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Round Table of Arkain

Level 8
Apr 22, 2015
I've played trough your campaign and is fabulous .You created more units on human empire,the orcs have 2 Grunt type with sword and axe,your campaign has progressed more from the first book.
I also give a god point to the difficulty ,being very hard it completes the story of Arkain.
Lord Inquisitor and the other lords from the kingdom of Lore will be playable?
This is the part when Blen Allies with Genethas,have you made the part with Gardon?
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
I just replayed the demo version of the second book and I thought of this: in the second mission why not make an optional quest the eradication of the murlocs? They had already proven to be a nuisance, so why shouldn´t Gardon decide to end the threat once and for all? Sparing them could later bite him in the ass.
Level 5
Jul 8, 2013
FINALLY!!Shar has come back to THE HIVE!!!


Just downloaded and im gona test the 2nd book! Hope you finish it and I wish u all the best...

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I just replayed the demo version of the second book and I thought of this: in the second mission why not make an optional quest the eradication of the murlocs? They had already proven to be a nuisance, so why shouldn´t Gardon decide to end the threat once and for all? Sparing them could later bite him in the ass.

The Murlocs can only be annoying if guided by more intelligent beings like the Orcs. Without them, they'd have no urge to leave their homes (actually, they're just defending thsemselves in Chapters One and Two, even though they're not unprepared).

@Theoden: Thanks, Knight of Kome. ;)
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
The uprising mentioned at the end of chapter 2 reminds me of the uprising Krom created within the mine during the first Aridon book

Could be, you make a good point actually, but Krom's uprising happened before the Orcs and the Souleater Legion started their attack. Though this could be a possessed Sir Ross working for the undead.
I still, however, believe that this supposed rebellion is but a tactic for the Inquisitor to get rid of Gardon. Sending Gardon to another kingdom and then killing him, putting the blame on the supposed rebels. Kind of like what happened to Lerrig.
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Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Amazing!! I didnt skip the cinematics, it was very well made!!
It kind of creeps me out that Gardon's sword is obtained from Gardon's former master... could this "Master" be.... Lord Brian?..or... Ranthar Drakeskull? Because.. Ranthar in the first book said he is familiar with Gardon's name when Saphira mentioned Gardon...

Anyways.. cool.. but some suggestions...
If there are Zealots... where are the Myrimdons?
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Level 5
Jul 8, 2013
I played the demo and I have some points to mention.

1)It looks like the 2nd human book follows the story of Blev's support to Gardon.So we find these 2 allies along with the mage Harmonos and the other girl(which I forgot her name)

2)The arrival of the Lord Inqusitor-counsilor-High general whatever he is make him heel in our story and Gardon face cause he actually tears him down of power leaving him with his most loyal servant-allies to keep fighting.

3)As i noticed the Knights of KoMe are returning and i find Gardon investment to remake their army kinda usefull cause he will need one soon.

Finally i love the new units and models you have added Shar.

@kakuzu I do smell it :p !!!!!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
I just have to ask, will we be facing Lord Edourus the executioner in the human campaign? Man that guy just scares me...

Perhaps... ;)

1)It looks like the 2nd human book follows the story of Blev's support to Gardon.So we find these 2 allies along with the mage Harmonos and the other girl(which I forgot her name)

It actually depends on your own choice at the end of the First Book, the choice is imported from there. ;)

2)The arrival of the Lord Inqusitor-counsilor-High general whatever he is make him heel in our story and Gardon face cause he actually tears him down of power leaving him with his most loyal servant-allies to keep fighting.

Yes, he's an ass.

3)As i noticed the Knights of KoMe are returning and i find Gardon investment to remake their army kinda usefull cause he will need one soon.


Finally i love the new units and models you have added Shar.

Thank you. :)
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
I sure hope that Sir Edourous is the one who finally catches up with Genethas, if you know what I mean...

It would also be cool to have a mission where you have to do something, for instance to destroy a group of structure or find some artifact or something all the while being hunted by Sir Edourour, who for some reason either cannot be killed or ressurects pretty quickly...

Just imagine ur in a tunnel, looking for something, next thing you know this guy pops up and fucks your shit up, kinda like nemesis from Resident evil 3, but much more dedicated and evil

Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Will we see Lera, Salana's apprentice, in the Second Human Book if you spared her? It also sucks that Salomar died (at least that's what it looks like) if you didn't let Aedale consume the shards.

If Aedale consumed the Shard he would die again.Shar does not love the supportive characters he usullay kills them :p

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
@Verb8im: Who knows? ;)

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to bring some attention to something I've come across just mere hours ago.
The Hive user Flour aka YetAnotherYoutuber "YAY" has started a Let's Play of Legends of Arkain - The First Human Book some time ago. So far, he's finished four chapters. I've watched it and find it very well done. Some videos seem to have had a blackout or two, but nothing crucial (and nothing to blame him for).
He doesn't know that I'm posting these links here (he didn't ask me to, but I do it anyway. :p), but I thought some of you might be interested. Check it out and give it a try. ;)

Arkain Industries - we make the war possible and offer you a place in the first line!
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
@Verb8im: Who knows? ;)

Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to bring some attention to something I've come across just mere hours ago.
The Hive user Flour aka YetAnotherYoutuber "YAY" has started a Let's Play of Legends of Arkain - The First Human Book some time ago. So far, he's finished four chapters. I've watched it and find it very well done. Some videos seem to have had a blackout or two, but nothing crucial (and nothing to blame him for).
He doesn't know that I'm posting these links here (he didn't ask me to, but I do it anyway. :p), but I thought some of you might be interested. Check it out and give it a try. ;)

Arkain Industries - we make the war possible and offer you a place in the first line!

I've noticed this before, however whatever happened to the Harold guy completing the campaign? I was looking forward to seeing him complete the final mission of the human book...
Level 7
Jun 9, 2015
@Shar Dundred
Now he knows

He is Harald (it´s also his real name)
Yesterday I talked with him on teamspeak
He said he is on university and won´t be able to post as many videos as he used to

(he also talked about that in his recent video)
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Finished both mission in "hard", i manages to complete the Unfortunate Accident sidequest by killing my own men when we were near the base, and Lerrig... that goddam renegade is a leader!?!? GLAD that Gardonbkilled them! 2nd mission is awfully hard!! But managed to win... spammed Bowman and Greywolves with some catapults, never made an expansion...

Oh and.. Murloc Mammoths? They are nagas... so why not Murloc Mutants or Brutes?
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
Amazing!! I didnt skip the cinematics, it was very well made!!
It kind of creeps me out that Gardon's sword is obtained from Gardon's former master... could this "Master" be.... Lord Brian?..or... Ranthar Drakeskull? Because.. Ranthar in the first book said he is familiar with Gardon's name when Saphira mentioned Gardon...

I believe that Ranthar mentioned that he is familiar with someone who used the type of magic Gardon uses on his troops, suggesting that he isn't Gardon's former tutor, but rather that Lord Brian or someone else is.
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
I like how this book makes Gardon look more human, he now has all this shit to worry about, and basically the high lord asshole stripped him of all his elite privileges ...he has to rebuilt the ironfist from nothing... it makes it even more epic...
Level 8
Apr 22, 2015
The humans are making there plan to protect the kingdom of Kerel against the demons but they forget the orcish clans who resided there.
Can someone convince me how the orcs will leave their kingdom knowing about the Dark Legion invaded in Kingdom of Kerel.