Star Wars: Clone Wars Era Map

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Level 3
May 23, 2008
I haven't got a real suitable name for it yet, but the map is in the making. I'll put in as much info I can about the map here for personal referance and guide.

Tactical and squad based with missions to complete.

Republic Faction: ARC Troopers (Only 2), Clone Commandos (Only 4), Clone Troopers, R2 class Astromech.

Seperatist Faction: Droidekas, B1 Battle Droids, B2 Battle Droids (aka Super Battle Droids), Experimental Battle Droids, Geonosian Captain (No name yet).

Republic Faction: ARC-170 (need more models as this faction is totally out gunned)

Seperatist Faction: AATs, Hailfire Droid, Dwarf Spider Droid, Droid Starfighter

Hoth Turret, Turbo Laser Turret, Droid Dispenser, Droid Heavy Machines Factory, Techno Union Ship, Bacta Station, Energy Station.

DC-15, DC-15s (sidearm), DC-17m (blaster), DC-17m (sniper), DC-17m (anti armor), PLX-1

Phase 1 Armor, Phase 2 Armor, Katarn Armor, Experimental Advanced Armor, ARC Captain Pauldron, ARC Lieutenant Pauldron

Bacta Tank, Combat Enhancer, Energy Pack, Electro binocular, Jetpack, Seeker Droid, Fusion Cutter, Explosive Packs, Trip Mine, Thermal Detonator, Flash Gernade, Electrostatic Charge Detonator.

In one of the minor battles during the Clone Wars, the Republic stumbled upon an experimental facility where deadly newly engineered battle droids were being developed.

A battalion of clone army were dispatched to capture that facility so data can be retrieved and relayed back to Corrucant for investigation.

Unfortunately, the facilty seems to be heavily guarded with the droid army and the clone army were driven back to defensive position. It would only be a matter of time that the Seperatist would evacuate with the experiments.

A couple of Alpha ARC troopers with the assistance of the clone commandos were dispatched to undertake this dangerous mission in the heart of the enemy territory. The task lies to these elite clones, each assigned with their own missions and objectives.

Failure is unacceptable.

1. Lay strategic demolitions
2. Distract the droid army attention
3. Sabotage the experimental facility
4. Destroy any battle droid prototypes found
5. Retrieve the experiments data
6. Terminate Geonosian Captain
7. Destroy the experimental facilty
8. Escape alive

ARC Captain:
1. Meet up with ARC Lieutenant at specified Rendeavous Zone
2. Lead Clone Troopers defending field command centre
3. Meet up with Clone Commandos at field command centre
4. Find and Retrieve missing R2 unit astromech
5. Destroy droid dispensers in the front lines

ARC Lieutenant:
1. Meet up with ARC Captain at specified Rendeavous Zone
2. Assist Clone Troopers defending field command centre
3. Meet up with Clone Commandos at field command centre
4. Find and pilot ARC Starfighter
5. Destroy all enemy air units

Clone Commandos:
1. Regroup with the other Clone Commandos
2. Assist Clone Troopers defending field command centre
3. Meet up with ARC Troopers at field command centre
4. Destroy enemy turrets in the front line
5. Recapture enemy occupied trench


Terrain (Epic sized map): 30%

Doodads: 10%

Models: 60%

Triggers: 0%

Custom Spells: 5%

AI: 0%

JASS Scripting: ?% - I may use JASS if I can find someone to do it.


Century_Warlord (Yep only me)


I will accept anyone who wish to participate in this ambitious project of mine. I do hope this doesn't become Top Gear class project (ambitious, but rubish).
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Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
I'm completely interested in helping. I'm no map-maker, but I can help with noticing spelling errors, continuity errors, balance (in general), and any other help you need. My knowledge of map-making extends only to tooltip writing (and colouring), writing up unit stats, and such simple things. I'm on the East side, as I said before, and await you to contact me.

I don't know if the things you named you already have models/skins for so I posted all I could, but if not, tell me and I'll search. I hope you use ships to scale as much as possible.

I have included links to skins for Republic weapons. Quickly looking over this site's arsenal of models/skins, I found the following. Hopefully you can use some from Empire era for Republic armor.

This reminded me of Tatooine racers, so I thought I'd show it to you to spark any other thoughts:

This AT-ST is relatively useful and appropriate until I find the AT-RT skin (I've seen it used on the Star Wars Maul):
And just in case you needed the ARC-170's link:

Also, in case you needed some links for clone troops.
Note: The weaponless one is just askin' to be armed with whatever you can find. *wink, wink*

Techno Union Ship:

And ship "grating" terrain (great for Star Wars themes):

Can't have ships without a drydock:

This reminded me of a Droid space station, so I thought "what teh hell?":

Just a thought... I dunno (can't have Star Wars without C-3PO:
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Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
I do, too. So... yeah... I don't think playing BFII will wield any information, unless this map is going to be 501st or unit-related. I think this map may be during the age of Phase I clone armor... So there wouldn't be specific brands on armor.

