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Poll: Techtree Contest

Who would participate in a "techtree object editor" contest.

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Level 14
Nov 25, 2004
The Hive Workshop


Techtree Contest

Contest Theme: Techtree

Each contestant must create their own unique techtree for a specific race.
A techtree consists of a complete set of buildings, heroes, items and units for an entire race.

Contest Rules And Conditions
  1. No map may violate any site rules.

  2. No imported content is allowed:
    • All icons and models must exist in war3.mpq/war3x.mpq/war3patch.mpq.

  3. All techtree editing must be done using World Editor's Object Editor and Advanced Gameplay Interface:
    • No GUI triggers or JASS scripts are permitted.

  4. One existing specific race must be chosen for editing:
    • Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead.

  5. Participants must download the (to be provided) template map, edit it and then resubmit it as their entry.

  6. Completed maps must be physically attached to this thread.

Prizes And Winnings
  • First Place: 40 Reputation points;
    a special award icon.
  • Second Place: 25 Reputation points.
  • Third Place: 15 Reputation points.
Each map must be complete and submited four weeks after the contest begins.
The contest shall begin on <XX Month 2007> and conclude on

<XX Month 2007 0:00 AM, GMT). >
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 8
Sep 15, 2006
I think this would be a really good idea to have the contest be to make an entirely new race, where you are allowed to use your own models/skins/icons (though they must be made by you, specially for this contest). You may not use one of the existing races, although making Blood Elf, Dwarf, Nerubian, etc. is acceptable. Naga and High Elf shoudn't be allowed because Blizzard has partially done them.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I think this would be a really good idea to have the contest be to make an entirely new race, where you are allowed to use your own models/skins/icons (though they must be made by you, specially for this contest). You may not use one of the existing races, although making Blood Elf, Dwarf, Nerubian, etc. is acceptable. Naga and High Elf shoudn't be allowed because Blizzard has partially done them.
Indeed, that was (more or less) Jacek's original idea:

Race design contest (theorycraft)

before I hijacked, pirated, and nerfed it into this techtree object editor idea. Sorry old friend.

The problem with just creating and/or importing a bunch of resources is that we already have a ton of model and icon contests: they're a dime a dozen.

My "techtree" contest concept will force participants to "think outside the box." So far, everyone that I have talked to thinks the idea is idiotic: (can we all say chicken sh*t)?

...meh if no one is interested in picking up 40 rep and an award icon, I'll just move this thread to the Unapproved Contests forum (sorta for the second time).
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Well I finds it interesting... though the question was never answeared, is it allowed to use other models / icons then some youself made?

And dunno If I got time for it, holiday coming... else I would like to take part. (I anyway have to create a tech tree for my champaign so making one to a contest and reusing in campaign wouold be the same...
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
I have a few questions/suggestions:
Does this mean we can only make the human race another human race, or can the human race turn into blood elves and such?
Also, imports should be allowed..
But I guess I'll join if more people do..
I want to do something creative...
... is it allowed to use other models / icons then some youself made?
Guys, read the post CAREFULLY and think about how it's supposed to work:
  • Any arena gladiator may modify any existing race.

  • [highlight]NO NO NO:[/code]

  • YES: All the work must be done using ONLY Blizzard's World Editor Object Editor.
I think that imports should be allowed. Reasons:
-there are no enough worker models
-probably there can be found enough buildings, but many because being neutral, have no animations
-dwarves have no melee unit (using the same models for the hero and a unit looks horrible)
-humans have no ranged unit (using bandit spearman is just lame)
-and other similar issues
-limited the amount of heroes (some units should be edited to add the glow)

However, we can limit the number of imports (by size or quantity).
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
This is part 1/2 of my submition, it includes 3 races altogether.

