• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006

Warcraft 3 players rejoice! The wait is over! Patch 1.35 has finally been released and it is packed with exciting new features and improvements!

This patch includes some long-awaited features such as Custom Campaigns, Map Pool updates, Leaderboard fixes, Season Roll updates, and a major balance update. This patch is going to be a big deal for the Warcraft 3 community as it brings back fan-favorite features as well as opens up new possibilities for players and modders to push the boundaries of what is possible in the game. One of the most notable additions in this patch is the reintroduction of custom campaigns, which allows players to create their own unique scenarios and story-lines. This feature was highly requested by the community and its return is sure to be a hit among map creators.

But that's not all, the patch also includes various bug fixes, balance changes and performance improvements that will make the game smoother and more enjoyable for many players. Overall, patch 1.35 is a significant step towards restoring Warcraft 3 and it's exciting to see the game continue to be supported and developed even after all these years. Players are encouraged to download the patch and start exploring the new features and improvements for themselves. Please post your feedback and experience with the latest update. Let the development team know that we are watching closely. See the list of some of the Known Issues at the bottom of this page, and report any other you find.

Finally, the patch includes a number of bug fixes, addressing long-standing issues that have been plaguing the game for years. This includes fixes for crashes, desyncs, and other technical problems that have been affecting players and map makers.

While far from perfect (considering patch 1.33 and 1.34) the release of patch 1.35 is a promising sign that Warcraft III has not been forgotten by Blizzard Entertainment and that the company is still committed to supporting the game. This is great news for the dedicated community of players who have stuck with the game through the years and will give new hope that the game will continue to be supported in the future. Patch 1.35 is a major update that will bring a renewed sense of excitement to the Warcraft III community.

If you're a map creator who has been away from the game for a while, now is the perfect time to get back into it. The release of patch 1.35 has breathed new life into the game and has opened up new opportunities for map creators to showcase their work. So dust off your World Editor, start creating and be a part of the Warcraft III community once again.

Overall, the release of patch 1.35 is great news for map creators, and it gives them the motivation they need to start creating new campaigns and maps, and share them with the community - which are always looking for new and exciting maps and campaigns to play.

The Warcraft III community is eager to see what you can create, so don't miss this opportunity to show your skills and talents.

~ Archian, Site Director


Blizzard said:

Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes
Version 1.35.0 Build 19844
January 19, 2023​

Patch 1.35.0 features:
  • Custom Campaigns
  • Balance update
  • Map Pool updates
  • Leaderboard fixes
  • Season Roll updates
  • Additional improvements and bug fixes
Thank you to all community content creators for creating new maps and updating old maps!

Custom Campaigns​

Players can now download Custom Campaigns to play or create their own.

  • Some Custom Campaigns can be played using either Reforged or Classic art.
  • Reworked frontend menu. Campaigns are now located under the “Single Player” menu.
  • Custom campaigns now track the difficulty a mission was completed on.
  • “Load saved game” menu can now reload custom campaign save files.
  • Added informational prompt to show users where to install campaign files to.
  • Added “Is Cinematic” option to the campaign editor to change campaign buttons to use the camera thumbnail instead of difficulty progression.
  • Added campaign thumbnail preview support to Reforged.
  • Added ambient sound support to Reforged.
  • Added WebM support for campaign backgrounds. For legacy custom campaigns that previously used 3D backgrounds, a WebM can be used to replace that background in the WebUI.
  • Custom campaign list menu now auto-refreshes upon resuming game window focus.
  • Added support for custom movies in Warcraft III/Movies. This is file format dependent, a VP9 encoded AVI file, with an MP3 for audio in Warcraft III/Movies/Audio.
  • Added Friends presence support for Custom Campaigns.
  • Updated default campaign backgrounds to reforged style.
  • Added user presence for Custom Campaigns
  • Added rich/color formatted text support to custom campaign menus.

Ranked Play​

  • The Season will roll on January 19, 2023 when Patch 1.35.0 goes live. We initially plan for this season to last one year, but we may adjust the end date based on player feedback.
  • MMR for all races and modes will be reset during the season rollover.
  • Players will begin the new season with placement matches.
  • Updated the Map Pool in 1v1,2v2,4v4 and FFA.
  • Leaderboard caching has been updated to be more responsive.
  • The Leaderboard will now update correctly.


This balance update began with a wide range of changes the team wished to test – some more experimental than others. Our approach to this patch was to first take a look at various community feedback with the goal of diversifying strategy and reducing frustration. We then watched and read a community posts, and we played a great deal of multiplayer matches on the ladder with player feedback in mind. We then analyzed game data.

To find out what ultimately would work, we put many changes into a PTR build as early as possible, and then playtested and calibrated further.

