Shit dude, that looks like a real bear... but the transition between the light and dark on the chest is teh fugz, and what's up with the face? The colors are all off on the beard there.
Also, I must add, that in game those pretty little details will look like a blurry mass of crap.
Face: Ok the two things on the side are scars, you cant tell from the SS but when he is speaking they are visible
Also, the fur isnt that detailed, and with Teamcolor it wont look like a blob of crap.
As far as the transition on the chest, it needs to be like that in order for it to be visible ingame, if there isnt enough contrast it will be as if the transition wasnt there.
Maybe the scars are too much? Ill post a 1/3 view, made some changes to the beard tassels.
WoW cnp? I dont even know how to get the wow skins lol