.
Pitakebab – My country still owns yours at hockey. You’ll never win
Sabertooth – You were a cool dude. It’s nice to know cool people that aren’t retarded. You were one of them. Peace out.
Turtles – Thanks for braving the waves of hormonal teenagers to actually use the website for a while. Plus you could actually sing, jesus Christ.
Septimus – Keep working on mastering the English language my friend.
alfredx_sotn – You are as oldschool as they come. It’s a shame you’re not around anymore.
UchihaSasuke.Gr – Thanks for being a whiney trolling anime freak. You had your funny moments though, and decent taste in music.
Vexorian – Thanks for doing that one thing you did. That Map Optimizer. Cool.
Velm – You have excellent taste in helmets, fine sir.
SentryIII – Thanks for fucking with Wulf all the time. Hilarious.
Steel_Stallion – Thanks for having great taste in games. I was really pissed that you got Global Ignored, but what can you do.
Deckboy – Thanks for being the original Map Mod, along with me, so very long ago. July 2006 seems like ages, and ages ago. Best of luck later on.
Robot-dude – TAKE PROPER PICTURES OF YOURSELF. That’s the only advice I can offer.
Warnicro – You did cool stuff and helped out a lot back in the day, even though you were so busy elsewhere. I appreciate that.
Dalaran_Guard – You totally have awesome ideas, and debating with you in Medivh’s Tower was great fun. Good luck in life and all that jazz.
LiOneSS – Omg LiOBabe. Hooray. You’ve been a bitch. A whiney bitch. A PMSing bitch. A prepubescent bitch. A cranky bitch. You name it. But you still were awesome now and again, and your fights with Elenai were epic. Keep in touch.
Zombie2279 – The most awesome Communist I’ve ever met. I’m gonna miss you man.
Hawkwing – you know, for a prepubescent type you really do your age group a credit by not being totally retarded. Beyond that you were actually talented. Amazing shit. Catch you on MSN.
Infuzions – You were just a bad troll. You tried to live up to the likes if your friend Alotofgarbage, and you had us all fooled with Eggy there for a while, but sure enough, your reign of spam came to an end forever one day.
Bot27 – Favourite Bot ever.
FallenAngel-Flonne – You are possibly the most annoying person I have ever met. I’m so glad you fucking left forever and never came back. I hope you drowned or some shit.
General Frank – Frank! You were the last really seriously amazingly talented dude to join this website. Awesome. I’ll be sure to keep in touch because you’re so great.
Darkdraak – Omg, one of the first ever people I met, and you typed in all orange. You’ve been long gone, but you were here at the beginning, and that’s really what counts.
The Darkness – Another vet. Cheers for being here at the very beginning, when no one else was.
Mastif – You’re Ralle’s cousin! And totally awesome. We used to play Hangman together back when we had that PHPBB2 mod installed. Great fun.
DurotarLord – You and Shados got into some epic arguments back in the day, about Eragon and just about everything else. Thanks for honing his arguments.
ArcticInferno – Yet another awesome vet from way too long ago. I’ll have to catch up on MSN sometime.
TheNisse – Another of my favourite veterans, omg! You basically made the Hive awesome back in the day. It was great having you around. I doubt you’ll see this, but if you do, cheers man, because you rock.
Master Haosis - :biggrin:. Nuff said I think. You weren't really so bad after all.
Panther-Anthro: Thanks for being a fascist dick. Really. And for typing 80 miles an hour. Really a challenge trying to get a word in. I like challenges.
Lirch – You and Pyritie are still gay for each other. The programmers from #Botdom made you that way.
And now it's time for me to leave. I hereby renounce my position on the Staff, and would like to respectfully request the Respected User status for my services to the site.
It's been a wild ride. Now it's time for me to focus on real life and university. Feel free to catch me on MSN ([email protected]) and on Facebook ('Brad Ausrotas'). Because I rock and shit. I'll be visiting some Hivers in August 2010 (hopefully) when I travel through Europe.
You should all still see me around here now and then. But my activity will be greatly reduced, and I no longer want to hold a Staff title because of this. As I've previously stated, I want to have Hakeem as my successor, but really it's up to you folks on the Staff now.
Good luck to everyone. To the users listed below, thanks for everything. For everyone else, I probably love you anyway, sorry for not mentioning you by name.
