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Warcraft III: Reforged PTR - Version 1.35.0

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Site Director
Level 62
Jan 1, 2006
Warcraft III: Reforged PTR - Version 1.35.0

BREAKING NEWS: Custom Campaigns coming to Warcraft III: Reforged!

Blizzard said:

We’ve opened the PTR for testing the next version – 1.35.0 – over the holidays.

Patch 1.35.0 features Custom Campaigns, Balance updates, Map Pool Updates, Leaderboard fixes, and additional improvements.

Thank you for testing the PTR, and special thanks to all the community content creators who created new and updated old maps!

Custom Campaigns​

  • Added ability to play Custom Campaigns.
  • Players can download Custom Campaigns to play, or make their own.
  • Some Custom Campaigns can be played using either Reforged or Classic art.
  • Reworked front-end menu. Campaigns are now located under the “Single Player” menu.
  • Custom campaigns now track the difficulty a mission was completed on.
  • “Load saved game” menu can now reload custom campaign save files.
  • Added informational prompt to show users where to install campaign files to.
  • Added “Is Cinematic” option to the campaign editor to change campaign buttons to use the camera thumbnail instead of difficulty progression.
  • Fixed campaign thumbnail in editor not displaying.
  • Added campaign thumbnail preview support to Reforged.
  • Added ambient sound support to Reforged.
  • Added webm support to play as campaign backgrounds.
  • Custom campaign list menu now auto-refreshes upon resuming game window focus.
  • Added support to play custom movies under Warcraft III/Movies (file format dependant, vp9 encoded avi file + mp3 for audio under Warcraft III/Movies/Audio).
  • Added friends presence support for Custom Campaigns.
  • Updated default campaign backgrounds to Reforged style.
  • Added user presence for Custom Campaigns.



  • Tavern Revive cost increased by 5% at all levels.

  • Blacksmith lumber cost reduced from 60 to 50.
  • Peasant HP increased from 230 to 240.
  • Control Magic moved from T2 to T3.
  • Siphon mana cost increased from 10 to 20 mana.
  • Siphon Mana Drain rate reduced from 15/30/45 to 15/25/40.
  • Holy Light cooldown reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
  • Polymorph cost reduced from 220 mana to 200 mana.
  • Mechanical Critter sight ranged increased from 350 to 500.
  • Siege Engine now has heavy armor.
  • Siege Engine can now attack units.
  • Siege Engine base damage reduced from 44 to 22.
  • Siege Engine barrage damage increased from 14 to 16.
  • Mass Teleport Cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Mortar Team HP increased from 360 to 380.
  • Siege Engine no longer decreases in unit level when getting the barrage upgrade.

  • Headhunters cost increased from 140 to 160 and lumber cost increased from 20 to 30.
  • Blademaster Mirror images now do 10% of the Blademaster’s base damage.
  • Endurance Aura movement speed bonus reduced from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
  • Witch Doctor Healing Wards increased from 5 to 10 HP.
  • Stasis Trap activation delay reduced from 9 to 7 seconds.
  • Brute Strength bonus increased from 100 to 150 HP.
Night Elf

  • Tranquility cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Starfall cooldown reduced from 180 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Starfall mana cost reduced from 200 to 150 mana.
  • Druid of the talon crow form now does piercing damage.
  • Entangle duration on units reduced from 9/18/30 to 8/16/24.
  • Thorn Aura increased from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.15/0.30/0.45.
  • Mountain Giants now start with +2 armor.
  • Harden Skin damage reduction reduced from 12 to 8.
  • Ultravision now requires tier 2.
  • Immolation mana drain reduced from 7 to 5.
  • Immolation Damage per Interval increased from 10/15/20 to 15/20/25.
  • Immolation Duration reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.

  • Anti-Magic Shield can now receive the same summon magic damage inflicted by dispel, purge, and abolish magic.
  • Unholy Aura movement speed bonus reduced from 0.1/0.175/0.25 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
  • Animated Dead corpses can now be killable and have diseased cloud if researched.
  • Ghoul Frenzy now adds 30HP to ghouls’ base health.
  • Disease cloud reduced from 90 to 75 seconds.
  • Obsidian Statue level increased from 2 to 3.


  • Wand of Illusion reduced from 3 to 2 charges.
  • Wand of Mana increases mana steal from 50 to 75.
  • Circlet stats reduced from +2 to all stats to 1/1/2 but players can click to toggle the item to add an additional 1 stat to any attribute.
  • Legion Doom-Horn movement speed bonus reduced from 0.075 to 0.05.
  • Ancient Janggo of Endurance speed bonus reduced from 0.075 to 0.05.