Tech Trees: LOCUST
Ground Units:

Cost: 50-100 R1, 0-25 R2
Picture Link:
Description: Grubs are the backbone of the Locust army, they are heavily armed and ready for combat. Drones come in many different categories, all of which have different abilities, armor, and weapons.
Abilities: Machine Gun Supremacy, Explosive Charge, Head Shot, Scavenge
Cost: 90 R1, 15 R2
Description: Snipers are anti-infantry units with an extremely long range.
Abilities: Head Shot
-Troika Gunners
Cost: 100 R1, 25 R2
Description: Troikas are brutal sidekicks when accompanied with other Locust units, and can be a very effective defensive unit.
Ability: Machine Gun Supremacy
Cost: 90 R1, 15 R2
Description: Grenadiers are equipped with effective gnasher shotguns and frag grenades.
Abilities: Frag Grenade
Cost: 50 R1, 0 R2
Description: Grubs are basic locust infantry, but can be enhanced by picking up weapons via corpses or the ground.
Abilities: Scavenge

Cost: 15 R1, 0 R2
Picture Link:
Description: Wretches are quick and inexpensive units which are most effective in large groups or masses.
Abilities: Lambent Wretches
-Produce Lambent Wretch (unit)

Boomers:Cost: 100-140 R1, 100-180 R2
Description: Boomers are large siege units, effective against vehicles and buildings.
Abilities: Charge
-Rocket Boomer
Cost: 140 R1, 100 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Rocket Boomers are equipped with heavy battery weapons, range and support enhance their ability in combat.
Abilities: Charge
-Siege Boomer
Cost: 100 R1, 180 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Siege Boomers are armed with a large rod-shaped bomb in which they can use to deal massive damage to an enemy vehicle or structures. But, once used the Siege Boomers are taken down with their bomb and are destroyed.
Abilities: Charge

Theron Guards:
Cost: 80 R1, 60 R2
Description: Theron Guards are an advanced string of drones, equipped with only the most advanced weaponry.
Abilities: Head Shot, Chainsaw Bayonet
-Theron Sentinel:
Cost: 90 R1, 35 R2
Description: Theron Sentinels are equipped with a heavy Lancer Assault Rifle. Lancer Assault Rifles (LAR) have a Chainsaw Bayonet attachment which is a brutal finisher for enemy units.

Cost: 250 R1, 100 R2
Description: Berserkers (female drones) are ill tempered monstrosities, which are deadly against most infantry and mechanical units.
Abilities: Rage

Cost: 175 R1, 120 R2
Description: These looming beasts disrupt enemy radio transmissions, disabling their mini-map, decreasing their unit accuracy, and disabling status information of all those who near. They can also summon Nemacysts to aid them in large battles.
Abilities: Disrupt Radio Transmissions, Summon Nemacyst

Cost: 380 R1, 150 R2
Description: Corpser’s are some of the largest and most powerful units commanded by the Locust army, they have a weak under belly, so when they take damage they cover their weak-spot with their many spider-like legs. They can also summon Wretches to defend them when they're under heavy fire.
Abilities: Summon Wretch

Cost: 430 R1, 250 R2
Cost Increment: 25 R1, 25 R2
Description: The most powerful war-weapon that can be commanded by the Locust Horde, these creatures have a ranged attack that can kill even the most disciplined and well-trained infantry units and well-built vehicles.
Abilities: Rampage, Emergence Hole Supremacy

Special Units:

Lambent Wretches:
Cost: 0 R1, 20 R2
Cost Increment: 5 R1, 0 R2
Description: Lambent Wretches are greatly upgraded Wretches, they explode on death and kill almost anything that gets in their way.
Abilities: Terminate

Nemacyst:Cost: 75 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Nemacysts explode on impact dealing massive damage to the targeted enemy unit, but can easily be stopped by automatic weaponry. You may enhance the Nemacysts’ abilities by accompanying them with a hidden seeder.
Abilities: Seeder Superiority, Nemacyst Explosion

Cost: 100 R1, 35 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These advanced flying creatures shadow and hover over the enemy, increasing the safety of your grubs at an exceptional rate. They are heavily armed and specialize at destroying enemy units that are in small, closed-in areas.
Abilities: Drone Supremacy

Air Units:

Cost: 100 R1, 35 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These flying creatures shadow and hover over the enemy, increasing the safety of your grubs at an exceptional rate. They are heavily armed and specialize at destroying enemy units that are in small, closed-in areas.
Abilities: Head Shot, Drone Supremacy


Kryll Spawn:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-3>
Cost: 75 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 32.5 R1, 7.5 R2
Description: Increases the number of Kryll spawned at dark fall.

Increased Locust Weaponry:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-3>
Cost: 50 R1, 25 R2
Cost Increment: 25 R1, 12.5 R2
Description: Increases the attack damage of ranged Locust units.

Increased Locust Armor:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-3>
Cost: 45 R1, 20 R2
Cost Increment: 20 R1, 6.25 R2
Description: Increases the armor of all Locust units.

Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 100 R1, 25 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Allows the production of the Berserker (Juggernaut) unit.

Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 125 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Mutates the basic Reavers into more powerful Rhinos.


Hollow Lair:
Cost: 300 R1, 100 R2
Cost Increment: 50 R1, 50 R2
Description: The Locust’s base structure, creates buildings within your taken territory or on building already constructed by the Locust arsenal.
Abilities: Construct, Building Supremacy
Sub-constructions:-Emergence Hole (building)
Cost: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
-Gun Nest (building)
Cost: 50, 10 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 5 R2
-Bunker (building)
Cost : 85 R1, 15 R2
Cost Increment: 15 R1, 5 R2
-Cavern (building)
Cost: 200 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: 100 R1, 25 R2
-Mound (building)
Cost: 80 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>

Emergence Hole:
Cost: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: The Locust’s basic infantry training building, these can spawn not only in friendly territory, but in enemy territory as well. They automatically spawn Drones and Wretches at an exceptional rate.
Abilities: Produce Unit, Re-eruption
Sub-abilities:-Produce Grub (unit)
-Produce Sniper (unit)
-Produce Grenadier (unit)
-Produce Troika Gunner (unit)
-Produce Wretch (unit)
-Produce Boomer (unit)
-Re-eruption (switch)

Gun Nest:
Cost: 50 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 5 R2
Description: These defensive structures can erupt from the ground for Drones of all kinds to use.
Abilities: Overheat
Sub-abilities:-Head Shot (passive)
-Bullet Time (passive)

Cost: 85 R1, 15 R2
Cost Increment: 15 R1, 5 R2
Description: Bunkers are the Locusts’ main defense building. They emerge out of dirt and ash, and become a metal barrier in which Locust troops may get inside and help defend and assault enemy and friendly bases.
Abilities: Garrison
-Head Shot (passive)
-Assassinate (sniper)
-Seeder Disrupt Radio Transmissions Supremacy
-Drone Supremacy
-Research Time Supremacy
-Bullet Time (passive)

Cost: 120 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 20 R1, 0 R2
Description: Tunnels increase your (R2) income by +15. If you reach the maximum level of tunnels for your Hollow Lair, all unit, upgrade, and building production times will be decreased by 20%.
Abilities: (R2) income increase, Training time decrease
Sub-abilities:-Income Increase +15
-Maximum Limit = Decreased Production Times

Cost: 200 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: 100 R1, 25 R2
Description: Caverns spawn the most dreaded of Locust creatures, including the Corpser and Brumak. Can also be used to allow the training of the almighty Berserker and increase Kryll Spawn rates.
Abilities: Unit Production, Upgrade Research
Sub-abilities:-Produce Berserker (unit)
-Produce Corpser (Unit)
-Produce Brumak (Unit)
-Kryll Spawn (Upgrade) <1-1>
-Berserker (Upgrade) <1-1>

Cost: 80 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Produces some useful special Locust units that can be used to carry out long and gruesome plans, as well as being a unit production center, it also researches powerful upgrades that can enhance Locust’ units effectiveness in battle.
Abilities: Upgrade Research
-Research Increased Locust Weaponry (Upgrade) <1-3>
-Research Increased Locust Armor (Upgrade) <1-3>
-Produce Reaver (unit)
-Produce Rhino (unit)

Super Weapons:

Locust Emergence
Cost: 0 R1, 500 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 100 R2
Cooldown: 420 (7 minutes)
Description: Once initiated, an army of loyal Locust soldiers will emerge from the ground to serve you. Emerges an army of Locust in a targeted area.

Ground Units:

Cost: 100-250 R1, 35-180 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: GEARS are heavy infantry units that can easily use team combat to their advantage. The x# is how many units are in each squad.
Abilities: Chainsaw Bayonet, Head Shot, Revolver, Frag Grenades
-Light Infantry (x3)
Cost: 100 R1, 35 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Light Infantry are the general GEAR trooper, they carry heavy weaponry and light armor to enhance speed.
Abilities: Chainsaw Bayonet, Revolver
-Sniper (x1)
Cost: 100 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Snipers are master-marksmen, equipped with steer-accuracy pulse rifles that auto-prepare them for even the most well-armored soldier.
Abilities: Head Shot, Revolver
-Veteran (x3)
Cost: 250 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Veteran GEARS are the most disciplined and well-known soldiers. They are experts in every fashion, and can easily turn the tides of battle.
Abilities: Chainsaw Bayonet, Revolver
-Grenadier (x3)
Cost: 100 R1, 100 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Grenadiers are equipped with heavy explosives and a shotgun. They’re guaranteed to pack a heavy punch.
Abilities: Revolver, Frag Grenade
-Hammer Infantry (x1)
Cost: 200 R1, 180 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Armed with the hammer of dawn, Hammer Infantry have the most powerful weapon known to man. Because of the heavy weaponry, the Hammer Infantry are forced to wear lighter armor to allow them to move quickly and take cover normally.

