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Texturing Competition #10 POLL

Who made the best submission?

  • [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/832561-post350.html]Just_Spectating[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Level 18
Oct 7, 2006
The Hive Workshop

Texturing Competition #10 Poll

Welcome to the poll for the latest Texturing Competition. Please read through the rules before voting!

  • Each user can only vote once in the poll.
  • You can not vote for yourself. If a voter has the same IP as the author then the vote will not be counted and it may result in the disqualification of the entry.
  • You can not create multiple accounts to vote for an entry in the poll. If a voter has been found to be using multiple accounts none of the voters votes will count in the final result.

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Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Dio wins this one without a doubt. He has about the only unique interpretation of the theme in the whole list of contestants and managed to create a texture that I could see legitimately within Wc3. Dio and AR both used team color, which is great, but the TC on AR's texture is washed out by the overly bright colors of the texture, whereas Dio's really represents the TC well.

So, in case you couldn't tell, my vote was easily cast for Dio.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
communist_orc's submission. - His face looks rather strange

Just_Spectating's submission. - Well, I hated it. It just looked like a re-couloured Tauren.

FrIkY's submission. - Looked good, but very similar to a sorceress.

FamousPker49's submission. - Very nice, wish you had done more with the staff though.

Dionesiist's submission. - /agree with Dusk, but not too arcane.

A.R.'s submission. - I love it. Its amazing.

Technomancer's submission. - Great, but debatabley arcane.

CombatTheWombat's submission. - The green looks to rough, and not enough of a pattern.

Mr.Goblin's submission. - It looks good, except for the tusks. They are too random.

Well, I don't know much about the intracesies of texturing, so please take no offense. I'm going to go with Technomancer, simply because I really like the colours and how well defined it is.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
... AR. it has a really good face ... rest looks cool too.
Friky, has a lovely skin too.
i was doubting my vote ... AR-Friky.
But hakeem made me decide

DevineArmy: 8-ball, Yes = Friky No = AR?
Hakeem: DevineArmy: My reply is no.
Level 10
Jan 5, 2007
Communist_Orc's submission: It's quite interesting, but it could do with more base shading, and it looks a bit too heavily contrasted.

Just_Spectating's submission: I think it needs more definition between the tentacley-appendagey type things that it's made of. As it stands currently, it all kind of blurs/blends together.

FrIkY's submission: I quite like this skin, though I think the highlighting on the cape could have been done a bit better (the way the light falls on it) and, overall, the way the texture has been lit looks a bit odd.

FamousPker49's submission: I think this skin needs to be a bit crisper, though I'm not sure if it's a limitation of the wrap or if it's the way you textured it, as I can't view your unwrap for some peculiar reason. Also the beardy thing and the eyebrows, while an interesting idea, both tend to blend into the units flesh, and make it seem like he has a very long face in the case of the beard.

Dionesiist's submission: It's quite a good texture, I can't really find much at fault (in my eyes) with it. It is a good use of the texture, as well as alpha. Despite it being a good texture, there's just something about it that doesn't quite work for me, though I'm unsure what it is.

A.R.'s submission: This is another well made texture, though I think the face is too bright (in the sense that it looks too shiny for skin). Also, I don't really understand the Metal part of the cape, as the fabric inside it follows the same line as that of outside it, so it looks like it's not a part of the cape, and just sits over it, however there is no shadow cast by it at all (Hooray for run on sentences).

Technomancer's submission: It doesn't really look arcane. There is a tiny bit of team colour on the hair band and on a small part of the "wing" type parts, but it's not very obvious. Also, there's too little variety inside of the skin. It's all pretty much purple and gold, with a bit of a change on the face. Oh hey, what's this, reviewing my own texture? Gah! (By the way, the weapon is supposed to be some form of channeling ring, hence the lack of spikes etc. Give it some form of ranged magic attack, and it makes a bit of sense.) Generally though, not a great skin..

CombatTheWombat's submission: The unwrap looks good, it looks like the body disintegrates into/is made of magic, however when it wraps it doesn't quite work as well.

Mr.Goblin's submission: The alpha works quite well, and it is quite a nicely executed texture, however there are just a few small things that bug me, like the wrap not quite lining up, as well as the purple spikes on the side of the jaw, which look like they were meant to be the same colour as the rest of the jaw but then got their colour changed without any difference made to the surroundings to make it look like it was a different part from the rest of the face. They need to have some kind of edge to them, in my opinion. But overall it's a nice skin.

ike_ike's submission: This is a good texture, though it could do with a bit of lightening on the ears (in the way that you did on the lower body cloth) and a bit of sharpening up in some areas. The portrait doesn't look quite as good as the rest of the texture, I think the helmet in general just needs to have more lighting applied to it. This is definitely a good skin though.

Overall, I think my favourite of the textures in the competition is that of ike_ike. So yeah, he gets my vote. However I would like to say that the rest of the textures were good, and it was quite a tough decision for me.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
hawk900 said:
Dionesiist's submission. - /agree with Dusk, but not too arcane.
Dictionary said:
known or understood by very few; mysterious; secret; obscure; esoteric: She knew a lot about Sanskrit grammar and other arcane matters.
By the very definition of the theme, I'd argue Dio's fits it perfectly. People just have these "purple" and "mage" predispositions for the word.
Level 7
May 23, 2008
I voted for Goblin because I think it looks cool :D I dont know anything about skinning so yeah :p


Skin Reviewer
Level 25
Mar 12, 2008
Voted for Dio, his skin is by far the most polished, looks great and does an interesting take on the theme to boot. Very, very cool.

