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Picture/Photo Thread

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Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Another pic, more girls:

I can go on all day, can you? :ogre_hurrhurr:

Also yes, I was drunk like a sponge drenched in alcohol.

I see that you Photoshop-ed Taylor Swift there!, it can't be more obvious than that. Nice PS skills though.

I can go on all day, can you?
That's what she said. (I couldn't help but make that joke)

Some of us aren't actually trying! :)P
Some of us seen a couple of girls, a couple of 1000 of times, some of us went on dates, and some of us did this and that. In which category are you? :D
So to not to sound like a Jerk, I am just admiring beauty, have a real life to think about!
A..date?.. Like.. go out?.. ALONE? with a.. GIRL?.. What's it like?? Please tell me! I can't believe all you guys have met real life girls, it's impossible for me to comprehend all this.. especially since I've been living under a rock and not had a life.. :/

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Omg that is you, looks like a familiar face! Should I carry on with resemblances? Not me but a friend.

Edit: Also DON, I sugest to...


Some of us aren't actually trying! :)P
Some of us seen a couple of girls, a couple of 1000 of times, some of us went on dates, and some of us did this and that. In which category are you? :D
So to not to sound like a Jerk, I am just admiring beauty, have a real life to think about!

Well said toby, sorta xD. Though I do agree, making a complement does not necessarily imply ulterior motives.

EDIT: LOL that picture wasn't there when I was writing xD. And yeah, this is the only contemporary picture of me in existence and it's a makeshift one xD. At least I can take decent selfies without a mirror :p
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
I don't know about that, could be, or could be something else. The first thing that catches me wash your face and your smile. Or it could be the fact you are naturally pretty in that picture.

Speaking of losing weight, I don't know how most of you people can change so fast. I know people that looked like they got "out of a canon", really amazing! How to gain weight anyhow, I am trying for years and not much results. I burn insane amount of calories so I never change no matter what T_T, hence my Nick "Tobyfat".

To be honest I like girls with meat on, I have a strange attraction, maybe I am hungry. Maybe I want what I lack :p (Chicken fries)~ Doesn't really matter how they look, they can have other beauty points, every girl has its beauty.

Miss enjoy you are fine and pretty and you got prettier but don't forget there is room for "even better". Become even more prettier! :) (Take it like from a girl to girl who wants to be better (me))!
Level 23
May 19, 2008

Thanks. :) Well I gained weight after I was put on antidepressants. Before that, it was pretty much impossible for me to gain weight. But I gained 40 kg, in 4 years. It's a really common sideeffect, but I was not told about it by the doctor.
But I was underweight when I started on antidepressants, which was 5 years ago or so. When I stopped on them, I went on a diet and started exercising, and lost 27 kg in about a year, I'd still like to lose about 5kg though :) But there is a limit to how pretty someone can get. Unless, plastic surgery. But I guess I am quite happy with what I got. :)
Besides, I would rather try focusing on my personality than my looks. :p
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011

There is no limit in improvement but Plastic surgery, that's a bit overdoing it and doesn't seem ok with me, focusing on your personality, that is great! :)
I guess I am not satisfied with myself so I started Working out my body that I realized I neglected for years. I am trying to gain weight and put muscle but it's serious hell for someone like me however I am motivated and I think I will see this through. I am doing this to prove to myself that I can do more.
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Seems like useful information. Just on time tomorrow I am starting a session thanks!
Did you know about that before? I am actually doing few reps with heavy weights, few because I am lazy :p



A..date?.. Like.. go out?.. ALONE? with a.. GIRL?.. What's it like?? Please tell me! I can't believe all you guys have met real life girls, it's impossible for me to comprehend all this.. especially since I've been living under a rock and not had a life.. :/
I will laugh at your joke! You are joking i hope? ;_;
To be honest my last date was terrible, nothing good came out of it and My latest date didn't show up on the date T_T. It's nothing extraordinary to go out with girls, what's important is to make it last, what would be amazing is to find real love! Just give it a try, it won't kill you!!! :thumbs_up:
As long as you are not "stuck on that chair" nothing is impossible!
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Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Honestly I'm more concerned about you putting your dirty shoes on a shop's window. :p

