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Terraining workshop

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Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
I have made some good progress with your map :D Here are some more WIP's


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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Holy s**t, that's some awesome terrain :D even better than I had hoped! Thats epic terraining work, and it goes so fast for you, its insane xD can't wait to see it all done :D
Jones, It's not going to help you if another person makes it.
And start writing normal, it annoys me how you write.
Turn off your antivirus, restart the computer, make sure that the antivirus didn't automatically start up, and then open the map.
Ask in some other thread and post your problem, you need to solve it, not ignore it because it's likely going to happen again.

Nightblade, I'll have your request by the end of the next week. Sorry for prolonging it, I had a tournament in another city and a busy week at school and I'm going to a tournament again in some other country, so I won't be online for the next 3 days! So you'll have it by the end of the next week 100%
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Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Jones, It's not going to help you if another person makes it.
And start writing normal, it annoys me how you write.
Turn off your antivirus, restart the computer, make sure that the antivirus didn't automatically start up, and then open the map.
Ask in some other thread and post your problem, you need to solve it, not ignore it because it's likely going to happen again.

I agree with Oziris, make sure you have tried everything, and also, treat people who help you, with respect, you're lucky to be getting help talking like that.

can you make my request !!!

Just make my request .... !!! :thumbs_down: :fp: :xxd:

Clean your act up.
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Brilliant terrain work xDeathKnightx :D can't thank you enough for this. Only thing I can think of is space for creep camps in the jungle but that I can fix myself :)

Also you added some extra towers, it was a good idea, but for the map to work as intended I need the amount of towers I used before, also they cant be so heavily walled, creeps wont reach them before they die then :p but these are just small things that I can easily fix myself.

Thanks alot for your help, it turned out much better than I thought. You will recieve credit as Main Terrainer when the map is released :)
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011

I just need someone to re-terrain the map.
I want "oziris" or "xDeathKnightx" to terrain it if it is possible hahaha.

It was based on the first part of this :wink: ( 0:00 - 2:20 of the video below)

Deadline: Depends upon you? (take your time)
Theme: I don't totally know but it's based on the video
Import: anything like the models/doodads on the video

PM Me, I'll send you the link to the paste bin :smile: thank you very very very very much
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Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Okay, this is the map so far, i need to know if i am on the right track or not, i have been working for about 1 hour 10mins. Each way : North, east, south and west, all look something like the attachment.
So am i on the right track on how I'm terraining.

I have added Light grey fog, for terrain effects, i usually do this anyway.
The map currently has 5666 Doodads.
I have added waterfalls at each point North, east, south and west.
I have added 6 Imports. Shouldn't effect file size.
grassAnimated3.Mdx - 3kb
NEtreegreenX.Mdx - 6kb
NEtreegreenx2b.Mdx - 6kb
NETreegreenX3.Mdx - 6kb
City Summer Tree.Mdx - 11kb
NEtreegreen.blp -137kb

:NOTICE: This is a WIP final product will be polished up properly.

p.s. sorry for the double post.
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Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
:wink: actually, you're doing great, sir!
how about the hero selection area (the one with the 8 circle of powers)? hehe by the way thanks!... it's 1 am in our area gonna be sleeping :smile:
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
@xDeathKnightx, :) maybe add tileset there, just make a circle like path on it. then inside the circle will be a "world tree" like(i'll be the one who will put it :wink: ), circle not too small :)
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Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
@Millzy, where you talking about me terraining your map? because i will if you wan't me to, i am nearly finished mitzui's.

@Mitzui, do you want me to terrain the middle, or leave that to you?

well yer but i dont have a idea in my head for how i want it i dont want the typical 3 lanes where 1 in the middle then the 2 go around the out side if u know what i mean
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Okay, so... let us begin.

Alright, i have completed Mitzui's Request. And have sent the map via PM.
Here are some screenshots i took.(Attachments)

Other information:
  • The map did not look complete at the top half, so i have left that blank
  • The Areas at the bottom are totally terrained, i went for the foresty, flowery, basic ashernvale type look.
  • Both Hero selection areas now looks better, not just plain, visible WC3 Blizzard cliffs.

P.S. if you want some help with terraining, just PM me.



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Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
ok yer xdeathknight i have decided to have the normal 3 lane aos map with a base in the top left and the other bass on the bottom right.
id like a river somewhere in the map. and for the map to be farily symmetrical.

Desired Area:whole map?
Tileset:what ever is needed
Deadline:what ever is good for u
Theme:AOS,a forest keeping in mind that its fel orcs vsing blood elfs
Import: what ever is nessasary at low file size not alot. i would prefer to not use normal blizzard trees but the same effects as for the trees may be used for spells and stuff.

map size 160x160

need more info just ask
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Hmm, Millzy i need just a bit more information.
  • It's forest based, Half Orc, Half Blood Elf.
  • It's got 3 lanes, base on each side of the lane.
  • I'm going to add two base's or areas, on each of the other corner, where the base's arn't, so that you can add something there, like a secret, boss, creeps, shops etc..
  • You want a river, so Ocean<River<Waterfall<Watersource.
  • I will add paths that cross from lane to lane, to add more exploration to the map
  • I will only use Blizzard models, to conserve space, seeing as it is 160x160
  • It's going to take a good week or less, due to the shear size of the map.
  • I will base it upon Ashernvale tileset, with Ashernvale trees and doodads

Is there anything else you want me to do or add? Say now because i have started the map.


