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Sonic Adventure Wc3 Campaign

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Level 9
Jul 5, 2006


We've been thinking that our thread needs to get more organized and informative. So here you go. Now you can catch up on the whole project in just the first post.


What Inspired Us:

modler2 was the projects original founder and I (Zerox) have since joined him as co-head developer. Really the thing that keeps us fueled to make this map is just that we're both really big Sonic fans and we want to bring our favorite thing to WarCraft and share it all with you.


People Working on Map.

modler2 - Triggerer / Object Editor / Images / Story Writer / Model Creator
Zerox - Model Creator / Triggerer / Animator / Object Editor / Story Writer
Airandius - Main Terrianer
Void - Finalizing Terrain
Kave - Spell Creator / Physics System Designer
RedSonic - Model Assitant

Models : These Models are by us for our project. When we release the campaign the models will soon afterward be released to the public.

Sonic, Xaster, And Shadow Models By modler2 skins by Dan Van Ohllus:

Knuckles By Zerox:

Hero and Dark Chao Made By Ice:

Chaos 0 Made By Zerox:



If you wish to contact us then just pm us at the hive or at WC3 Unlimited. We have the same usernames here as we do there. Or just post here in this thread.

Want to Help out ? Or Do Your Part For the Map ?

If you have something that you would like to offer to us that you think would be helpful, contact us or post here.

Trailers (In order of Newest to Oldest):

New Physics System

Christmas Trailer (Story Line Preview)

Introducing Xaster

Level 1 Preview
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Well, good try but it seems insainly buggy.

The sonic model's walk animation scrapes its feet too much on the floor. It looks like it is skating (like shadow the hedgehog) more than running.

Sonic is too slow. Even in the "Sonic the Hedgehog" for the nex gen systems did sonic not run that slowly.

Sonic seems to be able to "fly" in the footage as he was randomly gaining and losing height as he went off and on clifs.

The system lacks "badies" and "hazzards" (falling).

Sonic grinding on the rails was horridly buggy, as he started to fly off (above) the rails showing a lack of basic phisics.

The bouncers were overall too slow and sonic started bouncing without touching them. Also the pathing messed up on some of the bounces.

Sonic seemed to keep being deslected, which would be really irritating to 95% of players.

Overall needs a lot of work for it to become a real wonder.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
Well, good try but it seems insainly buggy.

The sonic model's walk animation scrapes its feet too much on the floor. It looks like it is skating (like shadow the hedgehog) more than running.

Sonic is too slow. Even in the "Sonic the Hedgehog" for the nex gen systems did sonic not run that slowly.

Sonic seems to be able to "fly" in the footage as he was randomly gaining and losing height as he went off and on clifs.

The system lacks "badies" and "hazzards" (falling).

Sonic grinding on the rails was horridly buggy, as he started to fly off (above) the rails showing a lack of basic phisics.

The bouncers were overall too slow and sonic started bouncing without touching them. Also the pathing messed up on some of the bounces.

Sonic seemed to keep being deslected, which would be really irritating to 95% of players.

Overall needs a lot of work for it to become a real wonder.

yes dont worry about enemy's were in the progress of making the system for enemy's and yes we have finiahs some models for them. were going to fix his walk after all every thing is still wip. I made the bounce system in a day along with the ring system so it was alittle rushed so ill take your opinion on them into consideration, and the grind rail i just odnt know what happened. im probly gunna delet untill i fix it.

ps. im goign to make it select him later on when im done with the major stuff but hey its still beta ^^ and as for the fllying i had another way but he moved way to slow.ill try to fix.
I've got modler2's permission to make a new texture for the Sonic model, and now it's finished.
I have pm:ed him for the pastebin link.

I'll also upload some pictures of the model and a watermarked UV, plus a pic of some issues about the model.

Modler2: You really need to work on the UV mapping more. The Spike hairs and the hands were a curse to co-operate, and the parts between the head and chest have nasty splits. The nose has an odd wrap. Also, look at the last pic, where I marked on other issues.
I also spot some unnecessary amount of polygons on your model, both on the outside and in the inside.


  • sonic-texture-new-viewer.jpg
    74.3 KB · Views: 6,295
  • sonic-texture-new-uv-watermarked.jpg
    59.1 KB · Views: 2,073
  • sonic-critique.jpg
    73.7 KB · Views: 7,442

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Use triggers to enhance his speed via the "SetUnitX()" and "SetUnitY()" functions. Those enable you to move a unit without aborting all its current orders or messing up the pathing of it.

Also sonic's mouth was not lopsided out side of the pre rendered computer graphic footage. Well atleast in SA1/2 for dreamcast that was the truth (which is what this is named after).
Level 7
Oct 6, 2006
Theirs lag with the arrow keys, even playing solo offline. For a fast paced game, u cant have a second delay in pushing the button to move. But then u can always look at the grand prix map and say thats fast paced game and is on b.net but it was also done with a ton of jass.
Level 9
Aug 15, 2007
pls after finishing the model release it and than you coud just change a few colors and allso make shadow the hedgehog
if you do that it will be great becose i need that 2 models and then I coud start a new map

allso I can help you whit your map
a specialy about the jump's
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
Suggestion, on map initilization increase sonics animation speed by 300% and give him blue shiny animation effects, I'm not sure what they're called but they produce light and smaller versions of themselves that glow. Make it look like blue motion blur. The 300% animation speed increase will make it look like he's both running and spinning faster.


good luck with the map.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
thanks for the support guys but it will not be finished my partner has quit and i cannot complete it on my own and due to this and the fact that i have no team for this projct im deeming it died untillsomething else happens im considering releasing what has already been created but im not sure yet.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
not good to hear.
i know a bit bout map making myself (i made a footie frenzy), but not campaigns.
hope u do finish it
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
sounds good but i cannot finish it alone teld there are goign to be speed runing courses and it uses arrow keys and it does'nt like me, you in? if so tell me here and or pm me your msn so we can figure things out.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
modler2 i could try and help with your map/campaign if you want.
if not can i be a beta tester.
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Level 9
May 2, 2007
lol, you started this project like last year!
Even on one of your video you said you were abandoning it.
Either way, I'm please you're returning to it.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
lol the reaosn its been over a year is because i've been having family problems, my partner had to quit due to school problems i've just been very busy and lol ill try my best problem is with sonic adventure they wernt even close to as limited by the game system as i am xD

ps. prison i know but alot of people have already asked me they all get the same answer im not goign to make exeptions, there are only about 5 people in the world that have the model all of which are my very close friends so you get the idea :p
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well i don't know if it have been said before (sorry i haven't read all) but the only think i saw in your 2 video is the terrain... its WAY to flat.. and i think its sad cause it could be MUCH more better.. instead of only road etc..meeh.. i'm shure your already working on improving it..
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
lol that was the "testing level" and yeh xD im trying to have something decent for terrain and theirs just like 2 bugs left in the first map fucking whale btw video is coming along now :) ill try to have it finished as soon as possible but i have alot of homework this weekend so ... but ill try :D

sorry to double post but YouTube - Sonic Adventure WC3 also i know i made a typo and some glitches still its just i have no time currently so i figured meh just show em btw the whale part is still fucked up xD
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Level 8
Feb 15, 2006
I watched the vid (on my sis' comp) looks good! you need to add an animation to sonic to make him jump up or something at the end of the level (like he does in sonic2battle)

So until i ge my laptop back, what models do you need/want me to prepare to make?
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
lol good and bad news, bad news i stoped it again but good news is my friend zerox is going to be taking the project under his wing ill be helping him but its his now :) ps. the sonic model is now on the hives model database :D
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