I can't believe no one locked this yet, it obviously went to a flame war.
I am dissapointed cause I thought that I could make the Spell section free of resource stealing. You guys complaint as if you had the right to steal resources or something.
So I surrender, stealing models is now permitted on the spells section. Although getting caught is prohibet. Check the new rules:
New Spell Section Rules
- The spells section is supposed to have your own spells and systems. The only exception is when your spell requires someone else's system/functions, in that case please credit the author.
- Including someone else's spell under ANY Circunstance (It doesn't matter if you have permission or anything) will cause the spell map to be removed, WC3Search does not need to spend bandwith twice, and you are supposed to Submit Only your work.
- You may include models, skins, icons, loading screens from other people. But If the original author sends a complaint to a moderator about you using his resource there without any permission to submit to Spells Section, or if you didn't credit the author correctly. The Spell Will be deleted and You will be banned. This also means I will always try to ask the resource authors to know if they really gave you the right to submit their stuff there.
- For copyrights cautions, NO Imported sounds should be included unless it is a "null sound" that is supposed to mute a model's sound effect
- Submitted maps bigger than 500KB will be removed. The spells section is supposed to have spells and we will not waste bandwith only if you want to make your map more appealing.
SPECIAL CASE: If the 500KB are caused by code alone (there are no imports or imports actually take really small amounts of space (less than 7KB) the map will not be removed)
- Low quality spells (that will have to be removed) include but are not limited to:
* Simple Object Edited Spell (Object edited spells may be submited as long as they are coplex and good enough)
* GUI/JASS spells that are offensively simple
* Spells that have so much memory leaks that they Freeze the game completelly for long periods of time.
* Spells that kill units but do not credit the player that casted the ability. Unless it is stated that they are supposed to not be credited.
I will try to get those rules to the rules page so I don't see more cry babies complaining about that it wasn't on the rules.
By the way once a guy uploaded a spell map and used a porn image as a screenshot, I obviously deleted it. It is funny cause the guy could have used the same arguments you used to complaint on this post.
Vexorian's Director's choice guidelines:
From now. A spell has to follow every single of next rules to get Director's choice by Vexorian:
- Is the spell worth it? This means that the spell must actually impress me, for a spell to impress me it should be really cool and original, An innovation rather than an imitation.
- The spell must follow the JESP standard.
- The spell must have almost 0 memory leaks (sometimes it could leak a single object per cast , that's not meaning ful) but if a spell leaks a lot it will not get director's choice.
- The spell was not submitted to any contest that is currently active (so the contest has not ended)
Anyways I' d like to respond:
omg... I DIDNT MAKE THE DAMNED SPELL MAP, WHY SHOULD I BE A "DAMN RESOURCE THIEF"? and stop saying "ur spell map" for christ sake
He was responding to someone elses post. And you probably aren't a resource thief but you seem to support resource stealing way too much, read your posts on this thread for more information.
rofl, firstly: ur the only retard here; secondly: check this link;
thirdly: see what daelin and vex say there and shut up
Everything there is about maps in the spell section, so you have serious problems reading?
regretably u are right, u are one of those noobs, and u just proved it by saying all those uselesses comments
Conix only made 3 spell maps and they all turned out to be great, granted it seems you made some maps but I don't think I remember any. It is easy to remember every single Conix' map but I don't remember any of yours. I obviously tested your spells one day cause I have to test every one of them.
yes, it was deleted and i was asking why it was... did u delete it?
You were flaming him for Not seeing the map before commenting or something like that.
uhm, u are not even a mod right? then why are u posting? because u are an idiot perhaps?
And you said his comments were useless. I would ask the same question to you anyways.
yes i am acting like a victim and u are acting like a freaking moron... oh, btw, define me what a victim is... i am a victim just because i am afraid of something? then we are all victims, since we are all afraid of dying... geez...
You were obviously trying to look like the poor guy that is abused by moderators, you said things like My all posts get deleted! My answer is that probably you just were spamming and saying stupid things and that's why they got deleted.
And since this was full of noobs and thieves I guess u also stolen some spells, didn't u? I can easly say like : HEY MAN U USED THAT JASS EDITOR! WITHOUT THAT EDIT U COULDN'T CREATE A SPELL! U THIEF!
So, easy isn't?
This was the most stupid argument I ever saw.
First of all there is no way to prove someone used the JASS editor.
Second, the JASS editor wasn't imported and redistributed in the map. So it is not resource stealing.