Regarding the Siege Engine rework, we wished to experiment with giving the unit an alternative role other than merely killing buildings (in 1v1). Ultimately, it ended up overlapping too much with other Human units, and due to the loss of its Fortify armor, became less unique. We may revisit the Siege Engine at another time.

We want to thank all the community members who put their time and energy into providing feedback during the PTR. We read your online posts and watched your videos, and found it all very helpful.


  • All Altar Heroes gold cost were reduced from 425 to 400.
  • Revive Time Factor reduced from 0.65 to 0.6.
    • Now: 33s / 66s / 99s / 110s (was 36s / 72s / 107s / 110s)


  • Blacksmith lumber cost reduced from 60 to 40.
  • Peasant HP increased from 230 to 240.
  • Spellbreaker armor increased from 2 to 3.
  • Control Magic requirement changed from T2 to T3.
  • Siphon Mana Drain rate reduced from 15/30/45 to 15/25/40.
  • Polymorph cost reduced from 220 mana to 200 mana.
  • Mechanical Critter sight range increased from 350 to 500.
  • Siege Engine barrage damage increased from 14 to 16.
  • Siege Engine no longer decreases in unit level when getting the barrage upgrade.
  • Mass Teleport Cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Staff of Sanctuary cost reduced from 250 to 200.
  • Orb of Fire damage reduced from +7 to +5.
  • Orb of Fire cost reduced from 325 to 250.


  • Headhunter build time increased from 20 to 22 seconds.
  • Blademaster Mirror images now do 15% of the Blademaster’s base damage .
  • Blademaster Mirror images now give XP relative to their level (Lvl 1: 12xp / Lvl 2: 20xp / Lvl 3: 30xp / Lvl 4: 42xp / Lvl 5: 57xp / Lvl 6: 75xp).
  • Troll Batriders Liquid Fire no longer prevents repairs but now reduces the repair rate by 75% .
  • Endurance Aura movement speed bonus reduced from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
  • Stasis Trap activation delay reduced from 9 to 7 seconds.
  • Brute Strength bonus increased from 100 to 125 HP.
  • Bladestorm cooldown reduced from 180 to 120 seconds.
  • Great Hall build time reduced from 150 to 140 seconds.

Night Elf​

  • Tranquility cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Starfall cooldown reduced from 180 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Starfall mana cost reduced from 200 to 150 mana.
  • Entangle duration on units reduced from 9/18/30 to 9/17/25.
  • Thorn Aura increased from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.15/0.30/0.45.
  • Mountain Giants now start with +2 armor.
  • Harden Skin damage reduction reduced from 12 to 8.
  • Ultravision now requires tier 2.
  • Immolation mana drain reduced from 7 to 6.
  • Immolation damage interval reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Immolation damage was reduced from 10/15/20 to 8/12/180 (16/24/36 DPS).
  • Immolation mana cost reduced from 35 to 30 (Activision Cost: 20 Mana Required: 10).
  • Druid of the Talon Crow form now does piercing damage.
  • Druid of the Talon Crow Damage base damage reduced from 34 to 26.
  • Druid of the Talon crow form mana cost reduced from 50 to 25.
  • Druid of the Claw starting mana reduced from 125 to 100.


  • Anti-Magic Shield can now receive the same summon magic damage inflicted by dispel, purge, and abolish magic.
  • Unholy Aura movement speed bonus reduced from 0.1/0.175/0.25 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
  • Animated Dead corpses can now be killable and have diseased cloud if researched.
  • Death Knight’s animated dead corpses are no longer dispellable.
  • Disease cloud reduced from 90 to 75 seconds.
  • Obsidian Statue level increased from 2 to 3.
  • Obsidian Statue spirit touch mana restore reduced from 3 to 2.
  • Haunted Goldmine build time increased from 100 to 110 seconds.
  • Dark Ritual cooldown reduced from 25 to 20 seconds.
  • Dark Ritual mana return reduced from 33/66/100 to 33/55/80.


  • Wand of Illusion reduced from 3 to 2 charges.
  • Wand of Mana increases mana steal from 50 to 65.
  • Legion Doom-Horn movement speed bonus reduced from 0.075 to 0.05.
  • Ancient Janggo of Endurance speed bonus reduced from 0.075 to 0.05.

