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Round Table of Arkain

Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
If you phrase it like that, it is more understandable.
Considering you using to joke about fanfics you might understand why I misunderstood your post/s. For that, I apologize.

And don't worry, neither of what you mentioned has been forgotten. ;)

I admit that I should have been more clear with it. I too apologise for that.
I am however very eager to see more of this story! Keep up the good work!
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
I'm really disappointed with king Zarin because he will regret the choice he made. Also why do Dwarves always have to end with the wrong side? They should be wise not goofy. I was expecting a cinematic at the ending of chapter 10 that will give us a clue of what's gonna happen next. A forshadowing or something.
I don't get why Prodageros has to be insanely strong in the campaigns. Isn't he supposed to be a joke? I mean everyone kills him eventually but at the cost of so many soldiers' lives.
It's an amazing chapter anyway, and always a pleasure to play with dwarves :ogre_hurrhurr:
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
I'm really disappointed with king Zarin because he will regret the choice he made. Also why do Dwarves always have to end with the wrong side?
While true, it's completely up to the player to decide their first allegiance.

They should be wise not goofy.
I guess it's better for them to perish that live under a massively Gardon influenced dwarven realm.

I don't get why Prodageros has to be insanely strong in the campaigns. Isn't he supposed to be a joke?
I guess we can say Progaderas belongs to the trope "Comically serious character"
Level 10
Feb 21, 2015
what do you mean? I never got a choice to decide with whom king Zarin makes an alliance with. If it never happens, then I'm sure you mean that one of the previous chapters' choices affect what happens on chapter 10, and I would like you to tell me which chapter and what choice should I take in order to make Zarin join Gardon :ogre_haosis:
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
what do you mean? I never got a choice to decide with whom king Zarin makes an alliance with. If it never happens, then I'm sure you mean that one of the previous chapters' choices affect what happens on chapter 10, and I would like you to tell me which chapter and what choice should I take in order to make Zarin join Gardon :ogre_haosis:
You sadly can't. :(
I was refering to the first book where we could decide who Zarin allies himself with in the final chapter.
There way i wrote my reply was sort of confusing, sorry for that.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
You sadly can't. :(
I was refering to the first book where we could decide who Zarin allies himself with in the final chapter.
There way i wrote my reply was sort of confusing, sorry for that.

I find it confusing that Gardon enchants Salana even if Salana joins him in 1st book and thus is mentioned by Gardon as very loyal to him.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Besides...Even if you are loyal you can still snap and choose not to follow him,and that's not how things are supposed to work in Iron fist...I guess its Gardon's "insurance policy" that nothing gets out of the way their supposed to follow.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
Arkain Industries is BACK from its break, we will now proceed working on Chapter Eleven.
Gather your loyal followers and prepare for slaughter!

Team Gardon , Team van druce !!!! Take up your spear and shields. The hour of reckoning has come.
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Team Gardon , Team van druce !!!! Take up your spear and shields. The hour of reckoning has come.

There is actually no spear unit, is there? There is javelin unit (the throwing stick), but no spear, just halberd.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
Btw guys, what are your favorite units in LOA ( human faction only). For me:

1. Paladins.
2. Executors( those pike men).
3. Hydromancers.
5. Knights of kome.

Andd I love elites for "I don't know why" reason

There is actually no spear unit, is there? There is javelin unit (the throwing stick), but no spear, just halberd.

??? Where did you get Javelin unit in Human faction ?? :O And yes , those halberders are my favorite.
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Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
??? Where did you get Javelin unit in Human faction ?? :O And yes , those halberders are my favorite.

I meant in the entire books series. Orcs have javelins and then Retka´s rebels, those marauders his sister led had javelin thrower.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
??? Where did you get Javelin unit in Human faction ?? :O And yes , those halberders are my favorite.
You're double posting. Use the green edit button to merge your posts.
Anyway my 5 favourite units are:
1. Elites ( 7 food, but worth the price and very strong)
2. Destructors ( for some reason i like them even more after their change. Shame on me :p)
3. Shadow Stalkers ( yeah, they were only present on 1 mission, but they still belong to Brian, who is with the human faction)
4. Executors ( good to use on choke points)
5. Hydromancers ( that crushing wave is just beautiful, buffing units is the cherry on top of the cake)
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
You're double posting. Use the green edit button to merge your posts.
Anyway my 5 favourite units are:
1. Elites ( 7 food, but worth the price and very strong)
2. Destructors ( for some reason i like them even more after their change. Shame on me :p)
3. Shadow Stalkers ( yeah, they were only present on 1 mission, but they still belong to Brian, who is with the human faction)
4. Executors ( good to use on choke points)
5. Hydromancers ( that crushing wave is just beautiful, buffing units is the cherry on top of the cake)


Elites are not worth of their food cost :p :p . 5 food is perfect if I go by WC3. Look at 7 food frost dragons , those are OP. Or mountain giants, tanky as hell.