Map Pool​

  • In this patch, we’re updating the existing 1v1,2v2,4v4, and FFA map pools with various new maps and updates made by the community.


  • Removed the character requirement for report description.
  • Fixed an issue where clan ranks were visually displayed incorrectly.
  • Added notification indicator when receiving a social request.
  • Fixed an issue with leaderboards not updating.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when loading into a map with high object counts.
  • Fixed custom campaigns specific crash upon reloading into the campaign map.
  • Fixed disc space error when trying to start a custom campaign mission.
  • Fixed variable difficulty flag not being respected on custom campaigns.
  • Added rich/color formatted text support to custom campaign menus.
  • Player Profile: Viewing another player’s profile would occasionally display that they are a member of your clan even if they are not.
  • Prevented loading of custom campaigns named the same as official campaigns to prevent save stomping.
  • Fixed an issue where players where the client would freeze changing zones in the Founding of Durotar Campaign.
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Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
Holy shit, the fact that they EVEN CARED to add Cinematics as an option is kinda a miracle.
Anyway it is time to boot that Blender, Skyrim and SFM gentleman.

Also if anyone has the original 1080p uncompressed cinematics for Warcraft 3 off the blizzard collectors DVD, it is time to dump them back ingame, mainly the original intro
Level 10
Aug 26, 2011
Finally at long last they added it back we just needed to wait like 2 years for it well better later than never, but that 5 percent tavern revive cost after every level makes me kind of angry altough the blade master's mirror images dealing ten percent damage of the original is kind of neat and welcome cause i always hated that abillty.

Still a 5 out of 10 it's ok but not that great we should've had costum campaigns in day one but alas these are the sad times we live in.

My grandmother used to say better half a loaf of bread than nothing.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Finally after three excruciating years we're almost back to the state we were in before Reforged.

For a lot of people, there's a "non-negotiable" condition for returning to the main client. Mine is HD asset opt-out, for many others it was custom campaigns. We'll see if Blizz manages to lure us back in or not.
Level 24
Dec 24, 2019
Finally, a proper patch, I'm always complaining about everything they do wrong but when they do it well it must be said too, now it remains to be seen that everything really works correctly and the custom campaigns of classic patches can be played without too many problems . If that's the case, maybe I'll consider updating the game.

Thanks to the forum staff for bringing us all the information.
Level 24
Feb 19, 2011
Played around with the PTR custom campaigns and it definitely does not work as intended. With blizzards track record I do not expect this to get fixed before they release the patch. I hope they prove me wrong.

For those curious:
  • Changing difficulty adds all currently available maps on the drop down menu. you can have hundreds of copies of the same maps.
  • Custom backgrounds did not work. It stayed with kael BE background.
  • Music did not change to what I set it to.
This are all issues I've found in just 15 minutes of testing. I am sure there is a plethora of other issues.

Definitely will not be updating my custom campaigns until its stable and properly functional.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
I actually got kind of excited for the future of Reforged for a few shining hours until someone I know close to the development told me, in no uncertain terms, that HD asset opt-out was not happening, because it would cost "far beyond what [Blizzard] want to invest" and I was just like:


Welp, I guess the fact that I could feel hope at all is a step forward.

It'll be disappointing for me if most custom campaign makers move to Reforged, since that seems to be the last type of custom content that sees regular Classic release. (I could be wrong, though.) I sure hope our segment of the community isn't abandoned.

Guess its back to waiting for the Microsoft deal. I just hope they'll have their priorities straight, unlike Ko-tick and his executive pals.
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
I actually got kind of excited for the future of Reforged for a few shining hours until someone I know close to the development told me, in no uncertain terms, that HD asset opt-out was not happening, because it would cost "far beyond what [Blizzard] want to invest" and I was just like:

View attachment 415707

Welp, I guess the fact that I could feel hope at all is a step forward.

It'll be disappointing for me if most custom campaign makers move to Reforged, since that seems to be the last type of custom content that sees regular Classic release. (I could be wrong, though.) I sure hope our segment of the community isn't abandoned.