Goodbye Draft
Ralle – I thought, in this epic goodbye thread of epic proportions, it would be fitting, of course, to mention the man himself first and formost. Rasmus Abrahamsen. Ralle. He’s the man. It is this man that you have to thank for my being here in the first place, and I have to thank this man for everything that he’s done for me. First and formost he created a superb map (The best and most balanced TD I’ve ever played, Warhammer 40K TD), and a wonderful website to follow it, and you know, he’s been a nice guy the whole damn time. Back in the infancy of The Hive Workshop, Ralle was one of the first people I ever encountered. And the first thing that struck me was how down to earth he was. He used the website just like anyone else, so he could design it with the user in mind. He talked to everyone, all the time (Alas, he had more time, the Hive wasn’t quite as popular as it is now), and he was always nice. He let us bend the rules for the sake of fun, because that’s how you create loyalty. It was great having a staff that you just interacted with all the time, because you really got to know them well. And you know, the Hive is still a great (much larger) place now, but I’ll always remember it was the tiny little community of diehard WH40KTD fans, because that’s how it all started. Thanks for everything Ralle, the staff position, the conversation, the crazy blue hair, the works. I hope to run into you some time in the not-too-distant future
Bloodletter – You’ll most likely never read this, in fact I joined long after you stopped using the site, but really, it’s important to thank you because you’re one of the chief reasons as to why I’m here. If not for your inspiration, Ralle wouldn’t have ever made that TD. He didn’t even know what Warhammer was, at the time, believe it or not. So thanks man, thanks a lot. Without you we might not all be here now.
Shados – Oh, there’s so much to say. You were probably the first of the staff that I got to know really well, based on our shared love for the tilde key that we identified in my intro thread. Things just sorta went from there. I’ve always and will always respect your crazy intellect, oddball opinions, and scattered taste. I got you into Queens of the Stone Age, you got me into Nine Inch Nails. It works both ways really. If I find myself in Oz (Bound to happen, fucking Big Day Out is something I NEED to attend), I’ll be sure to let you know. Thanks for being around for it all, and defending me mercilessly.
Bob27 – What more is there to say? You always were the silly one of the bunch. It might have been because you were 14 when I first met you. Really might have something to do with it. But you were a great Admin. A spectacular Admin. The very first that Ralle hired, in fact. We don’t talk much anymore, but god damnit you still win. Thanks for bot27, the Gandalf sig, and choosing my Guild name for the now long defunct Hive Workshop Darkfall Online guild. You’ve been a good guy, and always entertaining to talk to. Especially your opinions on Coldplay.
Gst_Nemisis – Christ, Dan, what’s there to say? You might not see this for a good long while thanks to your spotty attendance as of late. But, hell, you’ve always been a chill guy, really one of the coolest people on the whole website. Your ability to mix mainstream London with amazing Counterstrike skills is astounding. Your drug stories were an amazing laugh. All of our philosophical meanderings in the old days with Malufa were awesome. I’ll be sure to keep in touch. Thanks for all the fun times on here, specifically. Your mix is still fucking awesome, by the way.
Malufa – Well, it has been a good long while. You were one of the people I strived to become. You were like a Mecheon before there was a Mecheon, and to a more extreme level. From talking with me about all manner of Philosophy, literature, you name it, to editing others’ posts for spelling and grammar in your trademark dark green, you were basically the intellectual granddaddy of the Hive. Thanks for everything I’ve learned from you, and I assure you, it was a lot. Thanks for coming back and putting a bunch of assholes in their places as well
The_Taxidermist – God damnit Taxi. If you see this, I know there will be some witty reply waiting. You’ve been around since the start. And you’re still here. And you’re still the funniest person on the whole fucking website. Your random threads that pop up every now and again are legendary in their hilarity. Thanks for all the laughs man.
Ragingspeedhorn – Well, well. We’ve had a long colourful history, haven’t we? From neg rep wars to discussing why Denmark is the greatest place ever, we’ve basically done a lot. I’ve had some great times with you Raging, and I always loved how you never took shit from anyone and weren’t afraid to tell people when they were wrong. In the funniest manner possible. You were the original Jackass, someone had to take over the throne. Look forward to keeping in touch in the future.
Archian – Well, you were the hardass. You were always the hardass. The crazy Dane that walked in out of nowhere and worked his way to the top. But you had good tutorials, good resources, and you made damn ace themes and such. You were great on justice, but you fell out of touch. Still, I always respected you for being fucking scary to the noobs. It was a joy to watch, and it worked damn well. Cheers to you in all your life’s ambitions.
