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[OFFICIAL] Roleplay Discussion #1

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Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
By the first line i refer to messages like the conversation at place of supermacy (or whatever it is) which we are waiting for edge's response now.

By the second line i wanted to remind people to add any other changes they want to add to their factions timeline at RP #2 preparation thread since RP #2 is starting shortly.
@everyone: Alright. Back to roleplay.
Emperor Illidan: A treaty? Ugh, fuck it fine.
Treaty of Cakey-Illidari said:
We, the members of the Allies, agree to disarm and occupy the Illidari Empire. Emperor Illidan Stormrage and Empress Lady Vashj, representing the Illidari Empire, have agreed to recognize this treaty.

With this pact, all parties, individually and collectively, ensure and assure one another that:
  • Emperor Illidan Stormrage and Empress Lady Vashj of the Illidari Empire retains their royal status, however, they are constitutional monarchs.
  • The High Contracting Parties agreed that the Illidari Empire must surrender and pay for damages.
  • In addition, the Allied High Contracting Parties agreed to occupy the territories of the Illidari Empire and divide the territories into sectors, the laws of the occupant will be enforced in its respective sector:
    • The New Directive Cake Empire will occupy the entire southern hemisphere of Planet Chadista, the Cakey Sector. The Cakey Sector will be the Illidari Empire's only territory.
    • The Union of Magiet Socialist Republics will occupy the northeastern part of Planet Chadista, known also as Magiet Sector.
    • The Magic Kingdom will occupy the northwestern part of Planet Chadista, and also known as the Magus Sector.
    • Egilian will occupy the whole planet of Outland, known as the Egil Sector.
  • The High Contracting Parties agreed that Sabercake will be the pupeeteur and governor of the Illidari Empire.
  • The military of the Illidari Empire will be restricted and may not exceed allowed limits. Military can only be large enough to defend its own territories.
  • The Illidari Empire may not invade any other High Contracting Parties or any member of the Allies.
We agree to the terms of this treaty on 4 March 2069 CE and will strive to honor it fully.
Yuri Prime: Good. Comrade Rakov, contact your Premier to here.
Chief Advisor Rakov: Gladly.
*contacts Detriev and informs him about his plan*
Premier Detriev: Alright. I'll be there soon.
*3 minutes later*
*Detriev arrives*
Premier Detriev: Let's have a look at this treaty.
*reads the treaty*
*signs the treaty*

Directive255 the Cakemaster: Let's sign this treaty.
@Everyone, I changed the prep thread layout for the history, to make it easier to sort.
@Directive, about Regime of the Rising Sun (RotRS), would you mind finish it's time skip, along with New Directive Cake Empire quickly? Then compile it into 1 post so I can add it quickly :)

Aurora : "Alright." *sighs* "I'll take a look on it." *looks at the treaty, then sigh* "alright, I will sign this treaty... After Illidan and Edge signs it."
*waiting response*
***OUTRO : The Gods Vengeance***
*Realm of the Gods*
Nekros : "curse those mortals! They banished me for another ten hundred years...."
Nekros : "I will not stand for this!"
*sense a figure approaches*
*waiting LegendzKing response*

Nekros and his new allies (LegendzKing will introduce them) will return somewhere during RP #2, their event will also reveals the truth of Lord Hades and Razketh.
Nekros can be killed for real in RP #2 event, with requirements met.
Nekros : *looks at Ares* "shut up!"
Nekros : "you think it's easy beating those mortals? Do you think your powers can defeat them where I failed? Don't make me laugh!"
*waiting response*

*Emperor HaltWatch orders another massive invasion on United Reich*
Emperor HaltWatch : "they will perish, into ashes, of history!"
*United Reich troops suddenly feels fear, lowering morale of United Reich*
Aurora : "Alright." *sighs* "I'll take a look on it." *looks at the treaty, then sigh* "alright, I will sign this treaty... After Illidan and Edge signs it."
Emperor Illidan: "Alright, alright. I'll sign, sign!"
*unwillingly signs the treaty, his face shows his unwillingness*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: "Hmm. We can settle this quickly once Edge signs this treaty."
*waiting response*