Cost: 120 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Officers are support infantry, armed with a Snub Pistol and a Revolver. They can also call in Raven Strikes at a targeted location.
Abilities: Raven Strike, Revolver

Cost: 250 R1, 130 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These APCs (Armored Personnel Carriers) are equipped with a small gun nest and can carry troops from and to battle.
Abilities: Overheat, Transport

Air Units:

Assault Raven:
Cost: 190 R1, 100 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Assault Ravens are heavy flying assault vehicles or choppers. They have a Gun Nest inside in which they can pick off enemy infantry for safe passages.

Transport Raven:
Cost: 170 R1, 90 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Transport Ravens can carry up to eight soldier to and from battle.

Command Raven:
Cost: 140 R1, 80 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Command Ravens are used to scout out enemy bases and can strengthen radio signals in a nearby area.

Cost: 190 R1, 100 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These Standard Ravens can be filled with COG troops that can fire out of the sides for cover, and can have combo bonuses for extra damage and special abilities.
Abilities: Head Shot, Revolver, Frag Grenade, Garrison

Jack Robotic Engineer:
Cost: 50 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These Jack Robot Engineers (Jack of all trades bot) can repair building prepared at and from the COG Command Center.


Advanced Infantry Weaponry
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 90 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the attack damage of all infantry units.

Advanced Raven Weaponry
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 120 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the attack damage of all Raven models.

Advanced Infantry Armor
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 80 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Improves the armor and increases the health points of all infantry units.

Advanced Raven Armor
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 110 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Improves the armor and increases the health points of all Raven models.

Advanced Movement Mechanics
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 130 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the speed of all vehicles.

Advanced Unit Production
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 110 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Decreases production times for all units.

Advanced Building Techniques
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 120 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the armor, and health points of all buildings. Also decreases their production times.

Advanced Building Defenses
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 95 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the attack damage of all defensive structures.


COG Command Center:
Cost: 500 R1, 300 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These behemoths are the base of command for the COG, it comes with several operational Gun Nests for protection, as well as a large granite floor to avoid an inner Emergence Hole invasion.
Abilities: Produce Unit, Overheat x4, Research Upgrade
Sub-abilities:-Produce JACK engineering robot
-Overheat (cannon 1)
-Overheat (cannon 2)
-Overheat (cannon 3)
-Overheat (cannon 4)
-Research Advanced Unit Production
-Research Advanced Building Techniques
-Research Advanced Building Defenses

Cost: 130 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: The Barracks trains all COG infantry units, and researches upgrades to enhance their combat ability.
Abilities: Produce Unit
-Produce Light Infantry
-Produce Sniper
-Produce Veteran
-Produce Grenadier
-Produce Hammer Infantry
-Produce Officer

Cost: 90 R1, 20 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These factories produce Buggies which are heavy anti-infantry vehicles, they also research powerful upgrades that can enhance the strength and combat effectiveness of vehicles and structures.
Abilities: Produce Unit, Research Upgrades
-Produce Buggy
-Research Advanced Movement Mechanics

Cost: 200 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Heliports produce heavily armed flying machines.
Abilities: Produce Unit, Research Upgrades
-Produce Raven
-Produce Assault Raven
-Produce Transport Raven
-Produce Command Raven
-Research Advanced Raven Weaponry
-Research Advanced Raven Armor

Gun Nest:
Cost: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Gun Nests are heavy anti-infantry and anti-air cannons.

Mine: (All races have this unit)
Cost: 90 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Mines can be built on Imulsion deposits so that the resources within may be harvested.

Super Weapons:

Particle Beam
Cost: 500 R1, 500 R2
Cost Increment: 100 R1, 100 R2
Cooldown: 360 (6 minutes)
Description: Once fired from the Particle Cannon, the Particle cannon has more power then a nuclear bomb. Destroys anything in a circular movement around the targeted location.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
This is part 2/2 of my submition.