Myspacebarbroke - Well, well, well. When we first met, I got you and Ephy confused all the time. Seriously. You were both annoying trolls brought forth from the depths of Wc3sear.ch and both equally worthless as far as I was concerned. Oh, how the times change. I discovered your intellect, and beyond that, your crazy humor, and things basically went from there. Besides being the second funniest individual to ever use the Hive (See The_Taxidermist), you were also great for arguments and a insightful opinion. Medivh’s Tower became a joy thanks to you. Cheers man. For someone younger than me, I sure have learned a shitload from you.
Teh_Ephy – Your blurb wont be as long, since I’ve recounted my early history of you with MSBB. After I figured out that you and MSBB were two different people, I imagined you to be 20-something based on your comprehensive knowledge of 4Channery and massive vocabulary. Needless to say I was surprised when I found out your true age. You’ve been a never ending stream of anime lulz, chan lulz, wonderful arguments, brilliant thoughts, and some truly legendary trolling. Here’s to fucking you, man.
Samuraid – I’ve always seen you as the ideal admin. You were perfectly objective all the time. It was astounding, really something to idolize. But unlike Wolve, who did much the same, you actually participated in the forums. You could remain objective while still being a part of the community, which is so, so very important. And you know, you always were awesome for your crazy taste. I plan on keeping in touch man, definitely.
HINDYhat – Funniest French Arab ever, nuff said? Nah. I can’t even remember when I met HINDY or how, but it was epic, whatever it was. Because we became like awesome friends. Between Queens of the Stone Age discussion, spamming the chat with Bitch’s Ain’t Shit, or making fun of Py with Trax, we were pretty awesome basically. But then shit got deep and it was on. And HINDY’s pockets were no longer fat anymore, so he disappeared for greener pastures. I’m never losing contact with you, you’re just too damn sexy.
Ash – The most party animal Brit I know. Besides perhaps Dan. It’d be pretty close really. But anyway, I plan on visiting at some point, and definitely not losing touch. You were smart, down to earth, and just fucking cool. And that’s damn important in a community full of WC3 geeks. Normal people are highly valued (In my eyes even more so) than resource creators. They’re a rare breed on this kind of website xD Cheers for all the lulz. We’ve definitely had some good ones.
Jacek – My favourite troll. Ever. You did it better than anyone. ANYONE. Your trolling was so funny because it was genius. You were so crazy smart, and you did smart trolling. You trolled people without them even realizing they were being trolled. It was brilliant. It was entertaining that has been lost to the Hive since your departure. A damn shame. Best of luck trolling the shit out of life <3
Happytauren – Well, you’ve kinda lost touch lately, but you were the very first. You joined a noob, got docked neg rep, spammed, but I took you on. And look where you went. Weird how what worked out. But we became good friends, I taught you some English, we went our separate ways, planned a bunch of projects we’d never finish, sent a bunch of maps you never terrained, requested a bunch of models you never made, the list goes on xD I mean, we never got anything done together, but it was a good time anyway.
V3ck – The original Ontario guy. It was surreal to join a website run by a Dane and an Australian and find out that one of the active members was from Ontario. It’s weird how small the world is sometimes. Anyway, thanks for being awesome at the beginning of the Hive.
Mini-Me – Well, fuck. You were amazing. Between openly plotting how to best rape Slyeona with Raging, to bitching out Wulf, bitching out the Staff, bitching out half the website. And making epic maps. Yeah, you’ll never see this, but good luck anyway.
Camel’s_Hump – You know, for a 14 year old you sure taught me a lot. Mind you, you were an astoundingly mature 14 year old (Far more mature than I was, let me tell you), and you know, I learned from it. Plus you had such ridiculous talent that it just blew me away. Definitely one of the finer additions to the staff after the merge. Best of luck wherever you are.
Chriz. – Same really goes to you. You were stern, and always fair. You destroyed many noobs with your moderation abilities, and you produced excellent resources. Best of luck, again.
Donut3.5 – Do we even have to do this? You rock, you know it, see you on Facebook
Mecheon – Thank you for being the most badass person to ever use the website. Excellent, excellent entertainment, and you also got a shitload of work done, so yeah, cheers. I’ll have to hit you up on MSN now and again.
Wolverabid – You probably wont see this since you’ve been off the map a long time, but thanks for giving me my first chance. You signed me on. Got me the job. Whatever you wanna call it. On top of that, you had this community running at peak performance. Astounding job. Thanks for everything. I’ll catch you on MSN if you’re ever on again.
