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Pokemon RPG

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Level 17
Jun 9, 2007

100KB = unzipped files (with description and etc)

--- 97KB = Model + Texture
------ 43.8KB = Texture
------ 53.2KB = Model
--------- 16KB = Model filesize in hard disk when imported to the map
------------ 0KB = Model filesize after the user is pissed off and deleted it.

No one will ever reach 0KB. They are just to awesome!
BTW, from now on im supporting this project by having it in my sig :-]
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
No one will ever reach 0KB. They are just to awesome!
BTW, from now on im supporting this project by having it in my sig :-]

Great! Soon we will succeed our plan by taking over THW!

uuh, i mean.... Good that you support us, bro.

Now to some very important and pretty bad stuff...

I have lost my interest for Triggering. I find myself saying "i'll do the system upgrade later" many times now, and im afraid i won't be able to make more systems, as i just will keep saying "ill do it later"...

I am sorry to tell you this, guys, but i won't slow you down, by promising systems that may never be done. Maybe i will make systems later, but at the moment, i don't feel like making it. In fact, i don't feel llike making anything....

I still support you fully, but i might not be able to do anything else than promoting the map in signatures on various forums, ore mentioning them...

I am sorry. If you got something that doesn't involve triggering, i would ofcause see what i can do. But for now, no more triggering

Im sorry : (
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Ya, but would you like a map that has half of the terrain done, no trainers yet and a really buggy battle system?
LoS, too bad,, but you are not gonna leave the team! >=D,, even though you do not trigger anymore then, you still are helpfull and it just isnt the same anymore without you, without any of you guys actually,, you guys make the Pokemon RPG, not me,, im just doing some stuff,, but Pokémon RPG has becomen more to me than just a map, it is a friendship like i never had one before:cute:,,

cuz in real life i am SOOO popular =D

But i mean what i say, it isnt just a map anymore to me, it is more of a friendship with people,, i think i would be bored if we wouldnt make it, just becuz now we have somewhere to talk and just talk about our shared interests =D,,

Oh, and i am NOT GAY! >=[,, i just like you guys =P

That is all for now,,
oh no,, not,,

Since i dissapointed you all about the demo,, i will release a CLOSED demo to the team and people closely related to the project with just basic things,, no quests or anything yet, just grabbin a Pokémon and fight with it! >=D,, i know this sounds a little weak, but you will get a feeling of how it looks and feels,, i will finish the battle system as soon as possible and the EXP system also,, just for the early demo no catching,, only fighting,, i will update this demo once Catch system is done and eventually when Trainer system is done and when you can finaly have a nice Gym battle,,
After that, it shouldnt be too hard to get big progress and if will only take more time to convert things probably and add quests,, and of course Terrain,,
Since i got holidays,, i will work on it quite some time now =),, and i hope i wont disapoint you guys this time =(

That was all =)
Lord_of_sausage loves a juicy sausage! homo name²

Yixx i dont believe ya, ur totally homo! lol

about serious stuff
the demo can be like this:
- Only Bulbasaur available as choosing pokemon, no need of cinematics and stuff, it can be already there.
- Only a random weedle to fight
- If evolution is implemented, kakuna and beedrill can be on it... (?)
- If high grass are implemented, only a small region in which you can find weak shit

thats more than enough so we can know the map at its early stage

I give you some hours till the deadline. lol

EDIT: @varsaigen, BRING IT ON!!!
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Well, as i stated, no catch system yet,, so you only got 3 choices of Pkmn (that was already done), 1 cinematic (while choosing), and 4 Pkmns to battle, weedle, caterpie, rattata, and Pidgey,, that is all,,
Only i need to do some things with the attacks, like the advantages and disadvantages of attacks like 'growl' and 'leer' ,, they have to give a temporary advantage,, that would, i guess, mean that i should add an ability which adds/removes stats and set the lvl to 0 when battle ends,,
Later on this evening i will tell you how far i have comen,,

BTW: TDHX, dont worry,, work at your own speed,, if necesary i will just make sure the first region is somewhat 'nice' and so on,, so you dont have to hurry up to make sure it is done for this lil 'testing thing',, you know?