GoW: After Emergence Day

Ground Units:
Cost: 20 R1, 5 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Factorymen are well-equipped soldiers that have lights and other tools that are useful for safe passage.
Abilities: Head Light, Grappling Hook, Scavenge, Construct
Sub-abilities:-Grapple (building)
-Kryll Shield (charged)
-Battery Charge (charger)
Sub-construct:-Ammunitions Post (building)
Cost: 50 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
-Radar (building)
Cost: 35 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 5 R2

Cost: 20-45 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These light infantry units are what the stranded need to defend themselves from intruders, and assault enemy bases when necessary.
Abilities: Scavenge, Pillage
-Recycle (vehicle)
-Loot (unit)
Cost: 45 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Snipers are long-range marauders who have increased damage on elevated areas.

Cost: 70 R1, 10-25 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These are heavy units that have a devastating range, which, when entered, kills any unlucky infantryman who doesn't immediately take cover.
Abilities: Head Shot
Sub-upgrades:-Extra Ammo
Cost: 0 R1, 25 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: A small improvement on the normal gunner, the extra ammunition helps in dire situations.

Cost: 225 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Equipped with the UV cannon whose main purpose is to terminate Kryll, this vehicle is also used for scout missions and sieges.
Abilities: Overheat, Spot Light
Sub-abilities:-Fuel (vehicle)
-Kryll Shield (charged)
-Bullet Time (passive)
-Battery Charge (charger)
-UV cannon (charged)

Engineering Junker:
Cost: 150 R1, 50 R2
Cost Increment: 25 R1, 0 R2
Description: These Junkers don’t have the UV turret, but they have propane tank storage, in which they may create light, fuel other vehicles, and not run out of fuel themselves.

Cost: 10 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Engineers may create structures in any surface, water, ground, or on neutral or ruined buildings.
Abilities: Construct, Repair
Sub-constructions:-Ammunitions Post (building)
Cost: 50 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
-Radar (building)
Cost: 35 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 5 R2
-Section Hut (building)
Cost: 75 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 5 R1, 0 R2
-Gun Nest (building/add-on)
Cost: 45 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
-Wall section (building)
Cost: 30 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
-Gas Station (add-on)
Cost: 120 R1, 30 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 25 R2
-Fuel Pump (add-on)
Cost: 35 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 2.5 R2
-Safe House (building)
Cost: 300 R1, 120 R2
Cost Increment: <None>

Special Units:

Cost: 10 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Driver’s are required to operate a vehicle, but they can also commandeer empty vehicles.

Cost: 10 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These special units are unequipped, unarmored, but have a speed advantage over other units. They may, however, pick up a weapon on the ground or one from a dead or injured unit.
Abilities: Scavenge

Cost 10 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Gatekeepers can open gates and order barricades to be built when they are under heavy bombardment, they also make codes for idle gates so that friendly soldier can get in when there is no gatekeeper.

Air Units:

Cost: 50 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These flying robots can claim lost resources from dead ground units, and abandoned and destroyed vehicles.
Abilities: Salvage
-Loot (unit, improved)
-Recycle (vehicle, improved)


Improved Walls:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-2>
Cost: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 50 R1, 0 R2
Description: Increases the health of all walls, and decreases the production time of add-ons.

Improved Engineering Tools:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Improves engineers’ tools so that all buildings’ and add-ons’ production times are reduced.

Improved Weaponry:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 120 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the damage of all Stranded units.

Improved Gun Nests:

Number of Research (NoR): <1-2>
Cost: 100 R1, 15 R2
Cost Increment: 50 R1, 10 R2
Description: Increases the accuracy of Gun Nests and decreases their production times as well.

Improved Footwear:
Number of Research (NoR): <1-1>
Cost: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Increases the speed of all non-vehicle ground units.


Safe House:
Cost: 300 R1, 120 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: This structure acts as the center of command for the Stranded forces, it also trains engineers and salvagers to build structures and loot corpses and ruins.
Abilities: Produce Unit
-Produce Engineer
-Produce Salvager
-Produce Gatekeeper
-Produce Driver
-Produce Scout
-Produce Marauder
-Produce Sniper
-Produce Factoryman
-Produce Gunner
-Research Improved Gun Nests
-Research Improved Walls

Ammunitions Post:
Cost: 50 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: Ammunitions Posts act as checkpoints for your troops, they provide ammo and extra armor to those who enter when the engineers or factorymen are prepared.