To century: What work is entailed with "spells"? If it's just typing tooltips/naming and coming up with ideas, I could do that for you, then you could make the animation details and the action(s).

Contact me with the map. I'm on Xfire! LordJhredmo is always my username so people can find me.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Thank you for the contributions. I'm currently trying to write down a detailed storyline.

With a complete storyline, it would be a lot easier to develop the map and all you have to do is to make things work.

I do however need a lot of help on advanced spell making and instructing AI to do things properly. Spells were needed mainly for the weapons and armors to function as I wanted to.

Considering my lack of time and ability to make a proper map, I'll keep things simple as possible. We will do a very basic and simple missions with few features. From there, we can do upgrades and slowly develop an expansion-like map as a sequel to the previous map.

Since W3 is slowly making people losing interest and move on to a new game, I feel the need to speed things up a bit.

Ok, now on to the map a bit. Everything will be scaled down to correct size. Like tanks will be a big as a tank supposed to be. I've done that already with the models found here last month.

Then I've done some skills and abilities needed for each units. I have added some to the units with what I can do with custom spell making that World Edit lets me.

Just a few spells and abilities missing and I know I had to learn JASS, which I am quite capable of learning since I have programming background. Sadly, I'm just too damn busy to juggle activities up to have the time to learn things quickly.

EDIT (8th June):

+ Added weapons, armor and equipment details to 1st post.
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Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Well, contact me on the East side, century. I await thee. I love to role play and make stories, so I could help you devise that, if you would send me your outline and what you'd like. It may save you time.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Afraid I can't get on W3 often since I got lots of things to do. I'll contact you on other mediums.

I'll send you the outline when I finish writing it down. :p
Level 4
Apr 4, 2008

Hello, I am visor97 I am working on a 3rd person star wars map similer to battlefront except it is for usage on Battle.Net with up to 8 players. You seem to be doing good do you think we could combaine forces and use your and turn it into a 3rd peson shooter? Anyway I tried your map every thing was good except the space ships they would not pick up passingers. If you would like to join forces then post it on my recruitment page. Should say 3rd person multiplayer star wars map or something simular.
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Which map is this? This map hasn't been tested yet or even released in beta.

I think you're talking about Anti_bodies' Clone Wars map. This is not the maker.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Indeed I haven't released anything on public. Map are not even half baked yet.

I think you got the wrong person visor97.

If you still wish to help out in this project, your skills and talents are much welcomed here.

We're not making a 3rd Person shooter here. Something similar to NoTD and SWAT.
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Oh. visor97, if you're talking about the map I'm thinking about, you have to land the craft first, then enter troops in (they have to be next to the vehicle). Good luck, mate.

Level 3
May 23, 2008

I have decided to call this custom map as "Star Wars: Grand Army of the Republic", GAR for short.

I have begun working on a prologue map before the main map will be done. It's kinda average sized so it's nothing too fancy.

However, characters in the prologue won't be brought into the main map but they will be mentioned as part of the storyline.

I planned to make this playable for both the GAR faction and the CIS faction. You won't be playing as heroes, but as specially trained units.

Not all features will be available and since there is no smart AI, not all units will be put in the prologue.

Expect this to be released on: 30th June 2008
Level 3
May 23, 2008
The title you suggested is too restrictive on my game universe. Not all battles are fought in the desert.

The Prologue will be fought around Feraxia king's castle. Somewhere around the green glades of the planet.

Note: This game is not based on any Star Wars novels or comics.
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
I understand. But GAR isn't fitting, since it isn't even a major battle. How about... Star Wars: Full-scale Assault. Or something like that? :D
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
I just want to remind all readers that century still needs models for certain things (for the Republic), JASS script-writers, trigger makers, and any other help you can offer!
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
hey well this project looks very interesting. ill be willing to make any/all unit icons needed for the map. i can work in a minimap/loading screen image if your interested (nothing spectacular, but not n00b). also if you dont mind sending me the map, i can get a feel for it and bounce ideas off you. my best mapping strength is for me to be very creative, as i have many ideas. i can also make decortive terrein (specificly swamps/forests).

one of my ideas is that for the Clone Commandos you have, i think the 4 should be based off the ones in the x-box game Republic Commando. They were really fun characters and im sure players would love playing them (as they all had a unique and individual character/job in the squad).

i am currently projectless and would love to work on this without full commitment (doing everything in the map and getting it finished). if you send me the map during the work-week i know i can get it back to you within 2 days of you sending it to me (im reliable).
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Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Sounds great. This is century's show, so we shall await his honourable decision.

