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Sonic Adventure Wc3 Campaign

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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
You guys really need a better terrain, add some more terrain texture and blend it a bit.
Also adding some more environmental objects couldn't hurt.

It looked fun, but work on the looks.
I also suggest to use a different movement system, where u can't select sonic. U just use the keyboard.
Sonic will always move in front of him, just use the arrow keys to alter his direction, when he hits the walls he dies, that would make it allot harder. :p

Off topic: Zomg, no I'm not back I'm still gone!! *hides in a corner*
School is still trying to **** me! =:D
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
Okay new update there is now a terraining contest on Warcraft 3 Unlimited for this campaign. Its your chance to help with the map and get your name in the credits. Here's a link to it:

See the terrain contest now!

A keyboard system is in development for this along with a system to make Sonic jump and attack. Just wait a while and I'll have previews of those too.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
You know what's a good idea.... Request somebody to make a sonic-like cliff and tile set that goes with it.
For example those blocky levels, with yellow and orange blocks if I recall the colors correct. xD

It would fit your map perfectly, and since there is prove of your map being made I'm sure somebody'll make it.

Also, I wish I could help with terrain but I just don't have time for wc3 anymore *sob*
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
You know what's a good idea.... Request somebody to make a sonic-like cliff and tile set that goes with it.
For example those blocky levels, with yellow and orange blocks if I recall the colors correct. xD

It would fit your map perfectly, and since there is prove of your map being made I'm sure somebody'll make it.

Also, I wish I could help with terrain but I just don't have time for wc3 anymore *sob*

Hmm sounds good. Maybe I could try to do that. I'm sorry you don't have time anymore.
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
yes chaos zero was mentioned (page 6)

will there be a beta release any time soon?
btw how many levels have you made so far?

Uh I don't know about a beta release we may not have one. xD That all depends on how its looking as it gets closer. As far as how many levels we have made or near made currently there is 4.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
You guys are making a great map, no arguing about that.
It rocks, but..

You really need a terrainer to give your map some stylish looks.
I guess I can hep you with the terrain, and only with the terrain, to make it look nice.
Though my request to make terrain for you guys will only be active around 22 Dec - 10 Jan, I don't now the real time when I have open spots.
But generally I have enough time to make 2 RPG terrains of maximum size so.... I think your terrain can be done in those 2 weeks.

So just tell me if your interested. I think Zerox knows my terraining skills, though it has been a long time.
If you want me to show what I'm capable off just tell me.


(Really looking forward to your campaign.)
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
so when we going to see that wip zerox?

Okay I forgot to post it but here is the WIP of Knuckles I've been making. Sorry DvO I ended up not using your skin after all. XD All thats left is rigging him and animating him. Oh and merging his 5 simple textures into one. XD


Its quite an improvement when you compare it to ES's knuckles he made out of Ice's Sonic:

Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
You could always try copy pasting parts of my Knuckles skin and attach them to the models uv map.

And how many polygons has this model.

Uh 2604 polies sadly. XD I wanted him to look nice. I don't think its over kill especially since its a hero unit. I my try to reduce them later. And I can't really copy your texture onto mine. Take a look at the textures. XD


  • Textures.rar
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Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
to many just merge them into one or ill merge them then import him into milkshape then re uvmap him :) if you want me to anyways :p

modler2 I'm merging them. I'm Re UVing them and I'm animating him. Its my model that I'm doing. I don't want your help on it sorry. I just want comments on how to make it better. A few parts were taken from yours such as the gloves on the hands and such but the things I took from yours I have heavily redone. I'm glad you gave me permission to do it.

Also I'm not trying to sound like a pain and cause a issue though I'm sure that it may come off a bit that way because I kind of am being a pain. Its just that I'm doing such a great job on it and I don't want to lose my flame for it before I'm done.

omg. first version (bottom) is..... O_____________O
go with the prettier version. it look more alive and not some sort of dead roadkil. O_O *eye twitches)

Yeah ES's is not so great. Whats funny though is that while its major lower polies comparted to mine its a larger filesize textures and all. XD
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
Well I'm sure some of you will be excited I finished Knuckles just barely. I hope you like him and give modler2 and I credits:


Knuckles - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

Edit: Also just a little note to modler2. You might be a little upset about me releasing it before the campaign is done but because it was my model I have the right to make that decision. You said you are releasing all of yours after the campaign is done. I released Knuckles a little bit earlier. I hope you aren't too mad.
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
If his animations have been transferred from sonic does that mean he doesn't have an attack animation? If that's the case I believe you should make one for him, as knuckled absolutely must have one. He also needs a gliding animation.

Somebody never went and looked at the model thread. XD He has an attack animation unlike Sonic. Other animations for him are still being developed.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
lol its fine but zerox try to keep some of them private until the end, i understand you want everyone to see it because you a lot of effort into it so im not mad :) gj on the model 10/10 btw zerox thats not an attack anim thats the stand victory anim just renamed?
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Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
It doesn't work, like not being open able in editor? Probably corrupt because of a model then.
Btw, it's my vacation now so if you need some terraining tell me now. xD
I'll post a small wip in prove that I'm guwd. xD

EDIT: There, a small thing I made in around 10 minutes.


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Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
can u send me your msn in a pm ? ill exlain what levels need be done :) and the second level i believe was corrupted by the sound files xD

ps. zerox, i edited the knuckles model animation names and made the second attack a non looping hope you don't mind :)
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