*in the Führerbunker Planning Room*
Dolfy Hitler: "We have lost lots of troops, vehicles and resources. We must find a way to defend our grounds and defeat those Allied fools."
Fishy Krebs: "My fish and I have advised you to steal their very own vehicles, goods and resources. This may benefit us and weaken the Allies."
Dolfy Hitler: "Fine! I'll order Steiner to steal the Allies' stuffs."
Shiny Jodl the Objector: "But my Failüre, I object to stubbornly hold our grounds. We must surrender ourselves to the Allies!"
Dolfy Hitler: "Can't you just shut your objecting mouth, you shiny, hairless ape?!"
Shiny Jodl the Objector: "But we'll lose more than gain in the end!"
Dolfy Hitler: "I won't surrender to those damn freaking Allies! We United Reich nazis are not cowards!"
*Hitler rants at Jodl, while Jodl objects*

***OUTRO: The RotRS Part 1***
Regime Reiko: "The Allies have defeated the Illidari Empire, and forced Illidan to sign a treaty -- the Cakey-Illidari Treaty. Now, the entire southern hemisphere is occupied by the foolish NDCE and is named the Cakey Sector, while UMSR occupies the northeast, TMK occupies the northwest and Egilian occupies another planet -- Outland. UMSR has removed Illidari influence, forced the Magiet Sector, the northeast part which they occupied, into communism. The Cakey Sector remains the only territory left for the Illidari Empire......"
*after Regime Reiko reports status of the Second Multiverse War*
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: "Hmm. We will liberate Icyarctic and unite the whole Gazya while the Cockmaster and his proselytes are busy rebuilding and supervising the Illidari Empire..."
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: "We just need assistance and support from other factions such as Darko's Shadow Legion, Griego's Gryphonus and especially Edge's Egilian. The Egilian's hatred towards NDCE hasn't gone yet, I can convince Edge and the Egilians to support our liberation plans."
*to be continued*
***OUTRO : The God's Vengeance***
Nekros : "tell me, What's your plan? We all not a match, even together against mere mortals! This is damn frustrating!"
Nekros : *looks at his body* "and my body still astral imprisoned in this "eclipse", damn those mortal."
*waiting response*

*Palace of Supremacy*
Aurora : "alright... I will accept the the treaty." *signs the treaty*

***OUTRO : Mastermind Pt I***
*Daffa's Palace*
Daffa the Mage : "so, Mask, what's your problem?"
Mask : "there's many struck in my mind, I fear that one of them will be realized, as I'm part of you."
Daffa the Mage : "you're free, Mask."
Mask : "not, unless my death isn't chained with you."
Daffa the Mage : *sigh* "perhaps you're correct.."
Mask : *let Daffa sits on the throne, then speaks* "well, you rule over a four of the sacral lands, yet your heart isn't content with it."
Daffa the Mage : "I'm satisfied Mask, I am."
Mask : "I doubt you are, for your heart screams."
Daffa the Mage : "I'm truly satisfied. I must go now, and remember, if I disappeared one day, you're the one who own the throne."
Mask : *sigh heavily* "I understand."
*Daffa the Mage leaves Mask and the Throne Room*

*NullMagic & Vestrope vs United Reich*
Emperor HaltWatch : "United Reich must fall today!"
*more NullMagic forces arrives*
*some Assassins arrives to keep the tanks from hijacks*
General MarkSlayer : "commence all out attack!"
*several gates opened inside United Reich Capital*
*many NullMagic forces start arriving and havoc through the ranks of Axis*
Sniper Lady Aemine : "for the republic!" *kills an Axis soldier*
President Jardel : "keep moving lad!"
*morale of NullMagic is rising heavily*

Nekros full form is sealed by Future Raven, henceforth his ability to enters the realm of mortals and part of his powers
Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
@Archimonde Well, probably not until edge signs that paper.

You can do an outro meanwhile.


The Great One: "That is not a limit for it will not be like that forever."
The Great One: "We may not be able to free ourselves..." *Points at ares* "But he probably can..."
The Great One: *Sees Darkseid as he appears* "Greetings Darkseid, what brings you here?"
*waiting response*
*NullMagic & Vestrope vs United Reich*
Emperor HaltWatch : "United Reich must fall today!"
*more NullMagic forces arrives*
*some Assassins arrives to keep the tanks from hijacks*
General MarkSlayer : "commence all out attack!"
*several gates opened inside United Reich Capital*
*many NullMagic forces start arriving and havoc through the ranks of Axis*
Sniper Lady Aemine : "for the republic!" *kills an Axis soldier*
President Jardel : "keep moving lad!"
*morale of NullMagic is rising heavily*
*in the Fuhrerbunker*
Dolfy Hitler: Damn those NullMagic pussies! We can't-- *sighs* Let's just negotiate with them, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah!
*Dolfy gets up*
*approaches the phone*
*phones to NullMagic line*
Dolfy Hitler (Phone): Greetings, HaltWatch. I know you're defeating us, but perhaps we can negotiate?
*waiting response*

