Star Wars: Clone Wars Era Map

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Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
A portion of the map is for the SWAT/NotD concept... while the AoS part only leads into the Separatist base. The AoS portion and SWAT/NotD parts never meet until the Separatist base. The commandos (SWAT/NotD) need to use tactics to get past security and such, while the main force assaults in waves (AoS-like, played by the ARC troopers).

I can envision it. I wish others could see it. -_-
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Ok, I'm back to work finish up my Prologue map. Finally have time to rest and do stuff that I like.

Ok to explain about the gameplay;

This map is best played with multiplayers with the option to side the CIS or GAR. Each side has their own unique features/gameplay/Hero evolving style.

To make things simply explained:

1. Players have different approach to achieve main objective.

2. ARCs (only 2 available) duty involves mainly in reinforcing the defences in the battlefield as the commanding officers in the front lines. They can however stray off to help the commandos with their mission.

3. Commandos are tactical groups (at max 4 players), their objective is to do tactical bombings and retrieval mission. Based on their preferences, they can assume optional objectives to help the front line troops gain advantage or sabotage enemy factories. They may stray off to help the troops in the front fight.

4. GAR's main objective is the retrieval of the new battle droid schematics and assassinate a Geonosian officer.

5. CIS players have only one objective (since they were programmed droids), destroy all enemies. They however can be more evil by trying to hinder the clones from reaching/succeeding in their objectives or serve as front line fearsome figure.

6. This game encourages versatility and tactical play. What you do determines the outcome of the entire situation. So if you don't prefer AoS style, assume the tactical work of the commandos. If you are a hardcore lone wolf, wear the boots of the ARC Troopers. Your creativity and abilities is the limit of what you can do in this map.


Ok, now for the staff's duties:

LordJhredmo - Stick to the story you decided to do in Saleucami.

AntiBodies - Help out LordJhredmo with his story as you will be making the terrain for it.

Useless_rage - I'll wait for your submission of your works. From there I can determine what kind of spells/abilities that you can work on for this project.

Century_Warlord - Keep on rocking. You're almost there to finish the Prologue. Don't forget to release the Beta version for some feedbacks.

Mechanical Man - Not sure if you want to join this staff or not, but we're looking foward to see your AT-TE model.
Level 3
Jun 21, 2008
Map work

I kant think of any thing if u wan noe wat i kan do here.....

-spwans (they kan move all over the place and turn no worrys)
-custom items and add ons
-were u got ur ships how they dont go to the ship went there in space they kan auto go there
-other stuff cbf saying stuff

any one ideas iam stuck
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
useless_rage its difficult reading ur posts because of your language/grammer. also do not double post, just click "edit" under ur first post and add on to it. as for ur ideas i think we can do all of that, but it might be nice for someone else to make the items so stick around.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
how long to map release?
do you have any ideas?

I'm not so sure yet, since I am busy with work, family and friends. I'll get the Prologue out ASAP. Need to fix some triggering issues that's been bugging the gameplay.

and um...rage;

just send me what you can do and i'll tailor my request to fit your skills.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Sorry for my long absense here. Again I am totally swamped with daily activities. I know it's hard for everyone that this project doesn't look like it's starting, but rest assured I will now give tasks to each staff with as much details as possible.

I am also proposing to move the development team to my webforum. Mainly so that we have our own section and are more organized instead of doing everything in this one thread. We also didn't meet the requirements to make our own section in Hive. So it's better that my forum host this project instead.

Here is the link: Warcraft III Map Development

P.S: You guys need to be registered in order to view the section.
Level 9
May 2, 2007
Here is some information I pulled off the internet:

Rhen Var has a frozen surface, somewhat more mountainous than that of Hoth, but is still covered with snow and ice. Rhen Var was once a fertile paradise filled with vegetation and wild life. Millions of years ago, an atmospheric cataclysm turned it into an icy hibernate surface. Ancient Jedi monuments are buried beneath the surface of Rhen Var.

After The Great Sith War (4,000 BBY), Ulic Qel-Droma sought refuge on Rhen Var, and he is buried there which held the secert to defeating the Dark Reaper. Along with the tomb of Qel-Droma, there are great chambers of ancient texts, some that pre-date the Old Republic and the Jedi Order. In one or more of these chambers is believed to be a superweapon built by an ancient race. The weapon is rumored to have the power to wipe out all life in the galaxy and wash it clean.

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or the CIS, seized Rhen Var with an army so large that the Republic base had to evacuate the planet. Obi-Wan Kenobi informed the Jedi Council about the capture of the planet. After the liberation of the Kashyyyk moon Alaris Prime, the Galactic Republic retook Rhen Var.

With this information, I made a brief storyline:
In a desperate attempt to completley altar the course of the Clone Wars, The Confederacy of Independant Systems (CIS) sort out an incredibly powerful tool which could eliminate any opposing factions - specifically the Galactic Republic. This tool, a weapon, is rumoured to have been built by an ancient race within the boundaries of the desolate planet of Rhen Var.
The CIS have claimed the planet from the Galactic Republic and now to re-establish the planet as an outpost, and defeat any possible chance of the CIS getting their hands on a superweapon the Galactic Republic must re-claim Rhen Var!

How's that? Battlefront One players will have a very good idea of what the terrain looks like, but it's pretty much made using an icecrown glacier tileset. This of course can be the primary objective but many others can be built around it...
Please tell me what you think... It's your choice whether you take this idea on or not. Also, If I'm allowed i'de like to join the team :D
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Yes, the idea sounds interesting but we might save it for the next map. Currently setting the theme on Saleucami and LordJhredmo is working on the storyline.

If you have any map editing talent, you may join us in my forum (link posted above your post).
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Ok, I'm back and I got some good news and some bad news.

Bad News:
1. The Prologue map were scrapped. I totally hate it after playing it several times.
2. I still don't have much free time to spend. Damn 24 hours a day. Wish I had 42 hours a day.
3. The almost the whole base concept of gameply were scrapped too.
4. No more CIS playable faction.

Good News:
1. I'm taking the initiative to make the map myself.
2. Scrap the storyline and make an open RPG-like environment.
3. Planning to make it 3rd person shooter.
4. Hell I'll even make a YouTube Ad for it for promotional purposes.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
if you start with a 3ed person shooter, you should go to one of the spells here on the hive. and then base ur map from there, so u dont have to import a whole system into your map. once u make it you can edit the terrain scheme/map bounds ect. if u dont know how to do that ill describe it to you.
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
lol i diddnt mean how to import the spell, because that really is a pain. i think you should just leave the 3ed person out of it for now and put that in laterr as a secondary thing in the map. and show me the map farther down the line when it starts turning into somthing good you think.
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