P.s. Here is a picture of the Map at the moment, comes with a HIGHLY detailed key. lol
Pretty basic, this is the idea i went with for the moment, i will add doodads once terrain is done. is it okay so far?

P.S. :EDIT: I have now made the waterfall and made the top of the waterfall walkable, so that people can fight near the top or whatever lol
When you see some screenshots you'll see what i mean, kinda hard to explain in words.


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Level 3
Jun 7, 2011
Uhm, can i do a request?Ty

Desired Area:192x192
Deadline:no deadline, take your time
Theme:Basically, a gank-based map with lots of neutral camps.There should be 2 special ones for boss creeps and 2 more for some more powerful camps. So, some nice juke spots would be welcomed, and not make it entirely flat(but not too much heights and depresions :p). A river would be nice.
Import:Uhm, what should i put here?
Level 15
Jul 9, 2008
no dont go over the doodad limit

also from the pic i can tell u this

i realy like what u did up the top right nice idea

-bases more of an oval shap then a square
-more places to cross the river
-an area for a boss that isent easyer for 1 team to get to other then the other team
- where u have the paths between the lanes add places for creep zones

could u use a imported tree for the tree i realy dislike blizzards trees

i have also decided to have the map not so big so instead of 160x160 and to be 128x128
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
no dont go over the doodad limit

also from the pic i can tell u this

i realy like what u did up the top right nice idea

-bases more of an oval shap then a square
-more places to cross the river
-an area for a boss that isent easyer for 1 team to get to other then the other team
- where u have the paths between the lanes add places for creep zones

could u use a imported tree for the tree i realy dislike blizzards trees

i have also decided to have the map not so big so instead of 160x160 and to be 128x128

-_- i have pretty much done 80% of the map now, just need to make trees. but if you insist it has to be smaller, so be it.

:Edit: This is what i have so far, 128x128, some sacrifices had to be made, but i still have yet to add creep points, forests, doodads ect...

Also, the Lake, might not stay there, inless you want it to stay, i might remove it, i don't know yet.


  • AoS Map KeyVer2.jpg
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Level 3
Jun 7, 2011
Uh, also one more thing for my request. I'll need some spawn points(some 10 of them, but they shouldn't be noticeable, just some clearings or something where they can spawn without trouble), a place for taverns(not too big), and 2 "lakes"(smaller ones) for regenerating unit's health(i hate how the fountain looks in wc3, so i will code the healing, which i would have to do anyways for a little something), the regen will be in a bigger area ofc. If you think that 192x192 won't hold all that and still have some good free space, feel free to use a bigger format map.
Level 18
Jul 14, 2008
Okay Rector, i need some more info, so far i got.
Uhm, can i do a request?Ty

Desired Area:192x192
Deadline:no deadline, take your time
Theme:Basically, a gank-based map with lots of neutral camps.There should be 2 special ones for boss creeps and 2 more for some more powerful camps. So, some nice juke spots would be welcomed, and not make it entirely flat(but not too much heights and depresions :p). A river would be nice.
Import:Uhm, what should i put here?

Uh, also one more thing for my request. I'll need some spawn points(some 10 of them, but they shouldn't be noticeable, just some clearings or something where they can spawn without trouble), a place for taverns(not too big), and 2 "lakes"(smaller ones) for regenerating unit's health(i hate how the fountain looks in wc3, so i will code the healing, which i would have to do anyways for a little something), the regen will be in a bigger area ofc. If you think that 192x192 won't hold all that and still have some good free space, feel free to use a bigger format map.

Thanks, and no imports are needed :)

Desired Area: 192x192 or Larger
Tileset: Ashenvale(Foresty Type)
Deadline: No deadline.
Theme: Basically, a gank-based map with lots of neutral camps.There should be 2 special ones for boss creeps and 2 more for some more powerful camps. So, some nice juke spots would be welcomed, and not make it entirely flat(but not too much heights and depresions :p). A river would be nice, I'll need some spawn points(some 10 of them, but they shouldn't be noticeable, just some clearings or something where they can spawn without trouble), a place for taverns(not too big), and 2 "lakes"(smaller ones) for regenerating unit's health(i hate how the fountain looks in wc3, so i will code the healing, which i would have to do anyways for a little something), the regen will be in a bigger area ofc.
Import: No imports are needed :)

Okay, as much as all that helps :) i need some more, like:
  • If you want rivers and lakes, Ocean<Ox-Box Lakes<Multiple Rivers<River<Waterfall<Watersource.
  • Can i exceed doodad limits?
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