***OUTRO: The Gazyanese War Pt 1***
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: Hmm. Cakey and his silly fools are now still in the Palace of Supremacy, still busying about the damn treaty and reconstruction of Illidari Empire.
Regime Honey: Yes, it is the perfect opportunity for us... to liberate Icyarctic and other parts of Gazya of which are unfortunately currently occupied by those cakes.
Regime Reiko: And we shall...
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: Yes, we will crush the NDCE and liberate the rest of Gazya! Everyone, cheers!
*everyone cheers*
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: Oh wait. I need to contact Edge.
*starts telepathy with Edge*
Regime Haruhi Fujioka (Telepathy to Edge): Greetings, Edge of the Egilian. I am Regime Haruhi Fujioka of the Regime of the Rising Sun. Can we talk for awhile?
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Aurora : "I still wish they would be dead by now." *sigh* "okay, I'm fine either they're dead or punished, but first..." *looks at Edge* "your opinion?"
*waiting Edge response*

Edge: hmmm.....fine, but dare they attack us again, I'll make sure there be no mercy, even if you insist or not
Edward: I agree,..... now, General Edge, do you want to sign?
Edge: We will depart and return to where we came, you do know of what I mean,
Edward: I see, then, I shall sign this treaty and Outland will be a territory of the Egilians

Edge: I'm out of here.......
*Edge gets out of the Palace*

*Edward goes too*
Edward: General Edge, are you gonna go?

Edge: Not yet, I will recover all of my fallen brothers and sisters body, so their families may see how they fought with honor
Edward: Grand Marshall Greygor also said that, I could say the same
*Edge contacts the his high ranks to find every one of their fallen, including the Gryphonus*
Edge: Alright........., it seems.......I brought further deaths than seeking to avenge,

Edward: I see what you mean, wars are always like this,
Edge: We should make our way to Vestroya,
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: Oh wait. I need to contact Edge.
*starts telepathy with Edge*
Regime Haruhi Fujioka (Telepathy to Edge): Greetings, Edge of the Egilian. I am Regime Haruhi Fujioka of the Regime of the Rising Sun. Can we talk for awhile?

Edge: That's General Edge to you, now, what do you want?
*Waiting for response*

Edward: Who's that?
Edge: Wait.......
Emperor HaltWatch : "Dolfy Hitler, correct? Honestly, I'm not a fan of peace treaty. You have displeases us with your foul actions, and we're not tolerating that, not even a bit, I could say the same for Illidari Empire, if it's not for the Allies intervening, I will crush them beneath the grounds." *drops the phone a little, avoiding Dolfy's from hearing the conversation at his place* "Arzemon, you have orders."
Emperor Arzemon : "yes?"
Emperor HaltWatch : "pay the United Reich a visit. A big one."
Emperor Arzemon : *thinks for a second* "understood."
*Emperor Arzemon leaves*
Emperor HaltWatch : *taking his phone back* "so?"
*waiting response*
Dolfy Hitler: "Foul? Our mighty, glorious United Reich did no foul actions, we are just fighting for glory."
*waiting for response*

Emperor Illidan: "Fine. Okay."
Directive255 the Cakemaster: "Now, you're my puppets and you must obey my every word! First, retreat all your forces and disarm heavy weaponries."
Empress Lady Vashj: "Okay, okay, alright."
*issue an order to retreat and disarm heavy forces*

Edge: That's General Edge to you, now, what do you want?
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: "Well, Edge, can I ask for some backing and support? I know, we all share a deep hatred towards the cursed NDCE. By the way I wish to liberate the entire Gazya from the hands of the Cakemaster and purge those foul NDCE cakes! Also, can we forge a league together, Edge?"
*waiting response*
Emperor HaltWatch : "uses other's forces invasion to backup your own, and attack them along with it? That's foul to us NullMagic."

