Location: Nue-Berlin, Mining Ground, West Part.
*I exit the building while lighting a cig.*
Pff, so much for their workers... Cheap fuckers...", I mumbled to myself as I waved for a cab.
*Gordon had recently developed a new type of drilling machine that would increase the amount of minerals mined everyday and especially increase the safely-standards for workers.
But as the drill would be extremely expensive to mass-produce, the companies believe it isn't worth it, as the investment ain't worth the outcome, in their opinions.*
*I enter a cab and tell the driver where we are heading.
Minutes later we arrive to the targeted location, my apartment.*
Thanks mate", I shouted as the cab-man shut the doors.
Minutes later...
Pff, what hell waits me now then..!" I mumbled, as I noticed that my apartment door was kicked in.
*I quickly start my utility tool, as my weapons are hidden inside my apartment.*
Yeah, "a bit" controlling, but I won't be able to reach you guys in your hole at a moment!
I'll join you in another dungeon, but I just need something for now...
And man, this intro was bad... Very bad... Indifference from what I've written before anyway...
And one more thing, I'm off to sleep soon. I'll stay around for a few more minutes.
*Now Sleeping*