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Picture/Photo Thread

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My shoes.


And I don't like shoelaces, because they always find their way to untie themselves, no matter how I doubleknot, tripleknot etc. and no matter how tight I tie them.
My tattoo.


"This body holding me
Reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment
Remember we are eternal
All this pain is an illusion"
Why did you tatooed such an emo phrase on your skin? This is silly.
Pain is not an illusion lol, it's an information.
OMG why you did this?!
Is this?Is this your BACK omg you made huge silly tatoo on your back!
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
It's on the right side of my body, ony my ribs. And it's not emo at all. It's from the Tool song Parabola. It's very spiritual, and it isn't a temporary tattoo.

I can take another picture of it right now, the picture before was taken in terrible lighting... plus in my girlfriends gay pink room.
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
:sad: my cat dont know how to climb up trees:cry: he only climb walls:cry:

Spider Cat.

My epic studded shoes. I know they look ratty and torn up, but they are so comfortable, and also the coolest pair of shoes. I have a new pair of vans that will be used once this pair runs its course and becomes unwearable, then I'll take the studs out and transplant them to my other pair.


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