@LTGH: YAYE! ^^,, thanks!
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
catch system: Pokeball pulls pokemon inside and sits there, glowing red. :p player must click the pokeball. each click raises the chances of catching the pokemon by 1% from:
% levels
80%-- 1-15
70%-- 16-25
:3 Just a thought :p
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
It could be a nice addition, but first it is going have the normal Catch Rate calculation,, as stated here Catch rate - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia
Dont get confused by the 'p' and 'P' things, they are not needed, only for people who are really into catching a pokémon and wanting to know how much percent chance they have,, in short: For Nerds,,

Progress line: 1) The cinematic is fully upgraded now and i guess that is totaly not needed cuz it will be replaced with something else later but for now it is ok =P
2) ok,, bug fixed,, learned a lesson: Dont fuck with the Gameplay Constants unless you know what they mean =P,, the level of your first Pokémon kept on being 15, the highest,,
3) well, i did a few things in Object Editor:xxd:,, which wasnt that smart since TDHX is doing terrain now , so i can only script things,,

@ TDHX: If you havent started Terraining yet: Please stop for a while,,
So i can make the smallest demo, and then you can terrain that one,, if you have already started, nvm ;)
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
ok,, then,, can you first complete the area you have done (a long time ago) and the part around the hometown? Then you send it to me,, i make the lil demo,, and i send it again ;) ?,, can you do that?
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
nice formula Yixx, just be careful when you use their values otherwise we might have some op characters when they get put together



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Say 'ello to my little friend!

Asides from lulz quotes, I'll wait for the demo like a assassin that waits for his victim.

(I'll be here in Friday, Sunday, and the day before it, I don't remember the name lol...)

Anyway, I'm tired of making boring desert quests. I want to create something epic. Remember the castle city?

/me had an idea

Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
This guy has been PM'ing me and I'd simply ignore it. Then he started threatening me that if i wouldnt help him he wouldn't give me any of his pokemon models.
OMG what am I going to do without these awwwsom models!!!??

Waiit... wait...... waiiittt... Isnt it you that should threat him by not giving him your models? :O
He putted himself in a wierd position. I mean... you can do it 1000 times better with a much lower file size. :)
Level 15
Aug 18, 2007
no wayz

h3 |s liek 28391083190% bettar th3n u HippyCrockroach

Sorry about HippyCrockroach.... it was just too good to pass :p

Well, sometimes people are wierd...

Also, HFR: Waiting for demo as an assassin waits for his target? Cool, bet you have a laptop, as youre sitting on a roof xD

okay... really not very important message, let me make it more important...

Remmember, i haven't left the team! I simply just dont like to trigger more. Give me some tasks that does'nt invovle wc3... like.... a game... or something.... xD
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
I have a problem with the map....

It has not happened yet, but let me explain.

I use alot of doodads in this map. And right now im using a regular Editor. So far there are 2600 doodads being used. If i dont switch to an unlimited editor, i wont be able to continue terraining it ( it wont save )

so just a warning, everyone who has to edit this map is sooner or later going to have to get WEU or UMSWE.... otherwise you wont be able to save this map >.> ( once i reach 8200 doodads ...)
I use WEU too.
the only thing i hate in WEU is that they screwed up a couple of GUI actions...
like the passability check one
I use GUI before converting into JASS...



Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
everybody: Use JNGP!! It has UMSWE in it and JassHelper and PJass, and all cool stuff,, that way nobody will have any problems opening it! I also use JNGP for the vJass Syntax and it works great! =D

So: I recommend everybody to use JNGP instead of any other 3rd party tool, since it is the most complete one,, =P
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
everybody: Use JNGP!! It has UMSWE in it and JassHelper and PJass, and all cool stuff,, that way nobody will have any problems opening it! I also use JNGP for the vJass Syntax and it works great! =D

So: I recommend everybody to use JNGP instead of any other 3rd party tool, since it is the most complete one,, =P

Agree, World Editor Unlimited can sometimes corrupt maps without a single warning, happened for my brother and he didnt even entered the trigger editor! Better use JNGP (Jass NewGen Pack) insted since that have much more to offer, it is much more stable and it is much more safer to use.
OH NO!!!!! you can copy doodads and terrain by selecting them and them pasting somewhere else!!! why didnt you do that?

you couldve deleted all the triggers and just saved a terrain backup, so you do this:
Copying terrain:

1 - save as "backup"
2 - Terrain Layer
3 - Select all
4 - copy
5 - open the map with a proper editor
6 - Terrain Layer
7 - paste! (place it properly in view entire map)
8 - save