Guess its back to waiting for the Microsoft deal. I just hope they'll have their priorities straight, unlike Ko-tick and his executive pals.
It depends on how you mean it. I will be working with the latest patch, provided it is stable, but I will probably not move on to HD graphics for a while.
Level 13
Feb 3, 2019
Was about time. Only took them 3 years. Well, better super late than never, I suppose. I thought they forgot about it, tbh. Lost hope for a while.
Level 16
May 25, 2004
Any maps I make will always start in the good ol 1.27b (last classic stable
And from there I will see if they work on newer stuff, I may not be a great map maker like most, but I’m still seeing benefits from making stuff on older version to see if they can work on newer patches, vs newer version and no longer compatible on older versions.
Level 3
Oct 1, 2022
Everytime i see a patch , i get a tiny little bit of hope over adressing the World Editor disaster they caused at 1.33 .. but nah seems no love for WE once again.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2020
Finally we have custom campaigns back. Let's hope they won't break the custom campaigns and the campaign editor.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
Awesome news both for current (campaign) projects and potential future ones (also for the motivation fuel needed for custom campaign makers).

Really interested to see how it turns out when it's live (hopefully without game-breaking bugs).

Also guys, HD assets opt-out and old menu won't come back. Ever.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Provided all features are reimplemented and a user has enough disc space, there is no reason to stick with an old version. Map makers will happily utilize the latest editor features.
I'm not sure why you even bothered to post that :/ The whole discussion of why people don't switch over to Reforged has been out there in detail for three years now, I don't think we really need to rehash it again.

I guess I'll go over it again, very quickly:
1) Instability and glitches
2) Older/weaker systems can't handle the menus well due to poor optimization.
3) Extremely bloated filsize on par with a modern AAA game despite this being a 20 year old game with a bunch of stuff added to it.
4) None of the new features are interesting or useful enough to justify putting up with any of these issues. I'm glad there are mapmakers excited for it but quite frankly I haven't seen anything worth the trouble.

To be blunt, the only reason to upgrade to the latest version is that people like you making maps that require it. That's pretty much it. Reforged is only even worth considering precisely because people keep making Reforged-exclusive content. If people didn't, nobody would bother.
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Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
Also guys, HD assets opt-out and old menu won't come back. Ever.
Then we have nothing to discuss. Any changes or fixes made to Reforged are totally pointless if Blizzard can't meet the minimum standard of allowing people to play the game as it originally was. The entire point of the Classic Games Team in the first place was preserving classic games. If those features can't happen, they've completely and utterly failed and Reforged is FUBAR'd.

If Microsoft gives a single shit about the integrity of their product or value of their fans, they'll invest the money to do it when they take over.

But if you think you're ever gonna shut me up about it, you're dead wrong. It isn't impossible, it just takes more investment than Ko-tick and his cheery buddies want to.

Actually 'old menu' is way less of a priority for me since its totally cosmetic and not super important but it would be nice if they went back if they dropped that stupid Web UI stuff. But that part is totally negotiable and less important than asset opt-out.
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Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
But if you think you're ever gonna shut me up about it, you're dead wrong. It isn't impossible, it just takes more investment than Ko-tick and his cheery buddies want to.
I dont disagree with you, at all actually, but as you see they aren't doing those things, meanwhile we'll be fine if we stick together ~ all of us. 🙂
Level 29
Sep 28, 2004
I'm not sure why you even bothered to post that :/ The whole discussion of why people don't switch over to Reforged has been out there in detail for three years now, I don't think we really need to rehash it again.

I guess I'll go over it again, very quickly:
1) Instability and glitches
2) Older/weaker systems can't handle the menus well due to poor optimization.
3) Extremely bloated filsize on par with a modern AAA game despite this being a 20 year old game with a bunch of stuff added to it.
4) None of the new features are interesting or useful enough to justify putting up with any of these issues. I'm glad there are mapmakers excited for it but quite frankly I haven't seen anything worth the trouble.

To be blunt, the only reason to upgrade to the latest version is that people like you making maps that require it. That's pretty much it. Reforged is only even worth considering precisely because people keep making Reforged-exclusive content. If people didn't, nobody would bother.
I agree with all of your points except maybe that the hope for a stable game.

I will continue with 1.35+ because I want to support my creativity with the technical advancements. There are some things that aren't possible in 1.31 or only with halfhearted workarounds, even if they are only minor to the outside view (i.e. 16:9 hd loading screens)
I also want to get rid of version confusion and the need to add 3rd party applications or install old versions with obscure methods.
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
I also want to get rid of version confusion and the need to add 3rd party applications or install old versions with obscure methods.
Unfortunately unless they actually make and release a community version, or add HD Asset opt-out, "version confusion" is never, ever going to go away because the things people want from the different versions of the game are total opposites of each other. If HD asset opt-out never, ever happens, then version unification will never, ever happen and you'll always have to deal with it.
Level 22
Dec 4, 2007
I mean, if they don't fix the new peasant/siege engine stats bug (peasant now got 240 hp, but militia still transforms to 230 hp | siege engine now got 22 damage, but after barrage upgrade transforms to its former 44)...
Yet they changed this decades old inconsistency between level 3 and 4 siege engine values...