Dr Super Good – So you’re not the brightest. Just kidding, you ran that Triggers/World Editor/Whathaveyou section like a fucking pro. Cheers to that. Here’s to knowing what you’re talking about only half the time. One last joke (of many), at your expense.
Healingpoison – Thanks for being awesome at Guild Wars, a great mod and a cool person. I remember you as one of the vets, one of the originals, and I always had crazy respect for you. Whatever you’re doing now, best of luck.
WILLTHEALMIGHTY – My favourite Frenchman. We had our disagreements. We still do. In fact I’m pretty sure we disagree about most things. But you were still cool. Quebec still sucks, is still a part of Canada, and also universally hated, but hey, you were alright. See you on MSN.
Purplepoot – Another Canadian. Ontarioan. Whatever. Anyway, massive intellect, outspoken views, utter cold logic. You did it up right man. And though I didn’t agree with you on everything, I’ve still learned plenty from you and your ways. I’ll be certain to keep in touch.
Elenai – This is difficult. It really is. To be entirely candid, there are some moments when I loathe your very existence. There are other times where you’re quite charming. You’re just all over the fuckin’ map man, I don’t even know. We may disagree on half the things we tend to discuss, but I’ll miss you and your womanizing ways anyway. Especially the comics. My god they were amazing: “Run Patsy!”. Brilliant.
Pyritie – Everyone thinks you’re gay but you’re alright sometimes. Look forward to staying with you in 2010 if at all possible. Keep in touch
Dr00d – Another love/hate thing. I’m going to miss hating on you, and your shitty-ass comics. But at the same time, you were pretty funny sometimes, despite your Hobbit proportions (In height and around the middle). You also look like Frodo Baggins. Really doesn’t help your case.
Werewulf/Kimberly – Don’t worry, you’re right, you’ve always been right, the world just doesn’t understand you. Don’t let anyone disagree with you, fuck them, it’s all you. Don’t take your meds, who needs ‘em? You’re fine just the way you are!
Fl4mes/Heero/Xarwin – Another old member. I remember your l33t guitar skills, and your propensity for changing your name. That’s about it xD Good luck anyway man, feel free to keep in touch via MSN.
Operator – I don’t think you’ll see this. You might. But hey, you were another one of the originals. I met you through Bob basically, and we had good times. You were always around in the beginning, and even though you’ve drifted off I still remember how great things were.
Rao Dao Zao – Let me sleep on your floor in Scotland in August 2010 D: Still haven’t played This Wreckage.
Squiggy – Omg Squiggy wrocks. That Octopus is basically legendary. You have good taste in music too. Cheers.
Rui – Very controversial mod, but beloved nonetheless. That avatar is basically the stuff of legend now. Thanks for carrying over from Sear and constantly adding useful feedback to EVERYTHING. What a crazy skill.
Dan Van Ohllus – Love all of your work. And you. Keep owning face at everything, etc.
Dionesiist – Get a haircut. Just kidding, I love you man.
SuPa- You might be a scrawny bitch, but you were cool anyway. And you made awesome shit. And listened to Interpol. I’d miss you more if you were still around, but really you seem to have dropped under the radar as of late. Best of luck anyway.
Hakeem - You were another tricky one. You got pinned for trolling and multiaccounting and all sorts of other nasty accusations back when you joined. I remember that pink flamingo was a fucking menace. But look how you turned out. I love Hakeembot, your amazing experience, opinions, random thoughts. I want you running my sections, because damnit, you’re the dude for the job. Good luck in life!
Earth-Fury – Get a fucking haircut you smelly hippy. I love you. And your Polish girlfriend. Threeway?
Captain Griffen – See you in 2010. You better have a recipe for whiskey cookies perfected by then
Ghan_04 – You came in here and tried to fill the shoes of someone with much, much bigger feet than you. You didn’t entirely succeed, but I admire the attempt anyway. You brought some cool ideas to the table, got me into Ron Paul, and had silly fun in the chat. It was good times. Best of luck with all of your shit, school and the like.
Kharma – The only man who could ever turn me gay. It’s creepy, I’m sorry, but you’re just one damn good looking dude. And you were hilarious. Kharmism was the best. You were also crazy as hell at Enfos. Good luck man, not that you need it, I suspect.
