Ouch. Usually we get a lot for this contest.
Gilles Gilles Level 34 Joined Sep 6, 2006 Messages 8,873 Feb 25, 2009 #201 Ouch. Usually we get a lot for this contest.
Dionesiist Dionesiist Level 45 Joined Dec 13, 2005 Messages 2,784 Resources: 189 Resources Models 84 Icons 28 Skins 77 Feb 25, 2009 #202 It's funny considering I haven't actually been doing anything quite important. Perhaps the model was just too shitty.
It's funny considering I haven't actually been doing anything quite important. Perhaps the model was just too shitty.
FrIkY FrIkY Level 34 Joined May 1, 2008 Messages 3,212 Resources: 92 Resources Models 4 Icons 52 Packs 2 Skins 32 Tutorials 2 Feb 25, 2009 #203 Yeah, I just hate those earrings, you can't remove them from the portrait... and the wrap at the front cape is fucked up.
Yeah, I just hate those earrings, you can't remove them from the portrait... and the wrap at the front cape is fucked up.
Linaze Linaze Level 24 Joined Feb 28, 2007 Messages 3,479 Resources: 4 Resources Models 1 Tutorials 3 Feb 25, 2009 #204 Even if I am not a texturer, I still think this theme seemed rather lame, to be honest.
THE_END THE_END Level 18 Joined Oct 7, 2006 Messages 2,077 Resources: 1 Resources Skins 1 Feb 25, 2009 #205 If everyone wanted it then it isn't lame, people just talk hard and then don't do shit, whatever, I'll have the poll up soon
If everyone wanted it then it isn't lame, people just talk hard and then don't do shit, whatever, I'll have the poll up soon
markone markone Level 9 Joined Jan 15, 2008 Messages 235 Resources: 3 Resources Skins 3 Feb 26, 2009 #207 THE_END said: If everyone wanted it then it isn't lame, people just talk hard and then don't do shit, whatever, I'll have the poll up soon Click to expand... welcome to real world
THE_END said: If everyone wanted it then it isn't lame, people just talk hard and then don't do shit, whatever, I'll have the poll up soon Click to expand... welcome to real world