Bugfixes and Improvements​

  • Fixed an issue where early leavers could result in unprocessed matches.
  • Fixed an issue with models and textures not loading properly when switching between different custom maps, and graphics.
  • Added additional zoom levels (1750,2100,2250).
  • Fixed an issue where if you zoomed out too far on specific maps the player would lose visibility.
  • Can now view other players’ profiles from arranged match history.
  • Fixed an issue where quitting a singleplayer game sends the player to the load saved games.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a custom campaign resets string data.
  • Fixed an issue with custom campaign loading screen text being misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where the custom game list names bleed into the ping category.
  • Fixed an issue where the editor would crash upon saving a campaign without a map opened.
  • Fixed an issue where the world editor would crash when editing the damage/defense table.
  • Removed the character requirement for report description.
  • Fixed an issue where clan ranks were visually displayed incorrectly.
  • Added notification indicator when receiving a social request.
  • Fixed an issue with leaderboards not updating.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when loading into a map with high object counts.
  • Fixed a custom campaigns crash upon reloading into the campaign map.
  • Fixed disc space error when trying to start a custom campaign mission.
  • Fixed variable difficulty flag not being respected on custom campaigns.
  • Fixed campaign thumbnail in editor not displaying.
  • Fixed a Player Profile issue where viewing another player’s profile would occasionally display that they are a member of your clan even if they are not.
  • Prevented loading of custom campaigns named the same as official campaigns to prevent save stomping.
  • Fixed an issue where players where the client would freeze changing zones in the Founding of Durotar Campaign.
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Level 6
May 29, 2013
Fire Orb's attack power increase option cannot be adjusted in the world editor. Maybe this bug wasn't reported?

This is an issue with custom maps that use the Fire Orb's Heal Decrease option. Attack power increases by 7. It will be 5 this time.
Level 24
May 14, 2004
Are there plans to fix the custom loading screen's misaligned text?

Cool, someone on Blizzard's forums recently posted about it. Here's hoping it gets patched soon.

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Level 2
Aug 12, 2017
I still experience the bug from aug update, that crashes my map when loading doodads in both WE and game. I thought this bugfix would solve it, seemingly not.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when loading into a map with high object counts.
Level 7
Jun 9, 2020
Custom Campaign Menu Crash and CD-ROM Error in 1.35:
wtf dude. I dont't get it why they are not able to implement things which were already in the old game. this is not something new, which they have to develop from scratch. Every patch brings new ore problems then the previous one. The world editor is still bugged, after 3 years! Lader system should have been fixed in 1.35, but no, it is still a shit show
Level 29
May 14, 2021
I don't really like Reforged because third-party tools for hacking maps are seemingly not supported with the new version, so I'm stuck with 1.29.2.
However, I'm pointing out that Blizzard had already updated the OS requirements for Warcraft III, which is another major changes (and undocumented).
With 1.30, 1.31, and older versions of Reforged, Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. are still supported. Now, 1.35 seems to be only compatible with Windows 10 and Windows 11. But @BogdanW3 said, 1.32 was dropped its 32-bit OS and has been using features not present in Windows 7's core DLLs and doesn't mention about the OS requirement, which should be Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Also, this year will be the end of Windows 8.1. after about 8.5 years, which will came effect on July 11.
I guess Warcraft III or Reforged is no longer work on older OS anymore, even Windows 7 and 8.1. The same thing also applies to other Activision Blizzard games like Call of Duty (since 2018), Starcraft, and Diablo.
People should consider using Windows 10 or Windows 11 (like me) for playing most recent games that require a new OS and Direct3D 12 (RDR2, Cyberpunk 2077, Horizon Zero Dawn, etc).
Level 53
Dec 29, 2014


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
I don't really like Reforged because third-party tools for hacking maps are seemingly not supported with the new version
We shouldn't have that anyway. Hacking is bad unless you mean something else? Maps are still .mpq basically, so I'm not sure what you're referring to, hopefully not map vision hacks for ladder.
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
this saint is desperate for a pray.

In any case, has anyone tested if its possible to replace the reforged campaign cinematics?
I wish to see if its possible to replace that ugly cut reforged intro with the original uncompressed one from the Blizzard Collectors DVD edition
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
Cool! Let me know about the oil system or any issue you may find.
Same issues from any version post 1.28.
Also when playing the intro i got a black screen, but once i opened first human map, all went well.

By the way is impossible to tank refunded's portraits, they all look lifeless even when the heads talk, not even a blink or a smirk.
Also it seems that reforged models doesn't like talking in custom campaign dialogues.
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Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
What does that mean?
"somehow a y got in, so i fixed the error"

I say that Reforged's portrait animations looks like lifeless dolls, not even a single eye blink, while classic looks more lively even with its low poly limitations.
i kinda suggested many times that someone needs to port the classic portrait animations and portrait camera position into reforged models.

Even the HD community models made off wow or HOTS using the same classic w3 portrait anims looks better than reforged.

Plus, i tested for a bit the up to date release of the dwarf campaign and is incredible how bad it is and how lifeless the mountain king animations are compared to the old model, if blizzard stated that they will look into that with their now art rework, i hope they do what Hive and others have done over the last 15 years, because they all look terrible.