Syleona – Please don’t get raped on account of using this website D:
Gilles – Be sure to keep in touch. My favourite BC resident, stalwart and often times very stubborn. But you pissed off the side of the mountain, so I don’t really give a damn.
FamousPKer49 – You’re a dick. Literally, it’s in your name. I’ll see you on Facebook and elsewhere <3
Traxamillion – I loved the Teamspeak days. We had great times. We never did play Fable II together, but it kinda sucked anyway. The Pyritie rap never did get finished either. May your baby duck rest in peace.
TheDivineBoss – Another love/hate thing. Sometimes you’re the most annoying spammer in the world, other times you’re a normal, entertaining user. You tend to alternate. You did have some pretty funny comments now and again though. Cheers for not being permabanned.
Eleandor – Another awesome libertarian, fun to see in Medivh’s Tower. I’ve definitely learned from you. Best of luck man.
VgSatomi – If Tim. Hadn’t sucked so much ass we wouldn’t be here right now. Thanks for not-entirely embracing us, but trying to anyway.
Cavman – Your beard is made of epic win. I wanna know that beard when I’m 40. Oh, and you. Keep kicking ass, though I’m sure you will.
THE_END – Props for being the most chill art mod on the whole damn website. Love that Corvette shirt too. You were always cool. Best of luck and shit man.
L0w_Kwaliti – You’re basically awesome. Nuff said. Keep in touch man.
Sansui – You were the ULTIMATE love/hate. Sometimes you were so frustrating. But I can honestly say that I’ve learned more from you than anyone else on this whole website. Thanks for that. Good luck in whatever it is you choose to do.
Craka_J – Your projects might not have gone anywhere, but you were cool anyway. Keep in touch on MSN and such
Ike_Ike – You looked like another average noob but you sure as hell proved us all wrong. Cheers for that. You’re awesome.
Herio-San - A total veteran. You made awesome avatars back in the day.
Daminon – Seals. Cats. Nuff said.
Blinkboy – You were cool, and always pretty fair. Thanks for that.
Infinitynexus – You inspired a mini-meme on the Hive. Several, actually. Quite the accomplishment. Thanks for being a bitter old bastard
Kaitech – You might have been a whiny 12 year old who made comics as bad as Dr00d, but you turned out alright in the end. That spotted dick shit was so funny.
Aeroblyctos – Good luck learning the English language.
Huurka – You were alright, but remember that you’re really nothing more than an mini-Ash. You had your funny moments, but you weren’t no Traxamillion or anything. Either way, kbai, and good luck.
\Naze – Here’s to having awesome taste in music. Rock on!
Wyrmlord – You got me into Ubuntu. Awesome, totally awesome. Thanks for that. Be sure to keep in touch
Bonebreaker – You were an asshole. Still are. I hope you die slowly and painfully.
Whitehorn – You were a dick to everyone, but I appreciated your grammar lessons and such. The noobs benefited. I was sad when you disappeared out of the blue, but alas, that happens far too often.
Arvedui – Here’s to having like, fucking awesome taste in everything. Jesus Christ. Have a good life man.
DesKaladA – Good luck learning the English language. And coming out of the closet. Etc.
Preskooldude – Pweeskool. That was my favourite RoC game. And you were awesome. And your toast avatar. Etc. You rock.
The Last Istari – Dexter’s Lab, Mecheon quotes, a name referencing Lord of the Rings, yeah, you’re pretty much fucking awesome. Good luck with it all.
PitzerMike – Pitzy ‘Nuff said.
OlofMoleman – You were one of the first artists that ever really caught my eye because of your amazing and extensive work. You’ll most likely never see this, but thanks for all of the crazy and amazingly high quality stuff that you made. The whole community appreciates it.
Instant Ramen – Ah, Ramen. So many good memories. Discussing the merits of instant ramen, trolling the shit out of Wulf on uStream, you name it basically. For a little butterball of a kid, you were alright. I’ll talk to you on MSN presuming you ever get on.
1)ark_NiTe – You’ve been around a long, long time. And you were awesome. That sounds like a good enough reason to get name dropped to me.
ZypherXII – Another beautiful blonde Dane. You were awesome when you were around, and you used Ubuntu. Win. It’s a shame you disappeared forever D:
MindWorX – Another Dane, jesus Christ. And you’re totally awesome. But I think you know that already. I’ll catch you on MSN now and again.