Suffice it to say, there are some silly bugs that should be fixed in 5 minutes TOPS.:weekani:
Even for one person, then again who knows what kind of workload they put on that one guy :(
Level 20
Dec 15, 2021
I'm not sure why you even bothered to post that :/ The whole discussion of why people don't switch over to Reforged has been out there in detail for three years now, I don't think we really need to rehash it again.

I guess I'll go over it again, very quickly:
1) Instability and glitches
2) Older/weaker systems can't handle the menus well due to poor optimization.
3) Extremely bloated filesize on par with a modern AAA game despite this being a 20 year old game with a bunch of stuff added to it.
4) None of the new features are interesting or useful enough to justify putting up with any of these issues. I'm glad there are mapmakers excited for it but quite frankly I haven't seen anything worth the trouble.

To be blunt, the only reason to upgrade to the latest version is that people like you making maps that require it. That's pretty much it. Reforged is only even worth considering precisely because people keep making Reforged-exclusive content. If people didn't, nobody would bother.
My sentiments exactly. I'm staying on 1.27 because of that, but it means I can't test for some bugs that players of later versions can encounter, and I can't play any custom maps made on newer patches, so no testing other's work for feedback/inspiration :sad: .

If only you could install both versions and have both editor versions working (when I tried, playing on both is possible but old editor is borked).
Level 18
Feb 19, 2009
My sentiments exactly. I'm staying on 1.27 because of that, but it means I can't test for some bugs that players of later versions can encounter, and I can't play any custom maps made on newer patches, so no testing other's work for feedback/inspiration :sad: .

If only you could install both versions and have both editor versions working (when I tried, playing on both is possible but old editor is borked).
When people have problems with my stuff on Reforged, I usually tell them something like: "Take it up with Blizzard." Ironically the map advertised in my sig apparently works better with Reforged, but I have no frame of reference DX. I'm hoping I can downgrade from 1.31 to 1.28 or something soon. Really get in touch with the "definitive" classic version people are using.

Maybe it would be so annoying if Hive more appropriately seperated "classic" and "Reforged" maps into different categories, like they do for models.
Level 17
Nov 12, 2016
Isn't the community working on a version of the game like I described? I don't keep track.
ye, that's gonna help aswell for long term survival.

I also want to get rid of version confusion and the need to add 3rd party applications or install old versions with obscure methods.

@OutsiderXE While Homor highlighted the fact that version confusion isn't going away, i actually wanted to say something else, imo its not as bad as people make it out to be, trust me war3 has a better fate than other old games with versions and mods.

People just downloading a ready to play game, using their old keys (Ahem) and hitting play is about the easiest variant of "version confusion" issue to grace a game.
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Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
While still a buggy and unstable mess, I think now in terms of features we're in quite a good spot.
Even the proposed balance changes didn't get as much flack from the melee community as one might've thought.

I know some people are passionate about remastered campaigns or HD asset opt-out or pipedream WE enhancements but neither of those are ever coming so if those are red lines these people should just uninstall and move on regardless. For me however - if this patch ever gets into a stable enough state, I must say it's good enough for me.
Level 5
Feb 1, 2020
Do you guys really want to know what is funny in all of this?
Blizzard Rushed 1.35.0 PTR because AoE2DE Custom campaigns are easy to work with and people are moving to play it.
Yeah Aoe2de never disappoint. That's why, I'm playing more this game, than Warcraft for now.

Can we convince Age of Empires to do a few other things so blizzard can copy them?
Let's be honest, We don't need to. Once Microsoft acquire Blizzard, we might see big changes similar to AoE.

Well I hope so.
Level 18
Oct 25, 2006
But if you think you're ever gonna shut me up about it, you're dead wrong. It isn't impossible, it just takes more investment than Ko-tick and his cheery buddies want to.
Why would I do that? People are free to voice their needs and opinions.

I'm just saying this will never happen. Nothing more, nothing less.

EDIT: I wasn't "implying" anything.

EDIT2: Also pretty happy to see map transition working! Seems like we're getting close to getting campaigns and custom campaigns fully functional again <3
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