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Terrain Editor Features!

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Level 6
May 1, 2009
I would love it if 1-square ramps could have /just/ enough pathing to block units from walking horizontally across them, but be able to move up them vertically. It sucks you need 2 units of space to create a walkable ramp. I don't know if such a thing would be possible though, as would removing the tileset restraints - cliffs and tilsesets might be limited by the game's code, and not a handicap left by the developers of the editor.

I'd love it if pathing blockers and destructibles weren't limited, though again, I think there's a big code limitation for WC3. There are some erroneous limitations in WC3 though, like you can only have 99 neutral passive buildings.
Level 19
May 1, 2008
if you manage to do everything that you suggested in this thread you will be repped for life and beyond. So i thing you realise the magnitude of this job :O
Level 5
Dec 12, 2008
i dunno if these have been suggested:
1) edit models alpha in the object editor
2) grouping and hotkeying selected doodads,destructables or units like you can in game with the numpad
Level 8
May 15, 2008
If you don't know what that program is, I think you should atleast read the description of the main thread. It allows you to create tooltips, place any object on the map and change height of maps.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
In Game and WE object editor lags when you create a unit so this is much quicker. It also has all the vJass features. Check the manuel for all the features.
Level 28
Mar 25, 2008
Did you actually try to disable the brush list?

You'll wonder how fast it works after

And besides: vJass doesn't need features; all you need for vJass is a bit of logic and your keyboard
Level 8
May 15, 2008
Yes they can. GMSI does it the exact same way blizzard place the objects or something like that. And disabeling Brush List doesn't take away all the lag. And typing is much quicker. If you want to know how it works, ask him. He used it to create Castle Fight so it works on b.net.
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Yes they can. GMSI does it the exact same way blizzard place the objects or something like that. And disabeling Brush List doesn't take away all the lag. And typing is much quicker. If you want to know how it works, ask him. He used it to create Castle Fight so it works on b.net

It generates object data via scripts, rather than creating objects in the WE. It does not effect in-game play at all. Get it?
Level 8
May 15, 2008
No external tools can change the terrain in game D: (heights, stuff, bleh, bkluh)

Terrain deformations, change tilesets in reigon, add destructables. The original blizzard functions allow you to change terrain ingame.

And you can't just wait 2 seconds and create the object with GMSI? That would be in-game.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
You didn't understand what I said. I said you could generate doodads ingame by making the trigger wait 2 seconds and then create the doodad. Ad it takes more like 20 seconds to fully create a unit without the lag. With the lag like 25 seconds. With GMSI more like 4 seconds to fully create the unit. It will save a lot of time.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
Terrain deformations, change tilesets in reigon, add destructables. The original blizzard functions allow you to change terrain ingame.

And you can't just wait 2 seconds and create the object with GMSI? That would be in-game.

Terrain deformations causes desyncs under certain circumstances. But no, you can't fully randomize a terrain in-game and expect anyone to think it's "wow".
You can create destructables, ofc... But you don't need more than the standard jngp for that.

*You cannot change cliff levels for instance. Never.
*You cannot create shallow water. Never. There might be some ways where you trick everything to do it, but then,
*You cannot have multiply levels of shallow water created ingame. Never.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
*You cannot change cliff levels for instance. Never.
You should probably never use cliff levels anyway. It's really hard to make a terrain look good with cliffs. Even if it were possible you should avoid it.

*You cannot create shallow water. Never. There might be some ways where you trick everything to do it, but then,
Use doodads. It'll even look better than the original wc3 water. With some easy triggering you could make deep water block.

*You cannot have multiply levels of shallow water created ingame. Never.
Why not?

I made a random terrain generator in about 30 minutes (Make a search for the last thread I created on this board) and it gave some pretty good results IMO. Adding new doodads or tiles is really easy, I could add rocks & shrubs in less than a minute. Give me another day and I implement water. Give me 10 days and I may even get complex terrains including villages and other complex structures.

Terrain deformation leaks are pretty small. I did some tests and 100 000 terrain deforms leaked several megabytes, which shouldn't be noticeable even at low-end computers.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
You should probably never use cliff levels anyway. It's really hard to make a terrain look good with cliffs. Even if it were possible you should avoid it.

Use doodads. It'll even look better than the original wc3 water. With some easy triggering you could make deep water block.

Why not?

I made a random terrain generator in about 30 minutes (Make a search for the last thread I created on this board) and it gave some pretty good results IMO. Adding new doodads or tiles is really easy, I could add rocks & shrubs in less than a minute. Give me another day and I implement water. Give me 10 days and I may even get complex terrains including villages and other complex structures.

Terrain deformation leaks are pretty small. I did some tests and 100 000 terrain deforms leaked several megabytes, which shouldn't be noticeable even at low-end computers.

1) Fact anyway
2) Fact as well
3) Terrain Deformations can desync with LocationZ and thus, insecure. Using doodads as water is another matter, but it's simply not possible to create water on different cliff heights via scripting. Or? does Terrain Deformation allow "water deformation" creations?
Level 8
May 15, 2008
Terrain Deformations will only desync with LocationZ but not too many people use LocationZ for their maps.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
1) Fact anyway
2) Fact as well
3) Terrain Deformations can desync with LocationZ and thus, insecure. Using doodads as water is another matter, but it's simply not possible to create water on different cliff heights via scripting. Or? does Terrain Deformation allow "water deformation" creations?

3) How is this not possible when you say 2 is possible? If you use doodads to simulate water (in a better way than default water) for solution 2, then you can just as well use doodads on different heightlevels to simulate water on different heightlevels.

GetLocationZ() only desyncs mac users, right?
Level 8
May 15, 2008
Well you can't hate Mac's. What if parents already have a mac? Why would they waste another 600 dollars for a PC just for their kids to play games?
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Well you can't hate Mac's. What if parents already have a mac? Why would they waste another 600 dollars for a PC just for their kids to play games?

I don't hate macs; I just think they are very impractical for gaming. If you can't make any money for a computer of your own, I guess you'll have to deal with desyncs. That's just how shit is.
Level 8
May 15, 2008
You can't expect everyone who plays wc3 to be able to buy computers with their own money. Most of the people who started playing were like 10.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
3) How is this not possible when you say 2 is possible? If you use doodads to simulate water (in a better way than default water) for solution 2, then you can just as well use doodads on different heightlevels to simulate water on different heightlevels.

GetLocationZ() only desyncs mac users, right?

You didn't get my point there. All I was meaning was, without doodads you can't create water via scripts, unless that is available in terrain deformations which could desync the game in combination of LocationZ. If LocZ desyncs only for mac, I have no idea of, really.
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