The_Wand_Mirror – Oooh, love hate. Love to hate. Etc. I mean, you turned out alright in the end but you were definitely a dick back in the wild troll days of the Merge and such.
Ham_Ham – Your name is awesome, and you’re awesome. That’s all that needs to be said, thanks for hanging around.
Iristle – Don’t let Elenai rape you. If anyone ever says that they have candy in the back of their van, make sure you punch them in the nuts (You’re the perfect height for it you see), steal all the candy, and then run like hell.
BlackDoom – Another veteran. All your icon stuff was awesome, and you taught me a bit about Romania while you were here. Thanks for that, even though you’re not around much anymore.
Massive_attack – Thanks for having good taste in everything and making great late-night conversation. I’m gonna miss that.
HernanG – Thanks for showing up, amazing the shit out of everyone with your godly terrains, and then disappearing again just as fast.
Japut3h – You are one awesome man. Stay cool.
Pitakebab – My country still owns yours at hockey. You’ll never win
Sabertooth – You were a cool dude. It’s nice to know cool people that aren’t retarded. You were one of them. Peace out.
Turtles – Thanks for braving the waves of hormonal teenagers to actually use the website for a while. Plus you could actually sing, jesus Christ.
Septimus – Keep working on mastering the English language my friend.
alfredx_sotn – You are as oldschool as they come. It’s a shame you’re not around anymore.
UchihaSasuke.Gr – Thanks for being a whiney trolling anime freak. You had your funny moments though, and decent taste in music.
Vexorian – Thanks for doing that one thing you did. That Map Optimizer. Cool.
Velm – You have excellent taste in helmets, fine sir.
SentryIII – Thanks for fucking with Wulf all the time. Hilarious.
Steel_Stallion – Thanks for having great taste in games. I was really pissed that you got Global Ignored, but what can you do.
Deckboy – Thanks for being the original Map Mod, along with me, so very long ago. July 2006 seems like ages, and ages ago. Best of luck later on.
Robot-dude – TAKE PROPER PICTURES OF YOURSELF. That’s the only advice I can offer.
Warnicro – You did cool stuff and helped out a lot back in the day, even though you were so busy elsewhere. I appreciate that.
Dalaran_Guard – You totally have awesome ideas, and debating with you in Medivh’s Tower was great fun. Good luck in life and all that jazz.
LiOneSS – Omg LiOBabe. Hooray. You’ve been a bitch. A whiney bitch. A PMSing bitch. A prepubescent bitch. A cranky bitch. You name it. But you still were awesome now and again, and your fights with Elenai were epic. Keep in touch.
Zombie2279 – The most awesome Communist I’ve ever met. I’m gonna miss you man.
Hawkwing – you know, for a prepubescent type you really do your age group a credit by not being totally retarded. Beyond that you were actually talented. Amazing shit. Catch you on MSN.
Infuzions – You were just a bad troll. You tried to live up to the likes if your friend Alotofgarbage, and you had us all fooled with Eggy there for a while, but sure enough, your reign of spam came to an end forever one day.
Bot27 – Favourite Bot ever.
FallenAngel-Flonne – You are possibly the most annoying person I have ever met. I’m so glad you fucking left forever and never came back. I hope you drowned or some shit.
General Frank – Frank! You were the last really seriously amazingly talented dude to join this website. Awesome. I’ll be sure to keep in touch because you’re so great.
Darkdraak – Omg, one of the first ever people I met, and you typed in all orange. You’ve been long gone, but you were here at the beginning, and that’s really what counts.
The Darkness – Another vet. Cheers for being here at the very beginning, when no one else was.
Mastif – You’re Ralle’s cousin! And totally awesome. We used to play Hangman together back when we had that PHPBB2 mod installed. Great fun.
DurotarLord – You and Shados got into some epic arguments back in the day, about Eragon and just about everything else. Thanks for honing his arguments.
ArcticInferno – Yet another awesome vet from way too long ago. I’ll have to catch up on MSN sometime.
TheNisse – Another of my favourite veterans, omg! You basically made the Hive awesome back in the day. It was great having you around. I doubt you’ll see this, but if you do, cheers man, because you rock.
Master Haosis - :biggrin:. Nuff said I think. You weren't really so bad after all.
Panther-Anthro: Thanks for being a fascist dick. Really. And for typing 80 miles an hour. Really a challenge trying to get a word in. I like challenges.
Lirch – You and Pyritie are still gay for each other. The programmers from #Botdom made you that way.
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