*General Zalgremon and Emperor Arzemon gathers at United Reich Capital*
General Zalgremon : "so, your orders Emperor?"
Emperor Arzemon : "well, we have much to discuss, let's return to our Capital first."
*opens a gate*
*returns to Shadow Empire Capital*
Emperor HaltWatch : "and yet you aid that fool, which puts you at the same position as them."
*waiting Directive response*

*Magic Kingdom*
*Aurora forces prepares to attack United Reich*
Aurora : "alright, tell Emperor HaltWatch we're ready."
Fazalus : "as you wish, father." *departs*

***OUTRO : Mastermind II***
*Daffa the Mage, at his secret lab, isolated from the world*
Daffa the Mage : "soon, they all shall tremble before my power, and cower before my knowledge!"
*electricity can be heard across the lab*

Raven : "I'm here to say that I decide to choose you as a teacher, I have seen your potential and dark powers inside you. Your contributions can improve our kingdom in the future."
*waiting Devin response*

***OUTRO : Vengeance of Gods***
Nekros : "let's say we have this issue of conquering this planet called Vestroya. The inhabitants oppose us all."
*waiting Devin and LegendzKing responses*
Level 6
Jul 3, 2014
Deranus: "I would be pleased to share my knowledge with others. I'm sure they will."
*Waiting for reponse*

The Great One: "Which is incredibly annoying."
The Great One: "I have some followers, but they are few in number."
Emperor HaltWatch : "regardless, none of your words will change my mind. Surrender or die is all your choices."

*Emperor Arzemon and General Zalgremon makes a private discussion*

*at United Reich Capital*
*a gate opens*
*General Zalgremon and his forces arrives*
Emperor Arzemon (Message) : "make sure non of the leaders survive, Emperor HaltWatch wants all Axis leaders dead. Remember, Emperor doesn't tolerate failures."
General Zalgremon : "alright, let's move out!"
*moves toward Fuhrer Bunker*
Dolfy Hitler: You're starting to piss me off by your crappy gibberish. I will not surrender or die, I will crush all of you soon!
*slams the phone with rage, ending the call*
Dolfy Hitler: This is totally outrageous, outrageous! I refuse to surrender to that HaltWitch! We must not surrender!
Fishy Krebs: My Führer, perhaps you should consider surrendering. We have no hope defeating NullMagic.
Dolfy Hitler: Piss off.
*Dolfy Hitler walks away, pissed*

Directive255 the Cakemaster: We'll leave here soon.
*Illidan and Vashj show a happy, surprised face*
Empress Lady Vashj: Really, Cakemaster?

Directive255 the Cakemaster: As I expected, your reacrions are-- Argh, nevermind, I will install Sabercake as the Governor and Puppeteur!
*announces that Sabercake is now Governor and Puppeteur of Illidari Empire*
*Directive255, Yuri Prime, Jaina, Lady Darkscale, Kofi and Gilbert departs*

*5 hours later*
*Directive255 and the party arrive at Base 4-G*
*approach the Old Chronosphere*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: We met again, old Chronosphere. Yuri Prime and Gilbert, can you engineer and upgrade the Chronosphere?
Yuri Prime: Yes, your wish is my command.
*enter Chronosphere*
*start fixing and upgrading Chronosphere*
*some Epsilon engineers approach*
*repairs the whole Base 4-G*
Emperor HaltWatch : "as I suspected. Arzemon!"
Emperor Arzemon : *arrives* "yes, Emperor?"
Emperor HaltWatch : "do you do what I ordered you before?"
Emperor Arzemon : "I did."
Emperor HaltWatch. : "well, let the battle commences."

*the sneak forces led by Zalgremon enters the Fuhrer Bunker*
General Zalgremon : "alright, enemy will caught us by now. Man your positions."
*the squad proceeds inside the bunker to assassinate as many United Reich Officials as possible.*

*back the battlefield*
President Jardel : "send the big bombs!"
*super flying machines arrives and bombs many United Reich troops*
King Jarthorn : "for the great Magic Crush! Release the Dragons!"
*Crushing Dragons arrives*
*Crushing Dragons starts wreak havoc United Reich forces*

Crushing Dragon(s) : powerful armored dragons with heavy metals to protect from most offensive magic and physical attacks, has Fiery Breath and Flame Wave
*the sneak forces led by Zalgremon enters the Fuhrer Bunker*
General Zalgremon : "alright, enemy will caught us by now. Man your positions."
*the squad proceeds inside the bunker to assassinate as many United Reich Officials as possible.*

Dolfy Hitler: *laughs* "They are messing with the fake bunker... Let's activate the ultimate defenses of this true Führerbunker!"
*the real Führerbunker is shielded by powerful energies*