I was just about to say the same.
That and also WHY the frick are you so young -Grendel?. Shouldn't you be like, much older.
To be honest my last date was terrible, nothing good came out of it and My latest date didn't show up on the date T_T. It's nothing extraordinary to go out with girls, what's important is to make it last, what would be amazing is to find real love! Just give it a try, it won't kill you!!! :thumbs_up:
As long as you are not "stuck on that chair" nothing is impossible!
I appreciate your concern, good sir!. Though I was being verily sarcastic, I believe all of us have been in relationships, of all kinds. It's not really much of a miracle, I simply like to joke about it. It's fun on the internet :)
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Since MiniMage pointed out that all the talk is offtopic, here's a mandatory selfie of sorts. This is after an intense exam and I had to take a pic to see if I looked as terrible as I mentally felt. To my surprise I didn't, I think.
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
You look tired, what happened to you?
Since MiniMage pointed out that all the talk is offtopic, here's a mandatory selfie of sorts. This is after an intense exam and I had to take a pic to see if I looked as terrible as I mentally felt. To my surprise I didn't, I think.
Ok I knew you were joking. I was concerned if you weren't. Friends now?! :D

Since I sinned the sin of talking instead of posting which everybody does I will impress with my first homemade bread. Consistency of rocks!

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Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
@Toby: I never assumed we're enemies in the first place :p
Also of your plan was to make rocks that appear as bread, you did a fine job!
@linaze: those are some impressive under eye shadows, I thought I had it bad. Seriously get sleep on regular basis.
@Heinvers: where's the mandatory pic man? This is a serious off topic thread. :p
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
...feast of?


That picture is too big! ^_^ Edit: for this thread.

Here is my yard, moved far away from the city, relaxing it here and doing training. Might be gross to show off my chest now but I will, at one point. :p Have some nice bars I can play with here, Oh Joy! :D
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Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

...feast of?


That picture is too big! ^_^ Edit: for this thread.

Here is my yard, moved far away from the city, relaxing it here and doing training. Might be gross to show off my chest now but I will, at one point. :p Have some nice bars I can play with here, Oh Joy! :D

Toby, is that a chicken? Can I have some eggs?
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Yes I have chickens lol! At the moment I do not plan to raise them, my grandmother is doing that. Maybe at a really old age I'll raise a couple of chickens? In this point in time I have too many plans to raise animals, I don't even have time for my cats and dogs. Perhaps when I return from my business life and retire I will build a Pyramid shaped house here :D

Sending a virtual egg to Don!

Deleted member 212788


Deleted member 212788

Thanks for the egg, I'm gonna go make an omelet :D. In all seriousness thought, having an animal close can be stress-relieving since they are very subtle yet nice company.
Level 16
Sep 19, 2011
Especially when there are lots of them and you trip on a few when you open the door. More of a hassle when they want food all the time. Miew miew, Ham ham all the time! Got work to do, they are at my feet looking at me with dem bedroom eyes!

This is my new self again, I had plastic surgery! Or maybe I have the ability to naturally be beautiful?! :3

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Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
So, I went on a hike.

And it was supposed to be a quick half and hour there and half an hour back.
Instead we turned it into a six hour hike, mixing in some mountain-climbing
to reach another destination. Of which we were both pretty certain very few
had visited before us as well as being pretty certain we wouldn't make it.
- We did.

Thought I'd share some of the beautiful pictures I took.


  • 1.jpg
    590.5 KB · Views: 138
  • 3.jpg
    679 KB · Views: 145
  • 6.jpg
    661.6 KB · Views: 169
  • 10.jpg
    781.5 KB · Views: 123
  • 11.jpg
    722.1 KB · Views: 140
  • 14.jpg
    618 KB · Views: 116
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
So, I went on a hike.

And it was supposed to be a quick half and hour there and half an hour back.
Instead we turned it into a six hour hike, mixing in some mountain-climbing
to reach another destination. Of which we were both pretty certain very few
had visited before us as well as being pretty certain we wouldn't make it.
- We did.

Thought I'd share some of the beautiful pictures I took.





So, I went on a hike.

And it was supposed to be a quick half and hour there and half an hour back.
Instead we turned it into a six hour hike, mixing in some mountain-climbing
to reach another destination. Of which we were both pretty certain very few
had visited before us as well as being pretty certain we wouldn't make it.
- We did.

Thought I'd share some of the beautiful pictures I took.

Such a magnificent terrain shot you got there, I wish you can be a Terrain photographer, It's really a great photograph ^^ Great job Keiji!
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