Shards of Humanity - RP Thread

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Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"Please Proceed, you seem to know even more about this than I. I simply transferred the signal I picked up to you then send your AI a double-tracer." The Ghauron said in a friendly, almost too friendly tone.

"Good one there Pal! Now you've got some serious power in this babe!" Jake said as he caught up, and patted the hood of the jeep. "Now, to the bar." Jake set off in a smooth cruise down the street.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Eve, Summery on the file Dark Entities. I lift your emotion barrier." I take out one of my guns and shine it. My instincts told me to be ready for that Ghauron was a little too friendly.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Eric follows Jake into the bar "so, where is he." he looks around seeing if he can gues who it is.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"...well, uh, yes sir. Gentlemen..." Eve spoke through Khad's armor speakers. "...I've decoded, or at least tried to decode the message I recieved. I tried to match it up with the files I found floating around in the OTE Mainframe Mesh... Yes I've Hacked it." She said at the startled looks. "It turns out that this message has some interesting matches with a file known as Dark Entities, a black file. This has something to do with the "light" and it being wielded by humans. Also, some mysterious entity known as the Black Conclave. No file matches on them sadly."

Jake pointed at a door on the left. On it hung a poster.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Eric enters and lights a new cigarette. he nods and leans against the wall. "he looks trough the room and and sees six other people besides him.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
OOC: Well, there is actually six other people, three humans, two ghaurons and a wierd-looking guy.

"...Some miles to the south, thats the most accurate location I can provide you at the moment. The signal was slightly un-traceable..." Eve replied.
The Ghauron looked at the newcomer. "Ahh... you decided to join us, I've given the others a briefing, and this guy's AI..." He pointed at the black-clad human standing in the middle of the room. "...have given us further details. Any questions?"
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"yea... whats the mission and could you repeat those details, or just upload them to my Jeeps computer so i can check them later."
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
"scavenging? I've been waiting all day for some scavenger hunt?" he sighs... "seriously, it better be worth it."
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
OOC: TWIF, what's happened is as you entered the room and was about to sign the hiring papers, different personalities entered one by one and interrupted. The mission briefing has been given and discussion has started.

"Oh, you'bet this will be worth it. The strange signal got to come from something important! And that's gonna haul in a good load of money."
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
Eric follows the group steps into his Jeep and fires it up. "computer on." he then puts in the chip "Load chip data" he then prepares to follow.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
Mithran aimed and frowned, getting a steady aim. Then, he shot the target, made of wood, in Fort Marx. He had been here since the begin of his career and liked it, even though he did want to go to the front.
''Good.. now try to hit the leaf there. there.'' said a more experienced marine to him, who was a great marksman.
Mithran nodded and aimed his C-117 at the animal, steadying his aim. The leaf was rather far away, but he would manage to do it.
''Steady.. steady..'' he murmured, and then he shot. The bullet hit the outskirts of the leaf.
''Pretty good shot.'' was the reaction of the veteran. Mithran shrugged and walked away, having done enough training for today. Perhaps he would be send to the front today, perhaps.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"...Sorry sir, most of these people seems to be absent from the database, Except for Jake, wanted criminal. Suspect of robbery, heresy and vandalism in the OTE, thats all I got sir..." Eve replied, seemingly irritaded at herself.

One of the shaggy-looking guys looked at Wilbur with a questioning look, "Ya lost the entire briefing! We're already moving out. Now you're on this wether ya like it or not!" He then proceeded to polish his rifle.

The four vehicles moved quickly through the desert, clouds of dust whipping up behind them.

Another marine, a grizzled old veteran perfectly filling out the role of that clichee, came into Mithran's view. He walked towards them and proceeded to ask if they wanted to join him in a special mission. "We're supposed to travel through enemy lines, and I've observed you guys, I'll need some good marksmen."
Level 5
Nov 1, 2009
He run around as if he was looking for something like a wild beast searching for its prey. In fact, he was a beast himself but not quite wild. He was a Ghauron; a fierce and barbaric being that was feared if mentioned ever by other humans. The humans compared him to what they called a gorilla, but he didn't care about their opinions.

At any rate, he was strolling around as if he was looking for something in the serene forest. He was informed that there has been a beast that has been responsible for the death of humans of a nearby military camp. But the real reason why he came was not that; it was called a beast as it wasn't seen before. He would be the first one to scavenge it, claim it. He was one of the animal scavengers, so he rarely scavenged anything else than animals.

It was not long till he found giant footprints and followed them to where they led.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Ok, gear check on all members, install code Cat in them and set bike on auto." I say it nicely because she was irritated and I don't want her to take over my gear again.
Level 8
Nov 14, 2008
OOC: i loaded the chip into the computer of my Jeep, shouldn't you like make the details appear on the screen then like in a post? oO
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"...It's all these decryptations and lacking files! I hate not being able to do my job properly! I wish everything had been more easily attainable, I can hack the OTE mainframe, but still can't decode these mysterious signals..." Her synthetic female voice seemed almost sad.

On Eric's screen a message appeared reading:
"Mission briefing: Scavenge Mission
Strange signals emitted from the desert, we're gonna find what transmitted them and haul it in.
Eve informed about a file match from the OTE Mainframe Mesh, matching with something called the Black Conclave and having something to do with humans wielding the "Light". Whatever it is about, we're gonna get rich.
That is all you need to know."
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"It's ok, hack into the other mainframes. If anything shows up then notify me. Eve, remember we are both experimental." I was sad about that. "Find where the other K numbers are. Don't want to meet up with any."
Level 5
Nov 1, 2009
The footprints led to a cave, suitable for a beast like it. He entered the cave without hesitation and in a minute even his shadow was shrouded in darkness. He relied on his keen senses now and nothing else.

He stumbled around and searched the whole cave for any signs of that beast. As soon as he made the next step, a fearsome roar filled the cave as if hearing thousand bells together. He was not astonished but yet he run toward the cave's exit. The monster persuaded him but alas it let its guard down and as soon as he reached the exit, he leapt towards it, bared his fangs, bited and removed a large part of his neck's skin. The monster roared in agony and he mercilessly delivered the last blow by smashing his right fist against its head and crackling it.

The beast fell down, its liveless corpse roared the ground. He didn't gazed at all but instead he rushed toward it's pointed teeth and separated four or five from its mouth. Happy that he know had something worthy to sell he left the cave and travelled toward the most renowned city known for its merchant goods and home to scavenger clans, Salaundar. But until he reached there, he had to pass through the dangerous desert, which was currently a battlefield between humans. Knowing that and having little time left till the next assault happens, he run towards south-east.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Good now to relax." I pressed a button and I leaned back. "System: play track 3." I was listening to earth music. The band disturbed was good.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
OOC: Actually, Exo, you should have waited for me to do a roll to see if you succeded in your attack, but I'll let it pass this time.

"...Sorry to interrupt sir, but I've detected a K-agent three miles to the west, thats awfully close to the keep. The cloaking shields are on though, so it should not be anything to worry about. I just thought you'd like to know..." Eve said, seemingly much happier now.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"That little sneak, if he gets closer. Activate the keeps defenses, I will deal with that K when I get done here." I was impressed.
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