Cost: 35 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 5 R2
Description: Radars strengthen the radio transmissions so it is harder to take them out. This only works with the nearby area, you have to build multiple radars to cover multiple areas.

Section Hut:
Cost: 75 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 5 R1, 0 R2
Description: Section Huts work as multiple structures, they are barracks’ for unit production, as well as research buildings for upgrades.
Abilities: <None>
-Research Improved Footwear
-Research Improved Weaponry

Gun Nest:
Cost: 45 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These turrets can be built on the ground for a solid defense, or on top of walls and neutral buildings for a damage bonus.

Wall Section:
Cost: 30 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: <None>
Description: These structures block off enemy movement, make way for gates and gatekeepers, and allow for a solid defense against enemy attacks.

Gas Station:
Cost: 120 R1, 30 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 25 R2
Description: These mammoth-structures offer various contributions and can do many tasks. Though highly flammable, the Gas Station can create vehicles and research upgrades to help your cause. It can also refuel friendly vehicles.
Abilities: Refuel, Produce Unit
-Produce Junker
-Produce Engineering Junker
-Research Improved Engineering Tools
-Research Improved Gun Nests

Fuel Pump:
Cost: 35 R1, 10 R2
Cost Increment: 0 R1, 2.5 R2

Super Weapons:

Last Stand:
Cost: 500 R1, 0 R2
Cost Increment: 100 R1, 0 R2
Cool down: 300 Seconds (5 minutes)
Description: Once initiated, all Stranded know to fight for their lives, to save what's left. Arms all civilians with heavy weaponry.

Locust: The evil monsters that emerge from the ground causing chaos and mayhem.
COG: The coalition of ordered governments are what’s left of the civilized humans on Sera.
Stranded: Sera’s renegade civilians, living in ruins, and fighting off the massive hordes of Locust.

Tech Tree (Example):
Ground Units (Example #1):
Soldier: (This is the name of the unit)
Cost: (How many types of resources are required for this unit are stated here, as well as how much resource is required to train this unit)
Picture Link: (This is for websites)
Description: (Describes the unit, usually including a relative in the Blizzard RTS genre)
Abilities: (This is the unit’s special ability(abilities))

Race Completion Percentages:
Locust: 100%
COG: 100%
Stranded: 100%

Overall Progress:
3/100%/Stage 5 (Completed)

Stages: (Races)
Stage 1: 1-2 sections completed
Stage 2: 2-3 sections completed
Stage 3: 3-4 sections completed
Stage 4: 4-5 sections completed
Stage 5: 5-5 sections completed (full completion)

Stages: (Development)
Stage 1: 0-1 races completed
Stage 2: 1-1.25 races completed
Stage 3: 1-2 races completed
Stage 4: 1-2.50 races completed
Stage 5: 1-3 races completed (full completion)

R1: Credits/Income
R2: Imulsion/Income
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Contest Rules And Conditions
  1. No map may violate any site rules.

  2. No imported content is allowed:
    • All icons and models must exist in war3.mpq/war3x.mpq/war3patch.mpq.

    [*]All techtree editing must be done using World Editor's Object Editor:

    • [*]No GUI triggers or JASS scripts are permitted.

    [*]One existing specific race must be chosen for editing:
    • Human, Orc, Night Elf or Undead.

  3. Completed maps must be physically attached to this thread.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
All right gang.

I have added a poll to this contest submission thread.

Please vote in the poll according to your interest level. I will monitor the thread for a week or so: if enough people show interest, the contest may then begin; if no one is interested, I'll kill it (again).
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Oh one question: Would it be allowed to allowed the race to build goldmines?

And realy what about a max of 3 models/skins to be importet and a max of one trigger to only one unit, ability or something, no more then that... Then it would still force creativity, but you would also be able to add a little more interresting futures to the race

Also I should be alloed to edit in advaced-Game Interface, because how many want there race to be names as Night Elves, Undead or so...
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Contest Rules And Guidelines

Oh one question: Would it be allowed to allowed the race to build goldmines?...
The answer to #1 is that gold mines are neutral; they are not part of any specific race and therefore could not be edited. However, contestants COULD edit their chosen peon (or whatever race) class units for gold and lumber gathering purposes.

what about a max of 3 models/skins to be importet and a max of one trigger to only one unit, ability or something, no more then that..
Imported files: No, NO NO and for the list time [highlight]NO![/code] This contest (if it ever takes place) is not about modeling, skinning or triggering.

