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Sonic Adventure Wc3 Campaign

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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
oke, modler2 I took a look at your terrain but I need additional information in order to work with it.

- Is it indoor?
- Do I need to create the terrain at the empty spots? (That's like 75% of the map. xD)
- Am I allowed to edit the already present pathing of the terrain (cliffs).
- Are there any special things I need to implent.
- Is it correct that you wanted me to create multiple paths because Knuckels had a level to search right?
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
alright so yes its indoor, inside a ruined temple to be precise and just make it so that knuckles has a lot of paths to check to make the lvel longer and abit more challenging also yeh you can edit it all just make sure that lightning on top of the inner tomb is not edited alright :)
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
EDIT: Terrain is done, also made some tweaks for improved game movements.

- Edited 'Gameplay Constants' - 'Follow Range - Units' to 0. Now when you click on a ring or spring knuckels will move to it's location instead of being 200 range away.
- Edited range for rings from 70 to 90.
- Edited collision for rings to 0. (So knuckels won't walk around them.)

The map contains 2 traps that spawn skellies but you can remove the spawning if you don't like them.
There are around 10 portals, and a lot of foot switches to unlock bridges and doors.
Meh, it's all done, but I didn't made the stuff for the springs, you guy's have to do that trigger part yourself. xD

Anyway, I finished the terrain.
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Level 7
Dec 17, 2008
this is wicked, i've been looking forward to this campaign for a while now, thought you guys had abandoned it lol
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
Well just a slight teaser for some of you. Here is what our Dr. Robotnik model looks like so far. We've had some assistance from friends on him and he's still being animated but he's coming along nicely.


He should be much more fitting than Mc !'s Goliath model we were using.
Goliath - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

We may add him into Mc !'s Mech if we can contact him and he says that its okay. He's been out of contact with hive for almost 3 years though without any other contact info making it near impossible to get in touch with him and ask for permission to edit his model. Though he never said anything about not being allowed to edit his models. He only asked for credit for his models which if we did edit him he would get credit where credit is due.

Edit: But apparently he's at wc3campaigns as well. I'll be contacting him there.
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Level 6
Jan 17, 2006
Well just a slight teaser for some of you. Here is what our Dr. Robotnik model looks like so far. We've had some assistance from friends on him and he's still being animated but he's coming along nicely.

HOLY SHIT! THAT MODEL IS AMAZING! IT LOOKS LIKE SEGA DID IT! 5 Stars. Wow, keep that amazing work up.

PS. I apologize for freaking out.
Level 6
Jan 17, 2006
Well just a slight teaser for some of you. Here is what our Dr. Robotnik model looks like so far. We've had some assistance from friends on him and he's still being animated but he's coming along nicely.

HOLY SHIT! THAT MODEL IS AMAZING! IT LOOKS LIKE SEGA DID IT! 5 Stars. Wow, keep that amazing work up.

PS. I apologize for freaking out. Oops double post.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
lol looks great zerox keep it up :), and also sorry if it brings sad memorys, i remember growing up with sonic games xD I had a super nintendo so i went to my friends house who had a genesis and we played a ton of sonic :)
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Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
And here's Chaos. :mwahaha:


He's still be worked on currently. varsaigen is doing a little fixing up for me and then I'll just refix his animations and he'll be done.

that model is awesome. good job.

roughly how many more models are there to make?
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
Okay Finally got the remake of the first post done. Just edit yours and copy and paste this in modler2.



We've been thinking that our thread needs to get more organized and informative. So here you go. Now you can catch up on the whole project in just the first post.


What Inspired Us:

modler2 was the projects original founder and I (Zerox) have since joined him as co-head developer. Really the thing that keeps us fueled to make this map is just that we're both really big Sonic fans and we want to bring our favorite thing to WarCraft and share it all with you.


People Working on Map.

modler2 - Triggerer / Object Editor / Images / Story Writer / Model Creator
Zerox - Model Creator / Triggerer / Animator / Object Editor / Story Writer
Airandius - Main Terrianer
Void - Finalizing Terrain
Kave - Spell Creator / Physics System Designer
RedSonic - Model Assitant

Models : These Models are by us for our project. When we release the campaign the models will soon afterward be released to the public.

Sonic, Xaster, And Shadow Models By modler2 skins by Dan Van Ohllus:

Knuckles By Zerox:

Hero and Dark Chao Made By Ice:

Chaos 0 Made By Zerox:



If you wish to contact us then just pm us at the hive or at WC3 Unlimited. We have the same usernames here as we do there. Or just post here in this thread.

Want to Help out ? Or Do Your Part For the Map ?

If you have something that you would like to offer to us that you think would be helpful, contact us or post here.

Trailers (In order of Newest to Oldest):

New Physics System

Introducing Xaster

Christmas Trailer (Story Line Preview)

Level 1 Preview
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