I wish you'd also work more on your Clone Wars map. It's an awesome map, but needs some work/improvement until it's out of beta. I'd love to help.
One thing to know, Anti (FYI). It's spelled "Separatist."

-Evix Jhredmo
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Aww he blew out a bit of my plan about the Republic Commandos. xD

I'll reveal almost everything on the prologue map which will be released by the end of this month.

So be patient, our real project is the main map. ;)
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
One thing to know, Anti (FYI). It's spelled "Separatist."

haha yeah ill try to remember that

Aww he blew out a bit of my plan about the Republic Commandos. xD

give me enough time im sure i can unravel many of your ideas :) but if u need any icon resources or any idea help feel free to message me, im sure i can be a *delightful* big help :p
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Patience is a virtue. Hopefully we'll get a reply from the people we've asked for assistance, which would move the project along.

I can't wait.
Good luck, century/Anti.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Ok, I'll give the reports on 2 separate maps.

Prologue Map

Models: 100% - Prep and ready to roll.

Terrains: 100% - I like it so far.

Doodads: 70% - All it needs is a bit decorating and some fixing ups.

Triggers: 50% - This is kinda complicated a bit.

Spells: 20% - Still working on it.

Quest panel: 0% - This will go last once everything works fine.

Cinematics: 0% - Not sure to do this or not since the dateline is very near.

Main Map

Models: 60% - Still need more arsenal for the GAR.

Terrains: 0% - I'll get a more qualified person to do this, mine doesn't look good.

Doodads: 0% - Same as above.

Triggers: 0% - Haven't started anything yet.

Spells: 30% - Need some help on this as I'm not good at this.

Quest panel: 0% - Need storyline to get this going.

Cinematics: 0% - Not sure to do this, if someone willing to do it you're welcomed to do so.

Items: 50% - Added the items, just need them to work properly.

Heroes: 50% - GAR heroes is ready, will add for the CIS later.

Well I know this is kinda an incomplete report, I'm too busy too list down everything that has been done and stuffs that hasn't been done. It's a very long list.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
I will be very busy this week so this project will go on slower than expected.

The Prologue release will be postponed to a more suitable time. This means we now can make a time slot for beta testing and bug fixing/map tweaking before the actual public release.

Since I will be busy, the map will be passed on to Anti_Bodies. So I hope you guys can work on and discuss stuffs that could be done to make the map look and feel awesome.

Thanks in advance.

Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
Well, it's terrible to see you pass it on. You had such enthusiasm for it.
I hope Anti manages to bring it the grandeur you hoped for.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
I didn't say I'm pulling out from this project. I just pass the map to Anti to finish up stuffs till I can get back to work on the map.

Triggers, and scripting is still left for me to do. Also I think the units need some more balancing. I'll work on that maybe around next week where I have more time to devote to the map.

Hey, cheer up. I'm not dead or out from this yet.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Prologue is based on the unknown regions, on a fictional planet. I am rushing on the dateline here, so I had to finish up the Prologue ASAP.

I think a redo on the map would be a waste of time. We need to focus more on building the main map instead of the Prologue.

I hope you understand why I want this Prologue to be released early and ASAP. I fear that people are losing interest and thinks I am just another one of those guys who simply make a hype but didn't finish what they started.

I just need something to gain trust on the people. The Prologue is not the project we discussed here. It's just my own work to show what I can do.

Also, don't be surprised on the absence of the models I plan to put into this project. I don't want to show everyone all the stuff and perks on the main map. Just trying to keep as much of them as a surprise. Hence the swords, bow and arrows come into the Prologue.

The gameplay however is 50% similar with this project. So I just want to show some of what players can do on the main map. Overall the Prologue is just 30% of what this project have to offer.

I have more devious plans for the main map. So expect a lot of new things on this project compared to the Prologue.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Erm...I think you meant Republic ftw. :p

Empire doesn't exist yet during the Clone Wars. :D


Welcome to the team! *hands over a t-shirt saying "I am Star Wars Itself!*

I'll give you something to do...soon after I had time to plan things out for this awesome map we're making.
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
It's on a stand-still due to lack of map to work with. I'm waiting for your or Anti's move.
I've had no contact from Anti for the past couple of days.
Level 3
May 23, 2008
Ok, here is what you do. Make a storyline first then pass them to Anti so he can tailor a map to fit the story.

rage, I'll mail you the stuff that you could do with your skills.
Level 3
Aug 19, 2006
And we're sticking with the original concept? Anti is either thinking different planet... or... I don't know. When we last communicated I was left confused. Is he still on the project or what?

I draft a new story for the map to take the path of. Would it be OK if I wrap it around my idea for the players (ARCs/Commandos/Troopers) to have different roles/styles of gameplay. Such as ARCs leading the waves of conflict vs. the droids spawning (AoS), Commandos doing tactical maneuvers into the facility (NotD/SWAT), from an alternate entrance, and etc...?
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