[highlight]NO NO NO:[/code]
  • YES: All the work must be done using ONLY Blizzard's World Editor Object Editor.

Also I should be alloed to edit in advaced-Game Interface, because how many want there race to be names as Night Elves, Undead or so...
YES: I'll buy that idea: post edited.

Note: If this idea ever manages to get off the ground, a "template map" will be provided which contestants must download, edit and submit.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Note: If this idea ever manages to get off the ground, a "template map" will be provided which contestants must download, edit and submit.

Oh Damn... Then I have to wait before making it....
The goldmine idea I skipped almost after I wrote it, course that would inbalance game.

Okay I accpets that No models is alloed, but makes it realy hard to variate builder/workers (Though using Night Elves you dont see them build...)

I realy hope this gains accepetet soon...
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Actually, building special goldmines by the cost lumber would add a little twist to gameplay... but whatever ^^
I want in, and Ive already gotten an idea for an alternative UD race :)...
there is one thing I dont understand still: Should we just edit one race (So, for example, humans become Harpies), or should we costum unit all of 'em, and make a whole new race, leaving the original units untuched?
ps: can we use WEU, or any other modified Editor, or just the old classic?
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
[OLDMAN]Ya know, in the old days (starcraft), we didn't have any of 'em imports. We hadta make do with the units we got, and we still popped out them races.[/OLDMAN]

Of course, in that time, we had triggers, but with the object editor much more complex, people can still pull it off.
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
[OLDMAN]Ya know, in the old days (starcraft), we didn't have any of 'em imports. We hadta make do with the units we got, and we still popped out them races.[/OLDMAN]

Of course, in that time, we had triggers, but with the object editor much more complex, people can still pull it off.

Oh really? Upload a map with a new starcraft race plpease, no imports allowed. And actually, there was a way to import, I never learned how. But yeah, you could create your own unit graphics and yeah... there was a place with a tut about it.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
So far six brave gladiators have agreed to participate:
Chaos Overlord, DarkTrojan, matyko, MySpaceBarBroke, RED BARON, Scyth-Master
As soon as lucky number seven signs up, the contest will begin within one week thereafter.

Two users seem not to understand the rules, so basically:
  1. Participants must edit the map which I shall provide.
  2. Only Object Editor work is allowed: no GUI or JASS spells.
  3. No imports of any kind are allowed.
That's a mod. I'm talking about maps, chaos. In starcraft maps, the only thing you can import is music, sounds, etc.

Without modding you could not add new races in starcraft. The only thing you could do was to remove avalaibility of some units/buildings and changing only a few stats (damage/hitpoints). Starcraft 'object editor' was even less powerful than that for warcraft 2.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I meant some UMS maps, take, for example, the map SC2. Not necessarily creating a fully functional race, but creating three interesting systems to create an army.
Level 9
Aug 13, 2007
If I can free enough time i will give it a spin aswell.

i am not allowed to make a custom race? eg gnols or something alike. if do they need to be melee compatible? if so i will not participate

hmm i dont think i have enough time terrainignt takes too much
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
But should we edit a race, or make a new ones with custon units?
You could either / or:
  • Modify an existing race (using the Object Editor only, of course).

  • Copy and paste all of the units from an existing race (Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf) into the custom units folder and work with them there.


i am not allowed to make a custom race? eg gnols or something alike. if do they need to be melee compatible? if so i will not participate
Yes you could name your race "Gnolls" (or anything else) as long as all work is done within the World Editor's Object Editor.
  • We now have seven possible participants: expect that this contest will begin within one week: I will be the host.
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Level 4
May 27, 2005
I'd love to do it, but only if I could import models and skins that I didn't make. If you have to use models you made, it would really screw all us over that don't have an older version of 3dsmax or photoshop.
Level 4
May 27, 2005
i dont know. this contest would be great, but only if someone else would adjust the rules.

like i said earlier though, im in as long as the rule is changed to allow custom icons and models (even if we didn't make them) as long as we give credit to the authors.
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Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Ok, I'm finally lost. Do you want us to take one of the four races and turn it into an entirely different race, or do you just want us just to make new units, buildings, and a tech tree for it?
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