Executors are best in terms of damage cost ratio or hit point cost ratio. And If you have to fight against Executors from Gardon's side , then it could be nightmare thanks to war aura.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
@subzz Its the opposite,Elites are fast,hit like a truck and have no weakness(besides chaos dmg).Frost wyrms are slow as fuck and can be kited and do not tank that well while giants are indeed fucking tanks BUT their dmg output besides their siege attack is lacking. They are just cannon fodder.

I would say the only thing thats kinda weird for Elites are the envenomed blades...I mean you need to be an elite to have your blade dyed in poison :eek: ?!

Elites are one of the most balanced units ingame both in offence and defence.(You could send em to 6 food,since their poison attack aint really that much of a help but still even at 7 they are stellar)
Level 10
Jun 8, 2015
Wonder, what if the dwarves are building some super device as well? Barracks-sized tank maybe :D
On another note, Shar, do you plan on releasing more side stories while working on the next chapter?
That cinematic with Aedale, her dad and sister was really something yet im not sure which chapter that was connected to.
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Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Did I hear something about Chapter Eleven spoiler?

Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Scarlet and Cora in the same battle? That is very strange.
Anyway both the douche and justice league look absolutely great.
I also see that you will reuse parts of chapter 9 which means that the chapter will probably be released a lot faster. Yay. :D

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Taken from here: [Campaign] - The Legends of Arkain
Tried to quote but it was buggy.

Chapter Eleven - The Desire
You wanna punch Renald van Durce in the face? Well, here you go!
Keep in mind that the Golden Guard still has massive numbers - you people underestimated their
numbers severly when discussing their fate here!
Also, van Durce himself will be even more powerful in this mission than he was in Chapter Nine.
Your goal will be to take the cannon and slaughter van Durce, obviously.
If you made a right choice long, long ago, you might get help from an old friend.
If you made a wrong choice not too long ago, you might face your worst nightmare.

Chapter Twelve - The Slaughter
This is a big defense mission - no, not timed.
You have to defend the cannon against all enemies - Demons, Orcs, Rahandir's Undead...
At the same time, you have the cannon and can use it against your enemies - takes a long time to use, though!
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Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Chapter Eleven - The Desire
You wanna punch Renald van Durce in the face? Well, here you go!
Keep in mind that the Golden Guard still has massive numbers - you people underestimated their
numbers severly when discussing their fate here!
In addition, they are working on portals to teleport forces directy from the other continent to Arkain.
Also, van Durce himself will be even more powerful in this mission than he was in Chapter Nine.
Your goal will be to take the cannon and slaughter van Durce, obviously.
If you made a right choice long, long ago, you might get help from an old friend.
If you made a wrong choice not too long ago, you might face your worst nightmare.

Wait... so the Golden Guard that is forced to stay on the continent and separated themselves from the Empire will somehow get reinforcements from another continent?

I am betting that the choice was to either attack or not the Dark Elves...

Chapter Twelve - The Slaughter
This is a big defense mission - no, not timed.
You have to defend the cannon against all enemies - Demons, Orcs, Rahandir's Undead...
At the same time, you have the cannon and can use it against your enemies - takes a long time to use, though!

So it will be like the final mission in Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty... we have to hold our ground against a larger force and while having a powerful weapon.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
You forgot Marin and the Holy Bastion already?
Your memory is reaching a terrible state.

There are two mounted guys next to van Durce. One is the Bastion, so the other is Marin?

And who is the paladin?

Golden guard don't deserve to be remembered.


They will only be remembered as stepping stones for Gardon's ascension!
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
@Shar Dundred

I was refering to the KNIGHT near the pony rider that cracks skulls with the mace.Seems like he is the engineer,I assumed that he would not be in the front lines.
THE DISMOUNTED paladin Shar.

Edit:The cute sack of roting meat is back YaY!