*sometimes later*
*in Dolfy's office room in the bunker*
Otto Gunsche the Stupid Giant: *closes door* "We have lost approximately 45% of our forces to the NullMagic forces."
Dolfy Hitler: "Well, at least we still have troops and this bunker."
Otto Gunsche the Stupid Giant: "Unfortunately, we are no match against them. NullMagic has occupied 60% of Germany."
Dolfy Hitler: "This is beyond horrible. One does not simply defeat the United Reich! Dafuq!"
Otto Gunsche the Stupid Giant: "In addition, our agents reported that NDCE has recovered their Base 4-G and they are preparing to launch a chrono assault."
*Dolfy shocked, his mouth opens and his eyes are... nevermind*
Raven : "wait a moment."
*stand up, then start opening a portal*
Raven : "after you."
*waiting response*

Emperor HaltWatch : "let them cower behind their bars like monkeys."
Emperor Arzemon : *enters the throne room* "but Emperor, it will-"
Emperor HaltWatch : "I know what I'm doing, they're wasting their breath resisting. I can sense their cities in flames from this distance."
Emperor Arzemon : "surely you do, what are you going to do?"
Emperor HaltWatch : "make them perish in the history's ashes. Without any memorial for them."

*NullMagic assault keeps intensifying with reinforcement keep arriving*
President LastFate : "destroy them! For the seven stars!"
*explosions across United Reich Capital can be heard, and many troops died*
*more artillery units arrive to bombard United Reich buildings*
President Jardel : "fire!"
*many buildings burn in flames*
*morale of NullMagic is rising*
King Jarthorn : "dragons, burn them!"
*Crushing Dragons wreak havoc the Capital*
*Artilleries keep destroying defenses*
*Grand Mages arrives*
Grand Mage Captain : "for Emperor HaltWatch!"

*front gate of HaltWatch's Castle*

Fazalus : *looks at the guard* "send this message to Emperor HaltWatch." *gives a letter*
Guard : "alright." *takes the letter*
*the guard enter*

*at the throne room, Emperor HaltWatch and Emperor Arzemon can be seen."
Emperor HaltWatch : "what is it, guard?"
Guard : "a message for you, my Emperor." *gives the message*
Emperor HaltWatch : *takes the message and read it* "okay, Arzemon, prepare the gates for The Magic Kingdom."
Emperor Arzemon : "per wishes and orders, my Emperor." *leaves*
*3 days later*
*NDCE has upgraded the Base 4-G Chronosphere, and Base 4-G is now one of the advanced bases of NDCE*
*many troops and mechanical units are produced*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Hmm. This is now a beautiful and more functional base, proselytes. Don't you think?
Proselyte Kofi: Yeah, 4-G is now an advanced, iconic base of the great New Directive Cake Empire.
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Now, our militaries are well-prepared and ready for an epic battle. Just wait for the Chrono--
Yuri Prime: Cakemaster, the Chronosphere is fully charged.
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Okay, now, all elites, follow me. Board the Cakemaster's Fortress.
*all NDCE elites (excluding Sabercake, duh) board the Cakemaster's Fortress*
*some NDCE MCVs and some vehicles go near the Cakemaster's Fortress*
*Chronosphere activates*
*Cakemaster's Fortress and some NDCE vehicles chronoshifted to 150 km away from Berlin*
*builds up a NDCE base*
Level 6
Jul 2, 2014
I am in mobile now, hard to BBcode here
*Xaru meet Darko*
Xaru : "Darklord, we are recreating those fiend, and it is succesful!"
Darko : "Good, do you know what that fiend is named?"
Xaru : "My research found that that fiend's name is Tiberian Fiend"
Darko : "Hmm..."
-To be continued-
******Operation: Shitty Fight******
Epsilon EVR: Establishing Battlefield Control, Standby!
Epsilon EVR: Reinforcements have arrived.
*Cakemaster's Fortress and some vehicles are chronoshifted near Berlin*
*6 Epsilon MCVs and 6 Cakey MCVs deploy into Epsilon Construction Yards and Cakey Construction Yards, respectively*
*Kirin Tor Craftsmen speed build 4 Arcane Halls*
*an Epsilon Barracks is quickly erected few seconds later*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: We must speed ourselves up!
*more Epsilon Barracks are built, along with Kirin Tor Barracks, Darkscale Spawning Grounds and Cakey Barracks*
*lots of basic Tier 1 defenses are built, namely: Seraphs, Pillboxes, Sentry Guns, Kirin Tor Watch Towers and Darkscale Tidal Guardians*
*some foolish United Reich Nazis approach the base*
*attack the base and NDCE forces*

