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Sonic Adventure Wc3 Campaign

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Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
Um you said you wanted to have me stick to the story but I don't see much story if any even incorporated into it at all. Mind telling me what the story is you have so far so I can incorporate it more?

Edit: Also A new update! :thumbs_up: I have now made Shadow based off of modler2's Sonic model. He gave me permission to do it for the campaign today. It looks like this so far:


Its not 100% done yet but I just wanted to show someone.
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Level 29
Jul 29, 2007
im curious on the physics that you speak of

Erm... jumps... for example? Sonic without jumping?
Also, those... jumpers, or however you want to call them - they simply make you fly. You can see 'sonic' going down and up according to the terrain. That's the dumbest looking "jump" I ever saw.

And you will never succeed in making sonic with mouse clicking. Keyboard events aren't slow in single player, and you can't control for crap with your mouse.
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
And I'm glad you like it varsigen. And GhostWolf read the below update. I'm sure it will make your more excited about this.

Okay Update:

Here are the current characters in the campaign so far as far as main character models:

Soon to come is Knuckles the Enchidna, Amy Rose, Silver the Hedgehog, Miles 'Tails' Prower, and Rogue the Bat.

And as far as game play plans Keyboard controls are being created to give it a more game like feel. The keyboard will be your controller and you will almost never touch the mouse. Also Sonic will have the ability to jump like he does in Sonic games and that will be your method of attack like usual. At least when playing as Sonic.
Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
Then that's a very odd coincidence lol. Basically Scourge is Evil Sonic, but after he came into a run in with the Master Emerald (or something I'm not too sure on the story) he was turned green. Since he could no longer be mistaken for Sonic he made his evil doings less covert and more pronounced.
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
Then that's a very odd coincidence lol. Basically Scourge is Evil Sonic, but after he came into a run in with the Master Emerald (or something I'm not too sure on the story) he was turned green. Since he could no longer be mistaken for Sonic he made his evil doings less covert and more pronounced.

Its an interesting concept. Where did you first here of him?
Level 10
Sep 29, 2006
knuckles absoultely must be released for public use. he's just too awesome not to be.

just make sure it has attack animations, seeing as to how knuckles uses his fists in just about every game. Also, if someone would kindly add an attack animation to the current sonic model, it would be greatly appreciated.
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Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
zerox we'll talk about releasing the models because most of these were campaign only xD it would'nt be a crime lol but we'll see and prison asking someone to add an animation to my model when i clrearly stated that no edits without permision to edit lol and dont worry i have some people on it
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
you have to have hyper shadow with super sonic. btw will there be any chao in it?
Hyper Shadow is AWESOME. metal sonic should be in it too, and maybe chaos zero :)
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
woot! my favourite chao i had, on SA2B got lost when my data corrupted and i have never had such an awesome one since =(

good luck with chaos zero and metal sonic
(what bout hyper shadow, seeing as campaigns have unlimited space if i'm correct)
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
Hyper Shadow sounds better, and shadow says himself he is in his hyper form

(btw how does the demonata books relate to this thread - (though they are the best books ever)
Level 5
Mar 6, 2008
no in SA2B when Shadow become Hyper Shadow (you say super but Hyper is better) he says he is in his Hyper form
Level 8
Sep 25, 2007
lol , no offence but this map seems rly bored , the speed isnt enough though lol... and it would be cool if you put some things as , if you walk through the water you die or some things as such... not just colecting rings and following the track.
Level 9
Jul 5, 2006
lol alright, well the water thing has been considered already lol and also there will be other htings to do in the lvels lol, but mostly the goal is t oreac hthe end of the levels, well when your sonic anyways :)
Level 20
Jun 6, 2008
yea Shadow should look confident xD

why does shadow look a bit like he is shocked like this --- > :eek:

Well I think its just the angle he doesn't look quite so shocked at other angles sorry. xD

In the sonic model's description here on hive, it says the campaign is dead? A little clarification, please?

What modler said here is basically your answer. *points to below quote* I had offered to help on the campaign way before but then because of not having msn at the time it made it harder to do. No I do have msn and I'm using it to communicate directly with modler. But yes when I saw the Sonic model and his posting of the campaign being dead and that he wasn't going to finish it I was devastated. So I offered to take it over and finish the job since modler was running low on time. I'm glad he let me join him in this because I too didn't want to see it die. I promise I'll do a good job with his guidance.

lol it was deemed dead but then zerox asked if he could take over so i gave it to her :D

lol , no offence but this map seems rly bored , the speed isnt enough though lol... and it would be cool if you put some things as , if you walk through the water you die or some things as such... not just colecting rings and following the track.

The speed issue has been addressed and Sonic has now been sped up quite a bit. There will be enemies that you can and will fight in this. In this at least when you play as Sonic you will fight by jump attacking them as you do in all Sonic games. And just a little preview but when you play as Knuckles in at least one of his levels it will be a search and find level similar to Sonic adventure where you had to find the pieces of the Master Emerald. So don't worry too much there. The vid he has originally made for this is way old and a beta video. Its getting better all the time I promise. Also before there was no story implementation but that is now being implemented quite heavily. That way its more fun to play.

I actually did made a Knuckles texture (modified from the Sonic texture I made) in case you guys (modler2 and Zerox) have a need of him.
If you want, I can send the texture for you for use with the Knuckles model you're working on.

Oh bless you DvO! Your the best. modler2 posted that he would like it and so would I. Could you just paste bin it and pm it to me and I'll just send it to him through msn like I did with the other ones. That'd be very nice of you DvO. And easier than emailing modler. I'd really appriciate it.
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