Copying doodads
1 - open the "backup"
2 - Doodad Layer
3 - Select all
4 - copy
5 - open the map with a proper editor
6 - Doodad Layer
7 - paste! (place them properly)
8 - save

tell me you didnt close the map!
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
i did

dont worry, i just have to do it over again, thats all

and either way if i copy and pasted, it wouldn't save the height change that i give the doodads ( which is what takes up my time ) so i woulda had to spend an hour on it anyway again . ill just re do it with NEW jen and see if it saves properly.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Yeah, i hope to see a demo comming soon, people might loose the hope otherwise.
Myself i wont leave before i see a demo, that would just be a waste of time and i know that this project will end up with something really big and awesome.
When im waiting for a project, i wont stop waiting until its done.
I have a few projects on different sites that i have been waiting a few years for now.
The Legend of Zelda: The Shadowgazer
Hyrule Online (Beta aswell as Final)
Super Smash Flash 2 (Final)
Wc3:WoW (Beta aswell as Final)
Diablo3Warcraft (Final)
Zeth's Twilight Retexture Pack (Final)
Pokemon RPG (Beta aswell as Final)
I check all these projects DAILY to see if something new is going on.
And i have been waiting for about a year or two for a several of them. x)



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008

Arriving at <castle> city, you encounters a large mob, trying to enter in an building. You ask to some random guy what's happening. The Mr. randomic guy says that these people are revolting against the Mayor, because there's a large group of <Evil team> guys trying to stole their pokemons, and the Mayor isn't doing anything. The army...ehhh group, will arrive at morning. You have until there to investigate and know more and prepare the defenses against the guys.

Quest: The Castle Siege

Objecives: GO! GO! GO!

The mob leaves, and now they'll gonna prepare the defenses against the "invasion". You go directly to an nearby forest, to search for "things". You encounters a old man (always the old mans...). He says that the people of the city must have caustion, because the evil team made an army of "robotic pokemons".

You, of course, don't believe in that old guy, and leaves. Walking deep at the forest, some lights on the far call your attention. Running like Jason was trying to kill you, you arrive at a mysterious laboratory, with the <evil team> sign in it. Entering in the building, you cross a huge corridor, full of <evil team> grunts (FOR THE HORDE!!! xD). Defeat all of they, and you encoumters... OH! IT'S TEH MAD ASSISSTANT!!! Boss Battle time!

Mad Assisstant calls out Gengar!

HFR calls out Cubone!

Gengar uses Shadow Ball!
it's not so effective...
Cubone uses Earthquake! (TMs FTW)
it's super effective!
Gengar is dead!

You win and...

To be continued...
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Anal, a Castle Defense? Sounds hard to make for Pokemon o_O. However, I like what I see so far (except Shadow Ball does normal damage to Cubone lol, prlly meaning it got pwned :p). Also, Gengar is a little op for so early lol, but could be awesome as a low level unit for a boss (if anyone reading this has played Pokemon Diamond or the likes, they'll know how hard it was beating, for example, a low level Skuntank [low level because it doesn't normally evolve then :p]).



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Lol, the battle was an example... And a good RPG must have at least one defense mission. It's so fun to defend a castle against evil guys...

ps: I'm still making th other parts, but... What do you think of evil robot pokemon as spawns?

And HC, stop saying that my quests are bad and fail! You make the models, I make the quests! You all can give suggestions, but flamming, no.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009


Evil robot pokemon... funny idea, but it gives me an idea also. A couple of ideas, actually. One is prlly not going to be done, because I personally think the second one is better, but here's the first one all the same. Instead of a chance to run into a Shiny Pokemon, you have a chance for an Evil Robot Pokemon. Like that idea? Wait till you hear this one. Porygon imitations of Pokemon. Only a few, but they could be in a certain area (yet to be specified). They would imitate certain pokemon and have a slightly different moveset (e.g. they would have the Conversion techniques and lose maybe a couple off the original pokemon in order to allow Zap Cannon or something like that :p). I personally like the second idea better, but the choice is community minded :D

If the Porygon imitations are go, here's the pokemon I think that should be imitated:
Nidoran (a new breed of Nidoran, neither male nor female, evolves to Nidogon and finally Nidogon 2 [prlly with Upgrade, which would be used as an ordinary stone :p])
And... other suggestions, plz :D
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