*Directive255, all other NDCE champions and the forces eliminate them with ease*
Yuri Prime: The enemy may send in some air units. Be sure to build soke AA defenses.
*Patriot Missiles, Flak Cannons, Gatling Cannons and also MOre Kirin Tor Guard Towers are built*
Level 24
May 15, 2013
Regime Haruhi Fujioka: "Well, Edge, can I ask for some backing and support? I know, we all share a deep hatred towards the cursed NDCE. By the way I wish to liberate the entire Gazya from the hands of the Cakemaster and purge those foul NDCE cakes! Also, can we forge a league together, Edge?"
Edge: I have no more intention of sacrificing my brothers and sisters, although, I do hate those NDCE bastards, its not worth to fight anymore, your on your own, goodluck, you'll need it
*Cuts the telepathy*
Edge: I'm looking forward to the future, atleast not anymore wars

Edward: Agreed, let's go
*The two rides a Helix and went their way to the southwestern coast of Jerofe where the Egilians' and Gryphonus' army stand*

*After a week of searching, the Egilians and Gryphonus have finally recovered their fallen's bodies and also token some enemy weaponry and resources*
*Then they prepare for departure to Vestroya (Alpha)*
*Portals starts to open in the open sea*
*The ships and weaponcrafts heads there*
*After they passed through, they are instantly teleported to north of the Summer Isles*
*Then they head to one of the Summer Island's capital, Cortesia*
*After a day*
Edge: Get contact with recons and recover those fallen soldiers in Icyartic, Vestrope, and the land of TMK, everyone must be found
*6 days passed*
*All the bodies were recovered and delivered to Cortesia*
*All the fallen were lined, ready to be honored and for departure to the other side*

Edward: I now say to these fallen heroes, peace, for you have serve your duty, your commands, and have rightfully honored your nation, your deeds are great and will create the legacy of our bonds and fellowships. To those who still live, we shall honor these fallen heroes, and continue to serve our duties, Peace to Those who Have Died,
All: Peace To Those Who Have Died
*All then drinked there ales and celebrate peace*
*After 3 days, the celebration is complete*

*The (Omega) Egilians then prepare for departure, until some unexpected happen*
*A portal opened*
*Came out of it is Professor Ezekiel and two escorts*
Ezekiel: General Edge, General Edward, good to know of your victories here,
Edge: Ah Professor, what brings you here, we were about to prepare for our departure back, after all, we got lots of technologies and resources that we have gotten,
Ezekiel: That be good news, General Edward, can I talk with General Edge alone

Edward: Of course...
Edge: What is it you want to talk about, we are going to leave,
Ezekiel: Leaving?, no no, you see, I have searched this dimension's Vestroya, it is, rich with Alphanites,
Edge: No, your not going to talk about this anymore,
Ezekiel: Really?, how about a sense of protection, think of what it will do if we are to be attack
Edge: And what will happen if we have peace, and this what uses to us
Ezekiel: Many things
Edge: I have enough of it already,
Ezekiel: No!, this is a chance, if you don't agree, I will do this alone
Edge: No!, I will settle with you back to Vestroya later,
Ezekiel: Hear me General, you are losing this chance,
Edge: Enough already, guards!
*A portal opens*
Ezekiel: Then we will settle this back to Vestroya then
*Ezekiel and the two escorts entered the portal*
Edge: That old braggart,
Saidan: General, did something happen?
Edge: No, but make sure to prepare the Vanguards when we return home, for now, go get some rests, after a hard days of work, we'll need vacations...
*Will continue*
*Raven enters and look at Deranus after he arrives*
Raven : "alright, here we are."
*a giant, newly built school can be seen*

*several Doom Tanks arrived to crush the Halftracks*
President LastFate : "destroy the opposer!"

*Operation : Axis' Fall*
*a new gate opens 288 Km before Berlin*

*The Magic Kingdom forces arrives, along with the generals*
*Workers start building Magic Hall and a small base*
Fazalus : "make sure they can't strike toward us."
*Workers start building Training Centers and Magus Towers*
*The Magic Kingdom main forces arrives via gates from NullMagic forces*
Aurora : "alright, expand the bases quickly before the enemy reacts!"

Doom Tanks : equivalent of Mental Omega Apocalypse Tank, unique to Republic of Seven Stars
Dolfy Hitler: "Doom Tanks?! Vee Unitaaat Raaaich haz tha Thenk Destroyars and Howitzars!"
Dolfy Hitler (YR Tank Destroyer Soundset): "Deutschland's finest! Let's see who's tougher!"
*sends some Howitzers and Tank Destroyers to counter Doom Tanks*
*some Doom Tanks are successfully eliminated...*
*...while there's also some fragile Howitzers and Tank Destroyers got eliminated*
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