Fr1kY's, ike_ike's and Mr.Goblin's entries were also quite good, just a little lacking in the 'finished' department.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Choosing the right model has nothing to do with texturing, but it does play a rather significant part in the contest. Note the distinction there. Since it has to do with the contest, not texturing, I give mad props to people that successfully approach the wraps and structure of difficult models. Maybe you don't, that's fine, good for you.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Choosing the right model has nothing to do with texturing, but it does play a rather significant part in the contest. Note the distinction there. Since it has to do with the contest, not texturing, I give mad props to people that successfully approach the wraps and structure of difficult models. Maybe you don't, that's fine, good for you.

Hell if it doesn't :p
Try skinning a rhino out of a Naga Myrmidon. Owait, it doesn't have legs D:
As for Dio's model, Void simply doesn't like how the skin looks on the model, which does in fact play a large part in the skinning process. You can have a sweet texture, but if the model itself looks bad, the end result can't be great. Sure it has a great unwrap, but the wrap just doesn't look good.
Now, whether you base your judgment on the wrap, unwrap, or a combination of both is completely up to you. Personally I go for the wrap (mostly, not entirely), since it's the end result that matters the most.
My judgment on Dio's: It was probably my second favorite, as it was a creative use of the theme, and for the most part, well done. I just liked Mr. Goblin's concept a lot better.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
donut3.5 said:
Hell if it doesn't :p
Try skinning a rhino out of a Naga Myrmidon. Owait, it doesn't have legs D:
And choosing to skin a rhino in the first place isn't a part of texturing, it's a part of the aesthetic design on a whole. If you want to talk about art design, you should also be including special effects and modeling in your 'analysis'. You're blurring the lines between the different aspects of art design, be careful.

For instance, if I wanted to make a rhino, I'd look at all models and pick something. This is all a part of the contest and has nothing to do with the techniques and objective quality of the texturing itself.

donut3.5 said:
As for Dio's model, Void simply doesn't like how the skin looks on the model,
Jesus Christ, I know. I don't give a shit what he thinks since he can think whatever he wants, good for him. I'm saying that I appreciate a person challenging themselves with a tough model. God, you people don't freakin' read.
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Dio and A.R. were my favorite skins. I think that A.R. was rather boring and generic but if I didn't know what the theme was I would definately come to the conclusion that it was arcane. As for Dio I thought his was very creative but I wouldn't be able to say it was arcane if I didn't know the theme. Both were of great quality but A.R. was of even greater quality.

My vote went to A.R. If it was of a different and less restricting then Dio's creativity would have made me vote for his. But as it is the theme isn't very well defined. The only way I can tell how close they came to meeting the qualifications is to compare to the allready narrow interpretation of what is arcane.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Jesus Christ, I know. I don't give a shit what he thinks since he can think whatever he wants, good for him. I'm saying that I appreciate a person challenging themselves with a tough model. God, you people don't freakin' read.
If you didn't give a shit, then you wouldn't have pissed on his opinion in the first place :p
Anyways, it'd be good if we got back on topic.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
donut3.5 said:
If you didn't give a shit, then you wouldn't have pissed on his opinion in the first place :p
Let me quote myself:
Rising_Dusk said:
God, you people don't freakin' read.
I never "pissed on" his opinion. I stated my own opinion and then he said something nonsensical about model choice mattering with regard to quality of a texture, which I called him out on. Then you proceeded to back him up, so I pointed out the logic flaws in your argument as well. That's how discussions go.
donut3.5 said:
Anyways, it'd be good if we got back on topic.
Why is it such taboo to have an intellectual conversation related to texturing in a texture contest poll topic? Anyways, I won't press the matter.
Level 27
Feb 22, 2006
Having some weird argument about the validity of an opinion doesn't have much to do with who has created the best texture, it has more to do with.. well, the validity of an opinion.
Now, I don't want to hear (or read) more from this. Period.
I'm sorry I got entangled up with this mess of a conversation, because it was based all upon opinion in the first place so nothing really can be proven, but I want to end it.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
With a post like that, there's nothing not much to continue anyways.
donut3.5 said:
Having some weird argument about the validity of an opinion doesn't have much to do with who has created the best texture, it has more to do with.. well, the validity of an opinion.
Except when the validity of an opinion is intertwined with who has created the best texture. :)
Level 4
Sep 18, 2005
I honestly don't see how people can vote for anything other than Friky's... It's wonderful.

AR's comes in second place probably, but he overused saturation way too much. It just looks too reminiscient of the skins that are in Rising_Dusk's maps (Which are the same way and disgust me in game typically). I love his theme and colors, but the saturation kills me as it looks disgusting to me and makes me wonder why you would kill the skin like that =\.

Goblin probably trails in third for me simply due to the concept. There's a lot of blurring in the skin and things aren't defined too well for my taste. I think with some touch-ups it could be a really kickass skin though.
Level 14
Mar 7, 2005
Dionesiist said:
Wasn't posting an in-game screenshot a requirement of the contest?
Contest Rules said:
To qualify, you must post your finished skin's .blp file as well as an ingame shot
Technically, yes, though I doubt anyone would be disqualified for forgetting a screenshot. I mean, entries were accepted into the contest after the deadline had already been called, so...
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