Also, here is orc mission 2(enhanced) briefing under reforged, which i forgot to put on the previous post, not to say as much but the climate effects here does better than 1.28, and here is running the effects on medium since for some reason reforged puts the game on medium with my 1060 3gb, when it shouldn't.
Still, it has the same lumber gathering issue.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
Silly something:
If you can't patch up close the editor... (can't be the only one who just leaves it open, right?)

edit: also gameplay constant edits on the damage tables don't crash anymore
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Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
"somehow a y got in, so i fixed the error"

I say that Reforged's portrait animations looks like lifeless dolls, not even a single eye blink, while classic looks more lively even with its low poly limitations.
i kinda suggested many times that someone needs to port the classic portrait animations and portrait camera position into reforged models.

Even the HD community models made off wow or HOTS using the same classic w3 portrait anims looks better than reforged.

Plus, i tested for a bit the up to date release of the dwarf campaign and is incredible how bad it is and how lifeless the mountain king animations are compared to the old model, if blizzard stated that they will look into that with their now art rework, i hope they do what Hive and others have done over the last 15 years, because they all look terrible.

Also, here is orc mission 2(enhanced) briefing under reforged, which i forgot to put on the previous post, not to say as much but the climate effects here does better than 1.28, and here is running the effects on medium since for some reason reforged puts the game on medium with my 1060 3gb, when it shouldn't.
Still, it has the same lumber gathering issue.
View attachment 421110View attachment 421111
I see scripted teamcolor doesn't work here, as enemies look depicted in red, instead of intended black.
Yeah, lumber gathering issue. I heard that from 1.29+ players... 🤷‍♂️
Level 24
Dec 24, 2019
Well, I'm thinking of updating the game to 1.35 but I'm a little scared because I have a project under development and I don't know the number of errors that may arise if I do so. Anyway, the campaign I'm working on could only be played with classic graphics so I don't know if it's really worth doing.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
OK, weird stuff. I wasn't able to find any play button for custom campaigns and when I entered the game again (after exiting it the first time, of course), this is what I got, an empty list:
Also, pressing the red Exit button to quit the game doesn't do anything. I have to do it by ALT+F4.

EDIT: darn, even custom maps are not seen by the game anymore.

EDIT2: even the game's campaign is not there:

EDIT3: Even options are broken:

It's possible that the update might have broken the install.
I can run maps through the World Editor though.
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Level 53
Dec 29, 2014
OK, weird stuff. I wasn't able to find any play button for custom campaigns and when I entered the game again (after exiting it the first time, of course), this is what I got, an empty list:
Also, pressing the red Exit button to quit the game doesn't do anything. I have to do it by ALT+F4.

EDIT: darn, even custom maps are not seen by the game anymore.

EDIT2: even the game's campaign is not there:

EDIT3: Even options are broken:

It's possible that the update might have broken the install.
I can run maps through the World Editor though.
It happens sometimes to me after I finish certain mission it returns me to the missions menu and I can't see the cursor. I can just use the Esc button on the keyboard but I have to quit the game using Alt+F4...


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
It happens sometimes to me after I finish certain mission it returns me to the missions menu and I can't see the cursor. I can just use the Esc button on the keyboard but I have to quit the game using Alt+F4...
Problem is that for me, the issue still persists even if I exit and enter the game multiple times. No idea what happened. Not reinstalling the whole game again since I've got too many versions around and don't want to risk breaking them.
Level 23
Jan 1, 2009
Still can't return to lobby chat after whispering. People tell me /l works for them, but it doesn't for me. Also I don't receive invites. I suppose this is because I linked my classic account or because I don't own reforged something? Also focus still changes from chat to start button when someone leaves or changes slot. It's just the electron launcher, not even the game. Every unpaid intern who knows the most basic html/css/ja should be able to fix this shit. Such a sad display of incompetency.
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Level 27
Aug 18, 2022
OK, weird stuff. I wasn't able to find any play button for custom campaigns and when I entered the game again (after exiting it the first time, of course), this is what I got, an empty list:
Also, pressing the red Exit button to quit the game doesn't do anything. I have to do it by ALT+F4.

EDIT: darn, even custom maps are not seen by the game anymore.

EDIT2: even the game's campaign is not there:

EDIT3: Even options are broken:

It's possible that the update might have broken the install.
I can run maps through the World Editor though.
That's why I'm not a reforged fan. One thing solved, 1000 bugs and failures, crashes and glitches, and god knows whatta hell is even wrecked on there that can happened, and still costs 30 bucks - no holiday or anniversary price drop, no special bundle or something for a fair price -. Of course, they are gonna make every failure looks like a winning. That's why I don't even like the concept of the "Reforged".
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